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Created October 2, 2016 19:45
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/*eslint no-console: 0*/
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
import { historyContext as historyContextType } from 'react-history/PropTypes'
import StaticRouter from './StaticRouter'
// intitial key is `null` because JSON.stringify turns undefined into null, and
// we use this value as the "initial key"
const initialKeys = [ null ]
const IS_DOM = typeof window !== 'undefined'
const findKeyIndex = (keys, key) => (
// switchup `undefined` to `null` because that's what JSON.stringify does
// when we persist to sessionStorage
keys.indexOf(key || null)
const restoreKeys = () => {
if (IS_DOM) {
try {
return JSON.parse(sessionStorage.ReactRouterKeys)
} catch(e) {
// couldn't find them, so send the default
return initialKeys
} else {
return initialKeys
const locationsAreEqual = (a, b) => {
// If we're on the initial entry and we get a new location descriptor then
// neither will have a key, so we compare the path. We have to guard on the
// keys so we allow pushing the same path w/ a different key.
if (a.key == null && b.key == null)
return a.path === b.path
// the initial entry has no key, and neither does a pushed location
// descriptor, so we use identity for that case
if (a === b)
return true
// locations lose their identity after leaving the domain, so we use the key
// instead, all locations but the first will have a key
if (a.key === b.key)
return true
return false
const saveKeys = (keys) => {
if (IS_DOM) {
try {
sessionStorage.ReactRouterKeys = JSON.stringify(keys)
} catch(e) {} // eslint-disable-line
class ControlledHistory extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
history: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
location: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
action: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
restoreKeys: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
saveKeys: PropTypes.func.isRequired
static childContextTypes = {
history: historyContextType.isRequired
static defaultProps = {
getChildContext() {
return {
history: this.getHistoryContext()
getHistoryContext() {
const { action, location, history } = this.props
return {
constructor(props) {
const location = props.history.getCurrentLocation()
const cameBackFromOtherDomain = !!location.key
this.updatingFromHistoryChange = false
this.syncingHistory = false
this.syncingReplace = false
this.keys = cameBackFromOtherDomain ? props.restoreKeys() : initialKeys
this.state = {
action: 'POP'
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (
!this.syncingReplace &&
!this.updatingFromHistoryChange &&
) {
this.syncingHistory = true
const { history } = this.props
const { action, location } = nextProps
const nextIndex = findKeyIndex(this.keys, location.key)
if (location.key && nextIndex !== -1) {
// we've been here before
const currentIndex = findKeyIndex(this.keys, this.props.location.key)
const delta = nextIndex - currentIndex
} else if (action === 'PUSH') {
history.push(location.path, location.state)
} else if (action === 'REPLACE') {
history.replace(location.path, location.state)
setupHistory() {
this.props.history.listen((location, action) => {
this.storeKey(location.key, action)
this.updatingFromHistoryChange = true // must come before onChange!
if (!this.syncingHistory) {
this.props.onChange(location, action)
if (this.syncingReplace) {
this.props.onChange(location, 'SYNC')
this.setState({ location, action }, () => {
this.updatingFromHistoryChange = false
if (this.syncingHistory) {
this.syncingHistory = false
} else {
checkIfLocationAccepted() {
const { location } = this.props
const { location:stateLocation, action:stateAction } = this.state
if (!locationsAreEqual(location, stateLocation)) {
this.syncingHistory = true
const index = findKeyIndex(this.keys, location.key)
const stateIndex = findKeyIndex(this.keys, stateLocation.key)
const delta = index - stateIndex
if (stateAction === 'REPLACE') {
// Gah! the app is now going to have the right path, the right number
// of entries in the history, the right index in the history, but not
// the right key :(.
// Once the browser replaces, that's it! we can't stop it, and we
// can't ever get that location back. So we'll call props.onChange in
// history.listen to let the app synchronize with us (which it MUST do,
// it must always accept a 'SYNC' action location into its state)
this.syncingReplace = true
this.props.history.replace(location.path, location.state)
} else {
if (stateIndex === -1) {
// playing whack-a-mole here D: after we pop off the last key a
// few lines down, if they click "forward" we won't find the key
// so let's just do a -1 for delta.
} else {
if (stateAction === 'PUSH') {
// get rid of the last entry so our delta isn't off if they try to
// push here again
storeKey(key, action) {
if (action === 'PUSH') {
} else if (action === 'REPLACE') {
this.keys[this.keys.length - 1] = key
// browsers only keep 50 entries, so we'll do that too
if (this.keys.length > 50)
render() {
return this.props.children(this.getHistoryContext())
const ControlledRouter = ({ history, location, onChange, action, restoreKeys, saveKeys, }) => (
{(history) => (
ControlledRouter.propTypes = {
history: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
location: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
action: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
restoreKeys: PropTypes.func,
saveKeys: PropTypes.func,
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([
export default ControlledRouter
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don't have time to explain much

  • replace <BrowserRouter/> with <ControlledRouter/>, they don't work together they are are exclusive
  • storage is required for when you leave the domain, it's a pluggable prop, so just no-op it for react native

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