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Created November 7, 2018 22:37
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  • Save ryanbeymer/f6989d1fa7224b24c00f38b842bb60cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#333333 Black (Very Dark Gray)
#999999 Dark Gray
#EEEEEE Light Gray
#11375D Navy Blue
#4080C0 Star Logo Blue
#79A6D2 Alt Lighter Star Logo Blue
#A1E6E8 Alt Lighter Accent Light Blue
#63D6D9 Accent Light Blue
#FDCF56 Accent Yellow
#F9A451 Accent Orange
/* width, color, and font for embed */
#idonate-embed {
width: 100% !important ;
max-width: 768px !important ;
margin: auto;
background: #ffffff;
font-family: proxima-nova, 'proxima nova', helvetica, sans-serif, 'sans serif', sansserif;
.container {
max-width: 100% !important ;
/* match footer style to web page footer style */
section.container.footer a {
font-size: 14px;
color: #AAAAAA;
font-family: proxima-nova, 'proxima nova', helvetica, sans-serif, 'sans serif', sansserif;
/* remove superfluous hr line in the footer */
section.container.footer div.row div.col-12 hr {
border: none !important;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0) !important;
color: rgba(255,255,255,0) !important;
visibility: hidden !important;
display: none !important;
opacity: 0 !important;
/* rounded border for buttons, inputs and drop-down menus */
label.btn {
border-radius: 1.5em !important;
line-height: 1em;
padding: .25em;
height: 2em;
/* social login button icon */,
button.facebook::before {
left: 5px !important;
top: 0 !important;
border-radius: 50%;
/* giving array styles including rounded border */
label.btn-outline-secondary {
border-radius: 3em !important;
line-height: 3em;
padding: .5em;
margin-left: 7.5px;
margin-right: 7.5px;
/* giving array styles */
.box-group>* {
font-weight: 700;
height: inherit !important;
.gift-amounts>:last-child {
width: initial !important;
flex-basis: initial !important;
flex: 1 !important;
}, {
flex-basis: initial !important;
flex: 1 !important;
padding-left: .5em;
padding-right: .5em;
margin-top: 7.5px;
margin-bottom: 7.5px;
/* gift amount left and right margins for each button */ {
margin-left: 0 !important;
margin-right: 3.25px !important;
}, {
margin-left: 3.25px !important;
margin-right: 3.25px !important;
} {
margin-left: 3.25px !important;
margin-right: 0 !important;
min-width: 140px;
/* remove superfluous custom amount border */
.gift-amounts .floating-label-form-group {
border-top: 0 !important;
} {
border: none !important;
/* remove superfluous active background */ label *:active {
background: none !important;
/* don't display giving array amount labels */
label.btn-primary .block.small-label.min-label,
label.btn-outline-secondary .block.small-label.min-label {
display: none;
/* remove superfluous custom amount input background */
.custom-amount-input.btn-primary .floating-label-form-group-with-value.floating-label-form-group label,
.custom-amount-input.btn-primary .floating-label-form-group-with-value.floating-label-form-group input {
background: none !important;
/* style custom amount input and label */ .floating-label-form-group-with-value .form-control,
.btn-primary .floating-label-form-group-with-value.floating-label-form-group,
.btn-primary .floating-label-form-group-with-value.floating-label-form-group label,
.btn-primary .floating-label-form-group-with-value.floating-label-form-group input {
color: #ffffff !important;
font-weight: 700 !important;
.btn-outline-secondary .floating-label-form-group-with-value.floating-label-form-group,
.btn-outline-secondary .floating-label-form-group-with-value.floating-label-form-group label,
.btn-outline-secondary .floating-label-form-group-with-value.floating-label-form-group input {
color: #4080C0 !important;
font-weight: 700 !important;
/* custom amount input small rounded border radius */
.gift-amount.floating-label-form-group.btn-primary {
border-radius: 4px !important;
border: #79A6D2 solid 1px !important;
/* custom amount text input cursor */
.gift-amount.floating-label-form-group.btn-outline-secondary label
.gift-amount.floating-label-form-group.btn-primary label {
cursor: text !important;
.floating-label-form-group .floating-label-form-group-with-value {
/* custom amount input small rounded border radius */
.gift-amount.floating-label-form-group.btn-outline-secondary:hover {
background: #ffffff !important;
color: #333333 !important;
border: #333333 solid 1px !important;
.gift-amount.floating-label-form-group.btn-primary:hover {
background: #11375D !important;
/* custom amount primary bg and small rounded border radius */
.gift-amount.floating-label-form-group.btn-primary * {
border-radius: 4px !important;
background: #11375D !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
/* custom amount secondary bg none and small rounded border radius */
