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Created March 13, 2017 23:00
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  • Save rxwen/199f268fe37082014612cb6ed0dfb59e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rxwen/199f268fe37082014612cb6ed0dfb59e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
 Vold  I  Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
 D  Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
 D  Volume usb state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
 SocketClient  W  write error (Broken pipe)
 ProxyNode  W  no zcl-attr-reading no discovering
 W  no support for zcl-attrs-read
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 70000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAI
LABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] == fire UID_TIMER_REQ time
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379681829ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 129
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:112, seq:121
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:112 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:73 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5220
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5220
 W  sendFrame:0x82131b30 data-frm:7 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:73 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 30 a7 80 34 00 52 0.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5221
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: a7 80 34 00 52 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 40 a7 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 53 @..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 79 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1y..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5222
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82118e58 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:82
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 66972 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 50 a7 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 P..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 52 70 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5223
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:112 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379684857ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 3 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:113, seq:122
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:113 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:06 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5224
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5224
 W  sendFrame:0x82131f38 data-frm:0 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:06 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 61 a8 80 34 00 54 a.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5225
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: a8 80 34 00 54 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 71 a8 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 55 q..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 7a 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1z..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5226
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82131ce8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:83
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 63942 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 01 a8 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 54 71 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5227
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:113 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379687887ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 3 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:114, seq:123
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:114 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:11 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5228
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5228
 W  sendFrame:0x82118e98 data-frm:1 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:11 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 12 a9 80 34 00 56 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5229
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: a9 80 34 00 56 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 22 a9 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 57 "..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 7b 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1{..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5230
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821321c0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:84
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 60911 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 32 a9 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 2..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 56 72 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5231
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:114 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379690918ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:115, seq:124
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:115 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:24 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5232
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5232
 W  sendFrame:0x82131ce8 data-frm:2 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:24 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 43 aa 80 34 00 58 C.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5233
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: aa 80 34 00 58 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 53 aa 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 59 S..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 7c 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1|..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5234
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132410 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:85
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 57881 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 63 aa 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 c..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 58 73 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5235
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:115 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379693.400000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 34893
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379693948ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:116, seq:125
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:116 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:37 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5236
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5236
 W  sendFrame:0x82130d38 data-frm:3 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:37 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 74 ab 80 34 00 5a t.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5237
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ab 80 34 00 5a .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 04 ab 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 5b ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 7d 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1}..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5238
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821321c0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:86
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 54850 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 14 ab 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 5a 74 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5239
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:116 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379696980ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:117, seq:126
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:117 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:42 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5240
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5240
 W  sendFrame:0x82131d98 data-frm:4 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:42 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 25 ac 80 34 00 5c %.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5241
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ac 80 34 00 5c .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 35 ac 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 5d 5..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 7e 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1~..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5242
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132410 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:87
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 51820 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 45 ac 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 E..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 5c 75 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5243
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:117 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379700009ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 136
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:118, seq:127
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:118 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:55 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5244
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5244
 W  sendFrame:0x82131250 data-frm:5 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:55 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 56 ad 80 34 00 5e V.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5245
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ad 80 34 00 5e .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 66 ad 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 5f f..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 7f 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5246
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821321c0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:88
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 48792 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 76 ad 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 v..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 5e 76 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5247
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:118 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq type="get" id="10" xmlns:cli="jabber:client">
<ping:ping xmlns:ping="urn:xmpp:ping"/></cli:iq>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 67 65 74 22 20 69 <iq type="
get" i
 W  0010: 64 3d 22 31 30 22 3e 3c 70 69 6e 67 3a 70 69 6e d="10"><pi
 W  0020: 67 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 70 69 6e 67 3d 22 75 72 g xmlns:pi
 W  0030: 6e 3a 78 6d 70 70 3a 70 69 6e 67 22 2f 3e 3c 2f n:xmpp:pin
 W  0040: 69 71 3e
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="result" id="10" to="box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379703037ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 137
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:119, seq:0
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:119 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:60 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5248
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5248
 W  sendFrame:0x82118fd8 data-frm:6 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:60 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 07 ae 80 34 00 60 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5249
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ae 80 34 00 60 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 17 ae 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 61 ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 00 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5250
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132410 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:89
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 45761 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 27 ae 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 '..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 60 77 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5251
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:119 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379706068ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 138
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:120, seq:1
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:120 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:73 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5252
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5252
 W  sendFrame:0x82118fd8 data-frm:7 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:73 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 30 af 80 34 00 62 0.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5253
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: af 80 34 00 62 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 40 af 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 63 @..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 01 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5254
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132660 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:90
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 42730 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 50 af 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 P..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 62 78 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5255
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:120 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379709099ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 139
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:121, seq:2
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:121 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:06 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5256
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5256
 W  sendFrame:0x821323d0 data-frm:0 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:06 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 61 b0 80 34 00 64 a.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5257
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b0 80 34 00 64 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 71 b0 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 65 q..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 02 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5258
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821328b0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:91
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 39702 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 01 b0 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 64 79 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5259
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:121 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AshEngine  W  got 29 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 11 b0 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 47 ...E......
 W  0010: fe c6 63 5e ff ff 05 10 01 00 00 00 04 ..c^...
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5260
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:45:EZSP_INCOMING_MESSAGE_HANDLER
 E  --> onReceivedEzspZclMessage:type:INCOMING_UNICAST lqi:254 rssi:-58 sende
r:0x5e63 bindex:255 addrIndex:255 msgLen:5
 E  src-ep:1 dst-ep:1 profile:0x0104 cluster:0x000a:TIME_CLUSTER group-id:000
0 aps-seq:71 zcl-frm-ctrl:0x10 manu-code:0000 zcl-seq:1 zcl-cmd:00
 W  onNodeOccured OCCURED_BY_ZCL_MESSAGE 0x5e63:0xffffffffffffffff type UNKNO
 E  findNodeByExtAddress with INVALID addr!
 W  only matched nwk addr, EXT is invalid
 ProxyNode  W  ================ zcl-msg:
 W  0000: b0 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 47 fe ..E.......
 W  0010: c6 63 5e ff ff 05 10 01 00 00 00 04 .c^...
 W  ________________
 W  >> onZclGlobalCommand
 E  got zcl-read-attr-cmd from TIME_CLUSTER
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d00
0153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] -->recordLast
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_INVALID_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:80
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379714060ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 140
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:122, seq:3
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:122 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:12 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5261
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5261
 W  sendFrame:0x82131eb0 data-frm:1 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:12 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 22 b1 80 34 00 66 ".
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5262
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b1 80 34 00 66 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 32 b1 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 67 2..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 03 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5263
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821325d8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:92
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 34741 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 42 b1 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 B..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 66 7a 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5264
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:122 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379717088ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 141
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:123, seq:4
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:123 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:25 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5265
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5265
 W  sendFrame:0x82131c60 data-frm:2 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:25 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 53 b2 80 34 00 68 S.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5266
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b2 80 34 00 68 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 63 b2 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 69 c..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 04 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5267
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132840 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:93
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 31711 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 73 b2 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 s..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 68 7b 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5268
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:123 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379720118ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 142
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:124, seq:5
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:124 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:30 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5269
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5269
 W  sendFrame:0x82132620 data-frm:3 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:30 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 04 b3 80 34 00 6a ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5270
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b3 80 34 00 6a .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 14 b3 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 6b ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 05 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5271
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132a90 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:94
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 28681 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 24 b3 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 $..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 6a 7c 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5272
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:124 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379723148ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 143
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:125, seq:6
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:125 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:43 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5273
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5273
 W  sendFrame:0x821327a0 data-frm:4 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:43 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 35 b4 80 34 00 6c 5.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5274
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b4 80 34 00 6c .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 45 b4 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 6d E..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 06 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5275
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132ce0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:95
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 25651 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 55 b4 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 U..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 6c 7d 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5276
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:125 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379726179ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 144
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:126, seq:7
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:126 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:56 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5277
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5277
 W  sendFrame:0x82131eb0 data-frm:5 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:56 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 66 b5 80 34 00 6e f.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5278
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b5 80 34 00 6e .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 76 b5 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 6f v..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 07 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5279
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821329d0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:96
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 22622 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 06 b5 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 6e 7e 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5280
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:126 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379727.9600000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 34952
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379729207ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 145
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:127, seq:8
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:127 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW
_ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:61 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5281
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5281
 W  sendFrame:0x821328e0 data-frm:6 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:61 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 17 b6 80 34 00 70 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5282
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b6 80 34 00 70 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 27 b6 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 71 '..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 08 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5283
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132c20 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:97
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 19591 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 37 b6 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 7..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 70 7f 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5284
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:127 sent-status:0
x00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379732239ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 146
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:0, seq:9
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:0 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:74 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5285
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5285
 W  sendFrame:0x82132b60 data-frm:7 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:74 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 40 b7 80 34 00 72 @.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5286
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b7 80 34 00 72 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 50 b7 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 73 P..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 09 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5287
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132e70 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:98
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 16562 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 60 b7 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 `..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 72 00 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5288
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:0 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379735267ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 147
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:1, seq:10
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:1 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:07 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5289
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5289
 W  sendFrame:0x82132a98 data-frm:0 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:07 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 71 b8 80 34 00 74 q.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5290
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b8 80 34 00 74 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 01 b8 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 75 ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 0a 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5291
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821330c0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:99
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 13531 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 11 b8 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 74 01 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5292
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:1 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379738298ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 148
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:2, seq:11
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:2 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:12 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5293
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5293
 W  sendFrame:0x82132c70 data-frm:1 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:12 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 22 b9 80 34 00 76 ".
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5294
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: b9 80 34 00 76 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 32 b9 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 77 2..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 0b 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5295
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82132e58 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:100
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 10501 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 42 b9 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 B..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 76 02 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5296
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:2 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379741328ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 149
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:3, seq:12
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:3 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:25 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5297
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5297
 W  sendFrame:0x82132c70 data-frm:2 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:25 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 53 ba 80 34 00 78 S.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5298
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ba 80 34 00 78 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 63 ba 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 79 c..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 0c 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5299
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821330c0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:101
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 7471 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 73 ba 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 s..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 78 03 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5300
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:3 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379744358ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 150
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:4, seq:13
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:4 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:30 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5301
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5301
 W  sendFrame:0x82132fd0 data-frm:3 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:30 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 04 bb 80 34 00 7a ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5302
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: bb 80 34 00 7a .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 14 bb 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 7b ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 0d 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5303
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82133310 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:102
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 4441 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 24 bb 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 $..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 7a 04 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5304
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:4 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379747388ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 151
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:5, seq:14
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:5 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:43 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1435 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5305
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5305
 W  sendFrame:0x82132c70 data-frm:4 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:43 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 35 bc 80 34 00 7c 5.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5306
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: bc 80 34 00 7c .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 45 bc 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 7d E..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 0e 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5307
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82133560 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:103
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1411 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 55 bc 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 U..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 7c 05 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5308
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:5 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
CheckUpgradePackageTask  E  tid:2784 OTACheckUpgradePackageTask.cpp(188)#:OnMessage(talk_base::Messag
e*) OTACheckUpgradePackageTask::OnMessage()
 E  tid:3822 OTACheckUpgradePackageTask.cpp(94)#:DoCheckVersion() OTACheckUpg
 I  check against url:
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1938)#:onError(uint32_t, const android::sp<EzspRequ
est>&) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutra
l2" -57dbm ] --> ProxyNode::onError 01000000 req:UID_TIMER_REQ
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1892)#:onTraceError(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, uint32_t, uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "l
umi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] --> onTraceError() req:UID_TIMER_REQ reason:0
x00000000 code:0x00000000
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_TIMER_REQ [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE
END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] 00000000
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_TIMER_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:81
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 EzspEngine  W  both delay-queue and waiting-queue are empty
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379751830ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready YES prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 152
 ProxyNode  W  no zcl-attr-reading no discovering
 W  no support for zcl-attrs-read
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 70000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAI
LABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] == fire UID_TIMER_REQ time
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379754834ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 129
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 5 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:6, seq:15
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:6 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:56 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5309
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5309
 W  sendFrame:0x82132f48 data-frm:5 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:56 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 66 bd 80 34 00 7e f.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5310
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: bd 80 34 00 7e .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 76 bd 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 7f v..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 0f 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5311
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821337b0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:104
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 66965 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 06 bd 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 7e 06 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5312
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:6 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379757868ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:7, seq:16
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:7 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:61 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5313
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5313
 W  sendFrame:0x82131f78 data-frm:6 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:61 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 17 be 80 34 00 80 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5314
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: be 80 34 00 80 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 27 be 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 81 '..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 10 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5315
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82133540 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:105
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 63935 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 37 be 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 7..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 80 07 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5316
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:7 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq type="get" id="10" xmlns:cli="jabber:client">
<ping:ping xmlns:ping="urn:xmpp:ping"/></cli:iq>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 67 65 74 22 20 69 <iq type="
get" i
 W  0010: 64 3d 22 31 30 22 3e 3c 70 69 6e 67 3a 70 69 6e d="10"><pi
 W  0020: 67 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 70 69 6e 67 3d 22 75 72 g xmlns:pi
 W  0030: 6e 3a 78 6d 70 70 3a 70 69 6e 67 22 2f 3e 3c 2f n:xmpp:pin
 W  0040: 69 71 3e
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="result" id="10" to="box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379760898ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:8, seq:17
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:8 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:74 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5317
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5317
 W  sendFrame:0x82132f88 data-frm:7 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:74 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 40 bf 80 34 00 82 @.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5318
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: bf 80 34 00 82 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 50 bf 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 83 P..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 11 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5319
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82133790 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:106
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 60905 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 60 bf 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 `..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 82 08 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5320
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:8 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 HttpClient  I  == Info: Trying
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: Cipher selection: ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT56:!aNULL:!LOW:!R
 D  => Send header
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379762.9400000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 34273
 HttpClient  I  == Info: successfully set certificate verify locations:
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
 I  CApath: none
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
 D  => Send header
 D  => Send SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
 D  => Send header
 D  <= Recv SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
 D  => Send header
 D  <= Recv SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
 D  => Send header
 D  <= Recv SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
 D  => Send header
 D  <= Recv SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
 D  => Send header
 D  => Send SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
 D  => Send header
 D  => Send SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
 D  => Send header
 D  => Send SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
 D  => Send header
 D  <= Recv SSL data
 I  == Info: TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
 D  => Send header
 D  <= Recv SSL data
 I  == Info: SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: Server certificate:
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: subject:
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: start date: Feb 8 04:49:00 2017 GMT
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: expire date: May 9 04:49:00 2017 GMT
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: subjectAltName: matched
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: issuer: C=US; O=Let's Encrypt; CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X
 D  => Send header
 I  == Info: SSL certificate verify ok.
