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Created May 12, 2010 18:41
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// regular javascript api
var bob = new Person('#dude',{ height: 'short' });'salsa'); // dances the salsa and returns bob
bob.awesome; // returns true
bob.awesome = false; // set the property to something else
// jQuery api
$('#bob').person({ height: 'short' }); // instantiate with options
$('#bob').person(); // returns the class instance since it's already been instantiated
// or in other words, returns and object like `bob` from above
$('#bob').person('dance', 'salsa'); // dance the salsa and returns the jQuery object
// because the class returns `this`, (magic from the mutator)
$('#dude').person('awesome'); // returns true, not the jQuery object because the
// method doesn't return the instance, it returns a value
$('#dude').person('awesome', false); // reassign the property
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