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Created June 22, 2016 05:50
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MPEG TS (transport stream) ATSC (over the air digital television broadcast) PSIP (program information) Python script
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Show PSIP data (and other packets) from MPEG TS streams from ATSC broadcasts
# Warning: very rough, incomplete, you're probably better off using VLC 3.0 (show Media Information,
# go to Codec Details, then scroll down to the EPG (electronic program guide) sections)
import sys
import struct
def decodeTSpacket(packet):
fields = {}
# 32-bit field
# comments from
word = struct.unpack('!I', packet[0:4])[0]
# Bit pattern of 0x47 (ASCII char 'G')
sync = (word & 0xff000000) >> 24
if sync != 0x47:
print 'Bad packet sync byte (desync?):',[packet]
raise SystemExit
fields['transport_error_indicator'] = (word & 0x800000) != 0
# Set when a demodulator can't correct errors from FEC data; indicating the packet is corrupt
#print transport_error_indicator
# Set when a PES, PSI, or DVB-MIP packet begins immediately following the header.
fields['payload_unit_start_indicator'] = (word & 0x400000) != 0
# "Set when the current packet has a higher priority than other packets with the same PID.
fields['transport_priority'] = (word & 0x200000) != 0
# Packet Identifier, describing the payload data.
fields['pid'] = (word & 0x1fff00) >> 8
# '00' = Not scrambled.
# For DVB-CSA and ATSC DES only:[8]
# '01' (0x40) = Reserved for future use
# '10' (0x80) = Scrambled with even key
# '11' (0xC0) = Scrambled with odd key
fields['scrambling_control'] = (word & 0xc0) >> 6
# 01 – no adaptation field, payload only,
# 10 – adaptation field only, no payload,
# 11 – adaptation field followed by payload,
# 00 - RESERVED for future use [9]
fields['adaptation_field_control'] = (word & 0x30) >> 4
if fields['adaptation_field_control'] == 1:
has_adapt = False
has_payload = True
elif fields['adaptation_field_control'] == 2:
has_adapt = True
has_payload = False
elif fields['adaptation_field_control'] == 3:
has_adapt = True
has_payload = True
# 00 - RESERVED for future use
# hence tstools "### Packet PID 14ae has adaptation field control = 0
# which is a reserved value (no payload, no adaptation field)"
# just assume payload, don't spam, and mark it corrupted
has_adapt = False
has_payload = True
fields['corrupted_adaption_control_field'] = True
# Sequence number of payload packets (0x00 to 0x0F) within each stream (except PID 8191)
# Incremented per-PID, only when a payload flag is set.
fields['cont_counter'] = word & 0xf
payload_start = 5
if has_adapt:
adapt_length = struct.unpack('b', packet[5])[0]
if 6 + adapt_length > len(packet):
print "adaptation field beyond length of packet",[packet],adapt_length,len(packet)
raise SystemExit
fields['adapt'] = packet[6:6 + adapt_length]
payload_start = 6 + adapt_length
# TODO: decode Adaptation Field Format
if has_payload:
fields['payload'] = packet[payload_start:]
# No payload here according to the bitfields - save it anyways
extra = packet[payload_start:]
if len(extra) != 0:
#print "unexpected data not payload or adaptation field",[packet],fields,payload_start,len(packet),len(extra)
#raise SystemExit
fields['corrupt_payload'] = extra
return fields
def ascii_dump(s):
s2 = ''
printable = 0
for c in s:
if ord(c) >= ord(' ') and ord(c) <= ord('~'):
s2 += c
printable += 1
s2 += '.'
