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Created October 18, 2018 07:09
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// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="esnext" />
declare module "deno" {
/** Exit the Deno process with optional exit code. */
export function exit(exitCode?: number): never;
/** Returns a snapshot of the environment variables at invocation. Mutating a
* property in the object will set that variable in the environment for
* the process. The environment object will only accept `string`s or `number`s
* as values.
* import { env } from "deno";
* const myEnv = env();
* console.log(myEnv.SHELL);
* myEnv.TEST_VAR = "HELLO";
* const newEnv = env();
* console.log(myEnv.TEST_VAR == newEnv.TEST_VAR);
export function env(): {
[index: string]: string;
* cwd() Return a string representing the current working directory.
* If the current directory can be reached via multiple paths
* (due to symbolic links), cwd() may return
* any one of them.
* throws NotFound exception if directory not available
export function cwd(): string;
* chdir() Change the current working directory to path.
* throws NotFound exception if directory not available
export function chdir(directory: string): void;
export interface ReadResult {
nread: number;
eof: boolean;
export interface Reader {
/** Reads up to p.byteLength bytes into `p`. It resolves to the number
* of bytes read (`0` <= `n` <= `p.byteLength`) and any error encountered.
* Even if `read()` returns `n` < `p.byteLength`, it may use all of `p` as
* scratch space during the call. If some data is available but not
* `p.byteLength` bytes, `read()` conventionally returns what is available
* instead of waiting for more.
* When `read()` encounters an error or end-of-file condition after
* successfully reading `n` > `0` bytes, it returns the number of bytes read.
* It may return the (non-nil) error from the same call or return the error
* (and `n` == `0`) from a subsequent call. An instance of this general case
* is that a `Reader` returning a non-zero number of bytes at the end of the
* input stream may return either `err` == `EOF` or `err` == `null`. The next
* `read()` should return `0`, `EOF`.
* Callers should always process the `n` > `0` bytes returned before
* considering the `EOF`. Doing so correctly handles I/O errors that happen
* after reading some bytes and also both of the allowed `EOF` behaviors.
* Implementations of `read()` are discouraged from returning a zero byte
* count with a `null` error, except when `p.byteLength` == `0`. Callers
* should treat a return of `0` and `null` as indicating that nothing
* happened; in particular it does not indicate `EOF`.
* Implementations must not retain `p`.
read(p: ArrayBufferView): Promise<ReadResult>;
export interface Writer {
/** Writes `p.byteLength` bytes from `p` to the underlying data
* stream. It resolves to the number of bytes written from `p` (`0` <= `n` <=
* `p.byteLength`) and any error encountered that caused the write to stop
* early. `write()` must return a non-null error if it returns `n` <
* `p.byteLength`. write() must not modify the slice data, even temporarily.
* Implementations must not retain `p`.
write(p: ArrayBufferView): Promise<number>;
export interface Closer {
close(): void;
export interface Seeker {
/** Seek sets the offset for the next `read()` or `write()` to offset,
* interpreted according to `whence`: `SeekStart` means relative to the start
* of the file, `SeekCurrent` means relative to the current offset, and
* `SeekEnd` means relative to the end. Seek returns the new offset relative
* to the start of the file and an error, if any.
* Seeking to an offset before the start of the file is an error. Seeking to
* any positive offset is legal, but the behavior of subsequent I/O operations
* on the underlying object is implementation-dependent.
seek(offset: number, whence: number): Promise<void>;
export interface ReaderCloser extends Reader, Closer {}
export interface WriteCloser extends Writer, Closer {}
export interface ReadSeeker extends Reader, Seeker {}
export interface WriteSeeker extends Writer, Seeker {}
export interface ReadWriteCloser extends Reader, Writer, Closer {}
export interface ReadWriteSeeker extends Reader, Writer, Seeker {}
/** Copies from `src` to `dst` until either `EOF` is reached on `src`
* or an error occurs. It returns the number of bytes copied and the first
* error encountered while copying, if any.
* Because `copy()` is defined to read from `src` until `EOF`, it does not
* treat an `EOF` from `read()` as an error to be reported.
export function copy(dst: Writer, src: Reader): Promise<number>;
/** The Deno abstraction for reading and writing files. */
export class File implements Reader, Writer, Closer {
readonly rid: number;
constructor(rid: number);
write(p: ArrayBufferView): Promise<number>;
read(p: ArrayBufferView): Promise<ReadResult>;
close(): void;
/** An instance of `File` for stdin. */
export const stdin: File;
/** An instance of `File` for stdout. */
export const stdout: File;
/** An instance of `File` for stderr. */
export const stderr: File;
type OpenMode = "r" | "w" | "w+" | "x";
/** A factory function for creating instances of `File` associated with the
* supplied file name.
function create(filename: string): Promise<File>;
/** Open a file and return an instance of the `File` object.
