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Last active May 29, 2021 15:37
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StoredPropertyIterable + CustomKeyPathIterable
// Part 1. StoredPropertyIterable
// This models the purely static layout of a struct.
// This is an implementation detail that is required before PAT existentials are
// possible.
protocol _StoredPropertyIterableBase {
static var _allStoredPropertiesTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] { get }
static var _recursivelyAllStoredPropertiesTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] { get }
protocol StoredPropertyIterable : _StoredPropertyIterableBase {
associatedtype AllStoredProperties : Collection
where AllStoredProperties.Element == PartialKeyPath<Self>
static var allStoredProperties: AllStoredProperties { get }
extension StoredPropertyIterable {
static var _allStoredPropertiesTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] {
return { $0 as AnyKeyPath }
static var _recursivelyAllStoredPropertiesTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] {
return { $0 as AnyKeyPath }
extension StoredPropertyIterable {
static var recursivelyAllStoredProperties: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] {
var kps: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] = []
for kp in allStoredProperties {
if let t = type(of: kp).valueType as? _StoredPropertyIterableBase.Type {
for nkp in t._recursivelyAllStoredPropertiesTypeErased {
kps.append(kp.appending(path: nkp)!)
return kps
// Type-specific key paths getters.
extension StoredPropertyIterable {
static func allStoredProperties<T>(ofValueType _: T.Type) -> [KeyPath<Self, T>] {
return allStoredProperties.compactMap { $0 as? KeyPath<Self, T> }
static func allMutableStoredProperties<T>(
ofValueType _: T.Type
) -> [WritableKeyPath<Self, T>] {
return allStoredProperties(ofValueType: T.self).compactMap {
$0 as? WritableKeyPath<Self, T>
static func recursivelyAllStoredProperties<T>(
ofValueType _: T.Type
) -> [KeyPath<Self, T>] {
return recursivelyAllStoredProperties.compactMap { $0 as? KeyPath<Self, T> }
static func recursivelyAllMutableStoredProperties<T>(
ofValueType _: T.Type
) -> [WritableKeyPath<Self, T>] {
return recursivelyAllStoredProperties(ofValueType: T.self).compactMap {
$0 as? WritableKeyPath<Self, T>
// Testbed
struct Meow : StoredPropertyIterable {
var a: Float
var b: Float
// NOTE: This is *all* the compiler needs to synthesize.
static var allStoredProperties: [PartialKeyPath<Meow>] {
return [\Meow.a, \Meow.b]
struct Foo : StoredPropertyIterable {
var x: Int
var y: Int
let z: Int
var c: Meow
var arr: [Meow]
var dict: [String : Meow]
// NOTE: This is *all* the compiler needs to synthesize.
static var allStoredProperties: [PartialKeyPath<Foo>] {
return [\Foo.x, \Foo.y, \Foo.z, \Foo.c, \Foo.arr, \Foo.dict]
Foo.allStoredProperties(ofValueType: Int.self)
Foo.allMutableStoredProperties(ofValueType: Int.self)
// Part 2. CustomKeyPathIterable
// This models both static and dynamic structures. When the conforming type
// also conforms to StoredPropertyIterable, it has a default implementation.
protocol _CustomKeyPathIterableBase {
var _allKeyPathsTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] { get }
var _recursivelyAllKeyPathsTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] { get }
protocol CustomKeyPathIterable : _CustomKeyPathIterableBase {
associatedtype AllKeyPaths : Collection
where AllKeyPaths.Element == PartialKeyPath<Self>
var allKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] { get }
extension CustomKeyPathIterable {
var _allKeyPathsTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] {
return { $0 as AnyKeyPath }
var _recursivelyAllKeyPathsTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] {
return { $0 as AnyKeyPath }
extension CustomKeyPathIterable where Self : StoredPropertyIterable, AllKeyPaths == AllStoredProperties {
var allKeyPaths: AllKeyPaths {
return Self.allStoredProperties
extension CustomKeyPathIterable {
var recursivelyAllKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] {
var kps: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] = []
for kp in allKeyPaths {
if let nested = self[keyPath: kp] as? _CustomKeyPathIterableBase {
for nkp in nested._recursivelyAllKeyPathsTypeErased {
kps.append(kp.appending(path: nkp)!)
return kps
extension CustomKeyPathIterable {
func allKeyPaths<T>(ofValueType _: T.Type) -> [KeyPath<Self, T>] {
return allKeyPaths.compactMap { $0 as? KeyPath<Self, T> }
func recursivelyAllKeyPaths<T>(ofValueType _: T.Type) -> [KeyPath<Self, T>] {
return recursivelyAllKeyPaths.compactMap { $0 as? KeyPath<Self, T> }
// Testbed
extension Foo : CustomKeyPathIterable {
// Compiler needs to derive this typealias as well, give that Foo already
// conforms to `StoredPropertyIterable`.
typealias AllKeyPaths = AllStoredProperties
extension Array : CustomKeyPathIterable {
typealias AllKeyPaths = [PartialKeyPath<Array>]
var allKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Array>] {
return { \Array[$0] }
extension Dictionary : CustomKeyPathIterable {
typealias AllKeyPaths = [PartialKeyPath<Dictionary>]
var allKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Dictionary>] {
return { \Dictionary[$0]! }
let foo = Foo(x: 1, y: 2, z: 3, c: Meow(a: 4, b: 5),
arr: [Meow(a: 6, b: 7), Meow(a: 8, b: 9)],
dict: ["a" : Meow(a: 10, b: 11), "b" : Meow(a: 12, b: 13)])
// Yay!
assert(foo.recursivelyAllKeyPaths(ofValueType: Meow.self).count == 5)
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