return s2, printable
def decodePAT(payload):
print 'PAT',payload.encode('hex')
section_length = (ord(payload[1]) & 0xf << 8) | ord(payload[2]) # 12-bit field
print section_length
# after extra fields (transport_stream_id to last_section_num, by size, minus CRC-32 at end
program_count = (section_length - 5) / 4 - 1
program_map_pids = {}
print "PAT:"
for i in range(0, program_count):
at = 8+(i*4) # skip headers, just get to the program numbers table
program_number = struct.unpack("!H", payload[at:at+2])[0]
if at + 2 > len(payload): break
program_map_pid = struct.unpack("!H", payload[at+2:at+2+2])[0]
# the pid is only 13 bits, upper 3 bits of this field are 'reserved' (I see 0b111)
reserved = (program_map_pid & 0xe000) >> 13
program_map_pid &= 0x1fff
print i, "%.4x %.4x" % (program_number, program_map_pid)
#program_map_pids[program_number] = program_map_pid
program_map_pids[program_map_pid] = program_number
i += 1
return program_map_pids
0 : 'Reserved',
1 : 'Reserved',
2 : 'video_stream_descriptor', # 13818-1
3 : 'audio_stream_descriptor', #'13818-1
4 : 'hierarchy_descriptor:', # 13818-1
5 : 'registration_descriptor', # 13818-1
6 : 'data_stream_alignment_descriptor', # 13818-1
7 : 'target_background_grid_descriptor', # 13818-1
8 : 'video_window_descriptor', # 13818-1
9 : 'CA_descriptor', # 13818-1
10 : 'ISO_639_language_descriptor', # 13818-1
11 : 'system_clock_descriptor', # 13818-1
12 : 'multiplex_buffer_utilization_descriptor', # 13818-1
13 : 'copyright_descriptor', # 13818-1
14 : 'maximum_bitrate_descriptor', # 13818-1
15 : 'private_data_indicator_descriptor', # 13818-1
16 : 'smoothing_buffer_descriptor', # 13818-1
17 : 'STD_descriptor', # 3818-1
18 : 'IBP_descriptor:', # 13818-1
27 : 'MPEG-4_video_descriptor', # 3818-1
28 : 'MPEG-4_audio_descriptor', # 13818-1
29 : 'IOD_descriptor', # 13818-1
30 : 'SL_descriptor', # 14496-1
31 : 'FMC_descriptor', # 13818-1
32 : 'External_ES_ID_descriptor:', # 13818-1
33 : 'MuxCode_descriptor', # 13818-1
34 : 'FmxBufferSize_descriptor:', # 14496
35 : 'MultiplexBuffer_descriptor', # 14496
36 : 'FlexMuxTiming_descriptor', # 14496
129: 'AC-3 Descriptor', # PMT, EIT A/52
20: 'association_tag descriptor', # A/52
173: 'ATSC Private Information descriptor', # PMT, EIT 1 or more A/52
134: 'Caption Service Descriptor', # PMT, EIT A/65
163: 'Component name descriptor', # PMT A/65
135: 'Content Advisory Descriptor', # PMT, EIT A/65
198: 'Content Identifier descriptor', # PMT, EIT A/57
164: 'Data Service descriptor', # PMT, EIT A/65
166: 'Download descriptor', # PMT, EIT A/90
169: 'DCC Arriving request descriptor', # DCCT A/65
168: 'DCC Departing request descriptor', # DCCT A/65
178: 'Enhanced Signaling descriptor', # PMT A/53
160: 'Extended Channel name descriptor', # VCT A/65
167: 'Multiprotocol Encapsulation descriptor', # A/90
165: 'pid_count descriptor', # VCT A/65
171: 'Genre descriptor', # VCT A/65
170: 'Redistribution Control descriptor', # EIT, PMT A/65
161: 'Service location descriptor', # VCT A/65
128: 'Stuffing Descriptor', # any A/65
162: 'Time-shifted service descriptor', # VCT A/65hdtv $
# "A descriptor() designation in a table denotes the location of a descriptor loop that may contain zero or more individual descriptors"
# a simple repeated type(tag)-length-value format
def decodeDescriptors(data):
at = 0
descriptors = {}
while True:
if at + 2 > len(data): break
tag = ord(data[at])
at += 1
length = ord(data[at])
at += 1
value = data[at:at + length]
at += length
name = DESC_NAMES.get(tag)
if name == None: name = 'unknown-%d' % (tag,)
print "descriptor %d (%s) %s" % (tag, name, [value])
descriptors[name] = value
return descriptors
def decodePMT(pid,program,payload):
