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Ryan Irilli ryanirilli

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ryanirilli / page.html
Created January 14, 2020 03:51
Apptentive Animation
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
container: document.getElementById('intro-animation'),
renderer: 'svg',
loop: true,
autoplay: true,
animationData: /* PASTE JSON HERE */
<div ng-controller="loyaltyProgramController as loyaltyProgramCtrl">
<div class="cover-hammock" update-background-image="{{loyaltyProgramCtrl.lp.content.partnerPageImage}}">
<div class="section soft-double--top">
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid__item one-half lap--two-thirds palm--seven-eighths">
<div class="soft">
<h1 class="text--uppercase">
Welcome <span ng-bind-html="loyaltyProgramCtrl.lp.content.companyName"></span> <span ng-bind-html="loyaltyProgramCtrl.lp.content.lpName"></span>
<div class="text--chubby-weight">Stay organized. Go further.</div>
npm install -g jspm gulp
git clone
cd react-jspm-boilerplate
npm install
jspm install
connect([mapStateToProps], [mapDispatchToProps])(Component)

Image durations in milliseconds

Odesza - How Did I Get Here

[3624, 34, 278, 168, 140, 18883, 1254, 1045, 139, 69, 1252, 623, 646, 637, 612, 1231, 203, 172, 275, 276, 307, 34, 1228, 1258, 1260, 408, 596, 237, 628, 408, 135, 69, 645, 622, 1260, 168, 140, 33, 280, 277, 134, 201, 636, 377, 241, 1231, 1261, 312, 340, 597, 1252, 632, 303, 318, 312, 315, 635, 625, 139, 471, 313, 937, 1257, 307, 940, 315, 305, 646, 987, 244, 336, 285, 309, 336, 591, 639, 272, 633, 337, 313, 649, 286, 1263, 600, 336, 309, 1263, 612, 632, 1253, 913, 336, 1266, 613, 309, 311, 1263, 914, 305, 1261, 602, 339, 310, 1243, 35, 879, 355, 1260, 594, 1892, 1239, 1261, 1006, 244, 1254, 308, 305, 635, 273, 348, 279, 338, 312, 305, 420, 204, 1253, 580, 987, 957, 1114, 104, 639, 638, 1252, 245, 517, 1716, 1267, 1239, 1260, 1239, 1242, 639, 633, 917, 311, 630, 640, 1252, 615, 633, 1258, 599, 639, 1240, 1262, 1253, 413, 168, 4417, 3151, 1169]


Family of The Year - H

var specHelper = (function(){
var defaultUser = {...}
var mockedServices;
var files = fs.readdirSync('./service_mocks');
//load all the mocked services
function loadMockServices(){
mockedServices = {};
_.forEach(files, function(file) {
var mock = require(path.join(__dirname, '/service_mocks', file);
ryanirilli / gist:f0243ba10bd39d17741b
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Allowable HTML on Terms/Conditions/Descriptions
Available HTML
<a href=""></a>
Available classes
text--success //usually green, signifies positive things
fields: [
name: "lastName"
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 100,
pattern: 'regexPattern',
type: 'text',
labels: {
fr: "Last Name",
ryanirilli / Simple Login Form with Angular Validation
Created March 10, 2015 15:29
Simple Login Form with Angular Validation
<form ng-submit="signInForm.$valid && loginCtrl.login()" class="form" name="signInForm" novalidate>
<!--Email -->
<div class="form__item">
<input name="email"
ng-model-options="{ 'updateOn': 'blur'}"
ryanirilli / Angular form validation
Created March 10, 2015 14:57
Simple Login Form
<form name="signInForm">
<input type="text" name="email">
<input type="password" name="password">
<button type="submit">Sign In</button>