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Created June 26, 2014 21:45
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  • Save ryancurtin/f3567007a5b5ca48436d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ryancurtin/f3567007a5b5ca48436d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Random git commands over the years
# Force Pull (on a release, get updated production / preproduction)
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
# Remove all untracked files
git clean -f
# Create a local version of a remote branch
git checkout -b experimental origin/experimental
# Undo git reset
git reset HEAD@{1}
# Reset github repo (BE CAREFUL)
git reset --hard <old-commit-id>
git push -f
# Go back N commits
git reset --soft HEAD~2 (going back 2 commits)
# Squash merge N commits
git rebase -i HEAD~4 (merging last 4 commits)
pick 01d1124 Adding license
squash 6340aaa Moving license into its own file
squash ebfd367 Jekyll has become self-aware.
squash 30e0ccb Changed the tagline in the binary, too.
* selecting 'pick' on the first commit squashes all 4 commits into that one
# Show diff from specific commit
git show $COMMIT
# Undo adding file for commit
git reset HEAD <file>
# Change git colors
Either use .gitconfig or:
git config --global color.ui auto
git config --global color.diff true
# Show only file names for a commit
git show --pretty="format:" --name-only [SHA]
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