* import * as deno from "deno";
* (async () => {
* const file = await"/foo/bar.txt");
* })();
export function open(filename: string, mode?: OpenMode): Promise<File>;
/** Read from a file ID into an array buffer.
* Resolves with the `ReadResult` for the operation.
export function read(rid: number, p: ArrayBufferView): Promise<ReadResult>;
/** Write to the file ID the contents of the array buffer.
* Resolves with the number of bytes written.
export function write(rid: number, p: ArrayBufferView): Promise<number>;
/** Close the file ID. */
export function close(rid: number): void;
/** Creates a new directory with the specified path and permission
* synchronously.
* import { mkdirSync } from "deno";
* mkdirSync("new_dir");
export function mkdirSync(path: string, mode?: number): void;
/** Creates a new directory with the specified path and permission.
* import { mkdir } from "deno";
* await mkdir("new_dir");
export function mkdir(path: string, mode?: number): Promise<void>;
interface MakeTempDirOptions {
dir?: string;
prefix?: string;
suffix?: string;
/** makeTempDirSync is the synchronous version of `makeTempDir`.
* import { makeTempDirSync } from "deno";
* const tempDirName0 = makeTempDirSync();
* const tempDirName1 = makeTempDirSync({ prefix: 'my_temp' });
export function makeTempDirSync(options?: MakeTempDirOptions): string;
/** makeTempDir creates a new temporary directory in the directory `dir`, its
* name beginning with `prefix` and ending with `suffix`.
* It returns the full path to the newly created directory.
* If `dir` is unspecified, tempDir uses the default directory for temporary
* files. Multiple programs calling tempDir simultaneously will not choose the
* same directory. It is the caller's responsibility to remove the directory
* when no longer needed.
* import { makeTempDir } from "deno";
* const tempDirName0 = await makeTempDir();
* const tempDirName1 = await makeTempDir({ prefix: 'my_temp' });
export function makeTempDir(options?: MakeTempDirOptions): Promise<string>;
/** Removes the named file or (empty) directory synchronously. Would throw
* error if permission denied, not found, or directory not empty.
* import { removeSync } from "deno";
* removeSync("/path/to/empty_dir/or/file");
export function removeSync(path: string): void;
/** Removes the named file or (empty) directory. Would throw error if
* permission denied, not found, or directory not empty.
* import { remove } from "deno";
* await remove("/path/to/empty_dir/or/file");
export function remove(path: string): Promise<void>;
/** Recursively removes the named file or directory synchronously. Would throw
* error if permission denied or not found.
* import { removeAllSync } from "deno";
* removeAllSync("/path/to/dir/or/file");
export function removeAllSync(path: string): void;
/** Recursively removes the named file or directory. Would throw error if
* permission denied or not found.
* import { removeAll } from "deno";
* await removeAll("/path/to/dir/or/file");
export function removeAll(path: string): Promise<void>;
/** Synchronously renames (moves) `oldpath` to `newpath`. If `newpath` already
* exists and is not a directory, `renameSync()` replaces it. OS-specific
* restrictions may apply when `oldpath` and `newpath` are in different
* directories.
* import { renameSync } from "deno";
* renameSync("old/path", "new/path");
export function renameSync(oldpath: string, newpath: string): void;
/** Renames (moves) `oldpath` to `newpath`. If `newpath` already exists and is
* not a directory, `rename()` replaces it. OS-specific restrictions may apply
* when `oldpath` and `newpath` are in different directories.
* import { rename } from "deno";
* await rename("old/path", "new/path");
export function rename(oldpath: string, newpath: string): Promise<void>;
/** Read the entire contents of a file synchronously.
* import { readFileSync } from "deno";
* const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
* const data = readFileSync("hello.txt");
* console.log(decoder.decode(data));
export function readFileSync(filename: string): Uint8Array;
/** Read the entire contents of a file.
