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Last active May 22, 2020 20:08
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Exploratory analysis of NCAA Basketball data, with Massey and Colley Rating Calculations
# coding: utf-8
# Some inspiration from, including the nifty method for mapping team names to the dataset
# In[1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# ## TO DO
# * Convert ```daynum``` column to ```year```, ```month```, ```day``` columns for human readability and to fit with schema
# * Stats
# * Figuring out summary stats for games
# * Kenpom
# * Sagarin
# * BPI - type
# * New stats, like Fastbreak vs slow (tempo stuff)
# In[2]:
file_path = '/media/ryan/Charlemagne/data/basketball/2016_march_madness/data/'
reg_df = pd.read_csv(file_path + 'RegularSeasonDetailedResults.csv')
teams_df = pd.read_csv(file_path + 'Teams.csv')
seasons_df = pd.read_csv(file_path + 'Seasons.csv')
team_dict = dict(zip(teams_df['Team_Id'].values, teams_df['Team_Name'].values))
reg_df['Wteam_name'] = reg_df['Wteam'].map(team_dict)
reg_df['Lteam_name'] = reg_df['Lteam'].map(team_dict)
print('Regular Season data:')
print('Teams data:')
# ### Date manipulation
# I always hate this part. I need to convert ```daynum``` to three columns. Probably need datetime for this. And a lot of patience. And some luck.
# The basic format will be:
# ``` python
# game_date = seasons_df['Dayzero'] + reg_df['daynum']
# ```
# The ```seasons_df['Dayzero']``` variable will have to be converted to a datetime object, and then we can add ```reg_df['daynum']``` to that, I think. After that, we'll have an exact date for each game, from which we can easily extract Year, Month, and Day.
# In[3]:
# In[4]:
ts = seasons_df['Dayzero'][20]
fmt = '%m/%d/%Y'
curr_date = datetime.strptime(ts, fmt)
# In[5]:
season_dict = dict(zip(seasons_df['Season'].values, seasons_df['Dayzero'].values))
reg_df['Dayzero'] = reg_df['Season'].replace(season_dict)
# In[6]:
# In[7]:
reg_df['Dayzero'] = reg_df['Dayzero'].apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, fmt))
# In[8]:
# reg_df['Daynum'] - reg_df['Dayzero']
# In[10]:
reg_df['Gameday'] = reg_df[['Daynum','Dayzero']].apply( lambda row : timedelta(days = int(row[0])) + row[1],axis=1)
# In[11]:
reg_df['Year'] = reg_df['Gameday'].apply(lambda x: x.year)
reg_df['Month'] = reg_df['Gameday'].apply(lambda x: x.month)
reg_df['Day'] = reg_df['Gameday'].apply(lambda x:
# In[12]:
# In[13]:
# Let's start simple. Going off descriptions in [Who's #1](, we can develop a Massey and Colley system for a particular season. Make a new dataframe for a particular year (say, 2011), then compute Massey and Colley for the whole season, then examine?
# First, how do we generate the Massey matrix?
# * Brute force idea: Get the list of all unique teams, loop through each team, then loop through each game, using team index in list to build the Massey matrix M. Let's try this!
# Might be able to improve this by considering only those games actually played by each team, instead of all games, and use smarter indexing to fill M
# We can implement Colley without too much extra cost if we create the ```b``` vector inside the loop, since the Colley matrix
# **C** = 2**I** + **M**
# In[35]:
print(reg_df[reg_df['Season'] == 2011].head(5))
reg2011_df = reg_df[reg_df['Season'] == 2011]
team_name_list = reg2011_df['Wteam_name'].unique()
# In[36]:
num_teams = len(team_name_list)
M = np.zeros((num_teams,num_teams))
# In[45]:
team_games = reg2011_df[(reg2011_df['Wteam_name'] == team_name_list[0]) | (reg2011_df['Lteam_name'] == team_name_list[0])]
# In[89]:
get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', "m_row = 0# current row in Massey matrix\n\n# also build point differential vector p\np = np.zeros((num_teams,1))\n\n# Colley approach requires b, win differential basically\nb = np.zeros((num_teams,1))\n\nfor k in team_name_list :\n team_games = reg2011_df[(reg2011_df['Wteam_name'] == k) | (reg2011_df['Lteam_name'] == k)]\n n_team = np.shape(team_games)[0]\n # Number of games team played, for diagonal\n\n times_played = np.zeros((1,np.shape(M)[1])) # basically an array for given row in M\n \n # counter for array indexing\n ctr = 0\n for j in team_name_list :\n if j == k :\n # this is the team itself\n times_played[0,ctr] = n_team\n else :\n # Find all matches between team of interest (k) and opponent (j)\n matches = team_games[(team_games['Wteam_name'] == j) | (team_games['Lteam_name'] == j)]\n times_played[0,ctr] = np.negative(matches.shape[0])\n ctr += 1\n \n # now add current row to M\n M[m_row] = times_played\n \n # add cumulative points to p\n # p_wins is point differential in games won by team k\n p_wins = np.sum(\\\n team_games[team_games['Wteam_name'] == k]['Wscore'] - \\\n team_games[team_games['Wteam_name'] == k]['Lscore']\n )\n # p_losses is point differential in games lost by team k (will be negative)\n p_losses = np.sum(\\\n team_games[team_games['Lteam_name'] == k]['Lscore'] - \\\n team_games[team_games['Lteam_name'] == k]['Wscore']\n )\n p[m_row] = p_wins + p_losses\n \n # Now build Colley right-hand side vector b\n b[m_row] = 1 + (0.5) * (\\\n team_games[team_games['Wteam_name'] == k].shape[0] - \\\n team_games[team_games['Lteam_name'] == k].shape[0]\n )\n \n # iterate to next row in M\n m_row += 1")
# In[90]:
# In[62]:
# In[91]:
# finally, need to replace row in M with all 1s, and point total 0.
# By convention, last row is chosen
# Before that though, Compute Colley matrix C
C = 2 * np.identity(num_teams) + M
M[-1,:] = np.ones((1,num_teams))
p[-1] = 0
# In[92]:
# Finally, to compute Massey ratings, solve the linear system
# r = M^(-1) * p
massey_ratings = np.linalg.solve(M, p)
colley_ratings = np.linalg.solve(C, b)
# In[70]:
# In[93]:
ratings2011_df = pd.DataFrame(
np.column_stack((team_name_list, massey_ratings, colley_ratings)),
columns=['Team', 'Massey', 'Colley']
# In[94]:
ratings2011_df.sort_values(by='Massey', ascending=False, inplace=True)
# In[95]:
ratings2011_df['Massey_rank'] = ratings2011_df['Massey'].rank(ascending=False)
# In[96]:
ratings2011_df['Colley_rank'] = ratings2011_df['Colley'].rank(ascending=False)
# In[100]:
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