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# grunt-newer:
# Check for newer @import .less files example
# See:
newer: {
options: {
* when changing a less file, we run an addional check on all the *.less files to see if they are @importing a modified *.less file, and if so we include it in the files which less task should execute.
override: function(details, shouldIncludeCallback) {
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var async = require('async');
var checkFileForModifiedImports = async.memoize(function(filepath, fileCheckCallback) {
fs.readFile(filepath, 'utf8', function(error, data) {
var directoryPath = path.dirname(filepath);
var regex = /@import (?:\([^)]+\) )?"(.+?)(\.less)?"/g
var match;
function checkNextImport() {
if ((match = regex.exec(data)) === null) {
return fileCheckCallback(false); // all @import files has been checked.
var importFilePath = path.join(directoryPath, match[1] + '.less');
fs.exists(importFilePath, function(exists) {
if (!exists) { // @import file does not exists.
return checkNextImport(); // skip to next
fs.stat(importFilePath, function(error, stats) {
if (stats.mtime > details.time) { // @import file has been modified, -> include it.
else { // @import file has not been modified but, lets check the @import's of this file.
checkFileForModifiedImports(importFilePath, function(hasModifiedImport) {
if (hasModifiedImport) {
else {
// only add override behavior to less tasks.
if (details.task == 'less') {
checkFileForModifiedImports(details.path, function(found) {
else {
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