 D  => Send header
 D  => Send header
 D  <= Recv header
 D  <= Recv header
 D  <= Recv header
 D  <= Recv header
 D  <= Recv header
 D  <= Recv header
 D  <= Recv data
 I  == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
 D  => Send header
 I  curl_easy_perform returned 0, http_code 200
CheckUpgradePackageTask  I  http returned: {"status_code":20000,"version":"v2.0.0","url":"https://xia","checksum":"1a83c85515f084f26073a94ee5bf
 I  compare current version: v2.0.4 vs server version: v2.0.0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379763928ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:9, seq:18
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:9 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_Z
CL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:07 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5321
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5321
 W  sendFrame:0x821336b8 data-frm:0 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:07 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 71 c0 80 34 00 84 q.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5322
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c0 80 34 00 84 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 01 c0 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 85 ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 12 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5323
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821339e0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:107
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 57874 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 11 c0 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 84 09 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5324
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:9 sent-status:0x0
0 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 hashutils  I  calculate checksum of file /data/recovery/temp/, hash is 1a83c8
CheckUpgradePackageTask  I  file /data/recovery/temp/ already exists and checksum match, sk
ip download
 LiveCloudService  I  OnPackageAvailable v2.0.0 for device:
otifyUpgradePackageTask  I  OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask::OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask
 LiveCloudService  E  tid:3822 this:0x81456f58 LiveCloudService.cpp(243)#:runTask(talk_base::Ta
sk*) --> LiveCloudService::runTask:0x816ca5c8
otifyUpgradePackageTask  I  OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask::ProcessStart
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="pqowb9ew5jbuup
h0" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:device-new-version-report
uuid="" device-new-version="v2.0.0" devi
ce-current-version="v2.0.4" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 <message t
 W  0010: 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 69 en@xiaoyan
.io" i
 W  0020: 64 3d 22 70 71 6f 77 62 39 65 77 35 6a 62 75 75 d="pqowb9e
 W  0030: 70 68 30 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d 61 ph0" type=
 W  0040: 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 64 65 76 69 63 65 2d 6e 65 l"><xl:dev
 W  0050: 77 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 2d 72 65 70 6f 72 74 w-version-
 W  0060: 20 75 75 69 64 3d 22 62 6f 78 2d 39 38 2d 38 34 uuid="box
 W  0070: 2d 65 33 2d 61 37 2d 66 64 2d 35 36 40 78 69 61 -e3-a7-fd-
 W  0080: 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 2d" d
 W  0090: 6e 65 77 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 22 76 32 2e new-versio
 W  00a0: 30 2e 30 22 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 2d 63 75 72 72 0.0" devic
 W  00b0: 65 6e 74 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 22 76 32 2e ent-versio
 W  00c0: 30 2e 34 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 0.4" xmlns
 W  00d0: 6c 22 2f 3e 3c 2f 6d 65 73 73 61 6
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(52)# SetNewVersion(const string&) set new v
ersion to v2.0.0
 E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(59)# SetNewVersion(const string&) new versi
on has been set to v2.0.0
 E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(25)# compose_version_info(bool) reload: 1
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
   E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(46)# compose_version_info(bool) current new
version: v2.0.0
otifyUpgradePackageTask  I  update my presence to <cli:presence xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><cli:status
>livebox</cli:status><cli:priority>1</cli:priority><c xmlns="http://jabbe" node="" ver="&lt;version firmware-version=&quot;v2.0
.4&quot; hardware-version=&quot;v1&quot; name=&quot;&quot; device-new-ver
sion=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;" ext=""/><x xmlns="jabber:x:delay" stamp="20
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:presence xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><cli:status>l
ivebox</cli:status><cli:priority>1</cli:priority><c xmlns="http://jabber.
org/protocol/caps" node="" ver="&lt;version firmware-version=&quot;v2.0.4
&quot; hardware-version=&quot;v1&quot; name=&quot;&quot; device-new-versi
on=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;" ext=""/><x xmlns="jabber:x:delay" stamp="2017
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 70 72 65 73 65 6e 63 65 3e 3c 73 74 61 74 75 <presence>
 W  0010: 73 3e 6c 69 76 65 62 6f 78 3c 2f 73 74 61 74 75 s>livebox<
 W  0020: 73 3e 3c 70 72 69 6f 72 69 74 79 3e 31 3c 2f 70 s><priorit
 W  0030: 72 69 6f 72 69 74 79 3e 3c 63 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 riority><c
 W  0040: 3d 22 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 6a 61 62 62 65 72 2e ="http://j
 W  0050: 6f 72 67 2f 70 72 6f 74 6f 63 6f 6c 2f 63 61 70 org/protoc
 W  0060: 73 22 20 6e 6f 64 65 3d 22 22 20 76 65 72 3d 22 s" node=""
 W  0070: 26 6c 74 3b 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 66 69 72 6d &lt;versio
n firm
 W  0080: 77 61 72 65 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 26 71 75 ware-versi
 W  0090: 6f 74 3b 76 32 2e 30 2e 34 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 20 ot;v2.0.4&
 W  00a0: 68 61 72 64 77 61 72 65 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e hardware-v
 W  00b0: 3d 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 76 31 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 20 =&quot;v1&
 W  00c0: 6e 61 6d 65 3d 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 26 71 75 6f 74 name=&quot
 W  00d0: 3b 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 2d 6e 65 7
 E  <<< send, bytes:394
 E  --> socket_write result:394
otifyUpgradePackageTask  I  OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask::ProcessDone
 I  OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask::~OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask
 I  OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask::OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask
 LiveCloudService  E  tid:3822 this:0x81456f58 LiveCloudService.cpp(243)#:runTask(talk_base::Ta
sk*) --> LiveCloudService::runTask:0x816ca5c8
otifyUpgradePackageTask  I  OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask::ProcessStart
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="hgjrvhb4vsq1e
byn" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:device-new-version-repor
t uuid="" device-new-version="v2.0.0" dev
ice-current-version="v2.0.4" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 7a 68 6f <message t
 W  0010: 75 72 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 urn@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 68 67 6a 72 76 68 62 34 76 73 71 31 id="hgjrvh
 W  0030: 65 62 79 6e 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d ebyn" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 64 65 76 69 63 65 2d 6e al"><xl:de
 W  0050: 65 77 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 2d 72 65 70 6f 72 ew-version
 W  0060: 74 20 75 75 69 64 3d 22 62 6f 78 2d 39 38 2d 38 t uuid="bo
 W  0070: 34 2d 65 33 2d 61 37 2d 66 64 2d 35 36 40 78 69 4-e3-a7-fd
 W  0080: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 64 65 76 69 63 65"
 W  0090: 2d 6e 65 77 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 22 76 32 -new-versi
 W  00a0: 2e 30 2e 30 22 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 2d 63 75 72 .0.0" devi
 W  00b0: 72 65 6e 74 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 22 76 32 rent-versi
 W  00c0: 2e 30 2e 34 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 .0.4" xmln
 W  00d0: 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3c 2f 6d 65 73 73 6
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(52)# SetNewVersion(const string&) set new v
ersion to v2.0.0
 E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(59)# SetNewVersion(const string&) new versi
on has been set to v2.0.0
 E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(25)# compose_version_info(bool) reload: 1
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
   E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(46)# compose_version_info(bool) current new
version: v2.0.0
otifyUpgradePackageTask  I  update my presence to <cli:presence xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><cli:status
>livebox</cli:status><cli:priority>1</cli:priority><c xmlns="http://jabbe" node="" ver="&lt;version firmware-version=&quot;v2.0
.4&quot; hardware-version=&quot;v1&quot; name=&quot;&quot; device-new-ver
sion=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;" ext=""/><x xmlns="jabber:x:delay" stamp="20
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:presence xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><cli:status>l
ivebox</cli:status><cli:priority>1</cli:priority><c xmlns="http://jabber.
org/protocol/caps" node="" ver="&lt;version firmware-version=&quot;v2.0.4
&quot; hardware-version=&quot;v1&quot; name=&quot;&quot; device-new-versi
on=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;" ext=""/><x xmlns="jabber:x:delay" stamp="2017
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 70 72 65 73 65 6e 63 65 3e 3c 73 74 61 74 75 <presence>
 W  0010: 73 3e 6c 69 76 65 62 6f 78 3c 2f 73 74 61 74 75 s>livebox<
 W  0020: 73 3e 3c 70 72 69 6f 72 69 74 79 3e 31 3c 2f 70 s><priorit
 W  0030: 72 69 6f 72 69 74 79 3e 3c 63 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 riority><c
 W  0040: 3d 22 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 6a 61 62 62 65 72 2e ="http://j
 W  0050: 6f 72 67 2f 70 72 6f 74 6f 63 6f 6c 2f 63 61 70 org/protoc
 W  0060: 73 22 20 6e 6f 64 65 3d 22 22 20 76 65 72 3d 22 s" node=""
 W  0070: 26 6c 74 3b 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 66 69 72 6d &lt;versio
n firm
 W  0080: 77 61 72 65 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 26 71 75 ware-versi
 W  0090: 6f 74 3b 76 32 2e 30 2e 34 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 20 ot;v2.0.4&
 W  00a0: 68 61 72 64 77 61 72 65 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e hardware-v
 W  00b0: 3d 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 76 31 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 20 =&quot;v1&
 W  00c0: 6e 61 6d 65 3d 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 26 71 75 6f 74 name=&quot
 W  00d0: 3b 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 2d 6e 65 7
 E  <<< send, bytes:394
 E  --> socket_write result:394
otifyUpgradePackageTask  I  OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask::ProcessDone
 I  OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask::~OTANotifyUpgradePackageTask
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:presence from="
84e3a7fd5" to="" xmlns:cli="j
ty><c xmlns="" node="" ver="&lt;version fi
rmware-version=&quot;v2.0.4&quot; hardware-version=&quot;v1&quot; name=&q
uot;&quot; device-new-version=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;" ext=""/><x xmlns="
jabber:x:delay" stamp="20170313T22:54:11"/></cli:presence>
 RosterEventHandler  D  [IncomingPresenceChanged ], presence: <cli:presence from="box-98-84-e3-a7" to="
3a7fd5" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><cli:status>livebox</cli:status><cli:pr
iority>1</cli:priority><c xmlns="" node=""
ver="&lt;version firmware-version=&quot;v2.0.4&quot; hardware-version=&q
uot;v1&quot; name=&quot;&quot; device-new-version=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;
" ext=""/><x xmlns="jabber:x:delay" stamp="20170313T22:54:11"/></cli:pres
 LiveCloudService  I  Got presence update, sta
 W  ignore self
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:message to="
3a7fd5" id="hgjrvhb4vsq1ebyn" type="error" from="" xmlns
:cli="jabber:client"><xl:device-new-version-report xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="bo" device-new-version="v2.0.0" device-curren
t-version="v2.0.4"/><cli:error code="503" type="cancel"><service-unavaila
ble xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/></cli:error></cli:messag
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_SET
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_SET
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:presence from="
84e3a7fd5" to="" xmlns:cli="j
ty><c xmlns="" node="" ver="&lt;version fi
rmware-version=&quot;v2.0.4&quot; hardware-version=&quot;v1&quot; name=&q
uot;&quot; device-new-version=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;" ext=""/><x xmlns="
jabber:x:delay" stamp="20170313T22:54:11"/></cli:presence>
 RosterEventHandler  D  [IncomingPresenceChanged ], presence: <cli:presence from="box-98-84-e3-a7" to="
3a7fd5" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><cli:status>livebox</cli:status><cli:pr
iority>1</cli:priority><c xmlns="" node=""
ver="&lt;version firmware-version=&quot;v2.0.4&quot; hardware-version=&q
uot;v1&quot; name=&quot;&quot; device-new-version=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;
" ext=""/><x xmlns="jabber:x:delay" stamp="20170313T22:54:11"/></cli:pres
 LiveCloudService  I  Got presence update, sta
 W  ignore self
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379766959ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:10, seq:19
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:10 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:12 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5325
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5325
 W  sendFrame:0x821320a0 data-frm:1 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:12 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 22 c1 80 34 00 86 ".
