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Created February 22, 2013 09:01
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radians = (n) ->
n * (Math.PI / 180)
# Operates similarly to Ruby's `Enumerable.invoke`
invoke = (a, f) ->
for n in a
memo = f memo, n
# Returns the sum of an array of numeric items
sum = (a) ->
invoke a, (memo, n) ->
memo ?= 0
memo += n
# Returns the difference of an array of numeric items
difference = (a) ->
start = a.slice(0, 1)
invoke a.slice(1), (memo, n) ->
memo ?= start
memo -= n
# Returns the product of an array of numeric items
product = (a) ->
invoke a, (memo, n) ->
memo ?= 0
memo *= n
# Returns the quotient of an array of numeric items
quotient = (a) ->
start = a.slice(0, 1)
invoke a.slice(1), (memo, n) ->
memo ?= start
memo /= n
# Returns the dot product of two arrays of numeric items
dotProduct = (a, b) ->
if a.length isnt b.length
throw 'Argument `a` is not the same length as `b`.'
products = for v_a, i in a
v_b = b[i]
if v_a.length isnt v_b.length
throw 'Item `a`[#{i}] does not have the same dimmension as `b`[#{i}].'
v_a * v_b
sum products
matrix = (a, r, c) ->
rows: r,
columns: c,
data: a
identity = (d) ->
a = []
a.push (x is d - y) + 0 for x in [1..d] for y in [d-1..0]
matrix(a, d, d)
transform = (a, b) ->
n = []
for r in [0...a.rows]
a_r = r * a.columns, r * a.columns + a.columns
for c in [0...b.columns]
b_c = (v for v, i in when i % b.columns is c)
n.push dotProduct a_r, b_c
matrix n, r, c
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