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Created April 9, 2013 18:47
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  • Save ryandoherty/5348278 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ryandoherty/5348278 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Operating system: Linux
0.0.0 Linux 3.2.0-23-virtual #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 22:29:03 UTC 2012 x86_64
CPU: amd64
family 6 model 45 stepping 7
8 CPUs
Crash reason: SIGABRT
Crash address: 0xbd8000041b3
Thread 0 (crashed)
0 + 0x36425
rbx = 0x0000000004bcc438 r12 = 0x0000000004bcbe98
r13 = 0x0000000004bcbf60 r14 = 0x0000000004beb430
r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007f43e896e425
rsp = 0x00007fff0231dc68 rbp = 0x0000000004bcbe50
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 + 0x39b8a
rip = 0x00007f43e8971b8b rsp = 0x00007fff0231dc70
Found by: stack scanning
2 + 0x6c47
rip = 0x00007f43e893ec48 rsp = 0x00007fff0231dc88
Found by: stack scanning
3 + 0x2fbfff
rip = 0x00007f43e9209000 rsp = 0x00007fff0231dcf8
Found by: stack scanning
4 + 0xe773
rip = 0x00007f43ea012774 rsp = 0x00007fff0231dd00
Found by: stack scanning
5 + 0xb769c
rip = 0x00007f43e92c069d rsp = 0x00007fff0231dda0
Found by: stack scanning
6 + 0xeccc
rip = 0x00007f43e9517ccd rsp = 0x00007fff0231ddb0
Found by: stack scanning
7 + 0xb5845
rip = 0x00007f43e92be846 rsp = 0x00007fff0231ddd0
Found by: stack scanning
8 + 0xb5872
rip = 0x00007f43e92be873 rsp = 0x00007fff0231dde0
Found by: stack scanning
9 + 0xb628e
rip = 0x00007f43e92bf28f rsp = 0x00007fff0231ddf0
Found by: stack scanning
10 phantomjs + 0x1817a3c
rip = 0x0000000001c17a3d rsp = 0x00007fff0231de00
Found by: stack scanning
11 phantomjs + 0x16f308f
rip = 0x0000000001af3090 rsp = 0x00007fff0231de48
Found by: stack scanning
12 phantomjs + 0x1826abc
rip = 0x0000000001c26abd rsp = 0x00007fff0231de70
Found by: stack scanning
13 phantomjs + 0x1825ff1
rip = 0x0000000001c25ff2 rsp = 0x00007fff0231df10
Found by: stack scanning
14 phantomjs + 0x16716f6
rip = 0x0000000001a716f7 rsp = 0x00007fff0231df70
Found by: stack scanning
15 + 0xe6928
rip = 0x00007f43e8a1e929 rsp = 0x00007fff0231df80
Found by: stack scanning
16 + 0x79882
rip = 0x00007f43e89b1883 rsp = 0x00007fff0231df90
Found by: stack scanning
17 + 0x3b925f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf1260 rsp = 0x00007fff0231dfa0
Found by: stack scanning
18 + 0x79749
rip = 0x00007f43e89b174a rsp = 0x00007fff0231dfc0
Found by: stack scanning
19 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231dff0
Found by: stack scanning
20 + 0x82fb4
rip = 0x00007f43e89bafb5 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e020
Found by: stack scanning
21 + 0x82fb4
rip = 0x00007f43e89bafb5 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e090
Found by: stack scanning
22 phantomjs + 0x1745724
rip = 0x0000000001b45725 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e130
Found by: stack scanning
23 phantomjs + 0x24f6d
rip = 0x0000000000424f6e rsp = 0x00007fff0231e160
Found by: stack scanning
24 phantomjs + 0x1778d05
rip = 0x0000000001b78d06 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e170
Found by: stack scanning
25 phantomjs + 0x16a7c8f
rip = 0x0000000001aa7c90 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e1e0
Found by: stack scanning
26 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e1f0
