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Created December 10, 2015 05:15
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SaltStack State Event TCP Returner Module
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Returns state event data for state.sls and state.highstate execution only using a tcp socket, this method of
returning data can be used for Splunk or ELK.
Each event sent represents a single state executed.
It is strongly recommended to use the ``event_return_whitelist`` so not all
events call this returner, for example:
..code-block:: yaml
- salt/job/*/ret/*
.. versionadded:: Boron
Add the following to the master configuration file:
..code-block:: yaml<recieving server hostname or ip>
returner.tcp_return.port: <recieving server listening port>
For events return set the event_return to tcp_return
This is NOT a job cache returner, it was designed to send state.sls and state.highstate events to a log aggregator like Splunk
or ELK.
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Import python libs
import json
import socket
import logging
# Import Salt libs
import salt.utils.jid
import salt.returners
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define virtual name
__virtualname__ = 'tcp_return'
def __virtual__():
return __virtualname__
def _get_options(ret=None):
attrs = {'host': 'host',
'port': 'port'}
_options = salt.returners.get_returner_options('returner.{0}'.format
return _options
def _return_states(data, host, port):
if data.get('fun') == 'state.sls' or data.get('fun') == 'state.highstate':'{0}: Sending event_return to host "{1}" on port "{2}"'.format(__virtualname__, host, port))
log.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(__virtualname__, data))
for state_name, state in data.get('return').iteritems():
connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connection.connect((host, port))
# Add extra data to state event
state.update({'state_name': state_name,
'state_id': state_name.split('_|-')[1],
'minion_id': data.get('id'),
'jid': data.get('jid'),
'fun': data.get('fun'),
'fun_args': data.get('fun_args')})
def event_return(events):
_options = _get_options()
host = _options.get('host')
port = _options.get('port')
for event in events:
data = event.get('data', {})
_return_states(data, host, port)
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