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Last active January 13, 2025 22:32
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:bowtie: :bowtie: 😄 :smile: 😆 :laughing:
😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed:
😏 :smirk: 😍 :heart_eyes: 😘 :kissing_heart:
😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: 😳 :flushed: 😌 :relieved:
😆 :satisfied: 😁 :grin: 😉 :wink:
😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 😝 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 😀 :grinning:
😗 :kissing: 😙 :kissing_smiling_eyes: 😛 :stuck_out_tongue:
😴 :sleeping: 😟 :worried: 😦 :frowning:
😧 :anguished: 😮 :open_mouth: 😬 :grimacing:
😕 :confused: 😯 :hushed: 😑 :expressionless:
😒 :unamused: 😅 :sweat_smile: 😓 :sweat:
😥 :disappointed_relieved: 😩 :weary: 😔 :pensive:
😞 :disappointed: 😖 :confounded: 😨 :fearful:
😰 :cold_sweat: 😣 :persevere: 😢 :cry:
😭 :sob: 😂 :joy: 😲 :astonished:
😱 :scream: :neckbeard: :neckbeard: 😫 :tired_face:
😠 :angry: 😡 :rage: 😤 :triumph:
😪 :sleepy: 😋 :yum: 😷 :mask:
😎 :sunglasses: 😵 :dizzy_face: 👿 :imp:
😈 :smiling_imp: 😐 :neutral_face: 😶 :no_mouth:
😇 :innocent: 👽 :alien: 💛 :yellow_heart:
💙 :blue_heart: 💜 :purple_heart: ❤️ :heart:
💚 :green_heart: 💔 :broken_heart: 💓 :heartbeat:
💗 :heartpulse: 💕 :two_hearts: 💞 :revolving_hearts:
💘 :cupid: 💖 :sparkling_heart: :sparkles:
:star: 🌟 :star2: 💫 :dizzy:
💥 :boom: 💥 :collision: 💢 :anger:
:exclamation: :question: :grey_exclamation:
:grey_question: 💤 :zzz: 💨 :dash:
💦 :sweat_drops: 🎶 :notes: 🎵 :musical_note:
🔥 :fire: 💩 :hankey: 💩 :poop:
💩 :shit: 👍 :+1: 👍 :thumbsup:
👎 :-1: 👎 :thumbsdown: 👌 :ok_hand:
👊 :punch: 👊 :facepunch: :fist:
✌️ :v: 👋 :wave: :hand:
:raised_hand: 👐 :open_hands: ☝️ :point_up:
👇 :point_down: 👈 :point_left: 👉 :point_right:
🙌 :raised_hands: 🙏 :pray: 👆 :point_up_2:
👏 :clap: 💪 :muscle: 🤘 :metal:
🖕 :fu: 🚶 :walking: 🏃 :runner:
🏃 :running: 👫 :couple: 👪 :family:
👬 :two_men_holding_hands: 👭 :two_women_holding_hands: 💃 :dancer:
👯 :dancers: 🙆‍♀️ :ok_woman: 🙅 :no_good:
💁 :information_desk_person: 🙋 :raising_hand: 👰‍♀️ :bride_with_veil:
:person_with_pouting_face: :person_with_pouting_face: :person_frowning: :person_frowning: 🙇 :bow:
💏 :couplekiss: 💑 :couple_with_heart: 💆 :massage:
💇 :haircut: 💅 :nail_care: 👦 :boy:
👧 :girl: 👩 :woman: 👨 :man:
👶 :baby: 👵 :older_woman: 👴 :older_man:
:person_with_blond_hair: :person_with_blond_hair: 👲 :man_with_gua_pi_mao: 👳‍♂️ :man_with_turban:
👷 :construction_worker: 👮 :cop: 👼 :angel:
👸 :princess: 😺 :smiley_cat: 😸 :smile_cat:
😻 :heart_eyes_cat: 😽 :kissing_cat: 😼 :smirk_cat:
🙀 :scream_cat: 😿 :crying_cat_face: 😹 :joy_cat:
😾 :pouting_cat: 👹 :japanese_ogre: 👺 :japanese_goblin:
🙈 :see_no_evil: 🙉 :hear_no_evil: 🙊 :speak_no_evil:
💂‍♂️ :guardsman: 💀 :skull: 🐾 :feet:
👄 :lips: 💋 :kiss: 💧 :droplet:
👂 :ear: 👀 :eyes: 👃 :nose:
👅 :tongue: 💌 :love_letter: 👤 :bust_in_silhouette:
👥 :busts_in_silhouette: 💬 :speech_balloon: 💭 :thought_balloon:
:feelsgood: :feelsgood: :finnadie: :finnadie: :goberserk: :goberserk:
:godmode: :godmode: :hurtrealbad: :hurtrealbad: :rage1: :rage1:
:rage2: :rage2: :rage3: :rage3: :rage4: :rage4:
:suspect: :suspect: :trollface: :trollface:


☀️ :sunny: :umbrella: ☁️ :cloud:
❄️ :snowflake: :snowman: :zap:
🌀 :cyclone: 🌁 :foggy: 🌊 :ocean:
🐱 :cat: 🐶 :dog: 🐭 :mouse:
🐹 :hamster: 🐰 :rabbit: 🐺 :wolf:
🐸 :frog: 🐯 :tiger: 🐨 :koala:
🐻 :bear: 🐷 :pig: 🐽 :pig_nose:
🐮 :cow: 🐗 :boar: 🐵 :monkey_face:
🐒 :monkey: 🐴 :horse: 🐎 :racehorse:
🐫 :camel: 🐑 :sheep: 🐘 :elephant:
🐼 :panda_face: 🐍 :snake: 🐦 :bird:
🐤 :baby_chick: 🐥 :hatched_chick: 🐣 :hatching_chick:
🐔 :chicken: 🐧 :penguin: 🐢 :turtle:
🐛 :bug: 🐝 :honeybee: 🐜 :ant:
🪲 :beetle: 🐌 :snail: 🐙 :octopus:
🐠 :tropical_fish: 🐟 :fish: 🐳 :whale:
🐋 :whale2: 🐬 :dolphin: 🐄 :cow2:
🐏 :ram: 🐀 :rat: 🐃 :water_buffalo:
🐅 :tiger2: 🐇 :rabbit2: 🐉 :dragon:
🐐 :goat: 🐓 :rooster: 🐕 :dog2:
🐖 :pig2: 🐁 :mouse2: 🐂 :ox:
🐲 :dragon_face: 🐡 :blowfish: 🐊 :crocodile:
🐪 :dromedary_camel: 🐆 :leopard: 🐈 :cat2:
🐩 :poodle: 🐾 :paw_prints: 💐 :bouquet:
🌸 :cherry_blossom: 🌷 :tulip: 🍀 :four_leaf_clover:
🌹 :rose: 🌻 :sunflower: 🌺 :hibiscus:
🍁 :maple_leaf: 🍃 :leaves: 🍂 :fallen_leaf:
🌿 :herb: 🍄 :mushroom: 🌵 :cactus:
🌴 :palm_tree: 🌲 :evergreen_tree: 🌳 :deciduous_tree:
🌰 :chestnut: 🌱 :seedling: 🌼 :blossom:
🌾 :ear_of_rice: 🐚 :shell: 🌐 :globe_with_meridians:
🌞 :sun_with_face: 🌝 :full_moon_with_face: 🌚 :new_moon_with_face:
🌑 :new_moon: 🌒 :waxing_crescent_moon: 🌓 :first_quarter_moon:
🌔 :waxing_gibbous_moon: 🌕 :full_moon: 🌖 :waning_gibbous_moon:
🌗 :last_quarter_moon: 🌘 :waning_crescent_moon: 🌜 :last_quarter_moon_with_face:
🌛 :first_quarter_moon_with_face: 🌔 :moon: 🌍 :earth_africa:
🌎 :earth_americas: 🌏 :earth_asia: 🌋 :volcano:
🌌 :milky_way: :partly_sunny: :octocat: :octocat:
:squirrel: :squirrel:


🎍 :bamboo: 💝 :gift_heart: 🎎 :dolls:
🎒 :school_satchel: 🎓 :mortar_board: 🎏 :flags:
🎆 :fireworks: 🎇 :sparkler: 🎐 :wind_chime:
🎑 :rice_scene: 🎃 :jack_o_lantern: 👻 :ghost:
🎅 :santa: 🎄 :christmas_tree: 🎁 :gift:
🔔 :bell: 🔕 :no_bell: 🎋 :tanabata_tree:
🎉 :tada: 🎊 :confetti_ball: 🎈 :balloon:
🔮 :crystal_ball: 💿 :cd: 📀 :dvd:
💾 :floppy_disk: 📷 :camera: 📹 :video_camera:
🎥 :movie_camera: 💻 :computer: 📺 :tv:
📱 :iphone: ☎️ :phone: ☎️ :telephone:
📞 :telephone_receiver: 📟 :pager: 📠 :fax:
💽 :minidisc: 📼 :vhs: 🔉 :sound:
🔈 :speaker: 🔇 :mute: 📢 :loudspeaker:
📣 :mega: :hourglass: :hourglass_flowing_sand:
:alarm_clock: :watch: 📻 :radio:
📡 :satellite: :loop: 🔍 :mag:
🔎 :mag_right: 🔓 :unlock: 🔒 :lock:
🔏 :lock_with_ink_pen: 🔐 :closed_lock_with_key: 🔑 :key:
💡 :bulb: 🔦 :flashlight: 🔆 :high_brightness:
🔅 :low_brightness: 🔌 :electric_plug: 🔋 :battery:
📲 :calling: 📧 :email: 📫 :mailbox:
📮 :postbox: 🛀 :bath: 🛁 :bathtub:
🚿 :shower: 🚽 :toilet: 🔧 :wrench:
🔩 :nut_and_bolt: 🔨 :hammer: 💺 :seat:
💰 :moneybag: 💴 :yen: 💵 :dollar:
💷 :pound: 💶 :euro: 💳 :credit_card:
💸 :money_with_wings: 📧 :e-mail: 📥 :inbox_tray:
📤 :outbox_tray: ✉️ :envelope: 📨 :incoming_envelope:
📯 :postal_horn: 📪 :mailbox_closed: 📬 :mailbox_with_mail:
📭 :mailbox_with_no_mail: 🚪 :door: 🚬 :smoking:
💣 :bomb: 🔫 :gun: 🔪 :hocho:
💊 :pill: 💉 :syringe: 📄 :page_facing_up:
📃 :page_with_curl: 📑 :bookmark_tabs: 📊 :bar_chart:
📈 :chart_with_upwards_trend: 📉 :chart_with_downwards_trend: 📜 :scroll:
📋 :clipboard: 📆 :calendar: 📅 :date:
📇 :card_index: 📁 :file_folder: 📂 :open_file_folder:
✂️ :scissors: 📌 :pushpin: 📎 :paperclip:
✒️ :black_nib: ✏️ :pencil2: 📏 :straight_ruler:
📐 :triangular_ruler: 📕 :closed_book: 📗 :green_book:
📘 :blue_book: 📙 :orange_book: 📓 :notebook:
📔 :notebook_with_decorative_cover: 📒 :ledger: 📚 :books:
🔖 :bookmark: 📛 :name_badge: 🔬 :microscope:
🔭 :telescope: 📰 :newspaper: 🏈 :football:
🏀 :basketball: :soccer: :baseball:
🎾 :tennis: 🎱 :8ball: 🏉 :rugby_football:
🎳 :bowling: :golf: 🚵 :mountain_bicyclist:
🚴 :bicyclist: 🏇 :horse_racing: 🏂 :snowboarder:
🏊 :swimmer: 🏄 :surfer: 🎿 :ski:
♠️ :spades: ♥️ :hearts: ♣️ :clubs:
♦️ :diamonds: 💎 :gem: 💍 :ring:
🏆 :trophy: 🎼 :musical_score: 🎹 :musical_keyboard:
🎻 :violin: 👾 :space_invader: 🎮 :video_game:
🃏 :black_joker: 🎴 :flower_playing_cards: 🎲 :game_die:
🎯 :dart: 🀄 :mahjong: 🎬 :clapper:
📝 :memo: 📝 :pencil: 📖 :book:
🎨 :art: 🎤 :microphone: 🎧 :headphones:
🎺 :trumpet: 🎷 :saxophone: 🎸 :guitar:
👞 :shoe: 👡 :sandal: 👠 :high_heel:
💄 :lipstick: 👢 :boot: 👕 :shirt:
👕 :tshirt: 👔 :necktie: 👚 :womans_clothes:
👗 :dress: 🎽 :running_shirt_with_sash: 👖 :jeans:
👘 :kimono: 👙 :bikini: 🎀 :ribbon:
🎩 :tophat: 👑 :crown: 👒 :womans_hat:
👞 :mans_shoe: 🌂 :closed_umbrella: 💼 :briefcase:
👜 :handbag: 👝 :pouch: 👛 :purse:
👓 :eyeglasses: 🎣 :fishing_pole_and_fish: :coffee:
🍵 :tea: 🍶 :sake: 🍼 :baby_bottle:
🍺 :beer: 🍻 :beers: 🍸 :cocktail:
🍹 :tropical_drink: 🍷 :wine_glass: 🍴 :fork_and_knife:
🍕 :pizza: 🍔 :hamburger: 🍟 :fries:
🍗 :poultry_leg: 🍖 :meat_on_bone: 🍝 :spaghetti:
🍛 :curry: 🍤 :fried_shrimp: 🍱 :bento:
🍣 :sushi: 🍥 :fish_cake: 🍙 :rice_ball:
🍘 :rice_cracker: 🍚 :rice: 🍜 :ramen:
🍲 :stew: 🍢 :oden: 🍡 :dango:
🥚 :egg: 🍞 :bread: 🍩 :doughnut:
🍮 :custard: 🍦 :icecream: 🍨 :ice_cream:
🍧 :shaved_ice: 🎂 :birthday: 🍰 :cake:
🍪 :cookie: 🍫 :chocolate_bar: 🍬 :candy:
🍭 :lollipop: 🍯 :honey_pot: 🍎 :apple:
🍏 :green_apple: 🍊 :tangerine: 🍋 :lemon:
🍒 :cherries: 🍇 :grapes: 🍉 :watermelon:
🍓 :strawberry: 🍑 :peach: 🍈 :melon:
🍌 :banana: 🍐 :pear: 🍍 :pineapple:
🍠 :sweet_potato: 🍆 :eggplant: 🍅 :tomato:
🌽 :corn:


🏠 :house: 🏡 :house_with_garden: 🏫 :school:
🏢 :office: 🏣 :post_office: 🏥 :hospital:
🏦 :bank: 🏪 :convenience_store: 🏩 :love_hotel:
🏨 :hotel: 💒 :wedding: :church:
🏬 :department_store: 🏤 :european_post_office: 🌇 :city_sunrise:
🌆 :city_sunset: 🏯 :japanese_castle: 🏰 :european_castle:
:tent: 🏭 :factory: 🗼 :tokyo_tower:
🗾 :japan: 🗻 :mount_fuji: 🌄 :sunrise_over_mountains:
🌅 :sunrise: 🌠 :stars: 🗽 :statue_of_liberty:
🌉 :bridge_at_night: 🎠 :carousel_horse: 🌈 :rainbow:
🎡 :ferris_wheel: :fountain: 🎢 :roller_coaster:
🚢 :ship: 🚤 :speedboat: :boat:
:sailboat: 🚣 :rowboat: :anchor:
🚀 :rocket: ✈️ :airplane: 🚁 :helicopter:
🚂 :steam_locomotive: 🚊 :tram: 🚞 :mountain_railway:
🚲 :bike: 🚡 :aerial_tramway: 🚟 :suspension_railway:
🚠 :mountain_cableway: 🚜 :tractor: 🚙 :blue_car:
🚘 :oncoming_automobile: 🚗 :car: 🚗 :red_car:
🚕 :taxi: 🚖 :oncoming_taxi: 🚛 :articulated_lorry:
🚌 :bus: 🚍 :oncoming_bus: 🚨 :rotating_light:
🚓 :police_car: 🚔 :oncoming_police_car: 🚒 :fire_engine:
🚑 :ambulance: 🚐 :minibus: 🚚 :truck:
🚋 :train: 🚉 :station: 🚆 :train2:
🚅 :bullettrain_front: 🚄 :bullettrain_side: 🚈 :light_rail:
🚝 :monorail: 🚃 :railway_car: 🚎 :trolleybus:
🎫 :ticket: :fuelpump: 🚦 :vertical_traffic_light:
🚥 :traffic_light: ⚠️ :warning: 🚧 :construction:
🔰 :beginner: 🏧 :atm: 🎰 :slot_machine:
🚏 :busstop: 💈 :barber: ♨️ :hotsprings:
🏁 :checkered_flag: 🎌 :crossed_flags: 🏮 :izakaya_lantern:
🗿 :moyai: 🎪 :circus_tent: 🎭 :performing_arts:
📍 :round_pushpin: 🚩 :triangular_flag_on_post: 🇯🇵 :jp:
🇰🇷 :kr: 🇨🇳 :cn: 🇺🇸 :us:
🇫🇷 :fr: 🇪🇸 :es: 🇮🇹 :it:
🇷🇺 :ru: 🇬🇧 :gb: 🇬🇧 :uk:
🇩🇪 :de:


1️⃣ :one: 2️⃣ :two: 3️⃣ :three:
4️⃣ :four: 5️⃣ :five: 6️⃣ :six:
7️⃣ :seven: 8️⃣ :eight: 9️⃣ :nine:
🔟 :keycap_ten: 🔢 :1234: 0️⃣ :zero:
#️⃣ :hash: 🔣 :symbols: ◀️ :arrow_backward:
⬇️ :arrow_down: ▶️ :arrow_forward: ⬅️ :arrow_left:
🔠 :capital_abcd: 🔡 :abcd: 🔤 :abc:
↙️ :arrow_lower_left: ↘️ :arrow_lower_right: ➡️ :arrow_right:
⬆️ :arrow_up: ↖️ :arrow_upper_left: ↗️ :arrow_upper_right:
:arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_up: 🔽 :arrow_down_small:
⤵️ :arrow_heading_down: ⤴️ :arrow_heading_up: ↩️ :leftwards_arrow_with_hook:
↪️ :arrow_right_hook: ↔️ :left_right_arrow: ↕️ :arrow_up_down:
🔼 :arrow_up_small: 🔃 :arrows_clockwise: 🔄 :arrows_counterclockwise:
:rewind: :fast_forward: ℹ️ :information_source:
🆗 :ok: 🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: 🔁 :repeat:
🔂 :repeat_one: 🆕 :new: 🔝 :top:
🆙 :up: 🆒 :cool: 🆓 :free:
🆖 :ng: 🎦 :cinema: 🈁 :koko:
📶 :signal_strength: 🈹 :u5272: 🈴 :u5408:
🈺 :u55b6: 🈯 :u6307: 🈷️ :u6708:
🈶 :u6709: 🈵 :u6e80: 🈚 :u7121:
🈸 :u7533: 🈳 :u7a7a: 🈲 :u7981:
🈂️ :sa: 🚻 :restroom: 🚹 :mens:
🚺 :womens: 🚼 :baby_symbol: 🚭 :no_smoking:
🅿️ :parking: :wheelchair: 🚇 :metro:
🛄 :baggage_claim: 🉑 :accept: 🚾 :wc:
🚰 :potable_water: 🚮 :put_litter_in_its_place: ㊙️ :secret:
㊗️ :congratulations: Ⓜ️ :m: 🛂 :passport_control:
🛅 :left_luggage: 🛃 :customs: 🉐 :ideograph_advantage:
🆑 :cl: 🆘 :sos: 🆔 :id:
🚫 :no_entry_sign: 🔞 :underage: 📵 :no_mobile_phones:
🚯 :do_not_litter: 🚱 :non-potable_water: 🚳 :no_bicycles:
🚷 :no_pedestrians: 🚸 :children_crossing: :no_entry:
✳️ :eight_spoked_asterisk: ✴️ :eight_pointed_black_star: 💟 :heart_decoration:
🆚 :vs: 📳 :vibration_mode: 📴 :mobile_phone_off:
💹 :chart: 💱 :currency_exchange: :aries:
:taurus: :gemini: :cancer:
:leo: :virgo: :libra:
:scorpius: :sagittarius: :capricorn:
:aquarius: :pisces: :ophiuchus:
🔯 :six_pointed_star: :negative_squared_cross_mark: 🅰️ :a:
🅱️ :b: 🆎 :ab: 🅾️ :o2:
💠 :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: ♻️ :recycle: 🔚 :end:
🔛 :on: 🔜 :soon: 🕐 :clock1:
🕜 :clock130: 🕙 :clock10: 🕥 :clock1030:
🕚 :clock11: 🕦 :clock1130: 🕛 :clock12:
🕧 :clock1230: 🕑 :clock2: 🕝 :clock230:
🕒 :clock3: 🕞 :clock330: 🕓 :clock4:
🕟 :clock430: 🕔 :clock5: 🕠 :clock530:
🕕 :clock6: 🕡 :clock630: 🕖 :clock7:
🕢 :clock730: 🕗 :clock8: 🕣 :clock830:
🕘 :clock9: 🕤 :clock930: 💲 :heavy_dollar_sign:
©️ :copyright: ®️ :registered: ™️ :tm:
:x: :heavy_exclamation_mark: ‼️ :bangbang:
⁉️ :interrobang: :o: ✖️ :heavy_multiplication_x:
:heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_division_sign:
💮 :white_flower: 💯 :100: ✔️ :heavy_check_mark:
☑️ :ballot_box_with_check: 🔘 :radio_button: 🔗 :link:
:curly_loop: 〰️ :wavy_dash: 〽️ :part_alternation_mark:
🔱 :trident: :black_square: :black_square: :white_square: :white_square:
:white_check_mark: 🔲 :black_square_button: 🔳 :white_square_button:
:black_circle: :white_circle: 🔴 :red_circle:
🔵 :large_blue_circle: 🔷 :large_blue_diamond: 🔶 :large_orange_diamond:
🔹 :small_blue_diamond: 🔸 :small_orange_diamond: 🔺 :small_red_triangle:
🔻 :small_red_triangle_down: :shipit: :shipit:
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duibu commented Aug 24, 2023


