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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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How to get into revenue flows on local
Client upsells
- this doesn't seem to work with accounts, so user a non-change user
- delete the browser cookie: prompted_petition
- in the change_production repo, open the rails console with: `bundle exec rails c`
- create a petition that has 100+ signatures: `FactoryGirl.create(:lead_in_petition)`
- get the id of the last petition: ``
- navigate to and sign the petition
- you can tell you are in client upsells by the text at the top "You might also like this *suggested* petition
Member donations
- delete the browser cookie: sponsorship_form
- check if you have a victory fund set up: VictoryFundSetting.find_by_country_code('US')
- if not, set up victory fund: FactoryGirl.create(:victory_fund_setting, country_code: 'US')
- associate victory fund to a petition: FactoryGirl.create(:victory_fund, petition: Petition.find('makayla-pfeffer-save-the-world-for-the-314th-time'))
- as an admin, nav to and ensure that "Sponsorship Active" checkbox is on
- (to log in as admin go to and choose a name from that list. login with user:<name> pass:Letmein123)
- sign the petition
- you should be redirected to a url like -
- delete the browser cookie: prompted_petition
- open the rails console with: `bundle exec rails c`
- create a petition that has victory fund: FactoryGirl.create(:victory_fund_credit)
- as admin user, nav to and ensure that "fulfillment enabled?" checkbox is on for the petition you just created
- create a petition: `FactoryGirl.create(:lead_in_petition)`
- sign petition
- you should be taken to a url like
- you can tell you are in member upsells by the text at the top "You might also like this *promoted* petition
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