Found by: stack scanning
27 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e210
Found by: stack scanning
28 + 0x82fb4
rip = 0x00007f43e89bafb5 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e240
Found by: stack scanning
29 phantomjs + 0x188966d
rip = 0x0000000001c8966e rsp = 0x00007fff0231e248
Found by: stack scanning
30 + 0xb5dec
rip = 0x00007f43e92beded rsp = 0x00007fff0231e270
Found by: stack scanning
31 phantomjs + 0x1663cbf
rip = 0x0000000001a63cc0 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e290
Found by: stack scanning
32 phantomjs + 0x16a87dc
rip = 0x0000000001aa87dd rsp = 0x00007fff0231e300
Found by: stack scanning
33 phantomjs + 0x16afd7c
rip = 0x0000000001aafd7d rsp = 0x00007fff0231e320
Found by: stack scanning
34 phantomjs + 0x44dcb0
rip = 0x000000000084dcb1 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e340
Found by: stack scanning
35 phantomjs + 0x1b8cf9d
rip = 0x0000000001f8cf9e rsp = 0x00007fff0231e368
Found by: stack scanning
36 phantomjs + 0x1cce86e
rip = 0x00000000020ce86f rsp = 0x00007fff0231e378
Found by: stack scanning
37 phantomjs + 0xa74380
rip = 0x0000000000e74381 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e390
Found by: stack scanning
38 phantomjs + 0xa71340
rip = 0x0000000000e71341 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e400
Found by: stack scanning
39 phantomjs + 0x1175a33
rip = 0x0000000001575a34 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e440
Found by: stack scanning
40 phantomjs + 0x16b02c8
rip = 0x0000000001ab02c9 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e470
Found by: stack scanning
41 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e490
Found by: stack scanning
42 + 0x82fb4
rip = 0x00007f43e89bafb5 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e4c0
Found by: stack scanning
43 + 0x3b8faf
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0fb0 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e4c8
Found by: stack scanning
44 phantomjs + 0x16633a5
rip = 0x0000000001a633a6 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e4e0
Found by: stack scanning
45 + 0xb5dec
rip = 0x00007f43e92beded rsp = 0x00007fff0231e4f0
Found by: stack scanning
46 phantomjs + 0x16ae895
rip = 0x0000000001aae896 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e510
Found by: stack scanning
47 phantomjs + 0x16669fc
rip = 0x0000000001a669fd rsp = 0x00007fff0231e570
Found by: stack scanning
48 phantomjs + 0x119a5fb
rip = 0x000000000159a5fc rsp = 0x00007fff0231e580
Found by: stack scanning
49 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e5a8
Found by: stack scanning
50 + 0x81cbf
rip = 0x00007f43e89b9cc0 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e5d0
Found by: stack scanning
51 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e5e8
Found by: stack scanning
52 + 0x8376d
rip = 0x00007f43e89bb76e rsp = 0x00007fff0231e610
Found by: stack scanning
53 phantomjs + 0x172a469
rip = 0x0000000001b2a46a rsp = 0x00007fff0231e650
Found by: stack scanning
54 phantomjs + 0x168510a
rip = 0x0000000001a8510b rsp = 0x00007fff0231e6c0
Found by: stack scanning
55 phantomjs + 0x181a2c8
rip = 0x0000000001c1a2c9 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e720
Found by: stack scanning
56 phantomjs + 0x16858de
rip = 0x0000000001a858df rsp = 0x00007fff0231e740
