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Last active January 23, 2024 17:57
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Complete example of a JSON parser for this article:
const tokens = [
[/^\s+/, null],
[/^\[/, '['],
[/^]/, ']'],
[/^\{/, '{'],
[/^}/, '}'],
[/^:/, ':'],
[/^,/, ','],
[/^"/, '"'],
[/^\d+/, 'number'],
[/^null\b/, 'null'], // Add word boundaries to ensure that
[/^true\b/, 'true'], // `null`, etc., is matched exactly.
[/^false\b/, 'false'],
[/^[^"]*/, 'string'], // Match anything not a quotation mark.
class Tokenizer {
// List of tokens recognized by the tokenizer
// Position in the input string from which it will
// read to get the next token
// String to turn into tokens
constructor(tokens) {
this.#tokens = tokens;
read(string) {
this.#cursor = 0;
this.#string = string;
next() {
// If at end of input, not more tokens to generate
if (this.#cursor === this.#string.length) {
return undefined;
// Find substring beginning at position of cursor
const str = this.#string.slice(this.#cursor);
for (const [pattern, type] of this.#tokens) {
const [match] = pattern.exec(str) || [];
if (!match) {
this.#cursor += match.length;
// Skip tokens with null types
if (type === null) {
return { token: match, type };
// Could not extract any tokens, so throw error
throw new Error(`Unrecognized input: ${str[0]}`);
const astFactory = {
JSON_STRING(token) {
return {
type: 'JSON_STRING',
value: token.token,
JSON_number(token) {
return {
type: 'JSON_number',
value: +token.token,
JSON_null() {
return {
type: 'JSON_null',
value: null,
JSON_BOOL(token) {
return {
type: 'JSON_BOOL',
value: token.token === 'true',
JSON_ARRAY(elements) {
return {
type: 'JSON_ARRAY',
JSON_OBJECT(entries) {
return {
type: 'JSON_OBJECT',
const jsFactory = {
JSON_STRING(token) {
return token.token;
JSON_number(token) {
return +token.token;
JSON_null() {
return null;
JSON_BOOL(token) {
return token.token === 'true'
JSON_ARRAY(elements) {
return elements;
JSON_OBJECT(entries) {
return entries.reduce(
(obj, [k, v]) => {
obj[k] = v;
return obj;
class Analyzer {
constructor(tokenizer, factory) {
this.#tokenizer = tokenizer;
this.#factory = factory;
read(string) {;
this.#lookahead =;
return this.#JSON();
#eat(tokenType) {
const token = this.#lookahead;
if (!token) {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected end of input; expected ${token.type}`
if (this.#lookahead.type !== tokenType) {
throw new Error(
`Expected ${tokenType} === ${token.type}`
this.#lookahead =;
return token;
#JSON() {
switch (this.#lookahead.type) {
case '"':
return this.#JSON_STRING();
case 'number':
return this.#JSON_number();
case 'null':
return this.#JSON_null();
case 'true':
case 'false':
return this.#JSON_BOOL();
case '[':
return this.#JSON_ARRAY();
case '{':
return this.#JSON_OBJECT();
throw new Error(
`Received token which cannot be valid JSON`
// The quotation marks are necessary for the JSON grammar,
// but contribute nothing to the semantic content of the
// AST, so ensure they exist but do not use
const string = this.#eat('string');
return this.#factory.JSON_STRING(string);
#JSON_number() {
const number = this.#eat('number');
return this.#factory.JSON_number(number);
#JSON_null() {
return this.#factory.JSON_null();
const bool = this.#lookahead.type === 'true'
? this.#eat('true')
: this.#eat('false');
return this.#factory.JSON_BOOL(bool);
const elements = this.#JSON_ARRAY_ELS();
return this.#factory.JSON_ARRAY(elements);
const elements = [];
while (this.#lookahead.type !== ']') {
this.#lookahead.type === ',' && this.#eat(',');
return elements;
const kvPairs = this.#JSON_OBJECT_KV_PAIRS();
return this.#factory.JSON_OBJECT(kvPairs);
const entries = [];
while (this.#lookahead.type !== '}') {
this.#lookahead.type === ',' && this.#eat(',');
return entries;
// Get key
const key = this.#eat('string').token;
// Get value
const value = this.#JSON();
return [key, value];
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Ingmar-Paetzold commented Jul 30, 2023

Hi Ryan, thank you very much for your concise and very well written tutorial on JSON parsing (the demystifying article)! I was looking for something that lays out a clean and lightweight algorithm and even some pseudo code, before I invent the wheel on my own. Javascript is perfectly suited for that job, since one can immediately get it running in the browser to play with.
One suggestion: the number token only parses positive integers, thus, it chops the fractional part of floating points, and it does not detect negative values at all. How about a more complete Regex according to the RFC, e.g. /^-?\d+([.]\d+)?([Ee][+-]?\d+)?/?

Edit: I had a string "2019-01-01" that was classified as 'number' by the Tokenizer, since once the quotes are eaten, the number stands "naked". Therefore, I suggest to abandon the quotes as a separate token class and make them part of the string-regex. The quotes must then be trimmed away in #JSON_STRING() and #JSON_OBJECT_KV_PAIR() instead of #eat()ing them. First case in #JSON() becomes case 'string'. This is even more consistent with the RFC 4627 which defines the tokens, among those the 6 "structural characters" []{}:, (not the quote), and the values, where "A string begins and ends with quotation marks".

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