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5326
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c1 80 34 00 86 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 32 c1 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 87 2..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 13 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5327
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82133c30 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:108
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 54845 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 42 c1 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 B..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 86 0a 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5328
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:10 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379769988ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:11, seq:20
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:11 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:25 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5329
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5329
 W  sendFrame:0x821339e0 data-frm:2 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:25 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 53 c2 80 34 00 88 S.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5330
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c2 80 34 00 88 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 63 c2 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 89 c..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 14 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5331
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82133e80 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:109
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 51814 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 73 c2 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 s..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 88 0b 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5332
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:11 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379773019ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 136
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:12, seq:21
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:12 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:30 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5333
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5333
 W  sendFrame:0x821323f8 data-frm:3 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:30 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 04 c3 80 34 00 8a ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5334
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c3 80 34 00 8a .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 14 c3 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 8b ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 15 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5335
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82133c28 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:110
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 48785 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 24 c3 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 $..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 8a 0c 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5336
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:12 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AshEngine  W  got 29 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 34 c3 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 48 4..E......
 W  0010: ff c6 63 5e ff ff 05 10 02 00 00 00 04 ..c^...
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5337
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:45:EZSP_INCOMING_MESSAGE_HANDLER
 E  --> onReceivedEzspZclMessage:type:INCOMING_UNICAST lqi:255 rssi:-58 sende
r:0x5e63 bindex:255 addrIndex:255 msgLen:5
 E  src-ep:1 dst-ep:1 profile:0x0104 cluster:0x000a:TIME_CLUSTER group-id:000
0 aps-seq:72 zcl-frm-ctrl:0x10 manu-code:0000 zcl-seq:2 zcl-cmd:00
 W  onNodeOccured OCCURED_BY_ZCL_MESSAGE 0x5e63:0xffffffffffffffff type UNKNO
 E  findNodeByExtAddress with INVALID addr!
 W  only matched nwk addr, EXT is invalid
 ProxyNode  W  ================ zcl-msg:
 W  0000: c3 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 48 ff ..E.......
 W  0010: c6 63 5e ff ff 05 10 02 00 00 00 04 .c^...
 W  ________________
 W  >> onZclGlobalCommand
 E  got zcl-read-attr-cmd from TIME_CLUSTER
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d00
0153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] -->recordLast
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_INVALID_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:82
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379777979ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 137
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:13, seq:22
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:13 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:44 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5338
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5338
 W  sendFrame:0x82132138 data-frm:4 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:44 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 45 c4 80 34 00 8c E.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5339
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c4 80 34 00 8c .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 55 c4 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 8d U..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 16 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5340
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82133e80 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:111
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 43825 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 65 c4 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 e..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 8c 0d 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5341
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:13 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379781008ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 138
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:14, seq:23
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:14 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:57 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5342
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5342
 W  sendFrame:0x82133d78 data-frm:5 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:57 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 76 c5 80 34 00 8e v.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5343
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c5 80 34 00 8e .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 06 c5 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 8f ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 17 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5344
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821340d0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:112
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 40794 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 16 c5 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 8e 0e 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5345
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:14 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379784039ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 139
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:15, seq:24
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:15 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:62 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5346
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5346
 W  sendFrame:0x82133e68 data-frm:6 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:62 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 27 c6 80 34 00 90 '.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5347
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c6 80 34 00 90 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 37 c6 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 91 7..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 18 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5348
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134320 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:113
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 37766 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 47 c6 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 G..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 90 0f 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5349
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:15 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379787067ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 140
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:16, seq:25
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:16 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:75 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5350
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5350
 W  sendFrame:0x821323f8 data-frm:7 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:75 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 50 c7 80 34 00 92 P.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5351
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c7 80 34 00 92 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 60 c7 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 93 `..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 19 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5352
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134038 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:114
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 34734 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 70 c7 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 p..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 92 10 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5353
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:16 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379790099ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 141
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:17, seq:26
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:17 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:00 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5354
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5354
 W  sendFrame:0x821336b8 data-frm:0 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:00 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 01 c8 80 34 00 94 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5355
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c8 80 34 00 94 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 11 c8 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 95 ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 1a 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5356
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134288 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:115
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 31704 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 21 c8 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 !..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 94 11 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5357
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:17 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379793129ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 142
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:18, seq:27
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:18 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:13 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5358
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5358
 W  sendFrame:0x82133f30 data-frm:1 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:13 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 32 c9 80 34 00 96 2.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5359
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: c9 80 34 00 96 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 42 c9 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 97 B..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 1b 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5360
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821344d8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:116
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 28676 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 52 c9 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 R..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 96 12 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5361
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:18 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379796157ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 143
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 3 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:19, seq:28
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:19 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:26 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5362
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5362
 W  sendFrame:0x821342a8 data-frm:2 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:26 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 63 ca 80 34 00 98 c.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5363
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ca 80 34 00 98 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 73 ca 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 99 s..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 1c 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5364
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134728 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:117
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 25644 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 03 ca 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 98 13 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5365
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:19 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379797.2400000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 37027
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379799189ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 144
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 0 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:20, seq:29
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:20 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:31 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5366
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5366
 W  sendFrame:0x82134388 data-frm:3 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:31 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 14 cb 80 34 00 9a ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5367
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: cb 80 34 00 9a .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 24 cb 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 9b $..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 1d 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5368
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134978 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:118
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 22616 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 34 cb 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 4..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 9a 14 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5369
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:20 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379802217ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 145
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:21, seq:30
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:21 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:44 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5370
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5370
 W  sendFrame:0x82134158 data-frm:4 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:44 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 45 cc 80 34 00 9c E.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5371
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: cc 80 34 00 9c .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 55 cc 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 9d U..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 1e 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5372
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134448 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:119
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 19584 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 65 cc 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 e..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 9c 15 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5373
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:21 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379805249ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 146
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:22, seq:31
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:22 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:57 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5374
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5374
 W  sendFrame:0x82132920 data-frm:5 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:57 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 76 cd 80 34 00 9e v.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5375
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: cd 80 34 00 9e .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 06 cd 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 9f ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 1f 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5376
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134698 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:120
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 16555 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 16 cd 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 9e 16 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5377
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:22 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379808278ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 147
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:23, seq:32
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:23 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:62 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5378
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5378
 W  sendFrame:0x82134590 data-frm:6 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:62 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 27 ce 80 34 00 a0 '.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5379
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ce 80 34 00 a0 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 37 ce 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 a1 7..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 20 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1 ..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5380
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821348e8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:121
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 13525 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 47 ce 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 G..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 a0 17 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5381
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:23 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379811308ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 148
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:24, seq:33
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:24 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:75 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5382
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5382
 W  sendFrame:0x82134698 data-frm:7 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:75 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 50 cf 80 34 00 a2 P.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5383
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: cf 80 34 00 a2 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 60 cf 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 a3 `..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 21 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1!..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5384
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134b38 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:122
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 10495 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 70 cf 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 p..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 a2 18 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5385
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:24 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379814338ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 149
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:25, seq:34
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:25 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:00 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5386
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5386
 W  sendFrame:0x82134158 data-frm:0 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:00 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 01 d0 80 34 00 a4 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5387
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: d0 80 34 00 a4 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 11 d0 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 a5 ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 22 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1"..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5388
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134850 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:123
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 7466 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 21 d0 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 !..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 a4 19 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5389
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:25 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379817368ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 150
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:26, seq:35
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:26 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:13 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5390
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5390
 W  sendFrame:0x82133cf0 data-frm:1 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:13 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 32 d1 80 34 00 a6 2.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5391
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: d1 80 34 00 a6 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 42 d1 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 a7 B..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 23 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1#..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5392
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134aa0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:124
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 4436 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 52 d1 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 R..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 a6 1a 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5393
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:26 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379820398ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 151
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:27, seq:36
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:27 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:26 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1430 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5394
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5394
 W  sendFrame:0x82134890 data-frm:2 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:26 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 63 d2 80 34 00 a8 c.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5395
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: d2 80 34 00 a8 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 73 d2 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 a9 s..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 24 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1$..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5396
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134cf0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:125
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1406 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 03 d2 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 a8 1b 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5397
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:27 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq type="get" id="10" xmlns:cli="jabber:client">
<ping:ping xmlns:ping="urn:xmpp:ping"/></cli:iq>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 67 65 74 22 20 69 <iq type="
get" i
 W  0010: 64 3d 22 31 30 22 3e 3c 70 69 6e 67 3a 70 69 6e d="10"><pi
 W  0020: 67 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 70 69 6e 67 3d 22 75 72 g xmlns:pi
 W  0030: 6e 3a 78 6d 70 70 3a 70 69 6e 67 22 2f 3e 3c 2f n:xmpp:pin
 W  0040: 69 71 3e
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="result" id="10" to="box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1938)#:onError(uint32_t, const android::sp<EzspRequ
est>&) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutra
l2" -57dbm ] --> ProxyNode::onError 01000000 req:UID_TIMER_REQ
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1892)#:onTraceError(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, uint32_t, uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "l
umi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] --> onTraceError() req:UID_TIMER_REQ reason:0
x00000000 code:0x00000000
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_TIMER_REQ [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE
END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] 00000000
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_TIMER_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:83
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 EzspEngine  W  both delay-queue and waiting-queue are empty
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379824836ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready YES prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 152
 ProxyNode  W  no zcl-attr-reading no discovering
 W  no support for zcl-attrs-read
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 70000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAI
LABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] == fire UID_TIMER_REQ time
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379827840ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 129
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:28, seq:37
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:28 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:31 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5398
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5398
 W  sendFrame:0x82134940 data-frm:3 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:31 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 14 d3 80 34 00 aa ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5399
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: d3 80 34 00 aa .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 24 d3 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 ab $..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 25 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1%..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5400
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135188 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:126
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 66972 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 34 d3 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 4..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 aa 1c 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5401
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:28 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AshEngine  W  got 17 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 44 d3 94 23 00 01 63 5e 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 D..#..c^D.
 W  0010: 04
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5402
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  E  tid:120 EzspIncomingMessageHandler.cpp(42)#:handlePacket(const uint8_t*,
size_t) got ezsp-child-join-msg: index:0 is-joining:1 nwk-addr:0x5e63 ext
-addr:0x00158d000153b844 node-type:0x4
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:23:EZSP_CHILD_JOIN_HANDLER
 W  --> onReceivedEzspChildJoinMessage index:0 is-joining:1 nwk-addr:0x5e63 e
xt-addr:0x00158d000153b844 node-type:0x4
 D  same device type, no update
 AshEngine  W  got 18 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 54 d3 90 24 63 5e 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 00 03 T..$c^D.S.
 W  0010: 00 00
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5403
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  E  tid:120 EzspIncomingMessageHandler.cpp(47)#:handlePacket(const uint8_t*,
size_t) got ezsp-trust-center-join-msg: node-id:0x5e63 ieee-addr:0x00158d
000153b844 dev-up-status:secured rejoin join-decision:3 parent:0x0000
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:24:EZSP_TRUST_CENTER_JOIN_HANDLER
 W  got ezsp-trust-center-join-msg: node-id:0x5e63 ieee-addr:0x00158d000153b8
44 dev-up-status:secured rejoin join-decision:3 parent:0x0000
 E  unused ezsp-trust-center-join-msg: node-id:0x5e63 ieee-addr:0x00158d00015
3b844 dev-up-status:secured rejoin join-decision:3 parent:0x0000
 AshEngine  W  got 36 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 64 d3 90 45 04 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 49 d..E......
 W  0010: fe c6 63 5e ff ff 0c 93 63 5e 44 b8 53 01 00 8d ..c^....c^
 W  0020: 15 00 84 04
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5404
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:45:EZSP_INCOMING_MESSAGE_HANDLER
 W  got dev-annce command DEV-ANNCE: nwk-addr:0x5e63 ext-addr:0x00158d000153b
844 cap:0x84
 W  onNodeOccured OCCURED_BY_ANNCE 0x5e63:0x00158d000153b844 type UNKNOWN_DEV
 ProxyNode  W  bingo!, same mac-cap flags 84
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(845)#:onReceivedZdoMessage(const EzspZigDevMessage&
) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -
57dbm ] already got the node type
 W  got dev-annce :DEV-ANNCE: nwk-addr:0x5e63 ext-addr:0x00158d000153b844 cap
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d00
0153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] -->recordLast
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_INVALID_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:84
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379831959ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:29, seq:38
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:29 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:47 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5405
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5405
 W  sendFrame:0x82134e50 data-frm:4 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:47 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 75 d4 80 34 00 ac u.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5406
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: d4 80 34 00 ac .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 05 d4 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 ad ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 26 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1&..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5407
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134be8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:127
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 62851 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 15 d4 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 ac 1d 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5408
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:29 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379834.3000000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 35129
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379834989ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:30, seq:39
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:30 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:52 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5409
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5409
 W  sendFrame:0x82133338 data-frm:5 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:52 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 26 d5 80 34 00 ae &.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5410
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: d5 80 34 00 ae .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 36 d5 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 af 6..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 27 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1'..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5411
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135188 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:128
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 59822 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 46 d5 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 F..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 ae 1e 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5412
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:30 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379838019ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:31, seq:40
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:31 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:65 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5413
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5413
 W  sendFrame:0x82134c28 data-frm:6 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:65 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 57 d6 80 34 00 b0 W.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5414
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: d6 80 34 00 b0 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 67 d6 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 b1 g..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 28 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1(..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5415
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821353d8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:65
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 56792 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 77 d6 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 w..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 b0 1f 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5416
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:31 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AshEngine  W  got 29 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 07 d6 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 4a ...E......