* import { readFile } from "deno";
* const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
* const data = await readFile("hello.txt");
* console.log(decoder.decode(data));
export function readFile(filename: string): Promise<Uint8Array>;
/** A FileInfo describes a file and is returned by `stat`, `lstat`,
* `statSync`, `lstatSync`.
export interface FileInfo {
readonly _isFile: boolean;
readonly _isSymlink: boolean;
/** The size of the file, in bytes. */
len: number;
/** The last modification time of the file. This corresponds to the `mtime`
* field from `stat` on Unix and `ftLastWriteTime` on Windows. This may not
* be available on all platforms.
modified: number | null;
/** The last access time of the file. This corresponds to the `atime`
* field from `stat` on Unix and `ftLastAccessTime` on Windows. This may not
* be available on all platforms.
accessed: number | null;
/** The last access time of the file. This corresponds to the `birthtime`
* field from `stat` on Unix and `ftCreationTime` on Windows. This may not
* be available on all platforms.
created: number | null;
/** The underlying raw st_mode bits that contain the standard Unix permissions
* for this file/directory. TODO Match behavior with Go on windows for mode.
mode: number | null;
/** Returns the file or directory name. */
name: string | null;
/** Returns the file or directory path. */
path: string | null;
/** Returns whether this is info for a regular file. This result is mutually
* exclusive to `FileInfo.isDirectory` and `FileInfo.isSymlink`.
isFile(): boolean;
/** Returns whether this is info for a regular directory. This result is
* mutually exclusive to `FileInfo.isFile` and `FileInfo.isSymlink`.
isDirectory(): boolean;
/** Returns whether this is info for a symlink. This result is
* mutually exclusive to `FileInfo.isFile` and `FileInfo.isDirectory`.
isSymlink(): boolean;
/** Reads the directory given by path and returns a list of file info
* synchronously.
* import { readDirSync } from "deno";
* const files = readDirSync("/");
export function readDirSync(path: string): FileInfo[];
/** Reads the directory given by path and returns a list of file info.
* import { readDir } from "deno";
* const files = await readDir("/");
export function readDir(path: string): Promise<FileInfo[]>;
/** Copies the contents of a file to another by name synchronously.
* Creates a new file if target does not exists, and if target exists,
* overwrites original content of the target file.
* It would also copy the permission of the original file
* to the destination.
* import { copyFileSync } from "deno";
* copyFileSync("from.txt", "to.txt");
export function copyFileSync(from: string, to: string): void;
/** Copies the contents of a file to another by name.
* Creates a new file if target does not exists, and if target exists,
* overwrites original content of the target file.
* It would also copy the permission of the original file
* to the destination.
* import { copyFile } from "deno";
* await copyFile("from.txt", "to.txt");
export function copyFile(from: string, to: string): Promise<void>;
/** Returns the destination of the named symbolic link synchronously.
* import { readlinkSync } from "deno";
* const targetPath = readlinkSync("symlink/path");
export function readlinkSync(name: string): string;
/** Returns the destination of the named symbolic link.
* import { readlink } from "deno";
* const targetPath = await readlink("symlink/path");
export function readlink(name: string): Promise<string>;
/** Queries the file system for information on the path provided. If the given
* path is a symlink information about the symlink will be returned.
* import { lstat } from "deno";
* const fileInfo = await lstat("hello.txt");
* assert(fileInfo.isFile());
export function lstat(filename: string): Promise<FileInfo>;
/** Queries the file system for information on the path provided synchronously.
* If the given path is a symlink information about the symlink will be
* returned.
* import { lstatSync } from "deno";
* const fileInfo = lstatSync("hello.txt");
* assert(fileInfo.isFile());
export function lstatSync(filename: string): FileInfo;
/** Queries the file system for information on the path provided. `stat` Will
* always follow symlinks.
* import { stat } from "deno";
* const fileInfo = await stat("hello.txt");
* assert(fileInfo.isFile());
export function stat(filename: string): Promise<FileInfo>;
/** Queries the file system for information on the path provided synchronously.
* `statSync` Will always follow symlinks.
* import { statSync } from "deno";
* const fileInfo = statSync("hello.txt");
* assert(fileInfo.isFile());
export function statSync(filename: string): FileInfo;
/** Synchronously creates `newname` as a symbolic link to `oldname`. The type
* argument can be set to `dir` or `file` and is only available on Windows
* (ignored on other platforms).
* import { symlinkSync } from "deno";
* symlinkSync("old/name", "new/name");
export function symlinkSync(
oldname: string,
newname: string,
type?: string
): void;
/** Creates `newname` as a symbolic link to `oldname`. The type argument can be
* set to `dir` or `file` and is only available on Windows (ignored on other
* platforms).
* import { symlink } from "deno";
* await symlink("old/name", "new/name");
export function symlink(
oldname: string,
newname: string,
type?: string
): Promise<void>;
/** Write a new file, with given filename and data synchronously.
