A script that creates bubbles which are blurred inside a canvas
A Pen by Linus Petren on CodePen.
import tensorflow as tf | |
import numpy as np | |
vocabulary_size = 10 | |
embeddings = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[vocabulary_size]) | |
a = embeddings | |
c = a*2 | |
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file | |
from numpy.random import random | |
from numpy.random import uniform | |
import numpy as np | |
K=40 | |
data = load_svmlight_file('a9a.tr') | |
X = data[0].todense() | |
y = data[1] | |
U = uniform(0, 0.1/(K**0.5), size=(X.shape[1], K)) |
#include <omp.h> | |
#include <stdio.h> | |
#include <stdlib.h> | |
void print_matrix(int h, int w, int matrix[h][w]){ | |
for(int i=1; i<h-1; i++){ | |
for (int j =1; j<w-1; j++){ | |
if (matrix[i][j]) | |
printf("#"); | |
else |
#include <omp.h> | |
#include <stdio.h> | |
/* placeNumber */ | |
int placeNumber(int n, int sudoku[9][9]) | |
{ | |
if (n == 81) | |
return 1; | |
int row = n / 9; | |
int col = n % 9; |
set mouse=a | |
set nu | |
runtime! debian.vim | |
syntax on | |
set cursorcolumn | |
set cursorline | |
filetype plugin indent on | |
filetype off | |
" format and user interface | |
set nocompatible |
A script that creates bubbles which are blurred inside a canvas
A Pen by Linus Petren on CodePen.
A short 16-bit story scene animated purely with CSS3.
Forked from Will Boyd's Pen Super Toast Story: Final Scene.
A Pen by ryaninhust on CodePen.
A short 16-bit story scene animated purely with CSS3.
Forked from Will Boyd's Pen Super Toast Story: Final Scene.
A Pen by ryaninhust on CodePen.
A short 16-bit story scene animated purely with CSS3.
Forked from Will Boyd's Pen Super Toast Story: Final Scene.
A Pen by ryaninhust on CodePen.
from copy import deepcopy | |
RED = 1 # max | |
BLACK = 2 # min | |
class Board(object): | |
def __init__(self, width=5, height=4, win_len=4, depth=2): | |
self.width = width |