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Created April 19, 2015 13:34
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Using Bacon streams with resources
thing1 =
m_a: (list) ->
console.log "Processing [#{list.join ',' }]"
stream_a = new Bacon.Bus
stream_b = thing2.m_b(stream_a)
next = ->
return unless list.length
setTimeout (-> stream_a.push list.shift()), 300
stream_b.onValue (result) ->
console.log "Got result #{result}"
thing2 =
queue: []
locked: no
addToQueue: (n, fn) ->
fn2 = =>
fn.apply null, arguments
@queue.push [n, fn2]
processQueue: ->
return unless @queue.length and not @locked
@locked = yes
[n, fn] = @queue.shift()
console.log("Processing input #{n}")
setTimeout( =>
@locked = no
fn([n,n+1].join ' => ')
, 300)
m_b: (stream_a) ->
stream_b = new Bacon.Bus
stream_a.onValue (n) =>
console.log "Stream A passed #{n}"
@addToQueue n, (result) ->
stream_b.push result
stream_a.onEnd -> stream_b.push new Bacon.End
return stream_b
thing1.m_a [2,3,5,8,13]
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