* import { writeFileSync } from "deno";
* const encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
* const data = encoder.encode("Hello world\n");
* writeFileSync("hello.txt", data);
export function writeFileSync(
filename: string,
data: Uint8Array,
perm?: number
): void;
/** Write a new file, with given filename and data.
* import { writeFile } from "deno";
* const encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
* const data = encoder.encode("Hello world\n");
* await writeFile("hello.txt", data);
export function writeFile(
filename: string,
data: Uint8Array,
perm?: number
): Promise<void>;
export enum ErrorKind {
NoError = 0,
NotFound = 1,
PermissionDenied = 2,
ConnectionRefused = 3,
ConnectionReset = 4,
ConnectionAborted = 5,
NotConnected = 6,
AddrInUse = 7,
AddrNotAvailable = 8,
BrokenPipe = 9,
AlreadyExists = 10,
WouldBlock = 11,
InvalidInput = 12,
InvalidData = 13,
TimedOut = 14,
Interrupted = 15,
WriteZero = 16,
Other = 17,
UnexpectedEof = 18,
BadResource = 19,
EmptyHost = 20,
IdnaError = 21,
InvalidPort = 22,
InvalidIpv4Address = 23,
InvalidIpv6Address = 24,
InvalidDomainCharacter = 25,
RelativeUrlWithoutBase = 26,
RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase = 27,
SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl = 28,
Overflow = 29,
HttpUser = 30,
HttpClosed = 31,
HttpCanceled = 32,
HttpParse = 33,
HttpOther = 34
/** A Deno specific error. The `kind` property is set to a specific error code
* which can be used to in application logic.
* import { DenoError, ErrorKind } from "deno";
* try {
* somethingThatMightThrow();
* } catch (e) {
* if (e instanceof DenoError && e.kind === DenoError.Overflow) {
* console.error("Overflow error!");
* }
* }
export class DenoError<T extends ErrorKind> extends Error {
readonly kind: T;
constructor(kind: T, msg: string);
type TypedArray = Uint8Array | Float32Array | Int32Array;
interface CallSite {
/** Value of `this` */
getThis(): any;
/** Type of `this` as a string.
* This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of
* `this`, if available. Otherwise the object's `[[Class]]` internal
* property.
getTypeName(): string | null;
/** Current function. */
getFunction(): Function | undefined;
/** Name of the current function, typically its name property.
* If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try
* to infer a name from the function's context.
getFunctionName(): string | null;
/** Name of the property (of `this` or one of its prototypes) that holds
* the current function.
getMethodName(): string | null;
/** Name of the script (if this function was defined in a script). */
getFileName(): string | null;
/** Get the script name or source URL for the source map. */
getScriptNameOrSourceURL(): string;
/** Current line number (if this function was defined in a script). */
getLineNumber(): number | null;
/** Current column number (if this function was defined in a script). */
getColumnNumber(): number | null;
/** A call site object representing the location where eval was called (if
* this function was created using a call to `eval`)
getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined;
/** Is this a top level invocation, that is, is `this` the global object? */
isToplevel(): boolean;
/** Does this call take place in code defined by a call to `eval`? */
isEval(): boolean;
/** Is this call in native V8 code? */
isNative(): boolean;
/** Is this a constructor call? */
isConstructor(): boolean;
interface StartOfSourceMap {
file?: string;
sourceRoot?: string;
interface RawSourceMap extends StartOfSourceMap {
version: string;
sources: string[];
names: string[];
sourcesContent?: string[];
mappings: string;
global {
interface ErrorConstructor {
/** Create `.stack` property on a target object */
captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void;
* Optional override for formatting stack traces
* @see
prepareStackTrace?: (err: Error, stackTraces: CallSite[]) => any;
stackTraceLimit: number;
type MessageCallback = (msg: Uint8Array) => void;
type PromiseRejectEvent =
| "RejectWithNoHandler"
| "HandlerAddedAfterReject"
| "ResolveAfterResolved"
| "RejectAfterResolved";
interface Libdeno {
recv(cb: MessageCallback): void;
send(control: ArrayBufferView, data?: ArrayBufferView): null | Uint8Array;
print(x: string, isErr?: boolean): void;
setGlobalErrorHandler: (
handler: (
message: string,
source: string,
line: number,
col: number,
error: Error
) => void
) => void;
setPromiseRejectHandler: (
handler: (
error: Error | string,
event: PromiseRejectEvent,
promise: Promise<any>
) => void
) => void;
setPromiseErrorExaminer: (handler: () => boolean) => void;
mainSource: string;
mainSourceMap: RawSourceMap;
export const libdeno: Libdeno;
export {};
interface Platform {
/** The operating system CPU architecture. */
arch: "x64";
/** The operating system platform. */
os: "mac" | "win" | "linux";
export const platform: Platform;
interface TraceInfo {
sync: boolean;
name: string;
/** Trace privileged operations executed inside a given function or promise.
