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Last active October 18, 2023 11:00
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Parser/evaluator for equations for this article:
const tokens = [
[/^\s+/, null],
[/^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?/, 'NUMBER'],
[/^[a-zA-Z]+/, 'IDENT'],
[/^"[^"]+"/, 'STRING'],
[/^\+/, '+'],
[/^-/, '-'],
[/^\*/, '*'],
[/^\^/, '^'],
[/^\//, '/'],
[/^\(/, '('],
[/^\)/, ')'],
[/^,/, ','],
class Tokenizer {
// List of tokens recognized by the tokenizer
// Position in the input string from which it will
// read to get the next token
// String to turn into tokens
constructor(tokens) {
this.#tokens = tokens;
read(string) {
this.#cursor = 0;
this.#string = string;
next() {
// If at end of input, not more tokens to generate
if (this.#cursor === this.#string.length) {
return undefined;
// Find substring beginning at position of cursor
const str = this.#string.slice(this.#cursor);
for (const [pattern, type] of this.#tokens) {
const [match] = pattern.exec(str) || [];
if (!match) {
this.#cursor += match.length;
// Skip tokens with null types
if (type === null) {
return { token: match, type };
// Could not extract any tokens, so throw error
throw new Error(`Unrecognized input: ${str[0]}`);
class Parser {
constructor(tokenizer) {
this.#tokenizer = tokenizer;
read(string) {;
this.#lookahead =;
return this.#EXPRESSION();
#eat(...tokenTypes) {
const token = this.#lookahead;
if (!token) {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected end of input; expected ${token.type}`
if (!tokenTypes.includes(this.#lookahead.type)) {
throw new Error(
`Expected ${tokenType} === ${token.type}`
this.#lookahead =;
return token;
#is(...tokenTypes) {
return tokenTypes.includes(this.#lookahead?.type);
return this.#ADDITION();
let left = this.#CALL();
while (this.#is('+', '-')) {
left = {
type: 'binary',
op: this.#eat('+', '-').type,
right: this.#CALL(),
return left;
#CALL() {
const maybeCallee = this.#MULTIPLICATION();
if (this.#is('NUMBER', 'IDENT')) {
return {
type: 'call',
fn: maybeCallee.value,
args: [this.#CALL()],
if (this.#is('(')) {
const args = [this.#EXPRESSION()];
while (this.#is(',')) {
return { type: 'call', fn: maybeCallee.value, args };
return maybeCallee;
let left = this.#EXPONENTIATION();
while (this.#is('*', '/')) {
left = {
type: 'binary',
op: this.#eat('*', '/').type,
right: this.#EXPONENTIATION(),
return left;
let left = this.#BASIC();
while (this.#is('^')) {
left = {
type: 'binary',
op: this.#eat('^').type,
right: this.#BASIC(),
return left;
#BASIC() {
if (this.#is('(')) {
const expr = this.#EXPRESSION();
return expr;
if (this.#is('NUMBER')) {
return { type: 'number', value: this.#eat('NUMBER').token };
if (this.#is('IDENT')) {
return { type: 'ident', value: this.#eat('IDENT').token };
if (this.#is('STRING')) {
// Remove containing quotation marks
const expr = this.#eat('STRING').token.slice(1, -1);
// Test that the sub-expression is in fact a valid expression
new Parser(new Tokenizer(tokens)).read(expr);
return {
type: 'expr',
value: expr,
throw new Error('Malformed expression');
class Environment {
constructor(fields, parent) {
this.#fields = fields;
this.#parent = parent;
lookup(ident) {
if (ident in this.#fields) {
return this.#fields[ident];
if (this.#parent) {
return this.#parent.lookup(ident);
throw new Error(`Unspecified identifier "${ident}"`);
const binaryEval = (op, left, right) => {
if (op === '+') {
return left + right;
if (op === '-') {
return left - right;
if (op === '*') {
return left * right;
if (op === '/') {
return left / right;
if (op === '^') {
return left ** right;
const evaluate = (node, env) => {
switch (node.type) {
case 'binary': {
const left = evaluate(node.left, env);
const right = evaluate(node.right, env);
return binaryEval(node.op, left, right);
case 'call': {
const fn = env.lookup(node.fn);
const args = => evaluate(arg, env));
return fn.apply(null, args);
case 'ident':
return env.lookup(node.value);
case 'number':
return +node.value;
case 'expr':
return compile(node.value);
const globalEnv = new Environment({
sin: Math.sin,
cos: Math.cos,
tan: Math.tan,
log: (n, base) => Math.log(n) / Math.log(base),
const compile = (string) => {
const parser = new Parser(new Tokenizer(tokens));
const ast =;
return (idents) => evaluate(ast, new Environment(idents, globalEnv));
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