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Ryan Burge ryanburge

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gg <- ns %>%
mutate(educ = frcode(education <= 3 ~ "Some HS",
education == 4 ~ "HS Grad",
education == 5 ~ "Trade School",
education == 6 ~ "Some College",
education == 7 ~ "2 Yr.",
education == 8 ~ "4 Yr.",
education == 9 ~ "Some Grad.",
education == 10 ~ "Masters",
education == 11 ~ "Doctorate")) %>%
ggg1 <- cces08 %>%
filter(V215 == 1) %>%
cces_race(race) %>%
mutate(vote = CC410) %>%
mutate(vote = frcode(vote == 1 ~ "Republican",
vote == 2 ~ "Democrat",
vote == 3 | vote == 4 | vote == 5 | vote == 6 ~ "Third Party")) %>%
group_by(race) %>%
## Figure 6 - Ideological Space ####
fun <- function(df, var1, var2, var3, weight, yr) {
aaa1 <- df %>%
filter({{var1}} <= 7) %>%
mean_ci({{var1}}, wt = {{weight}}) %>%
mutate(year = yr) %>%
mutate(group = "Yourself")
gg <- gss %>%
filter(year == 2021) %>%
filter(attend == 0) %>%
mutate(gd = frcode(god == 1 ~ "Don't Believe",
god == 2 ~ "No Way to Find Out",
god == 3 ~ "Some Higher Power",
god == 4 ~ "Believe Sometimes",
god == 5 ~ "Believe But Doubts",
god == 6 ~ "Believe No Doubts")) %>%
ct(gd, wt = wtssnrps, show_na = FALSE)
cces20 %>%
filter(pid7 == 5 | pid7 == 6 | pid7 == 7) %>%
cces_trad(religpew) %>%
ct(trad2, wt = commonweight, show = FALSE)
aa <- cces %>%
mutate(ev = case_when(pew_bornagain == 1 ~ 1,
pew_bornagain == 2 ~ 0)) %>%
filter(year == 2010 | year == 2020) %>%
group_by(birthyr, year) %>%
mean_ci(ev, wt = weight, ci = .84)
aa <- aa %>%
mutate(cohorts = frcode(birthyr >= 1919 & birthyr <= 1928 ~ "1925-1929",
birthyr >= 1929 & birthyr <= 1938 ~ "1930-1934",
Five statements - response options range from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree
25 = Most Christian Nationalism
5 = Least
1. The federal government should declare the United States a Christian nation
2. The federal government should advocate Christian values
3. The federal government should enforce strict separation of church and state
4. The success of the United States is part of Gods plan
ryanburge / regregression_grad_methods.R
Last active December 1, 2021 21:39
Regression Walkthrough 12/1/2021
ryanburge / 11_22_2021.R
Last active November 10, 2021 22:06
November 11, 2021
gss <- read_csv("", guess_max = 25000)
bball <- read_csv("", guess_max = 25000) %>%
rename(games = g, wins =w, losses = l, runs =r, atbats = ab, hits =h, homeruns =hr, walks = bb, strikeout = so, stolenbase = sb, earnedruns = era)
ryanburge / assignment_1_fall_2021.R
Created October 30, 2021 15:04
Assignment Number 1 - Graduate Students Fall 2021
cces20 <- read_csv("")
### Codebook for 2020
## Marcus