* _Notice:_ To capture every operation in asynchronous `deno.*` calls,
* you might want to put them in functions instead of directly invoking.
* import { trace, mkdir } from "deno";
* const ops = await trace(async () => {
* await mkdir("my_dir");
* });
export function trace(
fnOrPromise: Function | Promise<any>
): Promise<TraceInfo[]>;
/** Truncates or extends the specified file synchronously, updating the size of
* this file to become size.
* import { truncateSync } from "deno";
* truncateSync("hello.txt", 10);
export function truncateSync(name: string, len?: number): void;
* Truncates or extends the specified file, updating the size of this file to
* become size.
* import { truncate } from "deno";
* await truncate("hello.txt", 10);
export function truncate(name: string, len?: number): Promise<void>;
type Network = "tcp";
type Addr = string;
/** A Listener is a generic network listener for stream-oriented protocols. */
export interface Listener {
/** Waits for and resolves to the next connection to the `Listener`. */
accept(): Promise<Conn>;
/** Close closes the listener. Any pending accept promises will be rejected
* with errors.
close(): void;
/** Return the address of the `Listener`. */
addr(): Addr;
export interface Conn extends Reader, Writer, Closer {
/** The local address of the connection. */
localAddr: string;
/** The remote address of the connection. */
remoteAddr: string;
/** Shuts down (`shutdown(2)`) the reading side of the TCP connection. Most
* callers should just use `close()`.
closeRead(): void;
/** Shuts down (`shutdown(2)`) the writing side of the TCP connection. Most
* callers should just use `close()`.
closeWrite(): void;
/** Listen announces on the local network address.
* The network must be `tcp`, `tcp4`, `tcp6`, `unix` or `unixpacket`.
* For TCP networks, if the host in the address parameter is empty or a literal
* unspecified IP address, `listen()` listens on all available unicast and
* anycast IP addresses of the local system. To only use IPv4, use network
* `tcp4`. The address can use a host name, but this is not recommended,
* because it will create a listener for at most one of the host's IP
* addresses. If the port in the address parameter is empty or `0`, as in
* `` or `[::1]:0`, a port number is automatically chosen. The
* `addr()` method of `Listener` can be used to discover the chosen port.
* See `dial()` for a description of the network and address parameters.
export function listen(network: Network, address: string): Listener;
/** Dial connects to the address on the named network.
* Supported networks are only `tcp` currently.
* TODO: `tcp4` (IPv4-only), `tcp6` (IPv6-only), `udp`, `udp4` (IPv4-only),
* `udp6` (IPv6-only), `ip`, `ip4` (IPv4-only), `ip6` (IPv6-only), `unix`,
* `unixgram` and `unixpacket`.
* For TCP and UDP networks, the address has the form `host:port`. The host must
* be a literal IP address, or a host name that can be resolved to IP addresses.
* The port must be a literal port number or a service name. If the host is a
* literal IPv6 address it must be enclosed in square brackets, as in
* `[2001:db8::1]:80` or `[fe80::1%zone]:80`. The zone specifies the scope of
* the literal IPv6 address as defined in RFC 4007. The functions JoinHostPort
* and SplitHostPort manipulate a pair of host and port in this form. When using
* TCP, and the host resolves to multiple IP addresses, Dial will try each IP
* address in order until one succeeds.
