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Created November 25, 2015 01:53
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#! /usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json
import time
import os
import logging
import sys
import csv
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from datetime import time as dt_time
# Get logging level from env var SRLOGGINGLEVEL.
# If it doesn't exist, default to "INFO"
# Ensure that the value is capitalized
user_level = os.getenv('SRLOGGINGLEVEL', "WARNING").upper()
valid_response = ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "CRITICAL"]
wrong = False
if user_level not in valid_response:
# If the user put incorrect response, report the error and set the value back to default.
user_level = "INFO"
wrong = True
format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
console_write = logging.StreamHandler()
logger = logging.getLogger()
if wrong:
logger.warning("SRLOGGINGLEVEL contains an invalid value. Valid values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, and CRITICAL")
# Disable warnings from untrusted server certificates
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
except Exception as e:"Ignore messages related to insecure SSL certificates. Error: {}".format(e))
# Get the URL from environmentals. Example: ""
location = os.environ['SRUNILOCATION']
except KeyError:
logger.critical('Need an IP:Port. Please set the environment variable SRUNILOCATION to IP:Port of Unisphere '
'using either "export SRUNILOCATION=IP:PORT" (linux command) or "set SRUINLOCATION=IP:PORT" '
'(Windows command)')
# Get credentials for Unisphere login from environmentals
user = os.environ['SRUSER']
except KeyError:
logger.critical('Need a username. Please set the environment variable SRUSER to the username of Unisphere using'
'either "export SRUSER=username" (linux command) or "set SRUSER=username" (Windows command)')
password = os.environ['SRPASS']
except KeyError:
logger.critical('Need a password. Please set the environment variable SRPASS to the password of Unisphere using '
'either "export SRUSER=password" (linux command) or "set SRUSER=password" (Windows command)')
def generate_payload(symmetrix_id, storage_group_id):
return {
"startDate": unix_ym,
"endDate": unix_midnight,
"symmetrixId": symmetrix_id,
"storageGroupId": storage_group_id,
"metrics": ["SRDFA_MBSent"]
# Date
timestamp = - timedelta(days=1)
# Get today's midnight
midnight = datetime.combine(, dt_time.min)
# Convert to unix epoch time
unix_midnight = time.mktime(midnight.timetuple())
# Convert to milliseconds
unix_midnight *= 1000
# Remove trailing .0 float from the time
unix_midnight = str(unix_midnight).replace(".0", "")
# Get yesterday's midnight
yesterday_midnight = midnight - timedelta(days=1)
# Convert to unix epoch time
unix_ym = time.mktime(yesterday_midnight.timetuple())
# Convert to milliseconds
unix_ym *= 1000
# Remove trailing .0 float from the time
unix_ym = str(unix_ym).replace(".0", "")
# If SRDFA_Reporter.csv file doesn't exist, create it with a header.
if not os.path.isfile('SRDFA_Reporter.csv'):
with open('SRDFA_Reporter.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',',
quotechar=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
['24h Period', 'Array', 'Storage Group', 'Total MB Sent by SRDFA'])
# Get all VMAXs for a given Unisphere Instance
vURL = "https://" + location + "/univmax/restapi/provisioning/symmetrix"
symmetrix_list_response = requests.get(vURL, auth=(
user, password), verify=False).json()
if 'message' in symmetrix_list_response:
# I've seen an issue where Unisphere returns a message of "No Symmetrix's found.
message = symmetrix_list_response.get('message')
# Assuming no messages, store the list of VMAX's into symmetrix_list
symmetrix_list = symmetrix_list_response["symmetrixId"]
print("VMAXs found: " + str(symmetrix_list))
except ValueError:
"Login failure. $SRUSER and $SRPASS credentials failed. Please confirm the environmental variables are "
"properly set with correct username/password")
except Exception as e:
"Unisphere couldn't be reached. Please confirm SRUNILOCATION environment variable is properly set and "
"Unisphere is up and running.. Details: {}".format(e))
# For each VMAX in Unisphere, get the storage Groups
for symmetrix_id in symmetrix_list:
sURL = "https://" + location + "/univmax/restapi/provisioning/symmetrix/" + \
symmetrix_id + "/storagegroup"
storage_group_response = requests.get(sURL, auth=(user, password), verify=False).json()
# Check if a message was returned. If there is a message, report the
# message and then skip to the next VMAX.
if 'message' in storage_group_response:
logger.warn(storage_group_response.get('message') + ". " + symmetrix_id + " array is being skipped.")
storage_group_list = storage_group_response["storageGroupId"]
for storage_group_id in storage_group_list:
# For each SG in a given VMAX, get SRDFA_MBSent metric, sum it up
# across yesterday and write it out to csv file.
payload = generate_payload(symmetrix_id, storage_group_id)
headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'accept': 'application/json'
ss_url = "https://" + location + "/univmax/restapi/performance/StorageGroup/metrics"
srdfa_response =, data=json.dumps(payload),
auth=(user, password), headers=headers, verify=False).json()
# If response back includes a message instead of expected output, then
# chances are the VMAX isn't local. Skip to next VMAX but report up
# error.
if 'message' in srdfa_response:
message = srdfa_response.get('message') + ". " + symmetrix_id + " array is being skipped."
result = srdfa_response["resultList"]["result"]
srdfa_total = 0
# Grab Total MB Sent for a given SG
for item in result:
srdfa_total += item['SRDFA_MBSent']
print("Writing to file: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".format(
timestamp, symmetrix_id, storage_group_id, srdfa_total))
with open('SRDFA_Reporter.csv', 'a') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',',
quotechar=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
writer.writerow([timestamp, symmetrix_id,
storage_group_id, str(srdfa_total)])
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