Found by: stack scanning
57 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e780
Found by: stack scanning
58 + 0x82fb4
rip = 0x00007f43e89bafb5 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e7b0
Found by: stack scanning
59 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e820
Found by: stack scanning
60 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e870
Found by: stack scanning
61 + 0x82fb4
rip = 0x00007f43e89bafb5 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e8a0
Found by: stack scanning
62 phantomjs + 0x17203c1
rip = 0x0000000001b203c2 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e8c0
Found by: stack scanning
63 phantomjs + 0x1681bd6
rip = 0x0000000001a81bd7 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e8f0
Found by: stack scanning
64 phantomjs + 0x16866e8
rip = 0x0000000001a866e9 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e910
Found by: stack scanning
65 phantomjs + 0x1cccb38
rip = 0x00000000020ccb39 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e918
Found by: stack scanning
66 phantomjs + 0x168682a
rip = 0x0000000001a8682b rsp = 0x00007fff0231e940
Found by: stack scanning
67 phantomjs + 0x167fdef
rip = 0x0000000001a7fdf0 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e970
Found by: stack scanning
68 phantomjs + 0x1662df2
rip = 0x0000000001a62df3 rsp = 0x00007fff0231e9c0
Found by: stack scanning
69 phantomjs + 0x6ba3f
rip = 0x000000000046ba40 rsp = 0x00007fff0231ea20
Found by: stack scanning
70 phantomjs + 0x181464b
rip = 0x0000000001c1464c rsp = 0x00007fff0231ea90
Found by: stack scanning
71 phantomjs + 0x1ba6785
rip = 0x0000000001fa6786 rsp = 0x00007fff0231ea98
Found by: stack scanning
72 phantomjs + 0x1c3fb94
rip = 0x000000000203fb95 rsp = 0x00007fff0231eaa8
Found by: stack scanning
73 phantomjs + 0x182ab36
rip = 0x0000000001c2ab37 rsp = 0x00007fff0231eae0
Found by: stack scanning
74 phantomjs + 0x6dc71
rip = 0x000000000046dc72 rsp = 0x00007fff0231eb30
Found by: stack scanning
75 phantomjs + 0x32388
rip = 0x0000000000432389 rsp = 0x00007fff0231eb70
Found by: stack scanning
76 phantomjs + 0xff90f8
rip = 0x00000000013f90f9 rsp = 0x00007fff0231ebb0
Found by: stack scanning
77 + 0x3b871f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cf0720 rsp = 0x00007fff0231ebf8
Found by: stack scanning
78 phantomjs + 0x189188f
rip = 0x0000000001c91890 rsp = 0x00007fff0231ec28
Found by: stack scanning
79 phantomjs + 0x17ca929
rip = 0x0000000001bca92a rsp = 0x00007fff0231ec60
Found by: stack scanning
Thread 1
0 + 0xbf83d
rbx = 0x00007f43e7ecfd00 r12 = 0x00000000000000ff
r13 = 0x0000000000000002 r14 = 0x0000000000000002
r15 = 0x0000000002a89560 rip = 0x00007f43e89f783d
rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfc50 rbp = 0x00000000ffffffff
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 + 0xbf6db
rip = 0x00007f43e89f76dc rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfc60
Found by: stack scanning
2 phantomjs + 0x17ef21f
rip = 0x0000000001bef220 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfc68
Found by: stack scanning
3 phantomjs + 0x382a
rip = 0x000000000040382b rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfc78
Found by: stack scanning
4 + 0x109f7
rip = 0x00007f43e89489f8 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfc80
Found by: stack scanning
5 phantomjs + 0x283f
