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Last active November 7, 2018 21:02
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"Hands-on Intro to Kubernetes & OpenShift" at #NoFluff 2018
<section data-background-transition="zoom" data-transition='zoom'>
<section data-background-transition="none-in zoom-out" data-transition="zoom" id="HANDS-ON" data-background="" data-background-color="black" data-background-size="cover" data-background-position="top">
<div style="-ms-transform: rotate(-6deg);-webkit-transform: rotate(-6deg);transform: rotate(-6deg); color: white;font-size: 43px;background: black;position: absolute;top: 11%;left: 29%;width: min-content;width:-moz-fit-content;" class='fragment fade-right'>NO&nbsp;FLUFF</div>
<h3 style="color:white;padding-top:23%;">Hands-on Intro to</h3>
<h1 style="color:white;font-size:113px;">Kubernetes & OpenShift</h1>
<p style="padding-top:1.5%" class='fragment grow'><a style="font-weight:bold;" href=""></a></p>
<p><a href="">Friday Nov. 2nd 8:30am-1pm<br/>Great Lakes Software Symposium Pre-Conference Training</a></p></section>
<section style="color:white;" data-background-transition='concave-in slide-out' data-transition='concave-in slide-out' data-background-transition='fade' data-background='#000000' data-background-color="black" id='presented-by'>
<p style="color:white;">presented by&hellip;</p>
<div class='fragment fade-right' style='width:45%; float:left;'>
<p><a href=""><img alt="ryanj" src="" style="width:70%" /></p>
<p><a href="">Ryan Jarvinen @ryanj</a></p>
<div class='fragment fade-up' style='width:10%;float:left;margin-top: 13%;font-size: 250%;font-weight: bold;color:white;'>&amp;</div>
<div class='fragment fade-left' style='width:45%; float:left;'>
<p><a href=""><img alt="Jan Kleinert" src="" style="width:70%"/></p>
<p><a href="">Jan Kleinert @jankleinert</a></p>
<!-- <p style="color:white;">presented by <a href="">@ryanj</a>, Developer Advocate at Red Hat</p>
<p style="color:white;" class='fragment fade-up'><a href=""><img alt="ryanj" src="" style="width:50%"/><br/>@ryanj</p> -->
<section id='brought-to-you-by' data-background='black' data-background-color="black">
<p style="color:white;">brought to you by</p>
<p style="color:white;"><a href=""><img alt="Red Hat logo" src="" /></a></p>
<section id='bought-to-you-by' background-transition="concave-in convex-out" data-background-transition="convex-in concave-out" data-background-color="black" data-background="black" >
<p style="color:white;">bought to you by?</p>
<p style="color:white;" class='fragment fade-up'><a href=""><img alt="IBM / Red Hat logo" src="" /></a></p>
<section data-transition='convex'>
<section id='introduction'>
<section id='survey'>
<h3>Intro Survey / Who are you?</h3>
<li class='fragment'>do you have any experience using containers?</li>
<li class='fragment'>have you completed all of the <a href="#/laptop-setup">laptop setup</a> tasks?</li>
<li class='fragment'>do you have any experience using Kubernetes?</li>
<li class='fragment'>do you consider yourself to be proficient with the <code>oc</code> or <code>kubectl</code> cli tools?</li>
<li class='fragment'>can you name five basic Kubernetes primitives or resource types?</li>
<li class='fragment'>do you have a plan for iterative development using containers?</li>
<section data-transition='convex' id='agenda'>
<h2>Workshop Agenda</h2>
<ul style='list-style-type: none;'>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/introduction">Introduction</a>
<ul style='list-style: circle;'>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/agenda">Agenda</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/kubernetes">Overview</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/laptop-setup">Laptop Setup</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/kubernetes-basics">Kubernetes Basics</a>
<ul style='list-style: circle;'>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/basic-resource-types">Learn five basic resource types</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/hands-on-with-openshift">Hands-On with OpenShift</a>
<ul style='list-style-type: circle;'>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/build">Build</a>, <a href="#/automate">Automate</a>, <a href="#/iterate">Iterate</a>, <a href="#/collaborate">Collaborate</a></li>
<li class='fragment'><a href="#/wrap-up">Wrap Up / Q&amp;A</a></li>
<section id='kubernetes'>
<h1 id="kubernetes">Kubernetes</h1>
<li><a href="">is</a>: an ops tool; a collection of APIs for managing container-based workloads; </li>
<li><a href="">is not</a>: a PaaS</li>
<p class='fragment fade-up'>Conceptually: a distributed OS "kernel" that allows for workloads, platform nodes, and control-plane components that are each modular, highly-availabile, and independently scalable</p>
<section id='kubernetes-problem-space' data-markdown>
#### problem space: distributed computing
[!["scenes from distributed systems, by @b0rk"](](
<section data-markdown>
Kubernetes uses
## etcd
to keep track of the cluster's state
![etcd logo](
* distributed key-value store
* implements the [RAFT]( consensus protocol
* CAP theorum: [CAP twelve years later](
<section data-markdown>
## Etcd cluster sizes
Fault-tolerance sizing chart:
![etcd cluster sizing chart](
<section id='all-the-most-popular-platforms' data-background='black'>
<h2 style="color: white;">2017 Octoverse Report</h2>
