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Created October 28, 2019 08:26
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Restart MS Teams with "disable-gpu" to reduce battery consumption.
# Created 2019-04, Author: René Weselowski <>
# This script is entended as an macos automator 'application' run at startup
# to kill the MSTeams process and restart it wiith '--disable-gpu'
# Usage:
# Create a new automator task "Run Shell Script"
# Shell: /bin/bash
# Put it into your login/startup items
pkill Teams; sleep 1
# wait for msteams to shutdown
while [ `(pgrep -a Teams| wc -l)` -gt '1' ]; do sleep 1; pkill Teams; done
# to start a process fully in background automator needs some special care, so nohup + & and disowning it.
nohup /Applications/Microsoft\ --disable-gpu > /dev/null 2>&1 &
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