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Last active December 15, 2015 02:19
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Save ryandemmer/5185962 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ninjaboard to EasyDiscuss converter Based on the Ninjaboard to Kunena converter from AmmoniteNetworks -
// Make sure we're being called from the command line, not a web interface
if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER))
// Set flag that this is a parent file.
define('_JEXEC', 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Load system defines
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/defines.php')) {
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/defines.php';
if (!defined('_JDEFINES')) {
define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/defines.php';
require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/import.php';
require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/cms.php';
// Load the configuration
require_once JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php';
define( 'DISCUSS_POSTER_MEMBER' , 'member' );
define( 'DISCUSS_MEDIA' , JPATH_ROOT . '/media/com_easydiscuss' );
define( 'DISCUSS_ID_PUBLISHED' , 1 );
define( 'DISCUSS_ID_SCHEDULED' , 2 );
define( 'DISCUSS_ID_DRAFT' , 3 );
define( 'DISCUSS_ID_PENDING' , 4 );
class MigrateNinjaBoard extends JApplicationCli {
public function rebuildOrdering($parentId = null, $leftId = 0 )
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = 'select `id` from `#__discuss_category`';
$query .= ' where parent_id = ' . $db->Quote( $parentId );
$query .= ' order by lft';
$db->setQuery( $query );
$children = $db->loadObjectList();
// The right value of this node is the left value + 1
$rightId = $leftId + 1;
// execute this function recursively over all children
foreach ($children as $node)
// $rightId is the current right value, which is incremented on recursion return.
// Increment the level for the children.
// Add this item's alias to the path (but avoid a leading /)
$rightId = $this->rebuildOrdering($node->id, $rightId );
// If there is an update failure, return false to break out of the recursion.
if ($rightId === false) return false;
// We've got the left value, and now that we've processed
// the children of this node we also know the right value.
$updateQuery = 'update `#__discuss_category` set';
$updateQuery .= ' `lft` = ' . $db->Quote( $leftId );
$updateQuery .= ', `rgt` = ' . $db->Quote( $rightId );
$updateQuery .= ' where `id` = ' . $db->Quote($parentId);
// If there is an update failure, return false to break out of the recursion.
if (! $db->query())
return false;
// Return the right value of this node + 1.
return $rightId + 1;
public function insertForum($NBForum) {
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$Forum = NEW stdClass;
$Forum -> id = $NBForum -> ninjaboard_forum_id;
$Forum -> parent_id = $NBForum -> parent_id;
$Forum -> title = $NBForum -> title;
$Forum -> published = '1';
$Forum -> description = $NBForum -> description;
$Forum -> alias = strtolower(preg_replace(array('#[^a-z0-9 ]#i', '#\s+#'), array('', '-'), $NBForum -> title));
$query = 'SELECT ninjaboard_forum_id FROM #__ninjaboard_forums WHERE parent_id = ' . (int) $NBForum -> ninjaboard_forum_id . ' ORDER BY ninjaboard_forum_id';
$result = $db->loadResultArray();
$total = count($result);
if ($total) {
$Forum -> lft = (int) $result[0] - 1;
//$Forum -> rgt = (int) $result[$total - 1] + 1;
} else {
$Forum -> lft = $NBForum -> ninjaboard_forum_id + 1;
//$Forum -> rgt = $NBForum -> ninjaboard_forum_id + 2;
$db -> insertObject('#__discuss_category', $Forum, 'id') or die($db -> stderr(TRUE));
$this->rebuildOrdering($Forum -> parent_id, $Forum -> lft);
function insertMessage($topic, $post) {
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
/*$item->set( 'content' , $content );
$item->set( 'title' , $kItem->subject );
$item->set( 'category_id' , $this->getNewCategory( $kItem ) );
$item->set( 'user_id' , $kItem->userid );
$item->set( 'user_type' , DISCUSS_POSTER_MEMBER );
$item->set( 'hits' , $kItem->hits );
$item->set( 'created' , DiscussHelper::getDate( $kItem->time )->toMySQL() );
$item->set( 'modified' , DiscussHelper::getDate( $kItem->time )->toMySQL() );
$item->set( 'replied' , DiscussHelper::getDate( $kItem->time )->toMySQL() );
$item->set( 'poster_name' , $kItem->name );
$item->set( 'parent_id' , 0 );*/
$juser = JFactory::getUser();
if (!$post -> created_user_id || !$juser->load($post -> created_user_id)) {
return false;
$Message = new stdClass;
$Message -> id = $post -> ninjaboard_post_id;
if ($topic -> first_post_id == $post -> ninjaboard_post_id) {
$Message -> parent_id = '0';
} else {
$Message -> parent_id = $topic -> first_post_id;
$Message -> title = $post -> subject;
$Message -> category_id = $topic -> forum_id;
$Message -> user_id = $post -> created_user_id;
//$Message -> poster_name = $user->name;
$Message -> user_type = DISCUSS_POSTER_MEMBER;
$Message -> created = $post -> created_time;
$Message -> modified = $post -> modified;
$Message -> hits = $topic -> hits;
$text = $post -> text;
// clean up quotes
if (strpos($text, '[quote') !== false) {
$text = preg_replace('#\[(\/)?quote[^\]]+\]#i', '[$1quote]', $text);
$Message -> content = $text;
$Message -> content_type = preg_match('#\[(quote|code|url=|img=)#i', $text) ? 'bbcode' : '';
$Message -> published = DISCUSS_ID_PUBLISHED;
$db->setQuery('SELECT created_time FROM #__ninjaboard_posts WHERE ninjaboard_topic_id = ' . (int) $post -> ninjaboard_topic_id . ' AND ninjaboard_post_id > ' . (int) $post -> ninjaboard_post_id);
$replied = $db->loadColumn();
if ($replied) {
$Message -> replied = $replied[0];
$Message -> alias = strtolower(preg_replace(array('#[^a-z0-9 ]#i', '#\s+#'), array('', '-'), $post -> subject));
if (!$db -> insertObject('#__discuss_posts', $Message, 'id')) {
echo $db -> stderr(TRUE);
return false;
if (!is_dir(DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/attachments')) {
JFolder::create(DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/attachments');
// attachments
$query = "SELECT * FROM #__ninjaboard_attachments WHERE post_id = " . (int) $post -> ninjaboard_post_id;
$db -> setQuery($query);
$item = $db->loadObject();
