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Last active March 26, 2023 06:06
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Kwok Makefile Helper
# Helper makefile for using kwok as part of testing
# Author: Ryan Hatfield
CLUSTER_NAME:=$(shell basename $$PWD)
export KUBECONFIG=$(CLUSTER_NAME).kubeconfig
KWOKCTL:=kwokctl --name=$(CLUSTER_NAME)
isRunning=$(patsubst $(1),true,$(filter $(shell $(KWOKCTL) get clusters),$(1)))
isNotRunning=$(if $(call isRunning, $(1)),,true)
fileExists=$(patsubst $(1),true,$(wildcard $(1)))
kwok-create: ## Create cluster if not running
$(if $(call isNotRunning,$(CLUSTER_NAME)),$(KWOKCTL) create cluster)
$(KUBECONFIG): ## Create kubeconfig
$(KWOKCTL) get kubeconfig > $@
kwok: kwok-create $(KUBECONFIG) ## Use kwok
@kubectl config use-context kwok-$(CLUSTER_NAME)
clean-kwok: ## Clean kwok cluster and kubeconfig file
$(if $(call isRunning,$(CLUSTER_NAME)),$(KWOKCTL) delete cluster)
$(if $(call fileExists,$(KUBECONFIG)),rm -rf $(KUBECONFIG))
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