 W  0010: ff c6 63 5e ff ff 05 10 03 00 00 00 04 ..c^...
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5417
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:45:EZSP_INCOMING_MESSAGE_HANDLER
 E  --> onReceivedEzspZclMessage:type:INCOMING_UNICAST lqi:255 rssi:-58 sende
r:0x5e63 bindex:255 addrIndex:255 msgLen:5
 E  src-ep:1 dst-ep:1 profile:0x0104 cluster:0x000a:TIME_CLUSTER group-id:000
0 aps-seq:74 zcl-frm-ctrl:0x10 manu-code:0000 zcl-seq:3 zcl-cmd:00
 W  onNodeOccured OCCURED_BY_ZCL_MESSAGE 0x5e63:0xffffffffffffffff type UNKNO
 E  findNodeByExtAddress with INVALID addr!
 W  only matched nwk addr, EXT is invalid
 ProxyNode  W  ================ zcl-msg:
 W  0000: d6 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 4a ff ..E.......
 W  0010: c6 63 5e ff ff 05 10 03 00 00 00 04 .c^...
 W  ________________
 W  >> onZclGlobalCommand
 E  got zcl-read-attr-cmd from TIME_CLUSTER
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d00
0153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] -->recordLast
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_INVALID_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:85
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="12" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:device-permit-join xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="zigbee-system@000d6f
000cf6735f" zb-permit-join-duration="240"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 PermitJoinHandler  W  parsed permit-join-req, uuid:zigbee-system@000d6f000cf6735f duration:240
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 6
 W  send-permit-join, duration:240 uuid:zigbee-system@000d6f000cf6735f
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 7 ms
 W  send req [2010-UID_EZSP_PERMIT_JOIN] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:71 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 500 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5418
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5418
 W  sendFrame:0x82135378 data-frm:7 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:71 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 5 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 10 d7 80 22 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5419
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ZigbeeService  I  got ezsp-permit-join-rsp, status:0
 ZBEngine  D  --> onSimpleResponse evtid:1005, seqid:424, error: 0
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleResponse evtid:45
 W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 VirtualDeviceService  W  permit-join rsp, duration:240
 W  permit-join-opened, duration:240
 PermitJoinHandler  D  vd-permit-join-rsp, err:0, duration:240
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="12" type
="result" zb-permit-join-duration="240" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 32 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="1
2" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 7a 62 2d 70 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 72 6d 69 74 2d 6a 6f 69 6e 2d 64 75 72 61 74 69 rmit-join-
 W  0050: 6f 6e 3d 22 32 34 30 22 2f 3e on="
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:154
 E  --> socket_write result:154
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 54093 ms
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379841846ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 3 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:32, seq:41
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:32 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:02 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5420
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5420
 W  sendFrame:0x821351c8 data-frm:0 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:02 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 21 d8 80 34 00 b2 !.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5421
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: d8 80 34 00 b2 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 31 d8 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 b3 1..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 29 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1)..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5422
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135628 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:66
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 52962 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 41 d8 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 A..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 b2 20 00 00 .
. ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5423
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:32 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="13" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:device-permit-join xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="zigbee-system@000d6f
000cf6735f" zb-permit-join-duration="0"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 PermitJoinHandler  W  parsed permit-join-req, uuid:zigbee-system@000d6f000cf6735f duration:0
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 7
 W  send-permit-join, duration:0 uuid:zigbee-system@000d6f000cf6735f
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 6 ms
 W  send req [2010-UID_EZSP_PERMIT_JOIN] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:15 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 499 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5424
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5424
 W  sendFrame:0x821347a8 data-frm:1 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:15 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 5 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 52 d9 80 22 00 R
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5425
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ZigbeeService  I  got ezsp-permit-join-rsp, status:0
 ZBEngine  D  --> onSimpleResponse evtid:1005, seqid:425, error: 0
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleResponse evtid:45
 W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 VirtualDeviceService  W  permit-join rsp, duration:0
 PermitJoinHandler  D  vd-permit-join-rsp, err:0, duration:0
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="13" type
="result" zb-permit-join-duration="0" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 33 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="1
3" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 7a 62 2d 70 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 72 6d 69 74 2d 6a 6f 69 6e 2d 64 75 72 61 74 69 rmit-join-
 W  0050: 6f 6e 3d 22 30 22 2f 3e on
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:154
 E  --> socket_write result:154
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 52542 ms
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="14" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:config-info xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" name="
f100-01" area-uuid="area-0008"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  parsed config-info-req, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area-uuid:a
 W  >> createConfigInfoRequest, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:ar
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 8
   I  read: 17 addr_buf: 98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
 VirtualDeviceService  W  compare uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01 to xmpp usernmae: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
result: 0
 W  process-config-info uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  got config-info-rsp: error:0 is-new:1
 I  compare my jid: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56 with updated uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="14" type
="result" is-new="true" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 34 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="1
4" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 77 3d 22 74 72 75 65 22 2f 3e w="t
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 VirtualDeviceService  W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's name changed from f100-01 to f100-01
 W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's area changed from area-0008 to area-0008
 W  added new entity of 000d6f000b6bf100-01
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="gf1bryffwdbh2
wg5" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f1
00-01" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="true" cau
ser="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 73 65 72 <message t
 W  0010: 76 65 72 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 ver@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 67 66 31 62 72 79 66 66 77 64 62 68 id="gf1bry
 W  0030: 32 77 67 35 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d 2wg5" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 69 6e 66 6f 2d 63 6f 6e al"><xl:in
 W  0050: 66 69 67 75 72 65 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 66 31 figured na
 W  0060: 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 00-01" are
 W  0070: 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 38 22 20 75 75 69 ="area-000
8" uui
 W  0080: 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 62 66 d="000d6f0
 W  0090: 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 3d 22 100-01" is
 W  00a0: 74 72 75 65 22 20 63 61 75 73 65 72 3d 22 72 78 true" caus
 W  00b0: 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 wen@xiaoya
 W  00c0: 6c 62 61 6b 63 74 74 77 76 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 lbakcttwv"
 W  00d0: 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3c 2
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 VDEventHandler  I  << SendStanza:{<cli:message to="" id="gf1bryffwdbh2wg5"
type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f100-01
" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="true" causer="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>}
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379844878ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:33, seq:42
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:33 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:26 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5426
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5426
 W  sendFrame:0x82135418 data-frm:2 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:26 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 63 da 80 34 00 b4 c.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5427
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: da 80 34 00 b4 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 73 da 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 b5 s..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 2a 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1*..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5428
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135878 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:67
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 49931 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 03 da 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 b4 21 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5429
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:33 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379847909ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 136
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:34, seq:43
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:34 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:31 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5430
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5430
 W  sendFrame:0x821354c8 data-frm:3 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:31 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 14 db 80 34 00 b6 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5431
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: db 80 34 00 b6 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 24 db 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 b7 $..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 2b 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1+..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5432
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135ac8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:68
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 46902 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 34 db 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 4..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 b6 22 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5433
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:34 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="15" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:config-info xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" name="
f100-01" area-uuid="area-0008"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  parsed config-info-req, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area-uuid:a
 W  >> createConfigInfoRequest, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:ar
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 9
   I  read: 17 addr_buf: 98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
 VirtualDeviceService  W  compare uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01 to xmpp usernmae: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
result: 0
 W  process-config-info uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  got config-info-rsp: error:0 is-new:0
 I  compare my jid: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56 with updated uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="15" type
="result" is-new="false" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 35 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="1
5" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 77 3d 22 66 61 6c 73 65 22 2f 3e w="fa
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 VirtualDeviceService  W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's name changed from f100-01 to f100-01
 W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's area changed from area-0008 to area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="r8we0zxi3wgjn
52b" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f1
00-01" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" ca
user="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 73 65 72 <message t
 W  0010: 76 65 72 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 ver@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 72 38 77 65 30 7a 78 69 33 77 67 6a id="r8we0z
 W  0030: 6e 35 32 62 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d n52b" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 69 6e 66 6f 2d 63 6f 6e al"><xl:in
 W  0050: 66 69 67 75 72 65 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 66 31 figured na
 W  0060: 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 00-01" are
 W  0070: 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 38 22 20 75 75 69 ="area-000
8" uui
 W  0080: 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 62 66 d="000d6f0
 W  0090: 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 3d 22 100-01" is
 W  00a0: 66 61 6c 73 65 22 20 63 61 75 73 65 72 3d 22 72 false" cau
 W  00b0: 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f xwen@xiaoy
 W  00c0: 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74 74 77 76 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 2lbakcttwv
" xmln
 W  00d0: 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 VDEventHandler  I  << SendStanza:{<cli:message to="" id="r8we0zxi3wgjn52b"
type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f100-01
" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" causer=
"" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>}
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379850938ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "P
IR-panel" -76dbm ] ready NO prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 137
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:35, seq:44
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:35 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:44 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5434
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5434
 W  sendFrame:0x821339c8 data-frm:4 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:44 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 45 dc 80 34 00 b8 E.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5435
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: dc 80 34 00 b8 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 55 dc 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 b9 U..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 2c 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1,..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5436
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135588 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:69
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 43872 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 65 dc 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 e..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 b8 23 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5437
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:35 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  got the delay_ms 0
 W  [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "PIR-panel" -76dbm ] has b
een removed from map, res:0
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(393)#:cancelTracing() [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 O
FFLINE END_DEVICE "PIR-panel" -76dbm ] --> cancelTracing()
 W  --> TraceDesc::cancel 0x82131888
 ProxyNodeManager  W  offlined [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLINE END_DEVICE "PIR-panel" -76db
m ] been removed!
