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Last active December 18, 2015 16:19
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Save ryanfitzer/5810826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple example project for using Volo to add libraries to a project. Use the "Download Gist" button to use as a readymade quickstart.
"name": "Volo-Example",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Kick the tires.",
"author": "Me",
"volo": {
"baseUrl": "library/js",
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "github:jquery/jquery/2.0.2",
"Modernizr": "github:Modernizr/Modernizr/v2.6.2"

What is Volo?

Volo is a tool from James Burke (RequireJS) which enables you quickly create projects, add libraries, and automate common tasks using node and JavaScript.

How Do I Install It?

$ npm install -g volo

How do I Add Libraries?

$ volo add [flags] [archive] [localName]

Add all dependencies listed in package.json:

$ cd root/of/project
$ volo add

Add the most recent jQuery to the project:

$ volo add jquery

Add jQuery v1.10.1:

$ volo add jquery/1.10.1

Update jQuery:

$ volo add -f jquery

Can I set a base directory?

Add the baseUrl to the volo section in package.json:

"volo": {
  "baseUrl": "library/js",
  "dependencies": { ... }

How Do I Remove a Library?

$ volo remove [id]

What About AMD?

AMD-ify a script to use with RequireJS:

$ volo add -amd [lib]
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