* Examples:
* dial("tcp", "")
* dial("tcp", "")
* dial("tcp", "")
* dial("udp", "[2001:db8::1]:domain")
* dial("udp", "[fe80::1%lo0]:53")
* dial("tcp", ":80")
export function dial(network: Network, address: string): Promise<Conn>;
/** **RESERVED** */
export function connect(network: Network, address: string): Promise<Conn>;
interface Metrics {
opsDispatched: number;
opsCompleted: number;
bytesSentControl: number;
bytesSentData: number;
bytesReceived: number;
/** Receive metrics from the privileged side of Deno. */
export function metrics(): Metrics;
export {};
export const args: string[];
declare module "globals" {
interface Window {
window: Window;
setTimeout: typeof timers.setTimeout;
setInterval: typeof timers.setInterval;
clearTimeout: typeof timers.clearTimer;
clearInterval: typeof timers.clearTimer;
console: console.Console;
TextEncoder: {
utfLabel?: string | undefined,
options?: TextEncoding.TextEncoderOptions | undefined
): TextEncoder;
new (
utfLabel?: string | undefined,
options?: TextEncoding.TextEncoderOptions | undefined
): TextEncoder;
encoding: string;
TextDecoder: {
label?: string | undefined,
options?: TextDecoderOptions | undefined
): TextDecoder;
new (
label?: string | undefined,
options?: TextDecoderOptions | undefined
): TextDecoder;
encoding: string;
atob: typeof textEncoding.atob;
btoa: typeof textEncoding.btoa;
fetch: typeof fetch_.fetch;
Headers: typeof fetch_.DenoHeaders;
Blob: typeof blob.DenoBlob;
global {
const window: Window;
const setTimeout: typeof timers.setTimeout;
const setInterval: typeof timers.setInterval;
const clearTimeout: typeof timers.clearTimer;
const clearInterval: typeof timers.clearTimer;
const console: console.Console;
const TextEncoder: {
utfLabel?: string | undefined,
options?: TextEncoding.TextEncoderOptions | undefined
): TextEncoder;
new (
utfLabel?: string | undefined,
options?: TextEncoding.TextEncoderOptions | undefined
): TextEncoder;
encoding: string;
const TextDecoder: {
label?: string | undefined,
options?: TextDecoderOptions | undefined
): TextDecoder;
new (
label?: string | undefined,
options?: TextDecoderOptions | undefined
): TextDecoder;
encoding: string;
const atob: typeof textEncoding.atob;
const btoa: typeof textEncoding.btoa;
const fetch: typeof fetch_.fetch;
const Headers: typeof fetch_.DenoHeaders;
const Blob: typeof blob.DenoBlob;
namespace domTypes {
export type HeadersInit = Headers | string[][] | Record<string, string>;
export type URLSearchParamsInit =
| string
| string[][]
| Record<string, string>;
type BodyInit =
| Blob
| BufferSource
| FormData
| URLSearchParams
| ReadableStream
| string;
export type RequestInfo = Request | string;
type ReferrerPolicy =
| ""
| "no-referrer"
| "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
| "origin-only"
| "origin-when-cross-origin"
| "unsafe-url";
export type BlobPart = BufferSource | Blob | string;
type FormDataEntryValue = File | string;
export type EventListenerOrEventListenerObject =
| EventListener
| EventListenerObject;
interface Element {}
export interface HTMLFormElement {}
type EndingType = "tranparent" | "native";
export interface BlobPropertyBag {
type?: string;
ending?: EndingType;
interface AbortSignalEventMap {
abort: ProgressEvent;
interface EventTarget {
type: string,
listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
dispatchEvent(evt: Event): boolean;
type: string,
listener?: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null,
options?: EventListenerOptions | boolean
): void;
export interface ProgressEventInit extends EventInit {
lengthComputable?: boolean;
loaded?: number;
total?: number;
export interface URLSearchParams {
* Appends a specified key/value pair as a new search parameter.
append(name: string, value: string): void;
* Deletes the given search parameter, and its associated value,
* from the list of all search parameters.
delete(name: string): void;
* Returns the first value associated to the given search parameter.
get(name: string): string | null;
* Returns all the values association with a given search parameter.
getAll(name: string): string[];
* Returns a Boolean indicating if such a search parameter exists.
has(name: string): boolean;
* Sets the value associated to a given search parameter to the given value.
* If there were several values, delete the others.
set(name: string, value: string): void;
* Sort all key/value pairs contained in this object in place
* and return undefined. The sort order is according to Unicode
* code points of the keys.
sort(): void;
* Returns a query string suitable for use in a URL.
toString(): string;
* Iterates over each name-value pair in the query
* and invokes the given function.
