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Created March 28, 2020 21:31
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elm-spa – using html
module Page exposing
( Page, Document, Bundle
, upgrade
, static, sandbox, element, component
@docs Page, Document, Bundle
@docs upgrade
@docs static, sandbox, element, component
import Browser
import Global
import Spa
type alias Document msg =
Browser.Document msg
type alias Page flags model msg =
Spa.Page flags model msg Global.Model Global.Msg
type alias Bundle msg =
Spa.Bundle msg
upgrade :
(pageModel -> model)
-> (pageMsg -> msg)
-> Page pageFlags pageModel pageMsg
{ init : pageFlags -> Global.Model -> ( model, Cmd msg, Cmd Global.Msg )
, update : pageMsg -> pageModel -> Global.Model -> ( model, Cmd msg, Cmd Global.Msg )
, bundle : pageModel -> Global.Model -> Bundle msg
upgrade =
static : { view : Document msg } -> Page flags () msg
static =
sandbox :
{ init : model
, update : msg -> model -> model
, view : model -> Document msg
-> Page flags model msg
sandbox =
element :
{ init : flags -> ( model, Cmd msg )
, update : msg -> model -> ( model, Cmd msg )
, subscriptions : model -> Sub msg
, view : model -> Document msg
-> Page flags model msg
element =
component :
{ init : Global.Model -> flags -> ( model, Cmd msg, Cmd Global.Msg )
, update : Global.Model -> msg -> model -> ( model, Cmd msg, Cmd Global.Msg )
, subscriptions : Global.Model -> model -> Sub msg
, view : Global.Model -> model -> Document msg
-> Page flags model msg
component =
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