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Last active April 15, 2022 18:46
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Worker Debugging

This code was generated before the fix. It was generated with commit (with some extra log lines and fullyParallel commented out of the config).

Regular (No Fully Parallel, i.e. removed from config, and not provided on CLI)

3 groups created.

> playwright test --config=tests/library/playwright.config.ts "worker.repro.spec.ts" "--workers=3" "--reporter=json"

[CREATE      ] Slot: 0 New Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0
[CREATE      ] Slot: 1 New Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0
[CREATE      ] Slot: 2 New Hash run4-52fda19849e7843e5830286ade5b02a4b67de87e-repeat0

Fully Parallel

75 groups created.

> playwright test --config=tests/library/playwright.config.ts "worker.repro.spec.ts" "--workers=3" "--reporter=json" "--fully-parallel"

[CREATE      ] Slot: 0 New Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0
[CREATE      ] Slot: 1 New Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0
[CREATE      ] Slot: 2 New Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 2 Old Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0 Kill Reason: didSendStop
[CREATE      ] Slot: 2 New Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 1 Old Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0 Kill Reason: didSendStop
[CREATE      ] Slot: 1 New Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 0 Old Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0 Kill Reason: hash-mismatch
[CREATE      ] Slot: 0 New Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 2 Old Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0 Kill Reason: hash-mismatch
[CREATE      ] Slot: 2 New Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 1 Old Hash run0-8e198b2c0a57b07f361ee91ef11a132640a29685-repeat0 Kill Reason: hash-mismatch
[CREATE      ] Slot: 1 New Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 1 Old Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0 Kill Reason: didSendStop
[CREATE      ] Slot: 1 New Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 2 Old Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0 Kill Reason: didSendStop
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 0 Old Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0 Kill Reason: hash-mismatch
[CREATE      ] Slot: 2 New Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0
[CREATE      ] Slot: 0 New Hash run4-52fda19849e7843e5830286ade5b02a4b67de87e-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 1 Old Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0 Kill Reason: hash-mismatch
[CREATE      ] Slot: 1 New Hash run4-52fda19849e7843e5830286ade5b02a4b67de87e-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 2 Old Hash run2-8db9c218517a2b94022c2ec3c905d6c82c1052c8-repeat0 Kill Reason: hash-mismatch
[CREATE      ] Slot: 2 New Hash run4-52fda19849e7843e5830286ade5b02a4b67de87e-repeat0
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 0 Old Hash run4-52fda19849e7843e5830286ade5b02a4b67de87e-repeat0 Kill Reason: didSendStop
[RESTART/KILL] Slot: 2 Old Hash run4-52fda19849e7843e5830286ade5b02a4b67de87e-repeat0 Kill Reason: didSendStop
[CREATE      ] Slot: 0 New Hash run4-52fda19849e7843e5830286ade5b02a4b67de87e-repeat0
[CREATE      ] Slot: 2 New Hash run4-52fda19849e7843e5830286ade5b02a4b67de87e-repeat0
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import type { Page } from '@playwright/test';
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import debug from 'debug';
const workerDebug = debug('rw:worker');
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('');
const TODO_ITEMS = [
'buy some cheese',
'feed the cat',
'book a doctors appointment'
test.describe('New Todo', () => {
test('should allow me to add todo items', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
// Create 1st todo.
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(TODO_ITEMS[0]);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
// Make sure the list only has one todo item.
await expect(page.locator('.view label')).toHaveText([
// Create 2nd todo.
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(TODO_ITEMS[1]);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
// Make sure the list now has two todo items.
await expect(page.locator('.view label')).toHaveText([
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 2);
test('should clear text input field when an item is added', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
// Create one todo item.
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(TODO_ITEMS[0]);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
// Check that input is empty.
await expect(page.locator('.new-todo')).toBeEmpty();
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 1);
test('should append new items to the bottom of the list', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
// Create 3 items.
await createDefaultTodos(page);
// Check test using different methods.
await expect(page.locator('.todo-count')).toHaveText('3 items left');
await expect(page.locator('.todo-count')).toContainText('3');
await expect(page.locator('.todo-count')).toHaveText(/3/);
// Check all items in one call.
await expect(page.locator('.view label')).toHaveText(TODO_ITEMS);
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 3);
test('should show #main and #footer when items added', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(TODO_ITEMS[0]);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
await expect(page.locator('.main')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('.footer')).toBeVisible();
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 1);
test.describe('Mark all as completed', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await createDefaultTodos(page);