rip = 0x0000000000402840 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfc88
Found by: stack scanning
6 + 0xa522
rip = 0x00007f43ea00e523 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfcd8
Found by: stack scanning
7 + 0xbf848
rip = 0x00007f43e89f7849 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfce8
Found by: stack scanning
8 + 0xfcaf
rip = 0x00007f43e9518cb0 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfcf8
Found by: stack scanning
9 + 0xb103
rip = 0x00007f43e9514104 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfda0
Found by: stack scanning
10 + 0xe54f
rip = 0x00007f43e8946550 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfda8
Found by: stack scanning
11 + 0x1187f
rip = 0x00007f43e951a880 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfdd0
Found by: stack scanning
12 + 0x15234
rip = 0x00007f43ea019235 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfde0
Found by: stack scanning
13 + 0xe9f9
rip = 0x00007f43e95179fa rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfdf0
Found by: stack scanning
14 + 0xbe17
rip = 0x00007f43e9514e18 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfe00
Found by: stack scanning
15 phantomjs + 0xcb9b6
rip = 0x00000000004cb9b7 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfe30
Found by: stack scanning
16 + 0x15234
rip = 0x00007f43ea019235 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfe60
Found by: stack scanning
17 + 0x1187f
rip = 0x00007f43e951a880 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfe80
Found by: stack scanning
18 phantomjs + 0xcbc88
rip = 0x00000000004cbc89 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfea0
Found by: stack scanning
19 + 0x7e99
rip = 0x00007f43e9510e9a rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecfeb0
Found by: stack scanning
20 + 0x1187f
rip = 0x00007f43e951a880 rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecff58
Found by: stack scanning
21 + 0xf3cbc
rip = 0x00007f43e8a2bcbd rsp = 0x00007f43e7ecffc0
Found by: stack scanning
Thread 2
0 + 0xed023
rbx = 0x00007f43e0000d30 r12 = 0x0000000000000000
r13 = 0x00007f43e0000a98 r14 = 0x0000000000000008
r15 = 0x00007f43e0000a98 rip = 0x00007f43e8a25023
rsp = 0x00007f43e75ceb50 rbp = 0x00007f43e0000fc8
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x183acf5
rip = 0x0000000001c3acf6 rsp = 0x00007f43e75ceb60
Found by: stack scanning
2 + 0x15234
rip = 0x00007f43ea019235 rsp = 0x00007f43e75ceb90
Found by: stack scanning
3 phantomjs + 0x183cb46
rip = 0x0000000001c3cb47 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cebf0
Found by: stack scanning
4 + 0x2d2f
rip = 0x00007f43e950bd30 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cebf8
Found by: stack scanning
5 phantomjs + 0x18264c7
rip = 0x0000000001c264c8 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cec20
Found by: stack scanning
6 phantomjs + 0x1745b84
rip = 0x0000000001b45b85 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cec30
Found by: stack scanning
7 + 0x415c
rip = 0x00007f43e972a15d rsp = 0x00007f43e75cec50
Found by: stack scanning
8 phantomjs + 0x177b8e3
rip = 0x0000000001b7b8e4 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cec60
Found by: stack scanning
9 phantomjs + 0x1817e0d
rip = 0x0000000001c17e0e rsp = 0x00007f43e75cec80
Found by: stack scanning
10 phantomjs + 0xbfffff
rip = 0x0000000001000000 rsp = 0x00007f43e75ceca0
