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Created March 5, 2010 05:03
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TemperatureModel: Constant (K) 800 1000 1500
PressureModel: Constant (atm) 1 5 10
SpectroscopicDataEstimator: FrequencyGroups
PressureDependence: ReservoirState
PDepKineticsModel: Chebyshev
TRange: (K) 800 2000 7 4
PRange: (bar) 1 10 3 3
(1) Goal Conversion methylpalmitate 0.9
(2) Error Tolerance: 0.1
DynamicSimulator: DASSL
Conversions: AUTO
Atol: 1E-20
Rtol: 1E-6
Name: Glarborg_C3
Location: RMG_database/SeedMechanisms/Glarborg/C3
Name: Glarborg_C1_light
Location: RMG_database/SeedMechanisms/Glarborg/C1_light
GenerateReactions: yes
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