callbackfn: (
value: string,
key: string,
parent: URLSearchParams
) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void;
interface EventListener {
(evt: Event): void;
interface EventInit {
bubbles?: boolean;
cancelable?: boolean;
composed?: boolean;
interface Event {
readonly bubbles: boolean;
cancelBubble: boolean;
readonly cancelable: boolean;
readonly composed: boolean;
readonly currentTarget: EventTarget | null;
readonly defaultPrevented: boolean;
readonly eventPhase: number;
readonly isTrusted: boolean;
returnValue: boolean;
readonly srcElement: Element | null;
readonly target: EventTarget | null;
readonly timeStamp: number;
readonly type: string;
deepPath(): EventTarget[];
initEvent(type: string, bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean): void;
preventDefault(): void;
stopImmediatePropagation(): void;
stopPropagation(): void;
readonly AT_TARGET: number;
readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number;
readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number;
readonly NONE: number;
interface File extends Blob {
readonly lastModified: number;
readonly name: string;
export interface FilePropertyBag extends BlobPropertyBag {
lastModified?: number;
interface ProgressEvent extends Event {
readonly lengthComputable: boolean;
readonly loaded: number;
readonly total: number;
interface EventListenerOptions {
capture?: boolean;
interface AddEventListenerOptions extends EventListenerOptions {
once?: boolean;
passive?: boolean;
interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
readonly aborted: boolean;
onabort: ((this: AbortSignal, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null;
addEventListener<K extends keyof AbortSignalEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: AbortSignal, ev: AbortSignalEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
type: string,
listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof AbortSignalEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: AbortSignal, ev: AbortSignalEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
type: string,
listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
interface ReadableStream {
readonly locked: boolean;
cancel(): Promise<void>;
getReader(): ReadableStreamReader;
interface EventListenerObject {
handleEvent(evt: Event): void;
interface ReadableStreamReader {
cancel(): Promise<void>;
read(): Promise<any>;
releaseLock(): void;
export interface FormData {
append(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void;
delete(name: string): void;
get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null;
getAll(name: string): FormDataEntryValue[];
has(name: string): boolean;
set(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void;
callbackfn: (
value: FormDataEntryValue,
key: string,
parent: FormData
) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void;
/** A blob object represents a file-like object of immutable, raw data. */
export interface Blob {
/** The size, in bytes, of the data contained in the `Blob` object. */
readonly size: number;
/** A string indicating the media type of the data contained in the `Blob`.
* If the type is unknown, this string is empty.
readonly type: string;
/** Returns a new `Blob` object containing the data in the specified range of
* bytes of the source `Blob`.
slice(start?: number, end?: number, contentType?: string): Blob;
interface Body {
/** A simple getter used to expose a `ReadableStream` of the body contents. */
readonly body: ReadableStream | null;
/** Stores a `Boolean` that declares whether the body has been used in a
* response yet.
readonly bodyUsed: boolean;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with an `ArrayBuffer`.
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `Blob`.
blob(): Promise<Blob>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `FormData` object.
formData(): Promise<FormData>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON.
json(): Promise<any>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `USVString` (text).
text(): Promise<string>;
export interface Headers {
/** Appends a new value onto an existing header inside a `Headers` object, or
* adds the header if it does not already exist.
append(name: string, value: string): void;
/** Deletes a header from a `Headers` object. */
delete(name: string): void;
/** Returns a `ByteString` sequence of all the values of a header within a
* `Headers` object with a given name.
get(name: string): string | null;
/** Returns a boolean stating whether a `Headers` object contains a certain
* header.
has(name: string): boolean;
/** Sets a new value for an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds
* the header if it does not already exist.
set(name: string, value: string): void;
callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: Headers) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void;
type RequestCache =
| "default"
| "no-store"
| "reload"
| "no-cache"
| "force-cache"
| "only-if-cached";
type RequestCredentials = "omit" | "same-origin" | "include";
type RequestDestination =
| ""
| "audio"
| "audioworklet"
| "document"
| "embed"
| "font"
| "image"
| "manifest"
| "object"
| "paintworklet"
| "report"
| "script"
| "sharedworker"
| "style"
| "track"
| "video"
| "worker"
| "xslt";
type RequestMode = "navigate" | "same-origin" | "no-cors" | "cors";
type RequestRedirect = "follow" | "error" | "manual";
type ResponseType =
| "basic"
| "cors"
| "default"
| "error"
| "opaque"
| "opaqueredirect";
export interface RequestInit {
body?: BodyInit | null;
cache?: RequestCache;
credentials?: RequestCredentials;
headers?: HeadersInit;
integrity?: string;
keepalive?: boolean;
method?: string;
mode?: RequestMode;
redirect?: RequestRedirect;
referrer?: string;
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
signal?: AbortSignal | null;
window?: any;
export interface ResponseInit {
headers?: HeadersInit;
status?: number;
statusText?: string;
export interface Request extends Body {
/** Returns the cache mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating how the the request will interact with the browser's cache when
* fetching.
readonly cache: RequestCache;
/** Returns the credentials mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never,
* or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
readonly credentials: RequestCredentials;
/** Returns the kind of resource requested by request, (e.g., `document` or
* `script`).
readonly destination: RequestDestination;
/** Returns a Headers object consisting of the headers associated with
* request.
