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Created June 16, 2017 13:26
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A simple python implementation of Mamdani Fuzzy Logic
def trimf(x, points):
pointA = points[0]
pointB = points[1]
pointC = points[2]
slopeAB = getSlope(pointA, 0, pointB, 1)
slopeBC = getSlope(pointB, 1, pointC, 0)
result = 0
if x >= pointA and x <= pointB:
result = slopeAB * x + getYIntercept(pointA, 0, pointB, 1)
elif x >= pointB and x <= pointC:
result = slopeBC * x + getYIntercept(pointB, 1, pointC, 0)
return result
def trapmf(x, points):
pointA = points[0]
pointB = points[1]
pointC = points[2]
pointD = points[3]
slopeAB = getSlope(pointA, 0, pointB, 1)
slopeCD = getSlope(pointC, 1, pointD, 0)
yInterceptAB = getYIntercept(pointA, 0, pointB, 1)
yInterceptCD = getYIntercept(pointC, 1, pointD, 0)
result = 0
if x > pointA and x < pointB:
result = slopeAB * x + yInterceptAB
elif x >= pointB and x <= pointC:
result = 1
elif x > pointC and x < pointD:
result = slopeCD * x + yInterceptCD
return result
def getSlope(x1, y1, x2, y2):
#Avoid zero division error of vertical line for shouldered trapmf
slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
except ZeroDivisionError:
slope = 0
return slope
def getYIntercept(x1, y1, x2, y2):
m = getSlope(x1, y1, x2, y2)
if y1 < y2:
y = y2
x = x2
y = y1
x = x1
return y - m * x
def getTrimfPlots(start, end, points):
plots = [0] * (abs(start) + abs(end))
pointA = points[0]
pointB = points[1]
pointC = points[2]
slopeAB = getSlope(pointA, 0, pointB, 1)
slopeBC = getSlope(pointB, 1, pointC, 0)
yInterceptAB = getYIntercept(pointA, 0, pointB, 1)
yInterceptBC = getYIntercept(pointB, 1, pointC
, 0)
for i in range(pointA, pointB):
plots[i] = slopeAB * i + yInterceptAB
for i in range(pointB, pointC):
plots[i] = slopeBC * i + yInterceptBC
return plots
def getTrapmfPlots(start, end, points, shoulder=None):
plots = [0] * (abs(start) + abs(end))
pointA = points[0]
pointB = points[1]
pointC = points[2]
pointD = points[3]
left = 0
right = 0
slopeAB = getSlope(pointA, 0, pointB, 1)
slopeCD = getSlope(pointC, 1, pointD, 0)
yInterceptAB = getYIntercept(pointA, 0, pointB, 1)
yInterceptCD = getYIntercept(pointC, 1, pointD, 0)
if shoulder == "left":
for i in range(start, pointA):
plots[i] = 1
elif shoulder == "right":
for i in range(pointD, end):
plots[i] = 1
for i in range(pointA, pointB):
plots[i] = slopeAB * i + yInterceptAB
for i in range(pointB, pointC):
plots[i] = 1
for i in range(pointC, pointD):
plots[i] = slopeCD * i + yInterceptCD
return plots
def getCentroid(aggregatedPlots):
n = len(aggregatedPlots)
xAxis = list(range(n))
centroidNum = 0
centroidDenum = 0
for i in range(n):
centroidNum += xAxis[i] * aggregatedPlots[i]
centroidDenum += aggregatedPlots[i]
return centroidNum / centroidDenum
from fuzzy_logic import *
def main():
targetTemp = float(input('Enter Target Temperature: '))
currentTemp = float(input('Enter Current Temperature: '))
prevTemp = float(input('Enter Previous Temperature: '))
prevError = targetTemp - prevTemp
currentError = targetTemp - currentTemp
error = currentError
errorDerivative = prevError - currentError
rules = evaluateRules(error, errorDerivative)
aggregateValues = fisAggregation(rules,
centroid = getCentroid(aggregateValues)
def evaluateRules(error, errorDerivative):
rules = [[0] * 3 for i in range(3)]
fuzzifiedErrorNeg = fuzzifyErrorNeg(error)
fuzzifiedErrorZero = fuzzifyErrorZero(error)
fuzzifiedErrorPos = fuzzifyErrorPos(error)
fuzzifiedErrorDotNeg = fuzzifyErrorDotNeg(errorDerivative)
fuzzifiedErrorDotZero = fuzzifyErrorDotZero(errorDerivative)
fuzzifiedErrorDotPos = fuzzifyErrorDotPos(errorDerivative)
# RULE 1
rules[0][0] = min(fuzzifiedErrorNeg, fuzzifiedErrorDotNeg)
# RULE 2
rules[0][1] = min(fuzzifiedErrorZero, fuzzifiedErrorDotNeg)
# RULE 3
rules[0][2] = min(fuzzifiedErrorPos, fuzzifiedErrorDotNeg)