Found by: stack scanning
11 phantomjs + 0x177b888
rip = 0x0000000001b7b889 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cecb0
Found by: stack scanning
12 phantomjs + 0x183b25c
rip = 0x0000000001c3b25d rsp = 0x00007f43e75cecc0
Found by: stack scanning
13 phantomjs + 0x183b2c0
rip = 0x0000000001c3b2c1 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cece0
Found by: stack scanning
14 phantomjs + 0x183cf82
rip = 0x0000000001c3cf83 rsp = 0x00007f43e75ced20
Found by: stack scanning
15 phantomjs + 0x18133f1
rip = 0x0000000001c133f2 rsp = 0x00007f43e75ced80
Found by: stack scanning
16 phantomjs + 0x1813a44
rip = 0x0000000001c13a45 rsp = 0x00007f43e75ced90
Found by: stack scanning
17 phantomjs + 0x181364e
rip = 0x0000000001c1364f rsp = 0x00007f43e75cedb0
Found by: stack scanning
18 + 0xb5dec
rip = 0x00007f43e92beded rsp = 0x00007f43e75cede0
Found by: stack scanning
19 phantomjs + 0x17255d6
rip = 0x0000000001b255d7 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cee20
Found by: stack scanning
20 phantomjs + 0xbfffff
rip = 0x0000000001000000 rsp = 0x00007f43e75cee58
Found by: stack scanning
21 phantomjs + 0x172839b
rip = 0x0000000001b2839c rsp = 0x00007f43e75cee70
Found by: stack scanning
22 + 0x7e99
rip = 0x00007f43e9510e9a rsp = 0x00007f43e75ceeb0
Found by: stack scanning
Thread 3
0 + 0xc0fe
rbx = 0x00007f4398005440 r12 = 0x0000000000000220
r13 = 0x00007f439f7fdde0 r14 = 0xffffffffffffff92
r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007f43e95150fe
rsp = 0x00007f439f7fdd60 rbp = 0x00007f43980053e8
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x172886e
rip = 0x0000000001b2886f rsp = 0x00007f439f7fddc0
Found by: stack scanning
2 phantomjs + 0x171da2e
rip = 0x0000000001b1da2f rsp = 0x00007f439f7fde30
Found by: stack scanning
3 phantomjs + 0x172839b
rip = 0x0000000001b2839c rsp = 0x00007f439f7fde70
Found by: stack scanning
4 + 0x7e99
rip = 0x00007f43e9510e9a rsp = 0x00007f439f7fdeb0
Found by: stack scanning
Thread 4
0 + 0xbd84
rbx = 0x0000000004a601c0 r12 = 0xffffffffffffffff
r13 = 0x004189374bc6a7ef r14 = 0x00000000049e4ae0
r15 = 0x0000000004a601e8 rip = 0x00007f43e9514d84
rsp = 0x00007f439effcd60 rbp = 0x0000000004922210
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x172890a
rip = 0x0000000001b2890b rsp = 0x00007f439effcd90
Found by: stack scanning
2 phantomjs + 0x183bbfc
rip = 0x0000000001c3bbfd rsp = 0x00007f439effcdb0
Found by: stack scanning
3 phantomjs + 0xd6a92
rip = 0x00000000004d6a93 rsp = 0x00007f439effce00
Found by: stack scanning
4 phantomjs + 0xc7c402
rip = 0x000000000107c403 rsp = 0x00007f439effce30
Found by: stack scanning
5 phantomjs + 0xd654a
rip = 0x00000000004d654b rsp = 0x00007f439effce60
Found by: stack scanning
6 phantomjs + 0x172839b
rip = 0x0000000001b2839c rsp = 0x00007f439effce70
Found by: stack scanning
7 + 0x3b4827
rip = 0x00007f43e8cec828 rsp = 0x00007f439effce80
Found by: stack scanning
8 + 0x3b482f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cec830 rsp = 0x00007f439effce88
Found by: stack scanning
9 + 0x164a51
rip = 0x00007f43e8a9ca52 rsp = 0x00007f439effce90
Found by: stack scanning
10 + 0x7e99
rip = 0x00007f43e9510e9a rsp = 0x00007f439effceb0
Found by: stack scanning
Thread 5
0 + 0xe8303
rbx = 0x00007f43e5d53db8 r12 = 0x0000000000000000
r13 = 0x00000000001f1cd8 r14 = 0x0000000000000001
r15 = 0x0000000000000005 rip = 0x00007f43e8a20303
