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Last active October 24, 2021 15:09
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persona 5 negotiatons


  • L: Likes
  • D: Dislikes
  • M: Meh.

Depending on the persona for successful negotiation you need either 2 Like answers or 1 Like + 1 Meh.

Type: Irritable

Persona: Human-eating Lady / Yaksini


  • ...I'm just putting this out there, but you wouldn't treat me this way if I were younger, right?
  • ...It's true, isn't it?


  • That's not it at all. [L]
  • You look young.
  • Cougars are all the rage now.


  • I should hate being in this situation, but somehow it's not all that bad.
  • The way you treat me, though, is giving me mixed messages. How to you really feel about me?


  • You're beautiful. [L]
  • You're scary.
  • Nothing in particular.


  • I lost. Here I lay, at your feet, at your mercy. Just what do you want from me?


  • Give me something.
  • Grovel before me. [M]
  • I don't know.


  • Ah, what am I going to do? Because we were fighting and everything, I lost track of time.
  • Well, I need to see myself home soon...


  • Just go home.
  • What do you mean?
  • Don't lie to me. [M]

Type: Irritable

Persona: Battle Fiend / Rakshasa


  • Hey man, why don't we stop this shit and go have fun somewhere?
  • Hell, I got all sorta girls lined up if you're into that.


  • Really?
  • You're trying way too hard. [L]
  • I'm not interested.


  • ...So uh, instead of killin' me, you started chattin' with me...
  • You tryin' to get somethin' from me?


  • Yup.
  • No... Nothing at all...
  • You're too self-conscious. [M]


  • ...Um, why're you going' for me? Ain't there worse people out there?
  • What kinda guys piss you off?


  • Slow walkers. [M]
  • Loud talkers...
  • Nobody.


  • ...Um, this has been buggin' me for a while, but...
  • Is it me, or does something stink?


  • It's just you. [M]
  • It's coming from you.
  • I smell a lie.

Type: Irritable

Persona: Jealous Lover / Leanan Sidhe


  • I must ask, was there something you desired of me?
  • I'm inclined to turn you down, but if you with to speak, I will perhaps consider it.


  • You have nothing I want.
  • Are you bored? [L]
  • That's horrible premise.


  • No matter the crime, humans treat it more lightly if the perpetrator is a minor, do they not?
  • Ah, I suppose you commit such extreme acts because you know you won't be punished harshly...


  • That's not true. [L]
  • Age doesn't matter.
  • This isn't extreme.

Type: Gloomy

Persona: Corpse-eating Corpse / ...


  • Yo, look what you did!
  • You knocked me down, and now my goddamn watch is broken!


  • Sorry...
  • Not my problem.
  • Don't lie. [M]


  • ...Y'know if you think about it, I'm basically your senpai.
  • Just thinkin' about hierarchy... you should be showin' me a little more respect, shouldn't you?


  • You're right, Senpai.
  • I never thought about it. [M]
  • I prefer mutual respect.

Type: Gloomy

Persona: Vicious Pentagram / Decarabia


  • You did a hell of a job cornerin' me like this.
  • ...I gotta ask. How do you train?


  • I don't really train.
  • I just have a knack for it. [M]
  • Luck's usually on my side.


  • Y'know, before I dier, I wanted ta take a trip somewhere...
  • ...How 'bout you, sonny? What kinda trip do you wanna take?


  • A luxury cruise.
  • A hitchhiking adventure.
  • A trip to hell. [L]

Type: Gloomy

Persona: Woman Who Brings Ruin / Lilim

Q: - Why do you carry something like that with you, anyway? - Ypu carry a gun because you think it'll make you more popular with the girls?

A: - That's right. - It won't? [L] - It's for self-improvement. [M]

Q: - Why are you so interested in me, anyway? - I'll go out with you just for today of there are no strings attached.

A: - If it pleases you, - No strongs attached? [L] - I've got enough on my plate...

Type: Upbeat

Persona: The Shadowed One / Scathatch


  • Um... Can't you take a hint?
  • I've been sending you serious "don't speak to me" vibes.


  • I noticed. [L]
  • [missing]
  • [missing]


  • I've heard that human men have a proclivity yo tease the women that interests them.
  • Is it not possible for this series of events involving you and me to be attributed to that?


  • Fair enough. [L]
  • That is incorrect.
  • What are you talking about?

Type: Irritable

Persona: Funerary Warror / Valkyrie


  • I know it's odd to say this about myself, but... people who know me say I never let things go.
  • ...I'm not going to go easy on you for doing something like this, you know.


  • I'm sorry.
  • Prepare for the worst.
  • How much do you want? [D]


  • I occasionally wish to pamper myself as a reward for working hard. How would you do that?


  • Relax at home. [M]
  • Go impulse shopping.
  • Don't be so selfish.


  • It's frustrating when others bother me when I have things to do.
  • Why don't you just leave me be?


  • Are you busy?
  • I just couldn't. [M]
  • Is that reverse psychology?


  • You have teammates who would mounr you if something were to happen, do you not?
  • I also have loved ones who would miss me. You do catch my meaning, yes?


  • I just realized that.
  • None of your business.
  • I'm always alone. [M]

Type: Upbeat

Persona: Cruel Leopard


  • Ain't you kinda old to be playin' dress-up?
  • So who're you tryin' to impress with that mask?


  • Nobody.
  • Shuddup... [M]
  • I'm actually still young...


  • So, you've gotta be feelin' good lookin' down on me...
  • How 'bout we have an interview? You're the winner, after all. I'll listen to whatever you gotta say.


  • I feel great.
  • I want to aim higher. [M]
  • Fighting is pointless.

Type: Upbeat

Persona: Auspicious Pachyderm / Ganesha


  • ...Yo, you can't just waltz around here like that.
  • You're violatin' the weapons code or whatever, man.


  • I didn't know.
  • Not if no one finds out. [L]
  • Pretty cool, huh?


  • ...So, can I ask you something? I'm not sure I get what's happenin' here.
  • Did I lose...?


  • I suppose so...
  • What don't you get?
  • Nah, you totally won. [L]

Type: Upbeat

Persona: Lamenting Sacrifice / Kushinada


  • So? What's this all about? Are you gonna give it to me?
  • If that's the plan, well, you better make sure I'm satisfied.


  • Don't toy with me.
  • I don't understand.
  • What would you like? [L]


  • ...When human women take a vacation, they go on trips with their boyfriends, right?
  • I wanted to go on vacation, too, before all that happened...


  • That's too bad.
  • What are you getting at?
  • You have a boyfriend? [M]


  • ...If I knew this was going to happen, it would have been nice if I learned to cook better, huh?
  • You know, if I were to whip something up for you, what would you want?


  • Meat and potatoes. [L]
  • I don't need homemade food.
  • Can you actually cook?


  • ...Oh, yes. I heard that human women often trick their lovers into meeting their parents.
  • If your girlfriend asked if you were free to have dinner with her "friends", what would you say?


  • Sure.
  • I'm busy. [L]
  • What are you talking about?

Type: Upbeat

Persona: Final Assessor / ...


  • It's frustrating when others bother me when I have things to do.
  • Why don't you just leave me be?


  • Are you busy?
  • I just couldn't. [M]
  • Is that reverse psychology?


  • Perhaps things look rather bleak for us at the moment, but...
  • You do understand that I'm here because people like you exist, right?


  • I never thought of that.
  • Eh, doesn't matter. [D]
  • What do you mean?
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