.gift-amount.floating-label-form-group.btn-outline-secondary * {
border-radius: 4px !important;
background: none !important;
color: #4080C0 !important;
/* giving array primary color */
label.btn-primary {
background: #11375D !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
border: #4080C0 solid 1px !important;
/* giving array primary hover color */
label.btn-primary:hover {
background: #091C2F !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
border: #4080C0 solid 1px !important;
/* giving array secondary color */
label.btn-outline-secondary {
background: #4080C0 !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
border: #4080C0 solid 1px !important;
/* secondary button style */
label.btn-outline-secondary {
background: #4080C0 !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
border: #4080C0 solid 1px !important;
/* giving array secondary hover color */
label.btn-outline-secondary:hover {
background: #11375D !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
border: #4080C0 solid 1px !important;
/* secondary button hover style */
.btn-outline-secondary:hover {
background: #11375D !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
border: #4080C0 solid 1px !important;
/* giving array active */
label.btn-outline-secondary:active {
border-radius: 1.55em !important;
/* remove superflous top margin from gift amount label spans */ label span.label{
margin-top: 0 !important;
/* change echeck to bank account */
.btn[aria-label~="echeck"] div {
text-indent: -9999px;
line-height: 0; /* Collapse the original line */
.btn[aria-label~="echeck"] div:after {
content: "Bank Account";
text-indent: 0;
display: block;
line-height: 0;
position: relative;
top: -.5em;
/* validation indication */
.validation-failed {
border: 2px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)!important;
background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.125);
/* remove superflous border around give submit button */
div.container div.row.continue.border-primary.primary-color-border-half {
border: none !important;
/* give submit button style */
div.container div.row.continue.border-primary.primary-color-border-half app-give-button div.col.d-flex.flex-column.text-center {
flex-direction: none !important;
div.container div.row.continue.border-primary.primary-color-border-half app-give-button {
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 1.5em !important;
padding: 0 2em !important;
height: 3em !important;
margin: auto !important;
/* give submit button hover background color */
div.container div.row.continue.border-primary.primary-color-border-half app-give-button {
background: #11375D !important;
/* login button padding */
app-login div.container.login button.btn.btn-primary {
padding-left: 1em;
padding-right: 1em;
background: rgba(121, 166, 210, 0.2)!important;
border: #79A6D2 solid 1px!important;
color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.85);
/* login button hover background color */
app-login div.container.login button.btn.btn-primary:hover {
background: rgba(121, 166, 210, 0.85)!important;
color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
/* selected payment type background color */
label.btn.w-100.btn-primary {
background: #11375D !important;
/* selected payment type hover background color */
label.btn.w-100.btn-primary:hover {
background: #091C2F !important;
/* bank account payment type line height*/
.payment-type .align-middle.h-100 {
line-height: 1em;
/* remove superfluous active background */
.btn-primary :not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active {
background: rgba(255,255,255,0) !important;
/* primary button hover state */
.btn-primary:hover {
background: #11375D !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
/* primary button active state */
.btn-primary:active {
background: #333333 !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
/* focus select has value style */
.ng-select-focused {
border: 1px solid #b6b8ba !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
/* add another designation link style */
a.add-designation {
color: #4080C0 !important;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
a.add-designation:hover {
text-decoration: underline !important;
/* add another gift link style */
div.modal-footer a {
color: #4080C0 !important;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
div.modal-footer a:hover {
text-decoration: underline !important;
/* change error block
p.error-block.text-center:before {
content: "Error processing your donation. Check your payment above. If you continue to have problems, call us at 1-800-366-5521. Returned Message from Card Processor: ";
/* hiding the last custom notes field */
app-custom-notes .container:last-child text-field {
display: none;
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