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 3);
test.afterEach(async ({ page }) => {
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 3);
test('should allow me to mark all items as completed', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
// Complete all todos.
await page.locator('.toggle-all').check();
// Ensure all todos have 'completed' class.
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveClass(['completed', 'completed', 'completed']);
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 3);
test('should allow me to clear the complete state of all items', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
// Check and then immediately uncheck.
await page.locator('.toggle-all').check();
await page.locator('.toggle-all').uncheck();
// Should be no completed classes.
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveClass(['', '', '']);
test('complete all checkbox should update state when items are completed / cleared', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
const toggleAll = page.locator('.toggle-all');
await toggleAll.check();
await expect(toggleAll).toBeChecked();
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 3);
// Uncheck first todo.
const firstTodo = page.locator('.todo-list li').nth(0);
await firstTodo.locator('.toggle').uncheck();
// Reuse toggleAll locator and make sure its not checked.
await expect(toggleAll).not.toBeChecked();
await firstTodo.locator('.toggle').check();
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 3);
// Assert the toggle all is checked again.
await expect(toggleAll).toBeChecked();
test.describe('Item', () => {
test('should allow me to mark items as complete', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
// Create two items.
for (const item of TODO_ITEMS.slice(0, 2)) {
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(item);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
// Check first item.
const firstTodo = page.locator('.todo-list li').nth(0);
await firstTodo.locator('.toggle').check();
await expect(firstTodo).toHaveClass('completed');
// Check second item.
const secondTodo = page.locator('.todo-list li').nth(1);
await expect(secondTodo).not.toHaveClass('completed');
await secondTodo.locator('.toggle').check();
// Assert completed class.
await expect(firstTodo).toHaveClass('completed');
await expect(secondTodo).toHaveClass('completed');
test('should allow me to un-mark items as complete', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
// Create two items.
for (const item of TODO_ITEMS.slice(0, 2)) {
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(item);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
const firstTodo = page.locator('.todo-list li').nth(0);
const secondTodo = page.locator('.todo-list li').nth(1);
await firstTodo.locator('.toggle').check();
await expect(firstTodo).toHaveClass('completed');
await expect(secondTodo).not.toHaveClass('completed');
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 1);
await firstTodo.locator('.toggle').uncheck();
await expect(firstTodo).not.toHaveClass('completed');
await expect(secondTodo).not.toHaveClass('completed');
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 0);
test('should allow me to edit an item', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await createDefaultTodos(page);
const todoItems = page.locator('.todo-list li');
const secondTodo = todoItems.nth(1);
await secondTodo.dblclick();
await expect(secondTodo.locator('.edit')).toHaveValue(TODO_ITEMS[1]);
await secondTodo.locator('.edit').fill('buy some sausages');
await secondTodo.locator('.edit').press('Enter');
// Explicitly assert the new text value.
await expect(todoItems).toHaveText([
'buy some sausages',
await checkTodosInLocalStorage(page, 'buy some sausages');
test.describe('Editing', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await createDefaultTodos(page);
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 3);
test('should hide other controls when editing', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
const todoItem = page.locator('.todo-list li').nth(1);
await todoItem.dblclick();
await expect(todoItem.locator('.toggle')).not.toBeVisible();
await expect(todoItem.locator('label')).not.toBeVisible();
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 3);
test('should save edits on blur', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
const todoItems = page.locator('.todo-list li');
await todoItems.nth(1).dblclick();
await todoItems.nth(1).locator('.edit').fill('buy some sausages');
await todoItems.nth(1).locator('.edit').dispatchEvent('blur');
await expect(todoItems).toHaveText([
'buy some sausages',
await checkTodosInLocalStorage(page, 'buy some sausages');
test('should trim entered text', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
const todoItems = page.locator('.todo-list li');
await todoItems.nth(1).dblclick();
await todoItems.nth(1).locator('.edit').fill(' buy some sausages ');
await todoItems.nth(1).locator('.edit').press('Enter');
await expect(todoItems).toHaveText([
'buy some sausages',
await checkTodosInLocalStorage(page, 'buy some sausages');
test('should remove the item if an empty text string was entered', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
const todoItems = page.locator('.todo-list li');
await todoItems.nth(1).dblclick();
await todoItems.nth(1).locator('.edit').fill('');
await todoItems.nth(1).locator('.edit').press('Enter');
await expect(todoItems).toHaveText([
test('should cancel edits on escape', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
const todoItems = page.locator('.todo-list li');
await todoItems.nth(1).dblclick();
await todoItems.nth(1).locator('.edit').press('Escape');
await expect(todoItems).toHaveText(TODO_ITEMS);
test.describe('Counter', () => {
test('should display the current number of todo items', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(TODO_ITEMS[0]);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
