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Created September 16, 2021 13:21
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Typescript Optional<T> type (Rust-esque)
type Option<T> = Some<T> | None<T>;
interface Optional<T> {
unwrap(): T;
unwrapOr(or: T): T;
isSome(): boolean;
isNone(): boolean;
class Some<T> implements Optional<T> {
constructor(private value: T) {}
unwrap(): T {
return this.value
unwrapOr(or: T): T {
return this.unwrap();
isSome(): boolean {
return true
isNone(): boolean {
return false
class None<T> implements Optional<T> {
unwrap(): never {
throw new ReferenceError('Attempt to call `unwrap()` on `None` value.')
unwrapOr(or: T): T {
return or
isSome(): boolean {
return false;
isNone(): boolean {
return true;
function expectsOptional(value: Option<string>) {
if (value.isSome()) {
console.log(`Some: ${value.unwrap()}`)
} else {
expectsOptional(new Some("Hello!"))
expectsOptional(new None)
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