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Last active October 16, 2022 16:32
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Apple Health Line Chart
date rate
1-Jan-15 210.73
1-Dec-14 196.97
1-Nov-14 189.31
1-Oct-14 180.86
1-Sep-14 165.30
1-Aug-14 166.43
1-Jul-14 142.83
1-Jun-14 139.35
1-May-14 127.24
1-Apr-14 108.69
1-Mar-14 123.94
1-Feb-14 155.51
1-Jan-14 128.35
1-Dec-13 120.93
1-Nov-13 106.96
1-Oct-13 109.12
1-Sep-13 166.19
1-Aug-13 156.66
1-Jul-13 174.68
1-Jun-13 186.10
1-May-13 180.00
1-Apr-13 149.53
1-Mar-13 121.73
1-Feb-13 133.75
1-Jan-13 194.84
1-Dec-12 178.86
1-Nov-12 187.44
1-Oct-12 156.34
1-Sep-12 144.16
1-Aug-12 135.00
1-Jul-12 121.26
1-Jun-12 118.40
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