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Created July 12, 2020 05:23
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Used in the "Using APIs" section of in the elm-spa guide
-- src/Api.elm
module Api exposing (Data(..), expectJson)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Json
type Data value
= NotAsked
| Loading
| Failure Http.Error
| Success value
expectJson : (Data value -> msg) -> Json.Decoder value -> Http.Expect msg
expectJson toMsg =
Http.expectJson (fromResult >> toMsg)
fromResult : Result Http.Error value -> Data value
fromResult result =
case result of
Ok value ->
Success value
Err reason ->
Failure reason
-- src/Api/Reddit/Listing.elm
module Api.Reddit.Listing exposing
( Listing
, hot, top, new
@docs Listing
@docs hot, top, new
import Api
import Http
import Json.Decode as Json
type alias Listing =
{ title : String
, author : String
, url : String
decoder : Json.Decoder Listing
decoder =
Json.map3 Listing
(Json.field "title" Json.string)
(Json.field "author_fullname" Json.string)
(Json.field "url" Json.string)
hot : { onResponse : Api.Data (List Listing) -> msg } -> Cmd msg
hot =
listings "hot"
top : { onResponse : Api.Data (List Listing) -> msg } -> Cmd msg
top =
listings "top"
new : { onResponse : Api.Data (List Listing) -> msg } -> Cmd msg
new =
listings "new"
listings : String -> { onResponse : Api.Data (List Listing) -> msg } -> Cmd msg
listings endpoint options =
{ url = "" ++ endpoint
, expect =
Api.expectJson options.onResponse
( [ "data", "children" ] (Json.list decoder))
-- src/Pages/Posts.elm
module Pages.Posts exposing (Model, Msg, Params, page)
import Api
import Api.Reddit.Listing exposing (Listing)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href)
import Spa.Document exposing (Document)
import Spa.Page as Page exposing (Page)
import Spa.Url exposing (Url)
page : Page Params Model Msg
page =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Params =
type alias Model =
{ listings : Api.Data (List Listing)
init : Url Params -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init url =
( Model Api.Loading
{ onResponse = GotHotListings
type Msg
= GotHotListings (Api.Data (List Listing))
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GotHotListings data ->
( { model | listings = data }
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
view : Model -> Document Msg
view model =
{ title = "Posts"
, body =
[ div [ class "page" ]
[ viewListings model.listings
viewListings : Api.Data (List Listing) -> Html msg
viewListings data =
case data of
Api.NotAsked ->
text "Not asked"
Api.Loading ->
text "Loading..."
Api.Failure _ ->
text "Something went wrong..."
Api.Success listings ->
div [ class "listings" ]
( viewListing listings)
viewListing : Listing -> Html msg
viewListing listing =
div [ class "listing" ]
[ a [ class "title", href listing.url ]
[ text listing.title ]
, p [ class "author" ]
[ text ("Author: " ++ ]
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