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Created May 2, 2018 01:50
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Working example of an IndexedDB implementation to handle transactions surrounding a fake invoice database
const request ="database", 1);
// Create schema
request.onupgradeneeded = event => {
const db =;
const invoiceStore = db.createObjectStore("invoices", { keyPath: "invoiceId" });
invoiceStore.createIndex("VendorIndex", "vendor");
const itemStore = db.createObjectStore("invoice-items", { keyPath: ["invoiceId", "row"] });
itemStore.createIndex("InvoiceIndex", "invoiceId");
const fileStore = db.createObjectStore("attachments", { autoIncrement: true });
fileStore.createIndex("InvoiceIndex", "invoiceId");
request.onsuccess = () => {
const db = request.result;
const transaction = db.transaction(["invoices", "invoice-items"], "readwrite");
const invStore = transaction.objectStore("invoices");
const itemStore = transaction.objectStore("invoice-items");
const invIndex = invStore.index("VendorIndex");
// Add data
invStore.add({invoiceId: "123", vendor: "Whirlpool", paid: false});
itemStore.add({invoiceId: "123", row: "1", item: "Dish washer", cost: 1400});
itemStore.add({invoiceId: "123", row: "2", item: "Labor", cost: 500});
invStore.add({invoiceId: "580", vendor: "Whirlpool", paid: true});
itemStore.add({invoiceId: "580", row: "1", item: "Rubber hose", cost: 20});
// Update an item
itemStore.put({invoiceId: "123", row: "1", item: "Dish washer", cost: 1300});
// Delete an item
itemStore.delete(["123", "2"]);
// Get an item by key
const getRequest = invStore.get("123");
getRequest.onsuccess = () => {
console.log(getRequest.result); // {invoiceId: "123", vendor: "Whirlpool", paid: false}
// Get an item by index
const getRequestIdx = invIndex.getAll("Whirlpool");
getRequestIdx.onsuccess = () => {
console.log(getRequestIdx.result); // [ {invoiceId: "123", vendor: "Whirlpool", paid: false},
}; // {invoiceId: "580", vendor: "Whirlpool", paid: true} ]
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