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## Figure 6 - Ideological Space ####
fun <- function(df, var1, var2, var3, weight, yr) {
aaa1 <- df %>%
filter({{var1}} <= 7) %>%
mean_ci({{var1}}, wt = {{weight}}) %>%
mutate(year = yr) %>%
mutate(group = "Yourself")
aaa2 <- df %>%
filter({{var2}} <= 7) %>%
mean_ci({{var2}}, wt = {{weight}}) %>%
mutate(year = yr) %>%
mutate(group = "Democrats")
aaa3 <- df %>%
filter({{var3}} <= 7) %>%
mean_ci({{var3}}, wt = {{weight}}) %>%
mutate(year = yr) %>%
mutate(group = "Republicans")
bind_rows(aaa1, aaa2, aaa3)
yyy1 <- cces12 %>% filter(race == 1 & evangelical == 1) %>% fun(CC334A, CC334E, CC334F, weight_vv, yr = 2012)
yyy2 <- cces14 %>% filter(race == 1 & evangelical == 1) %>% fun(CC334A, CC334K, CC334L, weight, yr = 2014)
yyy3 <- cces16 %>% filter(race == 1 & evangelical == 1) %>% fun(CC16_340a, CC16_340g, CC16_340h, commonweight, yr = 2016)
yyy4 <- cces17 %>% filter(race == 1 & evangelical == 1) %>% fun(CC17_350a, CC17_350d, CC17_350e, weights_common, yr = 2017)
yyy5 <- cces18 %>% filter(race == 1 & evangelical == 1) %>% fun(CC18_334A, CC18_334D, CC18_334E, commonweight, yr = 2018)
yyy6 <- cces19 %>% filter(race == 1 & evangelical == 1) %>% fun(CC19_334a, CC19_334d, CC19_334e, commonweight, yr = 2019)
yyy7 <- cces20 %>% filter(race == 1 & evangelical == 1) %>% fun(CC20_340a, CC20_340e, CC20_340f, commonweight, yr = 2020)
yyy8 <- cces21 %>% filter(race == 1 & evangelical == 1) %>% fun(CC21_330a, CC21_330e, CC21_330f, commonweight, yr = 2021)
graph <- bind_df("yyy") %>%
mutate(trad = "White Evangelicals")
ttt1 <- cces12 %>% filter(religpew == 9 | religpew == 10) %>% fun(CC334A, CC334E, CC334F, weight_vv, yr = 2012)
ttt2 <- cces14 %>% filter(religpew == 9 | religpew == 10) %>% fun(CC334A, CC334K, CC334L, weight, yr = 2014)
ttt3 <- cces16 %>% filter(religpew == 9 | religpew == 10) %>% fun(CC16_340a, CC16_340g, CC16_340h, commonweight, yr = 2016)
ttt4 <- cces17 %>% filter(religpew == 9 | religpew == 10) %>% fun(CC17_350a, CC17_350d, CC17_350e, weights_common, yr = 2017)
ttt5 <- cces18 %>% filter(religpew == 9 | religpew == 10) %>% fun(CC18_334A, CC18_334D, CC18_334E, commonweight, yr = 2018)
ttt6 <- cces19 %>% filter(religpew == 9 | religpew == 10) %>% fun(CC19_334a, CC19_334d, CC19_334e, commonweight, yr = 2019)
ttt7 <- cces20 %>% filter(religpew == 9 | religpew == 10) %>% fun(CC20_340a, CC20_340e, CC20_340f, commonweight, yr = 2020)
ttt8 <- cces21 %>% filter(religpew == 9 | religpew == 10) %>% fun(CC21_330a, CC21_330e, CC21_330f, commonweight, yr = 2021)
graph1 <- bind_df("ttt") %>%
mutate(trad = "Atheists/Agnostics")
gg <- bind_rows(graph, graph1)
gg %>%
mutate(year = as.factor(year)) %>%
ggplot(., aes(x = fct_rev(year), y = mean, color = group, group = group)) +
geom_line() +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, ymax=upper), size = 1, width = 0) +
geom_point(shape = 21, stroke = 2, fill = "white") +
coord_flip() +
facet_wrap(~ trad) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7), labels = c("Very\nLiberal", "Lib.", "", "Middle of\nthe Road", "", "Cons.", "Very\nConservative"), limits = c(1,7)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("dodgerblue3", "azure3", "firebrick3")) +
theme_gg(legend = TRUE) +
labs(x = "", y = "", title = "Place Yourself, Democrats, and Republicans in Ideological Space", caption = "@ryanburge\nData: CCES 2012-2019") +
ggsave("E://your_self_dems_republicans.png", type = "cairo-png", height = 9)
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