rsp = 0x00007f43e5d50ab0 rbp = 0x0000000000000000
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 + 0xb7cc
rip = 0x00007f43e53427cd rsp = 0x00007f43e5d50ae0
Found by: stack scanning
2 + 0x8126
rip = 0x00007f43e533f127 rsp = 0x00007f43e5d50bb0
Found by: stack scanning
3 + 0x9104
rip = 0x00007f43e5340105 rsp = 0x00007f43e5d50ca0
Found by: stack scanning
Thread 6
0 + 0xed023
rbx = 0x00007f43840053f0 r12 = 0x00007f439e310d30
r13 = 0x00007f4384005158 r14 = 0x0000000000000012
r15 = 0xfffffffffff0bdc0 rip = 0x00007f43e8a25023
rsp = 0x00007f439e310b50 rbp = 0x00007f4384005688
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x183ac9e
rip = 0x0000000001c3ac9f rsp = 0x00007f439e310b60
Found by: stack scanning
2 phantomjs + 0x177b8e3
rip = 0x0000000001b7b8e4 rsp = 0x00007f439e310b70
Found by: stack scanning
3 phantomjs + 0x183aec2
rip = 0x0000000001c3aec3 rsp = 0x00007f439e310bb0
Found by: stack scanning
4 phantomjs + 0x183cb46
rip = 0x0000000001c3cb47 rsp = 0x00007f439e310bf0
Found by: stack scanning
5 phantomjs + 0x18264c7
rip = 0x0000000001c264c8 rsp = 0x00007f439e310c20
Found by: stack scanning
6 phantomjs + 0x1745b4c
rip = 0x0000000001b45b4d rsp = 0x00007f439e310c30
Found by: stack scanning
7 + 0x415c
rip = 0x00007f43e972a15d rsp = 0x00007f439e310c50
Found by: stack scanning
8 phantomjs + 0x177b8e3
rip = 0x0000000001b7b8e4 rsp = 0x00007f439e310c60
Found by: stack scanning
9 phantomjs + 0x1817e0d
rip = 0x0000000001c17e0e rsp = 0x00007f439e310c80
Found by: stack scanning
10 phantomjs + 0xca5eea
rip = 0x00000000010a5eeb rsp = 0x00007f439e310ca0
Found by: stack scanning
11 phantomjs + 0x177b888
rip = 0x0000000001b7b889 rsp = 0x00007f439e310cb0
Found by: stack scanning
12 phantomjs + 0x183b25c
rip = 0x0000000001c3b25d rsp = 0x00007f439e310cc0
Found by: stack scanning
13 phantomjs + 0x183b2c0
rip = 0x0000000001c3b2c1 rsp = 0x00007f439e310ce0
Found by: stack scanning
14 phantomjs + 0x183cf82
rip = 0x0000000001c3cf83 rsp = 0x00007f439e310d20
Found by: stack scanning
15 phantomjs + 0x18133f1
rip = 0x0000000001c133f2 rsp = 0x00007f439e310d80
Found by: stack scanning
16 phantomjs + 0x1813a44
rip = 0x0000000001c13a45 rsp = 0x00007f439e310d90
Found by: stack scanning
17 phantomjs + 0x181364e
rip = 0x0000000001c1364f rsp = 0x00007f439e310db0
Found by: stack scanning
18 + 0xb5dec
rip = 0x00007f43e92beded rsp = 0x00007f439e310de0
Found by: stack scanning
19 phantomjs + 0x17255d6
rip = 0x0000000001b255d7 rsp = 0x00007f439e310e20
Found by: stack scanning
20 phantomjs + 0x172839b
rip = 0x0000000001b2839c rsp = 0x00007f439e310e70
Found by: stack scanning
21 + 0x3b4827
rip = 0x00007f43e8cec828 rsp = 0x00007f439e310e80
Found by: stack scanning
22 + 0x3b482f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cec830 rsp = 0x00007f439e310e88
Found by: stack scanning
23 + 0x164a51
rip = 0x00007f43e8a9ca52 rsp = 0x00007f439e310e90
Found by: stack scanning
24 + 0x7e99
rip = 0x00007f43e9510e9a rsp = 0x00007f439e310eb0
Found by: stack scanning
Thread 7
0 + 0xed023
rbx = 0x00007f4394000d10 r12 = 0x0000000000000000
r13 = 0x00007f4394000a78 r14 = 0x0000000000000013
r15 = 0x00007f4394000a78 rip = 0x00007f43e8a25023
rsp = 0x00007f439fffeb50 rbp = 0x00007f4394000fa8
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x183acf5
rip = 0x0000000001c3acf6 rsp = 0x00007f439fffeb60
Found by: stack scanning