await expect(page.locator('.todo-count')).toContainText('1');
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(TODO_ITEMS[1]);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
await expect(page.locator('.todo-count')).toContainText('2');
await checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page, 2);
test.describe('Clear completed button', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await createDefaultTodos(page);
test('should display the correct text', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await page.locator('.todo-list li .toggle').first().check();
await expect(page.locator('.clear-completed')).toHaveText('Clear completed');
test('should remove completed items when clicked', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
const todoItems = page.locator('.todo-list li');
await todoItems.nth(1).locator('.toggle').check();
await page.locator('.clear-completed').click();
await expect(todoItems).toHaveCount(2);
await expect(todoItems).toHaveText([TODO_ITEMS[0], TODO_ITEMS[2]]);
test('should be hidden when there are no items that are completed', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await page.locator('.todo-list li .toggle').first().check();
await page.locator('.clear-completed').click();
await expect(page.locator('.clear-completed')).toBeHidden();
test.describe('Persistence', () => {
test('should persist its data', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
for (const item of TODO_ITEMS.slice(0, 2)) {
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(item);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
const todoItems = page.locator('.todo-list li');
await todoItems.nth(0).locator('.toggle').check();
await expect(todoItems).toHaveText([TODO_ITEMS[0], TODO_ITEMS[1]]);
await expect(todoItems).toHaveClass(['completed', '']);
// Ensure there is 1 completed item.
checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 1);
// Now reload.
await page.reload();
await expect(todoItems).toHaveText([TODO_ITEMS[0], TODO_ITEMS[1]]);
await expect(todoItems).toHaveClass(['completed', '']);
test.describe('Routing', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await createDefaultTodos(page);
// make sure the app had a chance to save updated todos in storage
// before navigating to a new view, otherwise the items can get lost :(
// in some frameworks like Durandal
await checkTodosInLocalStorage(page, TODO_ITEMS[0]);
test('should allow me to display active items', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await page.locator('.todo-list li .toggle').nth(1).check();
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 1);
await page.locator('.filters >> text=Active').click();
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveCount(2);
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveText([TODO_ITEMS[0], TODO_ITEMS[2]]);
test('should respect the back button', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await page.locator('.todo-list li .toggle').nth(1).check();
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 1);
await test.step('Showing all items', async () => {
await page.locator('.filters >> text=All').click();
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveCount(3);
await test.step('Showing active items', async () => {
await page.locator('.filters >> text=Active').click();
await test.step('Showing completed items', async () => {
await page.locator('.filters >> text=Completed').click();
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveCount(1);
await page.goBack();
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveCount(2);
await page.goBack();
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveCount(3);
test('should allow me to display completed items', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await page.locator('.todo-list li .toggle').nth(1).check();
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 1);
await page.locator('.filters >> text=Completed').click();
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveCount(1);
test('should allow me to display all items', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await page.locator('.todo-list li .toggle').nth(1).check();
await checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page, 1);
await page.locator('.filters >> text=Active').click();
await page.locator('.filters >> text=Completed').click();
await page.locator('.filters >> text=All').click();
await expect(page.locator('.todo-list li')).toHaveCount(3);
test('should highlight the currently applied filter', async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
await expect(page.locator('.filters >> text=All')).toHaveClass('selected');
await page.locator('.filters >> text=Active').click();
// Page change - active items.
await expect(page.locator('.filters >> text=Active')).toHaveClass('selected');
await page.locator('.filters >> text=Completed').click();
// Page change - completed items.
await expect(page.locator('.filters >> text=Completed')).toHaveClass('selected');
async function createDefaultTodos(page: Page) {
for (const item of TODO_ITEMS) {
await page.locator('.new-todo').fill(item);
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');
async function checkNumberOfTodosInLocalStorage(page: Page, expected: number) {
return await page.waitForFunction(e => {
return JSON.parse(localStorage['react-todos']).length === e;
}, expected);
async function checkNumberOfCompletedTodosInLocalStorage(page: Page, expected: number) {
return await page.waitForFunction(e => {
return JSON.parse(localStorage['react-todos']).filter(i => i.completed).length === e;
}, expected);
async function checkTodosInLocalStorage(page: Page, title: string) {
return await page.waitForFunction(t => {
return JSON.parse(localStorage['react-todos']).map(i => i.title).includes(t);
}, title);
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