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Created May 8, 2014 20:44
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json serialization and gzip test
//data is 500 rows of fake names, with the following columns which are 916 bytes long
ID, gender, title, givenname, middleinitial, surname, streetaddress, city, state, zipcode, country, countryfull, emailaddress, username, password, telephonenumber, maidenname, birthday, cctype, ccnumber, cvv2, ccexpires, nationalid, upstracking, occupation, company, vehicle, domain, bloodtype, pounds, kilograms, feetinches, centimeters, guid, latitude, longitude
//default serializeJSON
23264369 serializeJSON-default.json
//default serializeJSON after gzip //56.3% reduction in size
10177460 serializeJSON-default.json.gzip
//serializeJSON after using taffy's queryToArray
43363946 serializeJSON-qta.json
//serializeJSON after using taffy's queryToArray after gzip //72.6% reduction in size
11912704 serializeJSON-qta.json.gzip
default vs gta without gzip is 46.4% smaller
default vs gta with gzip is 14.6% smaller
//data is 500 rows of fake names, with the following columns which are 916 bytes long
a through aj, 36 columns still
//default serializeJSON
23264121 serializeJSON-default.json
//default serializeJSON after gzip //56.3% reduction in size
10177266 serializeJSON-default.json.gzip
//serializeJSON after using taffy's queryToArray
30963946 serializeJSON-qta.json
//serializeJSON after using taffy's queryToArray after gzip //64.0% reduction in size
11150385 serializeJSON-qta.json.gzip
default vs gta without gzip is 24.9% smaller
default vs gta with gzip is 8.8% smaller
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