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soura-b commented Aug 28, 2023 offers a well-documented emoji codebase. A searchable interface is available at

(PS: I am user of emoji-art, not a creator or contributor).

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rickstaa commented Aug 28, 2023 offers a well-documented emoji codebase. A searchable interface is available at image

(PS: I am user of emoji-art, not a creator or contributor).

Hey @soura-b. Like you I'm an emoji art user 😄. I found that resource some months ago and decided to use it to create a little app that shows all emojis that are supported by the GitHub Emoji API. It periodically checks the GitHub Emoji API and updates the web interface if GitHub adds a new emoji. You can check it out at Feel free to let me know if there is something you think can be improved 👍




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petersaunderss commented Sep 12, 2023

I would love an equivalent to :x: that is short as an affirmative instead of something like :white_check_mark: which is long to write. Jira uses (/) so something like :/: or even :y: and :n: would be nice.

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😡 your yet another stupid list is reason why I need manually copy the emojis manually

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GitHub also has emoji autocomplete. Alternatively, you can also check out for a simple emoji picker 👍.

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Is there any way I can make my site support emojis in this format, for example: 🚀 -> 🚀

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I hope have new kneel icon 😆

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pelavarre commented Oct 28, 2023

as yet, ⌘F Circle here finds only Black White Red Blue

# Mar/2019 Unicode 12.0.0 gave us
# :large_green_circle: = "\N{Large Green Circle}" = unicodedata.lookup("Large Green Circle") = "\U0001F7E2" = b"\xF0\x9F\x9F\xA2"
# <=

# also Orange, Yellow, Purple, & Brown Circle's

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i found a website that i have lost of free tools like SEO Tools and backlinks free tools online please check that

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I love this profile!

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🎃 goodluck to you

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kamontat commented Dec 2, 2023


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hoc081098 commented Dec 3, 2023


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Eakta08 commented Jan 5, 2024

: :octocat:

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felickz commented Jan 9, 2024


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