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Last active October 13, 2021 14:44
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Detect Duplicate Images
from joblib import delayed, Parallel
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
import hashlib
import imagehash
import pandas as pd
import PIL
import pybktree
from PIL import Image
HASH_DIST = 2 # max bit difference to consider images the same
def compute_hashes(path):
img =
except PIL.UnidentifiedImageError:
print(f"Can't open {path.stem}.")
return {
'PetID': path.stem,
'hash': str(hashlib.md5(img.tobytes()).hexdigest()),
'dhash': int(str(imagehash.dhash(img)), 16),
'phash': int(str(imagehash.phash(img)), 16),
def make_hashes(df_image):
photo_paths = df_image.loc[:, 'Path']
df_stats = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
delayed(compute_hashes)(path) for path in tqdm(photo_paths)
df_stats = pd.DataFrame(df_stats).set_index('PetID').sort_index()
return df_stats
df_image = make_image_df() # df_image contains image info / filepaths
df_stats = make_hashes(df_image)
df_image = df_image.join(df_stats)
def dist(a, b):
return pybktree.hamming_distance(a.phash, b.phash)
bktree_phash = pybktree.BKTree(dist, df_stats[['phash']].itertuples())
similarities = pd.Series([bktree_phash.find(x, n=HASH_DIST) for x in df_stats[['phash']].itertuples()])
similarities = similarities.apply(lambda y: tuple(map(lambda x: x[1].Index, y)))
duplicates = set(similarities[similarities.apply(len) > 1])
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