* Note that headers added in the network layer by the user agent
* will not be accounted for in this object, (e.g., the `Host` header).
readonly headers: Headers;
/** Returns request's subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic
* hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes
* separated by whitespace. [SRI]
readonly integrity: string;
/** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a history
* navigation (a.k.a. back-foward navigation).
readonly isHistoryNavigation: boolean;
/** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a reload
* navigation.
readonly isReloadNavigation: boolean;
/** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request can outlive the global
* in which it was created.
readonly keepalive: boolean;
/** Returns request's HTTP method, which is `GET` by default. */
readonly method: string;
/** Returns the mode associated with request, which is a string indicating
* whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin
* URLs.
readonly mode: RequestMode;
/** Returns the redirect mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching.
* A request will follow redirects by default.
readonly redirect: RequestRedirect;
/** Returns the referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if
* explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and
* `about:client` when defaulting to the global's default.
* This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer`
* header of the request being made.
readonly referrer: string;
/** Returns the referrer policy associated with request. This is used during
* fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
readonly referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy;
/** Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object
* indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event
* handler.
readonly signal: AbortSignal;
/** Returns the URL of request as a string. */
readonly url: string;
clone(): Request;
export interface Response extends Body {
/** Contains the `Headers` object associated with the response. */
readonly headers: Headers;
/** Contains a boolean stating whether the response was successful (status in
* the range 200-299) or not.
readonly ok: boolean;
/** Indicates whether or not the response is the result of a redirect; that
* is, its URL list has more than one entry.
readonly redirected: boolean;
/** Contains the status code of the response (e.g., `200` for a success). */
readonly status: number;
/** Contains the status message corresponding to the status code (e.g., `OK`
* for `200`).
readonly statusText: string;
readonly trailer: Promise<Headers>;
/** Contains the type of the response (e.g., `basic`, `cors`). */
readonly type: ResponseType;
/** Contains the URL of the response. */
readonly url: string;
/** Creates a clone of a `Response` object. */
clone(): Response;
namespace blob {
const bytesSymbol: unique symbol;
export class DenoBlob implements domTypes.Blob {
private readonly [bytesSymbol];
readonly size: number;
readonly type: string;
/** A blob object represents a file-like object of immutable, raw data. */
blobParts?: domTypes.BlobPart[],
options?: domTypes.BlobPropertyBag
slice(start?: number, end?: number, contentType?: string): DenoBlob;
namespace console {
export class Console {
private printFunc;
/** Writes the arguments to stdout */
log: (...args: any[]) => void;
/** Writes the arguments to stdout */
debug: (...args: any[]) => void;
/** Writes the arguments to stdout */
info: (...args: any[]) => void;
/** Writes the properties of the supplied `obj` to stdout */
dir: (
obj: any,
options?: Partial<{
showHidden: boolean;
depth: number;
colors: boolean;
) => void;
/** Writes the arguments to stdout */
warn: (...args: any[]) => void;
/** Writes the arguments to stdout */
error: (...args: any[]) => void;
/** Writes an error message to stdout if the assertion is `false`. If the
* assertion is `true`, nothing happens.
assert: (condition: boolean, ...args: any[]) => void;
namespace fetch_ {
export class DenoHeaders implements domTypes.Headers {
private headerMap;
constructor(init?: domTypes.HeadersInit);
private normalizeParams;
append(name: string, value: string): void;
delete(name: string): void;
get(name: string): string | null;
has(name: string): boolean;
set(name: string, value: string): void;
callbackfn: (
value: string,
key: string,
parent: domTypes.Headers
) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void;
/** Fetch a resource from the network. */
export function fetch(
input?: domTypes.Request | string,
init?: domTypes.RequestInit
): Promise<domTypes.Response>;
global {
type BufferSource = ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer;
interface TextDecodeOptions {
stream?: boolean;
interface TextDecoderOptions {
fatal?: boolean;
ignoreBOM?: boolean;
interface TextDecoder {
readonly encoding: string;
readonly fatal: boolean;
readonly ignoreBOM: boolean;
decode(input?: BufferSource, options?: TextDecodeOptions): string;
namespace textEncoding {
export function atob(s: string): string;
/** Creates a base-64 ASCII string from the input string. */
export function btoa(s: string): string;
namespace timers {
export function setTimeout<Args extends Array<unknown>>(
cb: (...args: Args) => void,
delay: number,
...args: Args
): number;
/** Repeatedly calls a function , with a fixed time delay between each call. */
export function setInterval<Args extends Array<unknown>>(
cb: (...args: Args) => void,
delay: number,
...args: Args
): number;
/** Clears a previously set timer by id. */
export function clearTimer(id: number): void;
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