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Created August 21, 2019 18:19
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HTML Validator Plugin for Webpack
* HTML Validator Plugin for Webpack
* @docs
const path = require( 'path' );
const columnify = require( 'columnify' );
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require( 'html-webpack-plugin' );
const HtmlValidate = require( 'html-validate' ).HtmlValidate;
const pluginName = 'Validate HTML';
const getRuleInfo = ( rule ) => {
if ( !rule ) return '';
let id = rule.toLowerCase();
let base = '';
const isWCAG = /wcag/.test( id );
if ( isWCAG ) {
id = id.split( '/' )[ 1 ];
base = `${ base }wcag/`;
return `[${ rule.toLowerCase() }] ${ base }${ id }.html`;
class HTMLValidator {
apply( compiler ) {
const config = require( path.join( compiler.context, '.htmlvalidate.json' ) );
const validator = new HtmlValidate( config );
const isProd = compiler.options.mode === 'production';
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( pluginName, ( compilation ) => {
HtmlWebpackPlugin.getHooks( compilation ).beforeEmit.tapAsync( pluginName, ( data, cb ) => {
const {
} = data;
const {
} = validator.validateSource( html );
if ( !valid ) {
const msgs = [];
const error = [
`${ outputName }:`
results.forEach( ( result ) => {
result.messages.forEach( ( msg ) => {
const {
} = msg;
const ruleInfo = getRuleInfo( ruleId );
msgs.push( {
line: ` ${ line }:${ column }`,
error: `"${ message }" ${ ruleInfo }`
} );
} );
} );
error.push( columnify( msgs, {
showHeaders: false,
columnSplitter: ' '
} ) );
const issues = new Error( error.join( '\n' ) );
// if ( isProd ) compilation.errors.push( issues );
// else compilation.warnings.push( issues );
if ( !isProd ) compilation.errors.push( issues );
// Tell webpack to move on
cb( null, data );
} );
} );
module.exports = HTMLValidator;
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