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Created April 22, 2011 16:31
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Connect Async Basic Auth
cluster = require('cluster')
http = require('http')
connect = require('connect')
request = require('request')
sys = require('sys')
done = (success) ->
console.log("FN!" + success)
module.exports = server = connect.createServer(
connect.basicAuth( (user, pass, done) ->
console.log("Reached callback for BasicAuth")
authenticate({ user: user, pass: pass }, done)
connect.router( require('./convore') )
authenticate = (user,done) ->
console.log "Reached Authenticate"
console.log("User: "+user.user+" Pass: "+user.pass)
request({uri: "https://"+user.user+":"+user.pass+""},(error, response, body) ->
if !error && response.statusCode == 200
console.log("Response from request: "+body)
.set('workers', 4)
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Shouldn't you be calling "fn" as the callback in authenticate?

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Yes, I forgot to update the gist. The callback fires but the request just hangs. It is never getting a true or false answer

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Your globally defined "done" function will not be called, it is overridden by local arguments, and you haven't called "done" in the event of the request failing (this would result in hanging).

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ahh that makes a little more sense. thanks for the help.

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