2 phantomjs + 0x177b8e3
rip = 0x0000000001b7b8e4 rsp = 0x00007f439fffeb70
Found by: stack scanning
3 phantomjs + 0x183cb46
rip = 0x0000000001c3cb47 rsp = 0x00007f439fffebf0
Found by: stack scanning
4 phantomjs + 0x18264c7
rip = 0x0000000001c264c8 rsp = 0x00007f439fffec20
Found by: stack scanning
5 phantomjs + 0x1745b84
rip = 0x0000000001b45b85 rsp = 0x00007f439fffec30
Found by: stack scanning
6 + 0x415c
rip = 0x00007f43e972a15d rsp = 0x00007f439fffec50
Found by: stack scanning
7 phantomjs + 0x177b8e3
rip = 0x0000000001b7b8e4 rsp = 0x00007f439fffec60
Found by: stack scanning
8 phantomjs + 0x1817e0d
rip = 0x0000000001c17e0e rsp = 0x00007f439fffec80
Found by: stack scanning
9 phantomjs + 0x177b888
rip = 0x0000000001b7b889 rsp = 0x00007f439fffecb0
Found by: stack scanning
10 phantomjs + 0x183b25c
rip = 0x0000000001c3b25d rsp = 0x00007f439fffecc0
Found by: stack scanning
11 phantomjs + 0x183b2c0
rip = 0x0000000001c3b2c1 rsp = 0x00007f439fffece0
Found by: stack scanning
12 phantomjs + 0x183cf82
rip = 0x0000000001c3cf83 rsp = 0x00007f439fffed20
Found by: stack scanning
13 phantomjs + 0x18133f1
rip = 0x0000000001c133f2 rsp = 0x00007f439fffed80
Found by: stack scanning
14 phantomjs + 0x1813a44
rip = 0x0000000001c13a45 rsp = 0x00007f439fffed90
Found by: stack scanning
15 phantomjs + 0x181364e
rip = 0x0000000001c1364f rsp = 0x00007f439fffedb0
Found by: stack scanning
16 + 0xb5dec
rip = 0x00007f43e92beded rsp = 0x00007f439fffede0
Found by: stack scanning
17 phantomjs + 0x17255d6
rip = 0x0000000001b255d7 rsp = 0x00007f439fffee20
Found by: stack scanning
18 phantomjs + 0x172839b
rip = 0x0000000001b2839c rsp = 0x00007f439fffee70
Found by: stack scanning
19 + 0x3b4827
rip = 0x00007f43e8cec828 rsp = 0x00007f439fffee80
Found by: stack scanning
20 + 0x3b482f
rip = 0x00007f43e8cec830 rsp = 0x00007f439fffee88
Found by: stack scanning
21 + 0x164a51
rip = 0x00007f43e8a9ca52 rsp = 0x00007f439fffee90
Found by: stack scanning
22 + 0x7e99
rip = 0x00007f43e9510e9a rsp = 0x00007f439fffeeb0
Found by: stack scanning
Loaded modules:
0x00400000 - 0x026a1fff phantomjs ??? (main)
0x7f43e43c1000 - 0x7f43e4419fff DejaVuSerif.ttf ???
0x7f43e441a000 - 0x7f43e4466fff DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf ???
0x7f43e4555000 - 0x7f43e45a8fff DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf ???
0x7f43e477c000 - 0x7f43e47cdfff DejaVuSansMono.ttf ???
0x7f43e47ce000 - 0x7f43e4872fff DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf ???
0x7f43e4adc000 - 0x7f43e4b8bfff DejaVuSans.ttf ???
0x7f43e4f22000 - 0x7f43e5129fff ???
0x7f43e512a000 - 0x7f43e5336fff ???
0x7f43e5337000 - 0x7f43e5550fff ???
0x7f43e7ed1000 - 0x7f43e812dfff ???
0x7f43e812f000 - 0x7f43e84f2fff ???
0x7f43e84f7000 - 0x7f43e8720fff ???
0x7f43e8721000 - 0x7f43e8937fff ???
0x7f43e8938000 - 0x7f43e8cf1fff ???
0x7f43e8cf7000 - 0x7f43e8f0cfff ???
0x7f43e8f0d000 - 0x7f43e9208fff ???
0x7f43e9209000 - 0x7f43e94f3fff ???
0x7f43e9509000 - 0x7f43e9721fff ???
0x7f43e9726000 - 0x7f43e992dfff ???
0x7f43e992e000 - 0x7f43e9b31fff ???
0x7f43e9b32000 - 0x7f43e9d67fff ???
0x7f43e9d68000 - 0x7f43ea003fff ???
0x7f43ea004000 - 0x7f43ea025fff ???
0x7f43ea08d000 - 0x7f43ea215fff locale-archive ???
0x7f43ea220000 - 0x7f43ea223fff 6d41288fd70b0be22e8c3a91e032eec0-le64.cache-3 ???
0x7fff023ff000 - 0x7fff023fffff ???
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