if ($item) {
$attach = new StdClass();
$attach->id = $item->ninjaboard_attachment_id;
$attach->uid = $item->post_id;
$attach->title = $item->params;
$attach->path = JUtility::getHash( trim($item->params) . $post -> created_time );
if (is_file(JPATH_SITE . '/media/com_ninjaboard/attachments/' . $item->file)) {
if (JFile::copy(JPATH_BASE . '/media/com_ninjaboard/attachments/' . $item->file, DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/attachments/' . $attach->path)) {
$attach->size = filesize(DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/attachments/' . $attach->path);
$attach->created = $post -> created_time;
if (preg_match('#\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|zip)$#i', $item->file, $matches)) {
$type = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('#(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)#i', $type)) {
require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_easydiscuss/classes/simpleimage.php';
$image = new SimpleImage;
@$image->load( DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/attachments/' . $attach->path );
@$image->resizeToFill( 160 , 120 );
@$image->save( DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/attachments/' . $attach->path . '_thumb', $image->image_type);
if ($type == 'jpg') {
$type = 'jpeg';
$attach->mime = $type == 'zip' ? 'application/zip' : 'image/' . $type;
$attach->type = $Message -> parent_id ? 'replies' : 'questions';
$attach->published = 1;
$db -> insertObject('#__discuss_attachments', $attach, 'id');
// migrate user
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__ninjaboard_people WHERE ninjaboard_person_id = " . (int) $post -> created_user_id);
$item = $db->loadObject();
if (!is_dir(DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/avatars')) {
JFolder::create(DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/avatars');
if ($item) {
$user = new StdClass();
$user->id = $item->ninjaboard_person_id;
$user->signature = $item->signature;
$user->nickname = $juser->name;
if ($item -> avatar != '/media/com_ninjaboard/images/avatar.png' && !empty($item -> avatar)) {
// copy avatar
if (is_file(JPATH_SITE . $item -> avatar)) {
if (JFile::copy(JPATH_SITE . $item -> avatar, DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/avatars/' . basename($item -> avatar))) {
$user -> avatar = basename($item -> avatar);
$db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__discuss_users WHERE id = " . (int) $user->id);
if ($db->loadResult() == 0) {
$db -> insertObject('#__discuss_users', $user, 'id');
function insertSubscriptions($topic) {
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$limit = strtotime('6 months ago');
$date = JFactory::getDate($limit) -> toMySQL();
// notifications
$db->setQuery('SELECT created_on, created_by FROM #__ninjaboard_subscriptions WHERE subscription_type_id = ' . (int) $topic -> ninjaboard_topic_id);
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
if (!empty($items)) {
foreach($items as $item) {
$sub = new StdClass();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if ($user->load($item->created_by) && $item->created_on > $date) {
$sub->userid = (int) $user->id;
$sub->type = 'post';
$sub->cid = (int) $topic -> first_post_id;
$sub->email = $user->email;
$sub->fullname = $user->name;
$sub->interval = 'instant';
$sub->created = $item->created_on;
$sub->sent_out = $item->created_on;
$sub->member = 1;
$db -> insertObject('#__discuss_subscription', $sub, 'id');
function clearTables() {
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_category";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_category success');
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_posts";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_posts success');
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_users";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_users success');
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_migrators";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_migrators success');
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_acl_group";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_acl_group success');
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_views";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_views success');
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_attachments";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_attachments success');
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_tags";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_tags success');
$query = "TRUNCATE #__discuss_subscription";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$result = $db -> query();
if ($result) {
$this -> out('TRUNCATE #__discuss_subscription');
public function execute() {
$this -> out('============================');
// Purge all old records
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$this -> clearTables();
// clear attachments and avatars
if (JFolder::delete(DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/attachments')) {
$this -> out('DELETE FOLDER "attachments"');
if (JFolder::delete(DISCUSS_MEDIA . '/avatars')) {
$this -> out('DELETE FOLDER "avatars"');
// Get the Forums
$query = "Select * from `#__ninjaboard_forums`";
$db -> setQuery($query);
$forums = $db -> loadObjectList();
foreach($forums as $forum) {
$this -> insertForum($forum);
// OK getting Ninjaboard Topics and messages and converting and adding them to discussions
$this -> out('Getting Ninjaboard Topics and Posts for forum ' . $forum -> title);
$query = "Select * from `#__ninjaboard_topics` WHERE forum_id = " . $forum -> ninjaboard_forum_id;
$db -> setQuery($query);
$topics = $db -> loadObjectList();
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
// create subscriptions
$this -> insertSubscriptions($topic);
$postQuery = "SELECT * FROM #__ninjaboard_posts where ninjaboard_topic_id = " . $topic -> ninjaboard_topic_id;
$db -> setQuery($postQuery);
$posts = $db -> loadObjectList();
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$this -> insertMessage($topic, $post);
JApplicationCli::getInstance('MigrateNinjaBoard') -> execute();
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