print 'PMT for Program %d at PID %.4x: %s' % (pid, program, [payload])
pcr_pid = struct.unpack("!H", payload[8:10])[0]
reserved = (pcr_pid & 0xe000) >> 13
pcr_pid &= 0x1fff
# program clock reference, not too interesting
#print "PCR PID: %.4x" % (pcr_pid,)
desc1 = payload[96/8:]
descriptors = decodeDescriptors(desc1)
# TODO: parse descriptors inside loop (per stream), after first descriptor list
def decodePSIP(payload):
print 'Found PSIP full',[payload]
table_id = ord(payload[0])
#print 'PSIP table %.2x' % (table_id,)
# TODO: decode these
# pg. 84 table m.1
# Table M.1 Bit Stream Syntax for the Master Guide Table
if table_id == 0xc7:
print 'PSIP MGT',[payload]
# Table M.2 Bit Stream Syntax for the Terrestrial Virtual Channel Table
elif table_id == 0xc8:
print 'PSIP VCT',payload.encode('hex'),'\n','PSIP VCT',[payload]
# note: for(i=0; i<num_channels_in_section; i++) {
# short_name 7*16 unicode BMP - is 16-bit Unicode! K\x00I\x00C\x00U\x00-\x00H\x00D = KICU-HD
# Table M.3 Bit Stream Syntax for the Event Information Table
elif table_id == 0xcb:
print 'PSIP EIT',[payload]
# Table M.4 Bit Stream Syntax for the Extended Text Table
elif table_id == 0xcc:
print 'PSIP ETT',[payload]
# Table M.5 Bit Stream Syntax for the System Time Table
elif table_id == 0xcd:
print 'PSIP STT',[payload]
# Table M.6 Bit Stream Syntax for the Rating Region Table
elif table_id == 0xca:
print 'PSIP RRT',[payload]
# Table M.7 Bit Stream Syntax for the Directed Channel Change Table
elif table_id == 0xd3:
print 'PSIP DCCT',[payload]
print 'PSIP unknown table id %.2x' % (table_id,)
def decodeMGT_table_type(x):
# table_type here is a 16-bit type:
# Table 6.3 Table Types, pg. 27
if x == 0x0000:
return 'Terrestrial VCT with current_next_indicator=1'
elif x == 0x0001:
return 'Terrestrial VCT with current_next_indicator=0'
elif x == 0x0002:
return 'Cable VCT with current_next_indicator=1'
elif x == 0x0003:
return 'Cable VCT with current_next_indicator=0'
elif x == 0x004:
return 'Channel ETT'
elif x == 0x005:
return 'DCCSCT'
#elif x >= 0x006 and x <= 0x00ff:
# return 'Reserved for future ATSC use-%.4x' % (x,)
elif x >= 0x0100 and x <= 0x017f:
return 'EIT-%d' % (x - 0x0100)
#elif x >= 0x0180 and x <= 0x01ff:
# return 'Reserved for future ATSC use-%.4x' % (x,)
elif x >= 0x0200 and x <= 0x027f:
return 'Event ETT-%d' % (x - 0x0200)
#elif x >= 0x0280 and x <= 0x0300:
# return 'Reserved for future ATSC use-%.4x' % (x,)
elif x >= 0x0301 and x <= 0x03ff:
return 'RRT with rating_region-%d' % (x - 0x0301)
elif x >= 0x0400 and x <= 0x0fff:
return 'User private-%.4x' % (x,)
#elif x >= 0x1000 and x <= 0x13ff:
# return 'Reserved for future ATSC use-%.4x' % (x,)
elif x >= 0x1400 and x <= 0x14ff:
return 'DCCT with dcc_id-%d' % (x - 0x1400)
#elif x >= 0x1500 and x <= 0x1fff:
# return 'Reserved for future ATSC use-%.4x' % (x,)
return 'Reserved for future ATSC use-%.4x' % (x,)
psip_table_pids = {}
# Table M.1 Bit Stream Syntax for the Master Guide Table
def decodeMGT(payload):
print 'PSIP MGT',payload.encode('hex')
assert payload[0] == '\xc7', 'decodeMGT not MGT'
section_length = struct.unpack('!H', payload[1:3])[0]
section_length &= 0xfff
print 'PSIP MGT section_length',section_length
table_id_extension = struct.unpack('!H', payload[3:5])[0]
print 'PSIP MGT table_id_extension',table_id_extension
# reserved, version_number, current_next_indicator
version_etc = ord(payload[5])
print 'PSIP MGT version_etc %.2x' % (version_etc,)
# 0x00 in spec
section_number = ord(payload[6])
assert section_number == 0, 'decodeMGT section_number != 0'
last_section_number = ord(payload[7])
assert last_section_number == 0, 'decodeMGT last_section_number != 0'
protocol_version = ord(payload[8])
