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Created April 13, 2023 20:00
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package main
import (
func main() {
resp, err := GetNeuronInfo("5F4tQyWrhfGVcNhoqeiNsR6KjD4wMZ2kfhLj4oHYuyHbZAc3")
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: don't panic here
func getRequest(url string, resp interface{}) error {
res, resErr := http.Get(url)
if resErr != nil {
return resErr
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("%v", res.StatusCode)
defer func() {
closeErr := res.Body.Close()
if closeErr != nil {
body, readErr := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if readErr != nil {
return readErr
jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, resp)
if jsonErr != nil {
return jsonErr
return nil
func GetNodeVersion() (*NodeVersionResponse, error) {
url := "http://localhost:8080/node/version"
resp := new(NodeVersionResponse)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func GetRuntimeSpec() (*RuntimeSpecResponse, error) {
url := "http://localhost:8080/runtime/spec"
resp := new(RuntimeSpecResponse)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func getNodeNetwork() (*NodeNetworkResponse, error) {
url := "http://localhost:8080/node/network"
resp := new(NodeNetworkResponse)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func getBalanceInfoForAddress(address string) (*BalanceInfoResponse, error) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:8080/accounts/%s/balance-info", address)
resp := new(BalanceInfoResponse)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func getHotKeyOwner(address string) (*StorageResponse, error) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:8080/pallets/subtensorModule/storage/Owner?keys[]=%s", address)
resp := new(StorageResponse)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func getStorageItemSingleKeySingleValue(item string, key interface{}) (*StorageResponseSingleValue, error) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:8080/pallets/subtensorModule/storage/%v?keys[]=%v", item, key)
resp := new(StorageResponseSingleValue)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func getStorageItemMultiKeySingleValue(item string, key1, key2 interface{}) (*StorageResponseSingleValue, error) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:8080/pallets/subtensorModule/storage/%v?keys[]=%v&keys=%v", item, key1, key2)
resp := new(StorageResponseSingleValue)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue(item string, key interface{}) (*StorageResponseMultiValue, error) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:8080/pallets/subtensorModule/storage/%v?keys[]=%v", item, key)
resp := new(StorageResponseMultiValue)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiBoolValue(item string, key int) (*StorageResponseMultiBoolValue, error) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:8080/pallets/subtensorModule/storage/%v?keys[]=%v", item, key)
resp := new(StorageResponseMultiBoolValue)
err := getRequest(url, &resp)
return resp, err
func PrettyPrint(i interface{}) {
s, ignored := json.MarshalIndent(i, "", "\t")
if ignored != nil {
type NodeNetworkResponse struct {
NodeRoles []struct {
Full interface{} `json:"full"`
} `json:"nodeRoles"`
NumPeers string `json:"numPeers"`
IsSyncing bool `json:"isSyncing"`
ShouldHavePeers bool `json:"shouldHavePeers"`
LocalPeerID string `json:"localPeerId"`
LocalListenAddresses []string `json:"localListenAddresses"`
PeersInfo string `json:"peersInfo"`
type NodeVersionResponse struct {
ClientVersion string `json:"clientVersion"`
ClientImplName string `json:"clientImplName"`
Chain string `json:"chain"`
type RuntimeSpecResponse struct {
At struct {
Height string `json:"height"`
Hash string `json:"hash"`
} `json:"at"`
AuthoringVersion string `json:"authoringVersion"`
TransactionVersion string `json:"transactionVersion"`
ImplVersion string `json:"implVersion"`
SpecName string `json:"specName"`
SpecVersion string `json:"specVersion"`
ChainType struct {
Live interface{} `json:"live"`
} `json:"chainType"`
Properties struct {
Ss58Format string `json:"ss58Format"`
TokenDecimals []string `json:"tokenDecimals"`
TokenSymbol []string `json:"tokenSymbol"`
} `json:"properties"`
type BalanceInfoResponse struct {
At struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Height string `json:"height"`
} `json:"at"`
Nonce string `json:"nonce"`
TokenSymbol string `json:"tokenSymbol"`
Free string `json:"free"`
Reserved string `json:"reserved"`
MiscFrozen string `json:"miscFrozen"`
FeeFrozen string `json:"feeFrozen"`
Locks []interface{} `json:"locks"`
type StorageResponse struct {
At struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Height string `json:"height"`
} `json:"at"`
Pallet string `json:"pallet"`
PalletIndex string `json:"palletIndex"`
StorageItem string `json:"storageItem"`
Keys []string `json:"keys"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type PalletStorageItemsResponse struct {
At struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Height string `json:"height"`
} `json:"at"`
Pallet string `json:"pallet"`
PalletIndex string `json:"palletIndex"`
Items []string `json:"items"`
type StorageResponseUnknownValue struct {
At struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Height string `json:"height"`
} `json:"at"`
Pallet string `json:"pallet"`
PalletIndex string `json:"palletIndex"`
StorageItem string `json:"storageItem"`
Value interface{} `json:"value"`
type StorageResponseSingleValue struct {
At struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Height string `json:"height"`
} `json:"at"`
Pallet string `json:"pallet"`
PalletIndex string `json:"palletIndex"`
StorageItem string `json:"storageItem"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type StorageResponseMultiValue struct {
At struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Height string `json:"height"`
} `json:"at"`
Pallet string `json:"pallet"`
PalletIndex string `json:"palletIndex"`
StorageItem string `json:"storageItem"`
Value []string `json:"value"`
type StorageResponseMultiBoolValue struct {
At struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Height string `json:"height"`
} `json:"at"`
Pallet string `json:"pallet"`
PalletIndex string `json:"palletIndex"`
StorageItem string `json:"storageItem"`
Value []bool `json:"value"`
func (r RuntimeSpecResponse) DecimalsForSymbol(token string) int64 {
decimalString := ""
for n := range r.Properties.TokenSymbol {
sym := r.Properties.TokenSymbol[n]
if sym == token {
decimalString = r.Properties.TokenDecimals[n]
if decimalString == "" {
panic("decimals not found for given token symbol; consider returning an error instead of a panic here.")