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(421)#~ProxyNode() [ 0x944a 0x000d6f000b6bf100 OFFLI
NE END_DEVICE "PIR-panel" -76dbm ] ~ProxyNode(), this:0x82119850
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="16" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:config-info xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" name="
f100-01" area-uuid="area-0008"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  parsed config-info-req, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area-uuid:a
 W  >> createConfigInfoRequest, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:ar
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 10
   I  read: 17 addr_buf: 98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
 VirtualDeviceService  W  compare uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01 to xmpp usernmae: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
result: 0
 W  process-config-info uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  got config-info-rsp: error:0 is-new:0
 I  compare my jid: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56 with updated uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="16" type
="result" is-new="false" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 36 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="1
6" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 77 3d 22 66 61 6c 73 65 22 2f 3e w="fa
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 VirtualDeviceService  W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's name changed from f100-01 to f100-01
 W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's area changed from area-0008 to area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="tnaq0aqslpug7
7xl" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f1
00-01" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" ca
user="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 73 65 72 <message t
 W  0010: 76 65 72 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 ver@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 74 6e 61 71 30 61 71 73 6c 70 75 67 id="tnaq0a
 W  0030: 37 37 78 6c 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d 77xl" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 69 6e 66 6f 2d 63 6f 6e al"><xl:in
 W  0050: 66 69 67 75 72 65 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 66 31 figured na
 W  0060: 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 00-01" are
 W  0070: 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 38 22 20 75 75 69 ="area-000
8" uui
 W  0080: 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 62 66 d="000d6f0
 W  0090: 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 3d 22 100-01" is
 W  00a0: 66 61 6c 73 65 22 20 63 61 75 73 65 72 3d 22 72 false" cau
 W  00b0: 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f xwen@xiaoy
 W  00c0: 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74 74 77 76 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 2lbakcttwv
" xmln
 W  00d0: 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 VDEventHandler  I  << SendStanza:{<cli:message to="" id="tnaq0aqslpug77xl"
type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f100-01
" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" causer=
"" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>}
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379853965ms
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="17" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:config-info xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" name="
f100-01" area-uuid="area-0008"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  parsed config-info-req, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area-uuid:a
 W  >> createConfigInfoRequest, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:ar
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 11
   I  read: 17 addr_buf: 98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
 VirtualDeviceService  W  compare uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01 to xmpp usernmae: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
result: 0
 W  process-config-info uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  got config-info-rsp: error:0 is-new:0
 I  compare my jid: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56 with updated uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="17" type
="result" is-new="false" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 37 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="1
7" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 77 3d 22 66 61 6c 73 65 22 2f 3e w="fa
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 VirtualDeviceService  W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's name changed from f100-01 to f100-01
 W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's area changed from area-0008 to area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="5c8sczoie2o5g
aw7" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f1
00-01" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" ca
user="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 73 65 72 <message t
 W  0010: 76 65 72 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 ver@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 35 63 38 73 63 7a 6f 69 65 32 6f 35 id="5c8scz
 W  0030: 67 61 77 37 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d gaw7" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 69 6e 66 6f 2d 63 6f 6e al"><xl:in
 W  0050: 66 69 67 75 72 65 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 66 31 figured na
 W  0060: 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 00-01" are
 W  0070: 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 38 22 20 75 75 69 ="area-000
8" uui
 W  0080: 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 62 66 d="000d6f0
 W  0090: 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 3d 22 100-01" is
 W  00a0: 66 61 6c 73 65 22 20 63 61 75 73 65 72 3d 22 72 false" cau
 W  00b0: 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f xwen@xiaoy
 W  00c0: 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74 74 77 76 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 2lbakcttwv
" xmln
 W  00d0: 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 VDEventHandler  I  << SendStanza:{<cli:message to="" id="5c8sczoie2o5gaw7"
type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f100-01
" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" causer=
"" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>}
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="18" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:config-info xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" name="
f100-01" area-uuid="area-0008"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  parsed config-info-req, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area-uuid:a
 W  >> createConfigInfoRequest, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:ar
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 12
   I  read: 17 addr_buf: 98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
 VirtualDeviceService  W  compare uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01 to xmpp usernmae: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
result: 0
 W  process-config-info uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  got config-info-rsp: error:0 is-new:0
 I  compare my jid: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56 with updated uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="18" type
="result" is-new="false" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 38 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="1
8" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 77 3d 22 66 61 6c 73 65 22 2f 3e w="fa
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 VirtualDeviceService  W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's name changed from f100-01 to f100-01
 W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's area changed from area-0008 to area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="eiza640bc84my
rak" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f1
00-01" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" ca
user="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 73 65 72 <message t
 W  0010: 76 65 72 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 ver@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 65 69 7a 61 36 34 30 62 63 38 34 6d id="eiza64
 W  0030: 79 72 61 6b 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d yrak" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 69 6e 66 6f 2d 63 6f 6e al"><xl:in
 W  0050: 66 69 67 75 72 65 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 66 31 figured na
 W  0060: 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 00-01" are
 W  0070: 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 38 22 20 75 75 69 ="area-000
8" uui
 W  0080: 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 62 66 d="000d6f0
 W  0090: 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 3d 22 100-01" is
 W  00a0: 66 61 6c 73 65 22 20 63 61 75 73 65 72 3d 22 72 false" cau
 W  00b0: 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f xwen@xiaoy
 W  00c0: 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74 74 77 76 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 2lbakcttwv
" xmln
 W  00d0: 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 VDEventHandler  I  << SendStanza:{<cli:message to="" id="eiza640bc84myrak"
type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f100-01
" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" causer=
"" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>}
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="19" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:config-info xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" name="
f100-01" area-uuid="area-0008"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  parsed config-info-req, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area-uuid:a
 W  >> createConfigInfoRequest, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:ar
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 13
   I  read: 17 addr_buf: 98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
 VirtualDeviceService  W  compare uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01 to xmpp usernmae: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
result: 0
 W  process-config-info uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  got config-info-rsp: error:0 is-new:0
 I  compare my jid: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56 with updated uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="19" type
="result" is-new="false" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 39 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="1
9" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 77 3d 22 66 61 6c 73 65 22 2f 3e w="fa
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 VirtualDeviceService  W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's name changed from f100-01 to f100-01
 W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's area changed from area-0008 to area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="414wjte9qivc2
qlz" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f1
00-01" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" ca
user="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 73 65 72 <message t
 W  0010: 76 65 72 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 ver@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 34 31 34 77 6a 74 65 39 71 69 76 63 id="414wjt
 W  0030: 32 71 6c 7a 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d 2qlz" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 69 6e 66 6f 2d 63 6f 6e al"><xl:in
 W  0050: 66 69 67 75 72 65 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 66 31 figured na
 W  0060: 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 00-01" are
 W  0070: 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 38 22 20 75 75 69 ="area-000
8" uui
 W  0080: 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 62 66 d="000d6f0
 W  0090: 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 3d 22 100-01" is
 W  00a0: 66 61 6c 73 65 22 20 63 61 75 73 65 72 3d 22 72 false" cau
 W  00b0: 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f xwen@xiaoy
 W  00c0: 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74 74 77 76 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 2lbakcttwv
" xmln
 W  00d0: 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 VDEventHandler  I  << SendStanza:{<cli:message to="" id="414wjte9qivc2qlz"
type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f100-01
" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" causer=
"" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>}
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="20" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:config-info xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" name="
f100-01" area-uuid="area-0008"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  parsed config-info-req, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area-uuid:a
 W  >> createConfigInfoRequest, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:ar
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 14
   I  read: 17 addr_buf: 98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
 VirtualDeviceService  W  compare uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01 to xmpp usernmae: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
result: 0
 W  process-config-info uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  got config-info-rsp: error:0 is-new:0
 I  compare my jid: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56 with updated uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="20" type
="result" is-new="false" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 32 30 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="2
0" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 77 3d 22 66 61 6c 73 65 22 2f 3e w="fa
 W  ________________
 VirtualDeviceService  W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's name changed from f100-01 to f100-01
 W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's area changed from area-0008 to area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
   E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="ujv70ys0mp0uu
m0p" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f1
00-01" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" ca
user="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 73 65 72 <message t
 W  0010: 76 65 72 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 ver@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 75 6a 76 37 30 79 73 30 6d 70 30 75 id="ujv70y
 W  0030: 75 6d 30 70 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d um0p" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 69 6e 66 6f 2d 63 6f 6e al"><xl:in
 W  0050: 66 69 67 75 72 65 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 66 31 figured na
 W  0060: 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 00-01" are
 W  0070: 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 38 22 20 75 75 69 ="area-000
8" uui
 W  0080: 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 62 66 d="000d6f0
 W  0090: 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 3d 22 100-01" is
 W  00a0: 66 61 6c 73 65 22 20 63 61 75 73 65 72 3d 22 72 false" cau
 W  00b0: 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f xwen@xiaoy
 W  00c0: 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74 74 77 76 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 2lbakcttwv
" xmln
 W  00d0: 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 VDEventHandler  I  << SendStanza:{<cli:message to="" id="ujv70ys0mp0uum0p"
type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f100-01
" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" causer=
"" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>}
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="21" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:config-info xmlns:xl="xl" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" name="
f100-01" area-uuid="area-0008"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  parsed config-info-req, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area-uuid:a
 W  >> createConfigInfoRequest, uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:ar
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 15
   I  read: 17 addr_buf: 98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
 VirtualDeviceService  W  compare uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01 to xmpp usernmae: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56
result: 0
 W  process-config-info uuid:000d6f000b6bf100-01 name:f100-01 area:area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  got config-info-rsp: error:0 is-new:0
 I  compare my jid: box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56 with updated uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="21" type
="result" is-new="false" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74
 W  0020: 74 77 76 22 20 69 64 3d 22 32 31 22 20 74 79 70 twv" id="2
1" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 e="result"
 W  0040: 77 3d 22 66 61 6c 73 65 22 2f 3e w="fa
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 VirtualDeviceService  W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's name changed from f100-01 to f100-01
 W  entity 000d6f000b6bf100-01's area changed from area-0008 to area-0008
 VDEngine  W  --> onSimpleEvent()
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:message to="" id="dzfmtmol32yla
ak3" type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f1
00-01" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" ca
user="" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 73 65 72 <message t
 W  0010: 76 65 72 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 22 20 ver@xiaoya"
 W  0020: 69 64 3d 22 64 7a 66 6d 74 6d 6f 6c 33 32 79 6c id="dzfmtm
 W  0030: 61 61 6b 33 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 6e 6f 72 6d aak3" type
 W  0040: 61 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 69 6e 66 6f 2d 63 6f 6e al"><xl:in
 W  0050: 66 69 67 75 72 65 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 66 31 figured na
 W  0060: 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 00-01" are
 W  0070: 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 38 22 20 75 75 69 ="area-000
8" uui
 W  0080: 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 62 66 d="000d6f0
 W  0090: 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 3d 22 100-01" is
 W  00a0: 66 61 6c 73 65 22 20 63 61 75 73 65 72 3d 22 72 false" cau
 W  00b0: 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f xwen@xiaoy
 W  00c0: 32 6c 62 61 6b 63 74 74 77 76 22 20 78 6d 6c 6e 2lbakcttwv
" xmln
 W  00d0: 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c 22 2f 3e 3
 E  <<< send, bytes:298
 E  --> socket_write result:298
 VDEventHandler  I  << SendStanza:{<cli:message to="" id="dzfmtmol32ylaak3"
type="normal" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:info-configured name="f100-01
" area-uuid="area-0008" uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" is-new="false" causer=
"" xmlns:xl="xl"/></cli:message>}
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379859970ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 138
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:36, seq:45
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:36 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:57 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5438
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5438
 W  sendFrame:0x82119850 data-frm:5 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:57 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 76 dd 80 34 00 ba v.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5439
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: dd 80 34 00 ba .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 06 dd 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 bb ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 2d 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1-..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5440
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82131888 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:70
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 34842 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 16 dd 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 ba 24 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5441
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:36 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379866000ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 139
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:37, seq:46
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:37 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:62 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5442
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5442
 W  sendFrame:0x82130620 data-frm:6 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:62 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 27 de 80 34 00 bc '.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5443
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: de 80 34 00 bc .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 37 de 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 bd 7..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 2e 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1...
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5444
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821303d0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:71
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 28811 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 47 de 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 G..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 bc 25 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5445
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:37 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379869.4600000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 39422
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379872030ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 140
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:38, seq:47
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:38 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:75 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5446
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5446
 W  sendFrame:0x82130790 data-frm:7 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:75 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 50 df 80 34 00 be P.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5447
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: df 80 34 00 be .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 60 df 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 bf `..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 2f 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1/..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5448
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82131888 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:72
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 22781 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 70 df 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 p..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 be 26 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5449
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:38 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379878060ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 141
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:39, seq:48
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:39 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:00 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5450
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5450
 W  sendFrame:0x82130850 data-frm:0 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:00 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 01 e0 80 34 00 c0 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5451
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e0 80 34 00 c0 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 11 e0 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 c1 ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 30 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......10..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5452
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821303d0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:73
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 16751 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 21 e0 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 !..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 c0 27 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5453
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:39 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq type="get" id="10" xmlns:cli="jabber:client">
<ping:ping xmlns:ping="urn:xmpp:ping"/></cli:iq>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 67 65 74 22 20 69 <iq type="
get" i
 W  0010: 64 3d 22 31 30 22 3e 3c 70 69 6e 67 3a 70 69 6e d="10"><pi
 W  0020: 67 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 70 69 6e 67 3d 22 75 72 g xmlns:pi
 W  0030: 6e 3a 78 6d 70 70 3a 70 69 6e 67 22 2f 3e 3c 2f n:xmpp:pin
 W  0040: 69 71 3e
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="result" id="10" to="box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379884090ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 142
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:40, seq:49
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:40 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:13 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5454
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5454
 W  sendFrame:0x82130a08 data-frm:1 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:13 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 32 e1 80 34 00 c2 2.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5455
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e1 80 34 00 c2 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 42 e1 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 c3 B..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 31 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......11..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5456
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82131888 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:74
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 10721 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 52 e1 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 R..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 c2 28 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5457
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:40 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:presence type="unavailable" from="
/2lbakcttwv" to="" xmlns:cli="jabber:clie
 RosterEventHandler  D  [IncomingPresenceChanged ], presence: <cli:presence type="unavailable" fr
om="" to="" xm
 LiveCloudService  I  Got presence update, status:Offline
 W  SessionRecord::~SessionRecord()
 VirtualDeviceService  W  ### disconnect client:0x80ea66c0
 VDEngine  W  disconnect client of vds ok!
 VDEventHandler  D  ~VDEventHandler()
 VDEngine  W  --> ~VDEngine(0x816d9208)
 VirtualDeviceService  E  tid:121 this:0x80ea66c0 VirtualDeviceService.cpp(1294)#~Client() ### Clie
nt::~Client(0x80ea66c0) client-id:32 dtor-pid:2762
 AlertLevelHandler  D  ~AlertLevelHandler()
 PermitJoinHandler  D  ~PermitJoinHandler()
 ConfigInfoHandler  D  ~ConfigInfoHandler()
 SceneDeleteHandler  D  ~SceneDeleteHandler()
 SceneUpdateHandler  D  ~SceneUpdateHandler()
 SceneCreateHandler  D  ~SceneCreateHandler()
 BindingDeleteHandler  D  ~BindingDeleteHandler()
 BindingUpdateHandler  W  ~BindingUpdateHandler()
 BindingEnableHandler  W  ~BindingEnableHandler()
 BindingCreateHandler  W  ~BindingCreateHandler()
 AreaDeleteHandler  D  ~AreaDeleteHandler()
 AreaCreateHandler  D  ~AreaCreateHandler()
 SceneOnOffHandler  D  ~SceneOnOffHandler()
 GenOnOffHandler  W  ~GenOnOffHandler()
 SubscribeHandler  D  ~SubscribeHandler()
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379890120ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 143
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:41, seq:50
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:41 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:26 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5458
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5458
 W  sendFrame:0x82119910 data-frm:2 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:26 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 63 e2 80 34 00 c4 c.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5459
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e2 80 34 00 c4 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 73 e2 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 c5 s..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 32 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......12..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5460
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821303d0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:75
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 4691 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 03 e2 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 c4 29 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5461
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:41 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:presence from="" to="bo" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 RosterEventHandler  D  [IncomingPresenceChanged ], presence: <cli:presence from="rxwen@xiaoyan.i
o/64n551rc2i" to="" xmlns:cli="jabber:cli
 LiveCloudService  I  Got presence update, status:Available
 I  setup session for
 W  connect the vds-service!