print 'PSIP MGT protocol_version',protocol_version
# This 16-bit unsigned has a range of 6 – 370 (for terrestrial) and 2 – 370 for cable.
tables_defined = struct.unpack('!H', payload[9:11])[0]
print 'PSIP MGT tables_defined',tables_defined
at = 11
tables = []
for i in range(0, tables_defined):
if at > len(payload):
# off end of payload TODO: probably have a bug in stitching together packets
table_type = struct.unpack('!H', payload[at:at+2])[0]
table_type_name = decodeMGT_table_type(table_type)
print 'PSIP MGT %i table_type %.4x %s' % (i, table_type, table_type_name)
at += 2
# table_type here is a 16-bit type:
# Table 6.3 Table Types, pg. 27
table_type_pid = struct.unpack('!H', payload[at:at+2])[0]
table_type_pid &= 0x1fff
print 'PSIP MGT %i table_type_pid %.4x' % (i, table_type_pid)
at += 2
# reserved, table_type_version_number
reserved_version = ord(payload[at])
print 'PSIP MGT %i reserved_version %.2x' % (i, reserved_version)
at += 1
# number of bytes of the table in the referenced pid
if at + 4 > len(payload): break
number_bytes = struct.unpack('!I', payload[at:at+4])[0]
print 'PSIP MGT %i number_bytes %d' % (i, number_bytes)
at += 4
table_type_descriptors_length = struct.unpack('!H', payload[at:at+2])[0]
table_type_descriptors_length &= 0xfff
print 'PSIP MGT %i table_type_descriptors_length %d' % (i, table_type_descriptors_length)
at += 2
# skip over variable-length descriptors data TODO: decode?
descriptors_data = payload[at:at + table_type_descriptors_length]
at += table_type_descriptors_length
# save the pid, then we can recognize EIT and ETT tables (non-0x1ffb PIDs)
psip_table_pids[table_type_pid] = table_type_name
return tables# TODO: other info?
# Table M.2 Bit Stream Syntax for the Terrestrial Virtual Channel Table
def decodeVCT(payload):
num_channels_in_section = ord(payload[9:10])
print 'VCT number of channels:',num_channels_in_section
short_name = payload[11:11+13]
short_name = short_name.replace('\0', '') # TODO: decode UTF-16 BE
print 'VCT channel short_name:',short_name
chinfo = struct.unpack("!I", payload[24:24+4])[0]
print "VCT chinfo %.4x" % (chinfo,)
reserved = (chinfo & 0xf0000000) >> 28
assert reserved == 0xf, '%x != 0xf in chinfo' % (reserved,)
major_channel_number = (chinfo & 0x0cff0000) >> 18
minor_channel_number = (chinfo & 0x000cff00) >> 8
print "VCT virtual channel %d-%d" % (major_channel_number,minor_channel_number)
modulation_mode = chinfo & 0xff
if modulation_mode == 4:
modulation_mode_name = '8VSB'
modulation_mode_name = None
print "VCT modulation mode",modulation_mode,modulation_mode_name
carrier_frequency = struct.unpack("!I", payload[28:28+4])[0]
print "VCT carrier frequency",carrier_frequency
# "The FCC will12 issue a TSID for each digital station upon licensing.", odd for digital, even analog
channel_tsid = struct.unpack("!H", payload[32:32+2])[0]
print "VCT channel TSID",channel_tsid
program_number = struct.unpack("!H", payload[34:34+2])[0]
print "VCT program number",program_number
# EMT_location, access_controlled, hidden, reserved, hide_guide, reserved, service_type
flags = struct.unpack("!H", payload[34:34+2])[0]
print "VCT misc flags %.4x" % (flags,)
service_type = flags & 0x3f
# a_69.pdf page 29
# 1 denotes an NTSC analog service
# 2 denotes an ATSC full digital TV service including video, audio (if present) and data (if present)
# 3 denotes an ATSC audio and data (if present) service
# 4 denotes a ATSC data service
service_types = {
1:'NTSC analog',
2:'ATSC full digital',
3:'ATSC audio and data',
4:'ATSC data'
print "VCT service type",service_type,service_types.get(service_type)
source_id = struct.unpack("!H", payload[36:36+2])[0]
# "The source_id is a critical internal index13 for representing the particular logical channel. Broadcasters can assign arbitrary source_id numbers from 1 to 4095 for non registered sources14"
print "VCT source id",source_id,("%.4x"%source_id)
desc_len = struct.unpack("!H", payload[38:38+2])[0]
# 6 bits top reserved, lower 10 are descriptors_length
desc_len &= 0x3ff
print "VCT descriptors length",desc_len
print "VCT descriptors",decodeDescriptors(payload[40:40+desc_len])
# TODO: decode all in loop
# Table M.3 Bit Stream Syntax for the Event Information Table
def decodeEIT(payload, table_type_name):
#print 'EIT',table_type_name,[payload]
