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using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using DynamicData;
using DynamicData.Binding;
using DynamicDataGist.TransformWithInlineUpdate;
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.Reactive.Testing;
using ReactiveUI.Fody.Helpers;
using Xunit;
namespace WMS.Tests.Models
public class DynamicDataPipelineTests
public void SoureCacheTransformWithInlineUpdate_Emits_Refreshed()
// Arrange
var sourceCache = new SourceCache<Model, int>(model => model.Id);
var changeSetPipeline = sourceCache
// The transformFactory is invoked when a new model is added to the upstream SourceCache
transformFactory: model => new ViewModel(model),
// The updateAction is invoked when a model in the upstream SourceCache has been replaced with a new model which has the same unique ID
updateAction: (existingViewModel, updatedModel) => existingViewModel.Model = updatedModel);
var changesOutput = new TestScheduler().CreateObserver(changeSetPipeline);
// Act
// Assert
.SelectMany(changeSet => changeSet.Select(change => (change.Reason, change.Current)))
(ChangeReason.Add, ViewModel.FirstButUpdated), // The same reference was updated already at this point so the model is updated.
(ChangeReason.Add, ViewModel.Second),
(ChangeReason.Remove, ViewModel.Second),
(ChangeReason.Refresh, ViewModel.FirstButUpdated));
public void CollectionTransformWithInlineUpdate_FailsToEmit_RefreshedOrAddRemove()
// Arrange
var sourceCache = new SourceCache<Model, int>(model => model.Id);
var disposable = sourceCache
// The transformFactory is invoked when a new model is added to the upstream SourceCache
transformFactory: model => new ViewModel(model),
// The updateAction is invoked when a model in the upstream SourceCache has been replaced with a new model which has the same unique ID
updateAction: (existingViewModel, updatedModel) => existingViewModel.Model = updatedModel)
.Bind(out System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyObservableCollection<ViewModel> collection)
// This is what a reactiveUI recycler view converts the collection into
var changesOutput = new TestScheduler().CreateObserver(collection.ToObservableChangeSet());
// Act
// Assert
.SelectMany(changeSet => changeSet.Select(change => (change.Reason, change.Range?.FirstOrDefault() ?? change.Item.Current)))
(ListChangeReason.AddRange, ViewModel.FirstButUpdated), // The same reference was updated already at this point so the model is updated.
(ListChangeReason.Add, ViewModel.Second),
(ListChangeReason.Remove, ViewModel.Second)
// What was logically expected:
// (ListChangeReason.Refresh, SimpleViewModel.FirstButUpdated) or (ListChangeReason.Replace, SimpleViewModel.FirstButUpdated)
// Reality:
/* No change set at all, it appears when binding to a collection refreshes are ignored */);
#region Private
private class Model : IEquatable<Model>
public readonly static Model First = new Model(id: 1, name: "first");
public readonly static Model Second = new Model(id: 2, name: "second");
public readonly static Model FirstButUpdated = new Model(id: 1, name: "first but updated");
public int Id { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public Model(int id, string name)
Id = id;
Name = name;
public override string ToString() => $"{nameof(Model)}({Id}): {Name}";
public bool Equals([AllowNull] Model other) => Id == other?.Id && Name == other.Name;
private class ViewModel : ReactiveUI.ReactiveObject, IEquatable<ViewModel>
public readonly static ViewModel First = new ViewModel(Model.First);
public readonly static ViewModel Second = new ViewModel(Model.Second);
public readonly static ViewModel FirstButUpdated = new ViewModel(Model.FirstButUpdated);
public Model Model { get; set; }
public ViewModel(Model model)
Model = model;
public override string ToString() => $"{nameof(ViewModel)}({Model.Id}): {Model.Name}";
public bool Equals([AllowNull] ViewModel other) => Model == other?.Model;
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