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Last active December 13, 2016 10:48
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EC2 Docker Setup
FROM ubuntu
MAINTAINER "Bobby Wilson"
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install curl -y
RUN cd /usr/local; curl -O
RUN cd /usr/local; tar xzf node-v0.10.16-linux-x64.tar.gz
ENV PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/node-v0.10.16-linux-x64/bin
ADD . /app
EXPOSE 8000:8000
CMD ["node", "/app/index.js"]
description "Run ADF Setup"
start on started docker
respawn limit 15 5
chdir /home/ubuntu
exec ./ 2>&1 >> /var/log/adf.log
# Abort our setup if anything goes wrong.
set -e
# Our upstart script redirects all output of this script to /var/log/adf.log
# We can debug the output looking for when the script started.
echo "at=start-setup time=`date`"
# We are making use of EC2's user data feature. When you provision a new
# EC2 instance, you can supply arbitrary text as the user data. In the case
# our setup script, we are assuming that the data in the user data store is
# valid bash. Specifically we are expecting that it contain variable declerations
# for $RELEASE_URL and $APP
curl -o user-data
export $(cat user-data)
# We are using ADF-CONFIG(1) to download the app's environment variables
# from our DynamoDB config table. ADF-CONFIG(1) relies on IAM roles to
# access DynamoDB.
./adf-config -l -a $APP > env
# Download the code via RELEASE\_URL –which is supplied by user-data. We
# expect the tar ball to include a single directory in which the app's
# code and Dockerfile are located.
rm -rf build
mkdir build
curl -L $RELEASE_URL | tar xvz -C build
BUILD_VERSION=$(ls build)
#Even though our upstart script calls this setup program after the docker
# service is started, it still can be possible for the docker service to
# not be fully operational. This step handle that race condition.
until docker version; do; echo 'waiting for docker'; sleep 1; done
# Build the app based on the Dockerfile.
docker build -t "$USER/$BUILD_VERSION" "build/$BUILD_VERSION" 2>&1
# We now use docker to run the container. We are doing a little hack here
# to get our environment variables into the conatiner. We can't specify
# our environment variables in the Dockerfile since the file is in version
# control. (No secrets in the source!) So, we take the result of
# ADF-CONFIG(1), massage it into the -e flags that the docker run command
# expects.
docker run $(cat env | awk '{print "-e " $1}' | tr -s '\n' ' ') -d "$USER/$BUILD_VERSION" 2>&1
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