 VirtualDeviceService  W  ### new client:0x80ea6798 id:33 pid 2762
   E  tid:2784 XmppPresenceUtil.cpp(25)# compose_version_info(bool) reload: 0
 LiveCloudService  W  --> SessionRecord::start()
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:presence to="" xmlns:
priority><c xmlns="" node="" ver="&lt;vers
ion firmware-version=&quot;v2.0.4&quot; hardware-version=&quot;v1&quot; n
ame=&quot;&quot; device-new-version=&quot;v2.0.0&quot;/&gt;" ext=""/><x x
mlns="jabber:x:delay" stamp="20170313T22:56:18"/></cli:presence>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 70 72 65 73 65 6e 63 65 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 <presence
 W  0010: 77 65 6e 40 78 69 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 36 wen@xiaoya
 W  0020: 34 6e 35 35 31 72 63 32 69 22 3e 3c 73 74 61 74 4n551rc2i"
 W  0030: 75 73 3e 6c 69 76 65 62 6f 78 3c 2f 73 74 61 74 us>livebox
 W  0040: 75 73 3e 3c 70 72 69 6f 72 69 74 79 3e 31 3c 2f us><priori
 W  0050: 70 72 69 6f 72 69 74 79 3e 3c 63 20 78 6d 6c 6e priority><
c xmln
 W  0060: 73 3d 22 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 6a 61 62 62 65 72 s="http://
 W  0070: 2e 6f 72 67 2f 70 72 6f 74 6f 63 6f 6c 2f 63 61 .org/proto
 W  0080: 70 73 22 20 6e 6f 64 65 3d 22 22 20 76 65 72 3d ps" node="
" ver=
 W  0090: 22 26 6c 74 3b 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 66 69 72 "&lt;versi
on fir
 W  00a0: 6d 77 61 72 65 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 26 71 mware-vers
 W  00b0: 75 6f 74 3b 76 32 2e 30 2e 34 26 71 75 6f 74 3b uot;v2.0.4
 W  00c0: 20 68 61 72 64 77 61 72 65 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f hardware-
 W  00d0: 6e 3d 26 71 75 6f 74 3b 76 31 26 7
 E  <<< send, bytes:426
 E  --> socket_write result:426
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:presence from="" to="bo" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 RosterEventHandler  D  [IncomingPresenceChanged ], presence: <cli:presence from="rxwen@xiaoyan.i
o/64n551rc2i" to="" xmlns:cli="jabber:cli
 LiveCloudService  I  Got presence update, status:Available
   E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="7" from="" xmlns:cli="jabber
:client"><xl:subscribe xmlns:xl="xl" node="4" commit="0"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 PassiveDiscoverService  W  recvfrom, len:21
 W  0000: 7b 0a 20 20 20 22 70 6f 6c 6c 22 20 3a 20 74 72 {. "poll
" : tr
 W  0010: 75 65 0a 7d 0a u
 W  ________________
 D  fire onMessage on mMessageListener 0xbef63b2c
 discoveryd  E  tid:379 discoveryd.cpp(51)#:onMessage(const Json::Value&) virtual void Xm
ppCredentialMessageListener::onMessage(const Json::Value&)
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  received poll request, send response to {
 D  "devicename" : "",
 D  "kernel_version" : "4.4.44-2.0.0-gd87b4ca ",
 D  "name" : "",
 D  "port" : 5222,
 D  "system_version" : "v2.0.4",
 D  "timestamp" : "2017-03-13T22:56:18Z",
 D  "uboot_version" : "2013.01.01-1.1.1-dirty",
 D  "uuid" : "7d952de7-6e3d-4f01-89d6-c29fe98f2380"
 D  }
 D  :
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 SubscribeHandler  D  qname:{xl:subscribe}, node:4 commit:0
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 1
 W  --> PUBSUB_SYSTEM, size: 1
 W  add sys:zb-sys-desc: uuid:zigbee-system@000d6f000cf6735f name:zigbee-syst
em panId:57e4 channel:19 duration:0
 SubscribeHandler  D  << mEngine->postRequest(node:4 commit:0)
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="7" type=
"result" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:systems xmlns:xl="xl"><xl:zb-syste
m uuid="zigbee-system@000d6f000cf6735f" name="zigbee-system" available="t
rue" zb-pan-id="22500" zb-channel="25" zb-version="22304" zb-permit-join-
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 36 34 6e 35 35 31 72
 W  0020: 63 32 69 22 20 69 64 3d 22 37 22 20 74 79 70 65 c2i" id="7
" type
 W  0030: 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 73 79 ="result">
 W  0040: 73 74 65 6d 73 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 stems xmln
 W  0050: 78 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 7a 62 2d 73 79 73 74 65 xl"><xl:zb
 W  0060: 6d 20 75 75 69 64 3d 22 7a 69 67 62 65 65 2d 73 m uuid="zi
 W  0070: 79 73 74 65 6d 40 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 63 ystem@000d
 W  0080: 66 36 37 33 35 66 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 7a 69 f6735f" na
 W  0090: 67 62 65 65 2d 73 79 73 74 65 6d 22 20 61 76 61 gbee-syste
m" ava
 W  00a0: 69 6c 61 62 6c 65 3d 22 74 72 75 65 22 20 7a 62 ilable="tr
ue" zb
 W  00b0: 2d 70 61 6e 2d 69 64 3d 22 32 32 35 30 30 22 20 -pan-id="2
 W  00c0: 7a 62 2d 63 68 61 6e 6e 65 6c 3d 22 32 35 22 20 zb-channel
 W  00d0: 7a 62 2d 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 2
 E  <<< send, bytes:346
 E  --> socket_write result:346
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="8" from="" xmlns:cli="jabber
:client"><xl:subscribe xmlns:xl="xl" node="2" commit="0"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 SubscribeHandler  D  qname:{xl:subscribe}, node:2 commit:0
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 2
 LiveArea  W  == area uuid:[area-0001]
 W  == area uuid:[area-0002]
 W  == area uuid:[area-0003]
 W  == area uuid:[area-0004]
 W  == area uuid:[area-0005]
 W  == area uuid:[area-0006]
 W  == area uuid:[area-0007]
 W  == area uuid:[area-0008]
 W  == area uuid:[area-0009]
 SubscribeHandler  D  << mEngine->postRequest(node:2 commit:0)
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="8" type=
"result" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:areas xmlns:xl="xl"><xl:area uuid=
"area-0001" name="客厅"/><xl:area uuid="area-0002" name="主卧"/><xl:area uuid
="area-0003" name="次卧"/><xl:area uuid="area-0004" name="餐厅"/><xl:area uui
d="area-0005" name="厨房"/><xl:area uuid="area-0006" name="阳台"/><xl:area uu
id="area-0007" name="书房"/><xl:area uuid="area-0008" name="玄关"/><xl:area u
uid="area-0009" name="洗手间"/></xl:areas></cli:iq>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 36 34 6e 35 35 31 72
 W  0020: 63 32 69 22 20 69 64 3d 22 38 22 20 74 79 70 65 c2i" id="8
" type
 W  0030: 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 61 72 ="result">
 W  0040: 65 61 73 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 78 6c eas xmlns:
 W  0050: 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 61 72 65 61 20 75 75 69 64 3d "><xl:area
 W  0060: 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 31 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 "area-0001
" name
 W  0070: 3d 22 e5 ae a2 e5 8e 85 22 2f 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 61 ="......"/
 W  0080: 72 65 61 20 75 75 69 64 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 rea uuid="
 W  0090: 30 30 32 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 e4 b8 bb e5 8d 002" name=
 W  00a0: a7 22 2f 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 61 72 65 61 20 75 75 69 ."/><xl:ar
ea uui
 W  00b0: 64 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d 30 30 30 33 22 20 6e 61 d="area-00
03" na
 W  00c0: 6d 65 3d 22 e6 ac a1 e5 8d a7 22 2f 3e 3c 78 6c me="......
 W  00d0: 3a 61 72 65 61 20 75 75 69 64 3d 2
 E  <<< send, bytes:538
 E  --> socket_write result:538
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="9" from="" xmlns:cli="jabber
:client"><xl:subscribe xmlns:xl="xl" node="0" commit="0"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 SubscribeHandler  D  qname:{xl:subscribe}, node:0 commit:0
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 3
 PhysicDevice  W  000d6f000b6bf100-00 model:PIR-panel
 W  000d6f000cf672ba-00 model:light-socket
 W  000d6f000cf672f4-00 model:light-socket
 W  000d6f000cf67348-00 model:light-socket
 W  00158d000153b844-00 model:lumi.ctrl_neutral2
 SubscribeHandler  D  << mEngine->postRequest(node:0 commit:0)
 vd2xmlutils  E  tid:2784 vd2xmlutils.cpp(83)#:logic_device_to_xml(const android::sp<andro
id::LogicDevice>&) logic_device_to_xml:
 E  type: 2
 E  name: f100-01
 E  area: 8
 E  uuid: 000d6f000b6bf100-01
 E  alrt: 0
 E  parent-addr: 000d6f000b6bf100-00
 E  profile: HA_PIR_PANEL
 E  tid:2784 vd2xmlutils.cpp(83)#:logic_device_to_xml(const android::sp<andro
id::LogicDevice>&) logic_device_to_xml:
 E  type: 2
 E  name: 72ba-01
 E  area: 3
 E  uuid: 000d6f000cf672ba-01
 E  alrt: 0
 E  parent-addr: 000d6f000cf672ba-00
 E  profile: HA_ON_OFF_LIGHT
 E  tid:2784 vd2xmlutils.cpp(83)#:logic_device_to_xml(const android::sp<andro
id::LogicDevice>&) logic_device_to_xml:
 E  type: 2
 E  name: 72f4-01
 E  area: 3
 E  uuid: 000d6f000cf672f4-01
 E  alrt: 0
 E  parent-addr: 000d6f000cf672f4-00
 E  profile: HA_ON_OFF_LIGHT
 E  tid:2784 vd2xmlutils.cpp(83)#:logic_device_to_xml(const android::sp<andro
id::LogicDevice>&) logic_device_to_xml:
 E  type: 2
 E  name: 7348-01
 E  area: 1
 E  uuid: 000d6f000cf67348-01
 E  alrt: 0
 E  parent-addr: 000d6f000cf67348-00
 E  profile: HA_ON_OFF_LIGHT
 E  tid:2784 vd2xmlutils.cpp(83)#:logic_device_to_xml(const android::sp<andro
id::LogicDevice>&) logic_device_to_xml:
 E  type: 2
 E  name:
 E  area: 0
 E  uuid: 00158d000153b844-02
 E  alrt: 0
 E  parent-addr: 00158d000153b844-00
 E  profile: HA_ON_OFF_LIGHT
 E  tid:2784 vd2xmlutils.cpp(83)#:logic_device_to_xml(const android::sp<andro
id::LogicDevice>&) logic_device_to_xml:
 E  type: 2
 E  name: b844-03
 E  area: 1
 E  uuid: 00158d000153b844-03
 E  alrt: 0
 E  parent-addr: 00158d000153b844-00
 E  profile: HA_ON_OFF_LIGHT
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="9" type=
"result" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:devices xmlns:xl="xl"><xl:physic u
uid="000d6f000b6bf100-00" name="" area-uuid="area-0000" alert-level="0" m
odel="PIR-panel" is-new="false" online="true" available="false" firmware-
version="5" battery-powered="true" battery-percent="78"><xl:logic uuid="0
00d6f000b6bf100-01" name="f100-01" is-new="false" area-uuid="area-0008" a
lert-level="0" xl:profile="0" occupancy="0" luminance="1586" temperature=
"154"/></xl:physic><xl:physic uuid="000d6f000cf672ba-00" name="" area-uui
d="area-0000" alert-level="0" model="light-socket" is-new="false" online=
"false" available="false" firmware-version="1" battery-powered="false"><x
l:logic uuid="000d6f000cf672ba-01" name="72ba-01" is-new="false" area-uui
d="area-0003" alert-level="0" xl:profile="2" on-off-status="1"/></xl:phys
ic><xl:physic uuid="000d6f000cf672f4-00" name="" area-uuid="area-0000" al
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 36 34 6e 35 35 31 72
 W  0020: 63 32 69 22 20 69 64 3d 22 39 22 20 74 79 70 65 c2i" id="9
" type
 W  0030: 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 64 65 ="result">
 W  0040: 76 69 63 65 73 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 vices xmln
 W  0050: 78 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 70 68 79 73 69 63 20 75 xl"><xl:ph
ysic u
 W  0060: 75 69 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 62 36 uid="000d6
 W  0070: 62 66 31 30 30 2d 30 30 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 bf100-00"
 W  0080: 22 20 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 3d 22 61 72 65 " area-uui
 W  0090: 61 2d 30 30 30 30 22 20 61 6c 65 72 74 2d 6c 65 a-0000" al
 W  00a0: 76 65 6c 3d 22 30 22 20 6d 6f 64 65 6c 3d 22 50 vel="0" mo
 W  00b0: 49 52 2d 70 61 6e 65 6c 22 20 69 73 2d 6e 65 77 IR-panel"
 W  00c0: 3d 22 66 61 6c 73 65 22 20 6f 6e 6c 69 6e 65 3d ="false" o
 W  00d0: 22 74 72 75 65 22 20 61 76 61 69 6
 E  <<< send, bytes:2106
 E  --> socket_write result:2106
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="10" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:subscribe xmlns:xl="xl" node="1" commit="0"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 SubscribeHandler  D  qname:{xl:subscribe}, node:1 commit:0
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 4
 SubscribeHandler  D  << mEngine->postRequest(node:1 commit:0)
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="10" type
="result" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:scenes xmlns:xl="xl"><xl:scene uu
id="scene-000001" name="回家" area-uuid="area-0000" on-off-status="0" globa
l="true"/><xl:scene uuid="scene-000002" name="离家" area-uuid="area-0000" o
n-off-status="0" global="true"/><xl:scene uuid="scene-000003" name="起床" a
rea-uuid="area-0000" on-off-status="0" global="true"/><xl:scene uuid="sce
ne-000004" name="睡觉" area-uuid="area-0000" on-off-status="0" global="true
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 36 34 6e 35 35 31 72
 W  0020: 63 32 69 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 30 22 20 74 79 70 c2i" id="1
0" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 73 e="result"
 W  0040: 63 65 6e 65 73 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 78 6c 3d 22 cenes xmln
 W  0050: 78 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 73 63 65 6e 65 20 75 75 xl"><xl:sc
ene uu
 W  0060: 69 64 3d 22 73 63 65 6e 65 2d 30 30 30 30 30 31 id="scene-
 W  0070: 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 e5 9b 9e e5 ae b6 22 20 " name="..
