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std::vector<SdfText::InstanceVertex> SdfText::getGlyphVertices( const SdfText::Font::GlyphMeasures &glyphMeasures, const DrawOptions &options, const std::vector<ColorA8u> &colors )
const auto& textures = mTextureAtlases->mTextures;
const auto& glyphMap = mTextureAtlases->mGlyphInfo;
const auto& sdfScale = mTextureAtlases->mSdfScale;
const auto& sdfPadding = mTextureAtlases->mSdfPadding;
if( textures.empty() ) {
return std::vector<SdfText::InstanceVertex>();
if( ! colors.empty() ) {
CI_ASSERT( glyphMeasures.size() == colors.size() );
const vec2 fontRenderScale = vec2( mFont.getSize() ) / ( 32.0f * mTextureAtlases->mSdfScale );
const vec2 fontOriginScale = vec2( mFont.getSize() ) / 32.0f;
vec2 baseline = vec2( 0, 0 );
std::vector<SdfText::InstanceVertex> ret;
ret.reserve( glyphMeasures.size() );
const float scale = options.getScale();
for( size_t texIdx = 0; texIdx < textures.size(); ++texIdx ) {
const gl::TextureRef &curTex = textures[texIdx];
if( options.getPixelSnap() ) {
baseline = vec2( floor( baseline.x ), floor( baseline.y ) );
for( auto glyphIt = glyphMeasures.begin(); glyphIt != glyphMeasures.end(); ++glyphIt ) {
auto glyphInfoIt = glyphMap.find( glyphIt->first );
if( glyphInfoIt == glyphMap.end() ) {
CI_LOG_W( "Glyph: " << glyphIt->first << ", not found." );
const auto &glyphInfo = glyphInfoIt->second;
if( glyphInfo.mTextureIndex != texIdx )
const auto &originOffset = glyphInfo.mOriginOffset;
Rectf srcTexCoords = curTex->getAreaTexCoords( glyphInfo.mTexCoords );
Rectf destRect = Rectf( glyphInfo.mTexCoords );
destRect.scale( scale );
destRect -= destRect.getUpperLeft();
vec2 offset = vec2( 0, -( destRect.getHeight() ) );
// Reverse the transformation applied during SDF generation
float tx = sdfPadding.x;
float ty = std::fabs( originOffset.y ) + sdfPadding.y;
offset += scale * sdfScale * vec2( -tx, ty );
// Use origin scale for horizontal offset
offset += scale * fontOriginScale * vec2( originOffset.x, 0.0f );
destRect += offset;
destRect.scale( fontRenderScale );
destRect += glyphIt->second * scale;
destRect += baseline;
InstanceVertex vert;
vert.pos = vec2( destRect.x1, destRect.y1 );
std::cout << destRect << std::endl;
vert.size = destRect.getSize();
vert.texCoords = vec4( srcTexCoords.x1, srcTexCoords.y1, srcTexCoords.x2, srcTexCoords.y2 );
ret.emplace_back( std::move( vert ) );
return ret;
auto sdfSize = sdfText->measureString( current->getText() );
auto glyphPlacement = sdfText->getGlyphPlacements( current->getText(), Rectf( 0, 0, sdfSize.x, 21.969 ) );
auto glyphVerts = sdfText->getGlyphVertices( glyphPlacement );
std::transform( glyphVerts.begin(), glyphVerts.end(), std::back_inserter( vert->vertices ),
[sdfSize]( const gl::SdfText::InstanceVertex &vert ){
LabelVertices::LabelVertex ret;
ret.position = vert.pos;
ret.size = vert.size;
ret.texCoords = vert.texCoords;
return ret;
auto sdfSize = sdfText->measureString( current->getText() );
auto glyphPlacement = sdfText->getGlyphPlacements( current->getText(), Rectf( 0, 0, sdfSize.x, sdfSize.y ) );
auto glyphVerts = sdfText->getGlyphVertices( glyphPlacement );
for( auto vert : glyphVerts ) {
vert.pos.x -= sdfSize.x / 2.0f;
cout << vert.pos << " " << vert.size << " " << vert.texCoords << endl;
[ -143.330, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.297, 1.000, 0.315, 0.982]
[ -118.706, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.761, 1.000, 0.779, 0.982]
[ -96.894, -15.920] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.779, 1.000, 0.797, 0.982]
[ -74.360, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.872, 1.000, 0.890, 0.982]
[ -53.232, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.705, 1.000, 0.723, 0.982]
[ -44.796, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.501, 1.000, 0.519, 0.982]
[ -24.390, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.816, 1.000, 0.834, 0.982]
[ -11.736, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.000, 1.000, 0.018, 0.982]
[ -1.172, -19.278] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.056, 1.000, 0.074, 0.982]
[ 26.264, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.872, 1.000, 0.890, 0.982]
[ 47.392, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.705, 1.000, 0.723, 0.982]
[ 55.828, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.854, 1.000, 0.872, 0.982]
[ 67.798, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.872, 1.000, 0.890, 0.982]
[ 88.926, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.816, 1.000, 0.834, 0.982]