# not bothering to fully decode table here, just dumping ASCII text good enough to see program names...
# example:
# EIT EIT-0 ('............D........eng....Gag Concert.....eng.?....(../..eng..D........eng....School 2013.....eng.?....(../..eng..D........eng....Marry Me, Mary.....eng.?....(../..eng..............', 75)
# TODO: fully parse
print 'EIT',table_type_name,ascii_dump(payload)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
f = file(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
f = sys.stdin
packetCount = 0
program_map_pids = None
accumulated_1ffb_payload = None
while True:
# Packets are all 188 bytes
packet =
if len(packet) == 0: break
if len(packet) != 188:
print "%d != %d" % (len(packet), 188)
print "Incomplete packet:",[packet]
raise SystemExit
fields = decodeTSpacket(packet)
if fields['transport_error_indicator']:
#print 'corruoted'
# skip corrupted packets TODO: although could TRY to decode, usually fruitless
# the PAT, of pid 0000, is where it all begins
if fields['pid'] == 0x0000:
program_map_pids = decodePAT(fields['payload'])
# once we know the PAT, watch for pids that match it
if program_map_pids and fields['pid'] in program_map_pids.keys():
program = program_map_pids[fields['pid']]
decodePMT(fields['pid'], program, fields['payload'])
# "The base tables (Sytem Time Table, STT; Rating Region table, RRT; Master Guide Table, MGT; and Virtual Channel Table, VCT) are all labeled with the base packet ID (base PID), 0x1FFB."
# Wikipedia confusingly labels 0x1ffb (8187)
# as "Used by DigiCipher 2/ATSC MGT metadata"
# (well, I found it confusing - sounded like it was for encryption, but actually used by ATSC for PSIP!)
# MGT = Master Guide Table, links to all other tables, example:
if fields['pid'] == 0x1ffb:
print 'Found 1ffb psip',fields
if fields['payload_unit_start_indicator']: # TODO: reconstruct all packets
if accumulated_1ffb_payload and len(accumulated_1ffb_payload) != 0:
# when see start of next, decode previous, if have one
def trim_array(a):
s = ''
started = False
for elem in a:
if elem is not None:
s += elem
started = True
if started:
#print 'Skipping PSIP MGT with corrupted packets',[s]
#: maybe try partial decode anyway, but for now hoping get complete uncorrupted stream later
#return False # holes, not full decode
pass # TODO?
return s
print 'Accumulated 1ffb psip',accumulated_1ffb_payload
full = trim_array(accumulated_1ffb_payload)
if full:
accumulated_1ffb_payload = [None] * 16
if accumulated_1ffb_payload != None: # if didn't start in middle (only accumulate full start->end)
accumulated_1ffb_payload[fields['cont_counter']] = fields['payload']
elif fields['pid'] in psip_table_pids.keys():
table_type_name = psip_table_pids[fields['pid']]
print 'TABLE TYPE NAME %.4x %s' % (fields['pid'], table_type_name)
if table_type_name == 'Channel EIT' or table_type_name.startswith('EIT-'):
if 'payload' in fields:
# Event Information Tables
decodeEIT(fields['payload'], table_type_name)
if fields.get('payload'):
s, printable = ascii_dump(fields['payload'])
# show packet payloads that probably are text
if printable > 100:
print "PID w/ text: %.4x %s" % (fields['pid'], s)
#print [fields['payload']]
packetCount += 1
print "Read %s packets" % (packetCount,)
# TODO: decode by packet identifiers
# 32-8186 0x0020-0x1FFA May be assigned as needed to Program Map Tables, elementary streams and other data tables
# 8188-8190 0x1FFC-0x1FFE May be assigned as needed to Program Map Tables, elementary streams and other data tables
# PAT (pid 0000) ->
# NIT (from PAT or 0x0010)
# ./tstools/bin/tsreport mpeg.ts -justpid 0x1e00 |grep -v adapt|unhex
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