 W  0080: 61 72 65 61 2d 75 75 69 64 3d 22 61 72 65 61 2d area-uuid=
 W  0090: 30 30 30 30 22 20 6f 6e 2d 6f 66 66 2d 73 74 61 0000" on-o
 W  00a0: 74 75 73 3d 22 30 22 20 67 6c 6f 62 61 6c 3d 22 tus="0" gl
 W  00b0: 74 72 75 65 22 2f 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 73 63 65 6e 65 true"/><xl
 W  00c0: 20 75 75 69 64 3d 22 73 63 65 6e 65 2d 30 30 30 uuid="sce
 W  00d0: 30 30 32 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 e
 E  <<< send, bytes:570
 E  --> socket_write result:570
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="set" to="
/9884e3a7fd5" id="11" from="" xmlns:cli="jabbe
r:client"><xl:subscribe xmlns:xl="xl" node="3" commit="0"/></cli:iq>
OTAUpgradeDeviceHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_DEVICE_UPGRADE_REQ
 GetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't STR_GET
 SetTimeHandler  W  stanza isn't QN_XLIVE_SETTIME_REQ
 SubscribeHandler  D  qname:{xl:subscribe}, node:3 commit:0
 VirtualDeviceService  W  --> sendAsyncRequest seq 5
 SubscribeHandler  D  << mEngine->postRequest(node:3 commit:0)
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq to="" id="11" type
="result" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"><xl:bindings xmlns:xl="xl"><xl:bindin
g uuid="binding-00000001" name="gen23" binding-type="bt-keypress" binding
-enabled="true" trigger-uuid="000d6f000b6bf100-01" keypress-times="1"><xl
:action method="set-on-off" uuid="000d6f000cf67348-01" param="1"/><xl:act
ion method="set-on-off" uuid="000d6f000cf672f4-01" param="1"/><xl:action
method="set-on-off" uuid="000d6f000cf672ba-01" param="1"/><xl:action meth
od="set-on-off" uuid="00158d000153b844-03" param="1"/></xl:binding></xl:b
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 6f 3d 22 72 78 77 65 6e 40 78 69 <iq to="rx
 W  0010: 61 6f 79 61 6e 2e 69 6f 2f 36 34 6e 35 35 31 72
 W  0020: 63 32 69 22 20 69 64 3d 22 31 31 22 20 74 79 70 c2i" id="1
1" typ
 W  0030: 65 3d 22 72 65 73 75 6c 74 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 62 e="result"
 W  0040: 69 6e 64 69 6e 67 73 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 78 6c indings xm
 W  0050: 3d 22 78 6c 22 3e 3c 78 6c 3a 62 69 6e 64 69 6e ="xl"><xl:
 W  0060: 67 20 75 75 69 64 3d 22 62 69 6e 64 69 6e 67 2d g uuid="bi
 W  0070: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 00000001"
 W  0080: 67 65 6e 32 33 22 20 62 69 6e 64 69 6e 67 2d 74 gen23" bin
 W  0090: 79 70 65 3d 22 62 74 2d 6b 65 79 70 72 65 73 73 ype="bt-ke
 W  00a0: 22 20 62 69 6e 64 69 6e 67 2d 65 6e 61 62 6c 65 " binding-
 W  00b0: 64 3d 22 74 72 75 65 22 20 74 72 69 67 67 65 72 d="true" t
 W  00c0: 2d 75 75 69 64 3d 22 30 30 30 64 36 66 30 30 30 -uuid="000
 W  00d0: 62 36 62 66 31 30 30 2d 30 31 22 2
 E  <<< send, bytes:618
 E  --> socket_write result:618
 PassiveDiscoverService  W  recvfrom, len:21
 W  0000: 7b 0a 20 20 20 22 70 6f 6c 6c 22 20 3a 20 74 72 {. "poll
" : tr
 W  0010: 75 65 0a 7d 0a u
 W  ________________
 D  fire onMessage on mMessageListener 0xbef63b2c
 discoveryd  E  tid:379 discoveryd.cpp(51)#:onMessage(const Json::Value&) virtual void Xm
ppCredentialMessageListener::onMessage(const Json::Value&)
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  received poll request, send response to {
 D  "devicename" : "",
 D  "kernel_version" : "4.4.44-2.0.0-gd87b4ca ",
 D  "name" : "",
 D  "port" : 5222,
 D  "system_version" : "v2.0.4",
 D  "timestamp" : "2017-03-13T22:56:19Z",
 D  "uboot_version" : "2013.01.01-1.1.1-dirty",
 D  "uuid" : "7d952de7-6e3d-4f01-89d6-c29fe98f2380"
 D  }
 D  :
 W  recvfrom, len:21
 W  0000: 7b 0a 20 20 20 22 70 6f 6c 6c 22 20 3a 20 74 72 {. "poll
" : tr
 W  0010: 75 65 0a 7d 0a u
 W  ________________
 D  fire onMessage on mMessageListener 0xbef63b2c
 discoveryd  E  tid:379 discoveryd.cpp(51)#:onMessage(const Json::Value&) virtual void Xm
ppCredentialMessageListener::onMessage(const Json::Value&)
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  received poll request, send response to {
 D  "devicename" : "",
 D  "kernel_version" : "4.4.44-2.0.0-gd87b4ca ",
 D  "name" : "",
 D  "port" : 5222,
 D  "system_version" : "v2.0.4",
 D  "timestamp" : "2017-03-13T22:56:20Z",
 D  "uboot_version" : "2013.01.01-1.1.1-dirty",
 D  "uuid" : "7d952de7-6e3d-4f01-89d6-c29fe98f2380"
 D  }
 D  :
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1938)#:onError(uint32_t, const android::sp<EzspRequ
est>&) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutra
l2" -57dbm ] --> ProxyNode::onError 01000000 req:UID_TIMER_REQ
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1892)#:onTraceError(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, uint32_t, uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "l
umi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] --> onTraceError() req:UID_TIMER_REQ reason:0
x00000000 code:0x00000000
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_TIMER_REQ [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE
END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] 00000000
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_TIMER_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:86
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 EzspEngine  W  both delay-queue and waiting-queue are empty
 PassiveDiscoverService  W  recvfrom, len:21
 W  0000: 7b 0a 20 20 20 22 70 6f 6c 6c 22 20 3a 20 74 72 {. "poll
" : tr
 W  0010: 75 65 0a 7d 0a u
 W  ________________
 D  fire onMessage on mMessageListener 0xbef63b2c
 discoveryd  E  tid:379 discoveryd.cpp(51)#:onMessage(const Json::Value&) virtual void Xm
ppCredentialMessageListener::onMessage(const Json::Value&)
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  received poll request, send response to {
 D  "devicename" : "",
 D  "kernel_version" : "4.4.44-2.0.0-gd87b4ca ",
 D  "name" : "",
 D  "port" : 5222,
 D  "system_version" : "v2.0.4",
 D  "timestamp" : "2017-03-13T22:56:22Z",
 D  "uboot_version" : "2013.01.01-1.1.1-dirty",
 D  "uuid" : "7d952de7-6e3d-4f01-89d6-c29fe98f2380"
 D  }
 D  :
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379900846ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready YES prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 144
 ProxyNode  W  no zcl-attr-reading no discovering
 W  no support for zcl-attrs-read
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 70000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAI
LABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] == fire UID_TIMER_REQ time
 AshEngine  W  got 29 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 13 e2 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 4b ...E......
 W  0010: fe c5 63 5e ff ff 05 10 04 00 00 00 04 ..c^...
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5462
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:45:EZSP_INCOMING_MESSAGE_HANDLER
 E  --> onReceivedEzspZclMessage:type:INCOMING_UNICAST lqi:254 rssi:-59 sende
r:0x5e63 bindex:255 addrIndex:255 msgLen:5
 E  src-ep:1 dst-ep:1 profile:0x0104 cluster:0x000a:TIME_CLUSTER group-id:000
0 aps-seq:75 zcl-frm-ctrl:0x10 manu-code:0000 zcl-seq:4 zcl-cmd:00
 W  onNodeOccured OCCURED_BY_ZCL_MESSAGE 0x5e63:0xffffffffffffffff type UNKNO
 E  findNodeByExtAddress with INVALID addr!
 W  only matched nwk addr, EXT is invalid
 ProxyNode  W  ================ zcl-msg:
 W  0000: e2 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 4b fe ..E.......
 W  0010: c5 63 5e ff ff 05 10 04 00 00 00 04 .c^...
 W  ________________
 W  >> onZclGlobalCommand
 E  got zcl-read-attr-cmd from TIME_CLUSTER
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d00
0153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] -->recordLast
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_INVALID_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:87
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379908760ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 129
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:42, seq:51
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:42 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:32 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5463
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5463
 W  sendFrame:0x821350f8 data-frm:3 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:32 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 24 e3 80 34 00 c6 $.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5464
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e3 80 34 00 c6 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 34 e3 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 c7 4..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 33 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......13..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5465
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134ea8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:76
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 62061 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 44 e3 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 D..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 c6 2a 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5466
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:42 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379908.8900000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 39600
 ReadlineManager  D  using history file://.zbshell_history
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379914790ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:43, seq:52
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:43 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:45 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5467
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5467
 W  sendFrame:0x8212e8a8 data-frm:4 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:45 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 55 e4 80 34 00 c8 U.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5468
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e4 80 34 00 c8 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 65 e4 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 c9 e..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 34 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......14..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5469
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821303d0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:77
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 56024 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 75 e4 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 u..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 c8 2b 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5470
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:43 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379920829ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:44, seq:53
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:44 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:50 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5471
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5471
 W  sendFrame:0x82131f78 data-frm:5 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:50 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 06 e5 80 34 00 ca ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5472
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e5 80 34 00 ca .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 16 e5 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 cb ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 35 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......15..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5473
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134ea8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:78
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 49992 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 26 e5 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 &..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 ca 2c 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5474
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:44 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379926860ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:45, seq:54
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:45 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:63 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5475
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5475
 W  sendFrame:0x821334d8 data-frm:6 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:63 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 37 e6 80 34 00 cc 7.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5476
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e6 80 34 00 cc .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 47 e6 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 cd G..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 36 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......16..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5477
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821303d0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:79
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 43962 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 57 e6 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 W..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 cc 2d 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5478
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:45 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379932890ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:46, seq:55
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:46 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:76 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5479
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5479
 W  sendFrame:0x821306e0 data-frm:7 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:76 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 60 e7 80 34 00 ce `.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5480
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e7 80 34 00 ce .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 70 e7 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 cf p..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 37 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......17..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5481
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82134ea8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:80
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 37932 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 00 e7 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 ce 2e 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5482
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:46 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379938920ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 135
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:47, seq:56
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:47 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:01 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5483
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5483
 W  sendFrame:0x82134e00 data-frm:0 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:01 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 11 e8 80 34 00 d0 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5484
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e8 80 34 00 d0 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 21 e8 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 d1 !..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 38 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......18..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5485
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821303d0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:81
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 31902 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 31 e8 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 1..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 d0 2f 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5486
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:47 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq type="get" id="10" xmlns:cli="jabber:client">
<ping:ping xmlns:ping="urn:xmpp:ping"/></cli:iq>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 67 65 74 22 20 69 <iq type="
get" i
 W  0010: 64 3d 22 31 30 22 3e 3c 70 69 6e 67 3a 70 69 6e d="10"><pi
 W  0020: 67 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 70 69 6e 67 3d 22 75 72 g xmlns:pi
 W  0030: 6e 3a 78 6d 70 70 3a 70 69 6e 67 22 2f 3e 3c 2f n:xmpp:pin
 W  0040: 69 71 3e
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="result" id="10" to="box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379944950ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 136
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:48, seq:57
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:48 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:14 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5487
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5487
 W  sendFrame:0x82135048 data-frm:1 ack:4 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:14 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 42 e9 80 34 00 d2 B.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5488
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: e9 80 34 00 d2 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 52 e9 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 d3 R..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 39 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......19..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5489
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135588 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:82
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 25872 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 62 e9 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 b..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 d2 30 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5490
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:48 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379948.5300000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 30813
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379950980ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 137
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:49, seq:58
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:49 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:27 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5491
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5491
 W  sendFrame:0x82130588 data-frm:2 ack:7 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:27 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 73 ea 80 34 00 d4 s.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5492
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ea 80 34 00 d4 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 03 ea 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 d5 ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 3a 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1:..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5493
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821357d8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:83
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 19842 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 13 ea 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 d4 31 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5494
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:49 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379957010ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 138
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:50, seq:59
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:50 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:3 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:32 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5495
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5495
 W  sendFrame:0x821334d8 data-frm:3 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:32 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 24 eb 80 34 00 d6 $.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 3
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5496
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: eb 80 34 00 d6 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 72 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 34 eb 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 d7 4..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 31 3b 00 02 00 02 c2 f6 ed bb ......1;..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff c2 f6 ed bb 6f 2b 72 86 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f ......o+r.