[ 101.580, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.575, 1.000, 0.593, 0.982]
|error | void ocr::StaticResource::processMapLabelLayout(ocr::Content *, ocr::LabelVertex *, const layout::Component &, ocr::layout::GeneratorName)[334] ROMAN
[ -144.413, -19.278] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.353, 1.000, 0.371, 0.982]
[ -119.789, -15.920] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.779, 1.000, 0.797, 0.982]
[ -97.255, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.501, 1.000, 0.519, 0.982]
[ -76.849, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.742, 1.000, 0.760, 0.982]
[ -55.721, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.649, 1.000, 0.667, 0.982]
[ -47.285, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.835, 1.000, 0.853, 0.982]
[ -28.285, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.631, 1.000, 0.649, 0.982]
[ -7.157, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.000, 1.000, 0.018, 0.982]
[ 3.407, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.111, 1.000, 0.129, 0.982]
[ 25.219, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.872, 1.000, 0.890, 0.982]
[ 46.347, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.854, 1.000, 0.872, 0.982]
[ 58.317, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.520, 1.000, 0.538, 0.982]
[ 80.851, -19.371] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.761, 1.000, 0.779, 0.982]
[ 102.663, -19.594] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.705, 1.000, 0.723, 0.982]
[ -143.330, -8.438] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.297, 1.000, 0.315, 0.982]
[ -118.706, -8.215] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.761, 1.000, 0.779, 0.982]
[ -96.894, -4.764] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.779, 1.000, 0.797, 0.982]
[ -74.360, -8.215] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.872, 1.000, 0.890, 0.982]
[ -53.232, -8.438] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.705, 1.000, 0.723, 0.982]
[ -44.796, -8.215] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.501, 1.000, 0.519, 0.982]
[ -24.390, -8.438] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.816, 1.000, 0.834, 0.982]
[ -11.736, -8.438] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.000, 1.000, 0.018, 0.982]
[ -1.172, -8.122] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.056, 1.000, 0.074, 0.982]
[ 26.264, -8.215] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.872, 1.000, 0.890, 0.982]
[ 47.392, -8.438] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.705, 1.000, 0.723, 0.982]
[ 55.828, -8.438] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.854, 1.000, 0.872, 0.982]
[ 67.798, -8.215] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.872, 1.000, 0.890, 0.982]
[ 88.926, -8.438] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.816, 1.000, 0.834, 0.982]
[ 101.580, -8.215] [ 21.969, 21.969] [ 0.575, 1.000, 0.593, 0.982]
// This comes from getGlyphPlacements
[ 0.000, 0.000]
[ 12.960, 0.000]
[ 24.440, 0.000]
[ 36.300, 0.000]
[ 47.420, 0.000]
[ 51.860, 0.000]
[ 62.600, 0.000]
[ 69.260, 0.000]
[ 74.820, 0.000]
[ 89.260, 0.000]
[ 100.380, 0.000]
[ 104.820, 0.000]
[ 111.120, 0.000]
[ 122.240, 0.000]
[ 128.900, 0.000]
// This is the destination rect.
(8.75, 89.6875)-(20.3125, 101.25)
(21.71, 89.8047)-(33.2725, 101.367)
(33.19, 91.6211)-(44.7525, 103.184)
(45.05, 89.8047)-(56.6125, 101.367)
(56.17, 89.6875)-(67.7325, 101.25)
(60.61, 89.8047)-(72.1725, 101.367)
(71.35, 89.6875)-(82.9125, 101.25)
(78.0099, 89.6875)-(89.5724, 101.25)
(83.5699, 89.8535)-(95.1324, 101.416)
(98.0099, 89.8047)-(109.572, 101.367)
(109.13, 89.6875)-(120.692, 101.25)
(113.57, 89.6875)-(125.132, 101.25)
(119.87, 89.8047)-(131.432, 101.367)
(130.99, 89.6875)-(142.552, 101.25)
(137.65, 89.8047)-(149.212, 101.367)
// just a note, BoldFont and Sdf are what is producing the Large labels, and RomanFont and Sdf are
// being used to create the texture that seems to be having the opacity problem described in the email.
mBoldFont.reset( new gl::SdfText::Font( loadAssetOrResource( "fonts/HelveticaNeueLTPro-75Bold.ttf" ), 28 ) );
auto format = gl::SdfText::Format().textureWidth( 1024 ).textureHeight( 1024 );
mBoldSdf = gl::SdfText::create( *mBoldFont, format, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " );
mRomanFont.reset( new gl::SdfText::Font( loadAssetOrResource( "fonts/HelveticaNeueLTPro55Roman.ttf" ), 20 ) );
mRomanSdf = gl::SdfText::create( *mRomanFont, format, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " );
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