# RULE 4
rules[1][0] = min(fuzzifiedErrorNeg, fuzzifiedErrorDotZero)
# RULE 5
rules[1][1] = min(fuzzifiedErrorZero, fuzzifiedErrorDotZero)
# RULE 6
rules[1][2] = min(fuzzifiedErrorPos, fuzzifiedErrorDotZero)
# RULE 7
rules[2][0] = min(fuzzifiedErrorNeg, fuzzifiedErrorDotPos)
# RULE 8
rules[2][1] = min(fuzzifiedErrorZero, fuzzifiedErrorDotPos)
# RULE 9
rules[2][2] = min(fuzzifiedErrorPos, fuzzifiedErrorDotPos)
return rules
def fuzzifyErrorPos(error):
return trimf(error, [0, 5, 5])
def fuzzifyErrorZero(error):
return trimf(error, [-5, 0, 5])
def fuzzifyErrorNeg(error):
return trimf(error, [-5, -5, 0])
def fuzzifyErrorDotPos(errorDot):
return trapmf(errorDot, [1, 1.5, 5, 5])
def fuzzifyErrorDotZero(errorDot):
return trimf(errorDot, [-2, 0, 2])
def fuzzifyErrorDotNeg(errorDot):
return trapmf(errorDot, [-5, -5, -1.5, -1])
def fuzzifyOutputCooler():
return getTrapmfPlots(0, 200, [0, 0, 30, 95], "left")
def fuzzifyOutputNoChange():
return getTrimfPlots(0, 200, [90, 100, 110])
def fuzzifyOutputHeater():
return getTrapmfPlots(0, 200, [105, 170, 200, 200], "right")
def fisAggregation(rules, pcc, pcnc, pch):
result = [0] * 200
for rule in range(len(rules)):
for i in range(200):
if rules[rule][0] > 0 and i < 95:
result[i] = min(rules[rule][0], pcc[i])
if rules[rule][1] > 0 and i > 90 and i < 110:
result[i] = min(rules[rule][1], pcnc[i])
if rules[rule][2] > 0 and i > 105 and i < 200:
result[i] = min(rules[rule][2], pch[i])
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
from fuzzy_logic import *
def main():
occupancyFactor = float(input('Enter occupancy factor: ')) * 100
averageDistance = float(input('Enter average distance: ')) * 100
trafficIntensity = float(input('Enter traffic intensity factor: ')) * 100
rules = evaluateRules(occupancyFactor, averageDistance, trafficIntensity)
outputMfs = {'vs': getVSPlots(), 's': getSPlots(), 'rs': getRSPlots(), 'm': getMPlots(),
'rl': getRLPlots(), 'l': getLPlots(), 'vl': getVLPlots()
aggregatedPlots = fisAggregation(rules, outputMfs)
centroid = getCentroid(aggregatedPlots) / 100
def fisAggregation(rules, outputMfs):
vs = outputMfs['vs']
s = outputMfs['s']
rs = outputMfs['rs']
m = outputMfs['m']
rl = outputMfs['rl']
l = outputMfs['l']
vl = outputMfs['vl']
aggregatePlots = [0] * 100
for rule in range(len(rules)):
for i in range(100):
if rules[rule][0] > 0 and i < 20:
aggregatePlots[i] = min(rules[rule][0], vs[i])
if rules[rule][1] > 0 and i > 15 and i < 35:
aggregatePlots[i] = min(rules[rule][1], s[i])
if rules[rule][2] > 0 and i > 30 and i < 45:
aggregatePlots[i] = min(rules[rule][2], rs[i])
if rules[rule][3] > 0 and i > 40 and i < 60:
aggregatePlots[i] = min(rules[rule][3], m[i])
if rules[rule][4] > 0 and i > 55 and i < 70:
aggregatePlots[i] = min(rules[rule][4], rl[i])
if rules[rule][5] > 0 and i > 65 and i < 85:
aggregatePlots[i] = min(rules[rule][5], l[i])
if rules[rule][6] > 0 and i > 80:
aggregatePlots[i] = min(rules[rule][6], vl[i])
return aggregatePlots
def evaluateRules(occupancyFactor, averageDistance, trafficIntensity):
rowSize = 27 ; rules
colSize = 7 ; membership functions of output variable "n"
rules = [[0] * 7 for i in range(27)]
Input "m": occupancy factor
ml - low
mm - medium
mh - high
Input "s": average distance
ss - short
sm - medium
sl - long
Input "p": traffic intensity
pl - low
pm - medium
ph - high
ml = fuzzifyOccupancyLow(occupancyFactor)
mm = fuzzifyOccupancyMedium(occupancyFactor)
mh = fuzzifyOccupancyHigh(occupancyFactor)
ss = fuzzifyAverageDistanceShort(averageDistance)
sm = fuzzifyAverageDistanceMedium(averageDistance)
sl = fuzzifyAverageDistanceLong(averageDistance)
pl = fuzzifyTrafficIntensityLow(trafficIntensity)
pm = fuzzifyTrafficIntensityMedium(trafficIntensity)
ph = fuzzifyTrafficIntensityHigh(trafficIntensity)
VS - 0
S - 1
RS - 2
VL - 6
For all "n" with output VS, store it in column 0, and for S in column 1 ...