 W  0040: 0d 00 4a 94 12 00 01 ff ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5497
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135588 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:84
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 13811 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 44 eb 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 D..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 d6 32 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5498
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:50 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AshEngine  W  got 17 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 54 eb 90 23 01 00 4a 94 00 f1 6b 0b 00 6f 0d 00 T..#..J...
 W  0010: 04
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:4 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 3 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5499
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  E  tid:120 EzspIncomingMessageHandler.cpp(42)#:handlePacket(const uint8_t*,
size_t) got ezsp-child-join-msg: index:1 is-joining:0 nwk-addr:0x944a ext
-addr:0x000d6f000b6bf100 node-type:0x4
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:23:EZSP_CHILD_JOIN_HANDLER
 W  --> onReceivedEzspChildJoinMessage index:1 is-joining:0 nwk-addr:0x944a e
xt-addr:0x000d6f000b6bf100 node-type:0x4
 D  same device type, no update
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379963037ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 139
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:51, seq:60
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:51 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:4 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:46 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5500
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5500
 W  sendFrame:0x82131f78 data-frm:4 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:46 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 65 ec 80 34 00 d8 e.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 4
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5501
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ec 80 34 00 d8 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 50 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 75 ec 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 d9 u..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 1b 3c 00 01 00 01 c2 f6 ed bb .......<..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5502
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x821357d8 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:85
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 7783 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 05 ec 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 d8 33 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5503
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:51 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AshEngine  W  got 29 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 15 ec 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 4c ...E......
 W  0010: fe c6 63 5e ff ff 05 10 05 00 00 00 04 ..c^...
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:5 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 4 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5504
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:45:EZSP_INCOMING_MESSAGE_HANDLER
 E  --> onReceivedEzspZclMessage:type:INCOMING_UNICAST lqi:254 rssi:-58 sende
r:0x5e63 bindex:255 addrIndex:255 msgLen:5
 E  src-ep:1 dst-ep:1 profile:0x0104 cluster:0x000a:TIME_CLUSTER group-id:000
0 aps-seq:76 zcl-frm-ctrl:0x10 manu-code:0000 zcl-seq:5 zcl-cmd:00
 W  onNodeOccured OCCURED_BY_ZCL_MESSAGE 0x5e63:0xffffffffffffffff type UNKNO
 E  findNodeByExtAddress with INVALID addr!
 W  only matched nwk addr, EXT is invalid
 ProxyNode  W  ================ zcl-msg:
 W  0000: ec 90 45 00 04 01 0a 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 4c fe ..E.......
 W  0010: c6 63 5e ff ff 05 10 05 00 00 00 04 .c^...
 W  ________________
 W  >> onZclGlobalCommand
 E  got zcl-read-attr-cmd from TIME_CLUSTER
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d00
0153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] -->recordLast
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_INVALID_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:88
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1938)#:onError(uint32_t, const android::sp<EzspRequ
est>&) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutra
l2" -57dbm ] --> ProxyNode::onError 01000000 req:UID_TIMER_REQ
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1892)#:onTraceError(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, uint32_t, uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "l
umi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] --> onTraceError() req:UID_TIMER_REQ reason:0
x00000000 code:0x00000000
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_TIMER_REQ [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE
END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] 00000000
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_TIMER_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:89
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57
dbm ] mAdjustValue:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready YES prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 140
 ProxyNode  W  no zcl-attr-reading no discovering
 W  no support for zcl-attrs-read
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(286)#:setTimeoutWindow(uint32_t) [ 0x5e63 0x00158d0
00153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] setTimeoutWi
ndow 70000 ms
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 70000 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAI
LABLE END_DEVICE "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] == fire UID_TIMER_REQ time
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 70000 ms
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379976858ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 129
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 136
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:52, seq:61
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:52 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:5 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:52 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 2000 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5505
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5505
 W  sendFrame:0x821356d0 data-frm:5 ack:2 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:52 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 26 ed 80 34 00 da &.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  delete acked: 5
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5506
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ed 80 34 00 da .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 50 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 36 ed 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 db 6..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 1b 3d 00 01 00 01 c2 f6 ed bb .......=..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5507
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82131888 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:86
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 63968 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 46 ed 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 F..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 da 34 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:6 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 5 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5508
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:52 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 379979.3700000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 30960
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379982888ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 131
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 136
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:53, seq:62
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:53 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:6 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:65 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5509
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5509
 W  sendFrame:0x82135798 data-frm:6 ack:5 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:65 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 57 ee 80 34 00 dc W.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  delete acked: 6
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5510
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ee 80 34 00 dc .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 50 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 67 ee 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 dd g..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 1b 3e 00 01 00 01 c2 f6 ed bb .......>..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5511
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135c70 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:87
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 57937 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 77 ee 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 w..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 dc 35 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:7 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 6 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5512
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:53 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379988920ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 132
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 136
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:54, seq:63
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:54 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:7 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:70 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5513
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5513
 W  sendFrame:0x821358e0 data-frm:7 ack:0 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:70 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 00 ef 80 34 00 de ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  delete acked: 7
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5514
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: ef 80 34 00 de .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 50 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 10 ef 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 df ...E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 1b 3f 00 01 00 01 c2 f6 ed bb .......?..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5515
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82131888 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:88
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 51907 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 20 ef 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 de 36 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:0 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 7 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5516
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:54 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:379994950ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 133
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 136
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:55, seq:64
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:55 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:0 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:03 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5517
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5517
 W  sendFrame:0x821334d8 data-frm:0 ack:3 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:03 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 31 f0 80 34 00 e0 1.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  delete acked: 0
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5518
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: f0 80 34 00 e0 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 50 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 41 f0 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 e1 A..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 1b 40 00 01 00 01 c2 f6 ed bb .......@..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:4 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:5
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5519
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135c70 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:89
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 45877 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 51 f0 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 Q..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 e0 37 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:5 ack_num:1 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:6
 W  frame 0 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5520
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:55 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
   D  virtual buzz::XmppReturnStatus buzz::XmppEngineImpl::SendStanza(const buz
z::XmlElement*):294 <cli:iq type="get" id="10" xmlns:cli="jabber:client">
<ping:ping xmlns:ping="urn:xmpp:ping"/></cli:iq>
 W  >> send to socket:
 W  0000: 3c 69 71 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 67 65 74 22 20 69 <iq type="
get" i
 W  0010: 64 3d 22 31 30 22 3e 3c 70 69 6e 67 3a 70 69 6e d="10"><pi
 W  0020: 67 20 78 6d 6c 6e 73 3a 70 69 6e 67 3d 22 75 72 g xmlns:pi
 W  0030: 6e 3a 78 6d 70 70 3a 70 69 6e 67 22 2f 3e 3c 2f n:xmpp:pin
 W  0040: 69 71 3e
 W  ________________
 E  <<< send, bytes:138
 E  --> socket_write result:138
 E  --IncomingStanza:<cli:iq type="result" id="10" to="box-98-84-e3-a7-fd-56" xmlns:cli="jabber:client"/>
 ProxyNodeManager  W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:380000980ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 134
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 136
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:56, seq:65
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:56 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:1 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:16 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5521
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5521
 W  sendFrame:0x82131990 data-frm:1 ack:6 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:16 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 62 f1 80 34 00 e2 b.
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:6 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:7
 W  delete acked: 1
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5522
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: f1 80 34 00 e2 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 50 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 72 f1 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 e3 r..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 1b 41 00 01 00 01 c2 f6 ed bb .......A..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:7 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:0
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5523
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135ec0 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:90
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 39847 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 02 f1 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 ...?.....1
 W  0010: 00 e2 38 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:0 ack_num:2 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:1
 W  frame 1 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5524
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:56 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 W  SCHEDULE_TIMER_MSG now:380007010ms
 W  >>> schedule:
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR
"COORD" 0dbm ] ready YES prio 135
 W  schedule-queue: node [ 0x5e63 0x00158d000153b844 AVAILABLE END_DEVICE
"lumi.ctrl_neutral2" -57dbm ] ready NO prio 136
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  EzspZigDevRequest UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ tag:57, seq:66
 EzspEngine  W  send req [ outgoing-type:0 dst-addr:0000 src-ep:0 dst-ep:0
 W  msg-tag:57 aps-seq:46 length:2 profile:0000 cluster:0031:ERR_UNKNOW_
ZCL_CLUSTER_NAME] to ash-engine
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame(): data-frm:2 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx:0 si
ze:0 ctrl:21 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 1999 ms
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1635)#:nextTrace() [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAI
 AshEngine  W  --> postFrame_l, state:ASH_TX 0 count=5525
 W  setTimer: 6
 W  --> ASH timeout
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5525
 W  sendFrame:0x821334d8 data-frm:2 ack:1 naked:0 retx:0 is-data:1 rdx:0 wdx
:0 size:0 ctrl:21 size:0, [
 W  0000:
 W  ________________
 W  ]
 W  setTimer: 12
 W  got 6 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 13 f2 80 34 00 e4 ..
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:1 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:2
 W  delete acked: 2
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5526
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 EzspZigDevRequest  W  got ezsp-rsp:
 W  0000: f2 80 34 00 e4 .
 W  ________________
 AshEngine  W  got 50 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 23 f2 90 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 e5 #..E...1..
 W  0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff 1b 42 00 01 00 01 c2 f6 ed bb .......B..
 W  0020: 6f 2b 72 86 44 b8 53 01 00 8d 15 00 63 5e 12 00 o+r.D.S...
 W  0030: 01 ff
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:2 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:3
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5527
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
 ProxyNode  E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(1970)#:onResponse_l(const android::sp<EzspRequest>&
, const android::sp<EzspResponse>&) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE
COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] --> onResponse() trace:0x82135c70 req:UID_N
 E  tid:120 ProxyNode.cpp(810)#:recordLastHopRssi(int8_t) [ 0x0000 0x000d6f00
0cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] -->recordLastHopRssi:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  --> onNodeTraceEnded UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f A
 TraceRecorder  W  --> trace:UID_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_REQ online:1 status:0x00000000
 W  --> countOnlineStatus online:yes times:91
 NodeDesc  W  [ 0x0000 0x000d6f000cf6735f AVAILABLE COORDINATOR "COORD" 0dbm ] mAdjus
 EzspEngine  W  post WAKEUP_MSG with delay 33817 ms
 AshEngine  W  got 21 bytes of ash packet
 W  0000: 33 f2 90 3f 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 00 00 3..?.....1
 W  0010: 00 e4 39 00 00 .
 W  ________________
 W  ASH-DATA: frm_num:3 ack_num:3 retx:0
 W  sendAck ack-num:4
 W  frame 2 be acked previously
 W  --> doExecute, state: ASH_TX 0 count=5528
 W  ASH_TX but tx-queue is empty
pIncomingMessageHandler  W  EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER:type:0x00 dst-addr:0x0000 tag:57 sent-status:0x
00 msg-len:0
 ProxyNodeManager  W  got ezsp message:3f:EZSP_MESSAGE_SENT_HANDLER
 AppTaskRunner  D  timeout msg, task:0x81448928 Now: 380010.3600000s
 PassiveDiscoverService  E  tid:379 PassiveDiscoverService.cpp(126)#:advertise() send broadcast messa
 devicename  E  can't open device name cfg file /data/xlive/vds/devicename, file doesn't
 PassiveDiscoverService  D  set advertising timeout to 36932
 MDnsDS  D  MDnsSdListener::Monitor poll timed out
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