num, err := strconv.ParseInt(decimalString, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: don't panic here.
return num
func (b BalanceInfoResponse) BalanceFree() float64 {
num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(b.Free, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: don't panic here.
return num
type NeuronInfo struct {
UID int
HotKey string
ColdKey string
Stake float64
Rank float64
VTrust float64
Trust float64
Consensus float64
Incentive float64
Dividends float64
Emission float64
Updated float64
VPermit bool
Active bool
Height float64
func (n NeuronInfo) VPermitNum() float64 {
if n.VPermit {
return 1.0
return 0.0
func (n NeuronInfo) ActiveNum() float64 {
if n.Active {
return 1.0
return 0.0
func GetNeuronInfo(address string) (*NeuronInfo, error) { // nolint
netuid := 3
var data = &NeuronInfo{
UID: 0,
HotKey: address,
ColdKey: "",
Stake: 0,
Rank: 0,
VTrust: 0,
Trust: 0,
Consensus: 0,
Incentive: 0,
Dividends: 0,
Emission: 0,
Updated: 0,
VPermit: false,
Active: false,
Height: 0,
resp, err := getStorageItemSingleKeySingleValue("Owner", address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data.ColdKey = resp.Value
resp, err = getStorageItemSingleKeySingleValue("totalHotkeyStake", address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data.Stake = MustParseFloat64(resp.Value) / RAOPERTAO()
resp, err = getStorageItemMultiKeySingleValue("uids", netuid, address)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: don't panic here
data.UID = int(MustParseInt64(resp.Value))
rank, rankErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue("rank", netuid)
if rankErr != nil {
data.Rank = MustParseNormalizedFloat(rank.Value[data.UID])
emission, emissionErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue("emission", netuid)
if emissionErr != nil {
data.Emission = MustParseFloat64(emission.Value[data.UID]) / RAOPERTAO()
incentive, incentiveErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue("incentive", netuid)
if incentiveErr != nil {
data.Incentive = MustParseNormalizedFloat(incentive.Value[data.UID])
consensus, consensusErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue("consensus", netuid)
if consensusErr != nil {
data.Consensus = MustParseNormalizedFloat(consensus.Value[data.UID])
trust, trustErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue("trust", netuid)
if trustErr != nil {
data.Trust = MustParseNormalizedFloat(trust.Value[data.UID])
validatorTrust, validatorTrustErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue("validatorTrust", netuid)
if validatorTrustErr != nil {
data.VTrust = MustParseNormalizedFloat(validatorTrust.Value[data.UID])
dividends, dividendsErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue("dividends", netuid)
if dividendsErr != nil {
data.Dividends = MustParseNormalizedFloat(dividends.Value[data.UID])
active, activeErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiBoolValue("active", netuid)
if activeErr != nil {
data.Active = active.Value[data.UID]
validatorPermit, validatorPermitErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiBoolValue("validatorPermit", netuid)
if validatorPermitErr != nil {
data.VPermit = validatorPermit.Value[data.UID]
lastUpdate, lastUpdateErr := getStorageItemSingleKeyMultiValue("lastUpdate", netuid)
if lastUpdateErr != nil {
data.Updated = MustParseFloat64(lastUpdate.At.Height) - MustParseFloat64(lastUpdate.Value[data.UID])
data.Height = MustParseFloat64(lastUpdate.At.Height)
return data, nil
func RAOPERTAO() float64 {
spec, specErr := GetRuntimeSpec()
if specErr != nil {
return math.Pow10(int(spec.DecimalsForSymbol("TAO")))
func MustParseFloat64(str string) float64 {
num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
if err != nil {
return num
func MustParseNormalizedFloat(str string) float64 {
f := MustParseFloat64(str)
return f / math.MaxUint16
func MustParseInt64(str string) int64 {
num, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return num
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