# rules[ruleIndex][membershipOutputIndex]
rules[0][0] = min(min(ml, ss), pl)
rules[1][0] = min(min(mm, ss), pl)
rules[2][0] = min(min(mh, ss), pl)
rules[3][0] = min(min(ml, sm), pl)
rules[4][0] = min(min(mm, sm), pl)
rules[5][0] = min(min(mh, sm), pl)
rules[6][1] = min(min(ml, sl), pl)
rules[7][1] = min(min(mm, sl), pl)
rules[8][0] = min(min(mh, sl), pl)
rules[9][1] = min(min(ml, ss), pm)
rules[10][0] = min(min(mm, ss), pm)
rules[11][0] = min(min(mh, ss), pm)
rules[12][2] = min(min(ml, sm), pm)
rules[13][1] = min(min(mm, sm), pm)
rules[14][0] = min(min(mh, sm), pm)
rules[15][1] = min(min(ml, sl), pm)
rules[16][2] = min(min(mm, sl), pm)
rules[17][1] = min(min(mh, sl), pm)
rules[18][6] = min(min(ml, ss), ph)
rules[19][5] = min(min(mm, ss), ph)
rules[20][3] = min(min(mh, ss), ph)
rules[21][3] = min(min(ml, sm), ph)
rules[22][3] = min(min(mm, sm), ph)
rules[23][1] = min(min(mh, sm), ph)
rules[24][4] = min(min(ml, sl), ph)
rules[25][3] = min(min(mm, sl), ph)
rules[26][2] = min(min(mh, sl), ph)
return rules
def fuzzifyOccupancyLow(occupancyFactor):
return trapmf(occupancyFactor, [0, 0, 20, 40])
def fuzzifyOccupancyMedium(occupancyFactor):
return trimf(occupancyFactor, [20, 50, 80])
def fuzzifyOccupancyHigh(occupancyFactor):
return trapmf(occupancyFactor, [60, 80, 100, 100])
def fuzzifyAverageDistanceShort(averageDistance):
return trapmf(averageDistance, [0, 0, 20, 40])
def fuzzifyAverageDistanceMedium(averageDistance):
return trimf(averageDistance, [20, 50, 80])
def fuzzifyAverageDistanceLong(averageDistance):
return trapmf(averageDistance, [60, 80, 100, 100])
def fuzzifyTrafficIntensityLow(trafficIntensity):
return trapmf(trafficIntensity, [0, 0, 20, 40])
def fuzzifyTrafficIntensityMedium(trafficIntensity):
return trimf(trafficIntensity, [20, 50, 80])
def fuzzifyTrafficIntensityHigh(trafficIntensity):
return trapmf(trafficIntensity, [60, 80, 100, 100])
def getVSPlots():
return getTrapmfPlots(0, 100, [0, 0, 10, 20], "left")
def getSPlots():
return getTrimfPlots(0, 100, [15, 25, 35])
def getRSPlots():
return getTrimfPlots(0, 100, [30, 35, 45])
def getMPlots():
return getTrimfPlots(0, 100, [40, 50, 60])
def getRLPlots():
return getTrimfPlots(0, 100, [55, 65, 70])
def getLPlots():
return getTrimfPlots(0, 100, [65, 75, 85])
def getVLPlots():
return getTrapmfPlots(0, 100, [80, 90, 100, 100], "right")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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