<blockquote style="color:white;">🏆 Most-discussed on GitHub in 2017!</blockquote>
<p style="color: white;"><a href=""></a></p>
<p style="color:white;"><a href="">Kubernetes Community - Top of the Open Source Charts in 2017</a></p>
<p style="color:white;" class='fragment fade-up'><img alt="octoverse discussion leaderboard" src="" /></p>
<section id='openshift'>
<h1 id="openshift">OpenShift</h1>
<li>includes, extends, &amp; is a distribution of: Kubernetes</li>
<li>adds: developer workflows, service catalog (and broker APIs), Multi-tenant security, a container registry, distributed metrics, logs, and more …</li>
<p class='fragment fade-up'>Conceptually: a multi-tenant PaaS that operates consistently over any cloud infrastructure (even BYO bare-metal hardware)!</p>
<section id='more-info'>
<h3>More Information</h3>
<ul style='list-style-type:none;'>
<ul style='list-style-type:circle;'>
<li>Sources and Official Releases:<br/>
<a href=""></a></li>
<li>Docs: <a href=""></a></li>
<ul style='list-style-type:circle;'><li>Sources and Official Releases:<br/>
<a href=""></a></li>
<li>Docs: <a href=""></a></li></ul></li>
<section id='laptop-setup' data-markdown>
## Workshop Requirements
Minimal requirements this morning:
* [*a web browser with JS enabled &rarr;*](#/laptop-setup-2)
To run this workshop locally, you'd need:
1. [kubectl](#/kubectl)
2. [oc](#/oc)
3. [bash](#/bash)
3. [minishift](#/minishift)
<section id='laptop-setup' data-markdown>
## Workshop Requirements
To run this workshop locally, you'll need:
1. [kubectl](#/kubectl)
2. [oc](#/oc)
3. [bash](#/bash)
3. [minishift](#/minishift)
<section id='kubectl'>
<h3>Install <code>kubectl</code></h3>
<p>For detailed installation notes, see the <a href=""><code>kubectl</code> install doc</a></p>
<p>One line install for linux/amd64:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -LO$(curl -s &amp;&amp; chmod +x kubectl &amp;&amp; sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
<p>One line install for macOS:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -LO$(curl -s &amp;&amp; chmod +x kubectl &amp;&amp; sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
<p>To verify <code>kubectl</code> availability, try running:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl help</code></pre>
<section id='oc'>
<h3>Install oc</h3>
<p>For detailed installation notes, see the <a href=""><code>oc</code> installation doc</a></p>
<p>One line install for linux/amd64:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -Lo oc.tar.gz &amp;&amp; tar xvzf oc.tar.gz */oc &amp;&amp; sudo mv $_ /usr/local/bin/ &amp;&amp; rm -d openshift-origin-client-tools-* &amp;&amp; rm oc.tar.gz</code></pre>
<p>One line install for macOS:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -Lo &amp;&amp; tar xvzf oc &amp;&amp; sudo mv oc /usr/local/bin/ &amp;&amp; rm</code></pre>
<p>To verify <code>oc</code> availability, try running:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc help</code></pre>
<section id='bash'>
<h3>Bash for Windows</h3>
<p>Windows users should install the <code>Windows Subsystem for Linux</code> and related command-line tools:</p>
<p>Enable <b>Control Panel > Programs > Windows Features > Windows Subsystem for Linux</b></p>
<section id='minishift'>
<h3>Install <code>minishift</code></h3>
<p>For detailed installation notes, see the <a href=""><code>minishift</code> release notes</a></i></p>
<p>One line install for linux/amd64:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -Lo minishift.tgz &amp;&amp; tar xvzf minishift.tgz */minishift &amp;&amp; sudo mv $_ /usr/local/bin/ &amp;&amp; rm -d minishift-* &amp;&amp; rm minishift.tgz</code></pre>
<p>One line install for macOS:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -Lo minishift.tgz &amp;&amp; tar xvzf minishift.tgz */minishift &amp;&amp; sudo mv $_ /usr/local/bin/ &amp;&amp; rm -d minishift-* &amp;&amp; rm minishift.tgz</code></pre>
<p>Optionally, customize your cluster's memory or cpu allocation:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>minishift config set memory 4096
minishift config set cpus 2
minishift config set openshift-version latest</code></pre>
<p>to verify <code>minishift</code> availability:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>minishift version</code></pre>
<section id='minishift-virt'>
<h4>Virtualization Plugins</h4>
<p>See the <a href=""><code>minishift</code> installation guide</a> for <a href="">virt driver plugin requirements</a></p>
<p>If your minishift environment does not boot correctly:</p>
<li>Minishift <a href="">requires an OS virtualization solution</a>. Most OSes already include one!</li>
<li><a href="">Install the appropriate driver plugin</a> for your system</li>
<li>Use the <a href=""><code>--vm-driver</code></a> flag to select specific plugins by name</li>
<pre><code contenteditable>minishift start --vm-driver=virtualbox</code></pre>
<section id='minishift-basics' markdown>
<h2>Minishift Basics</h2>
<p><code>minishift</code> provides an easy way to run OpenShift locally:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>minishift start</code></pre>
<p>When you are done, halt the VM to free up system resources:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>minishift stop</code></pre>
<p>Need a fresh start? Delete your VM instance with:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>minishift delete</code></pre>
<section id='laptop-setup-2' data-markdown>
## Lab Requirements
Claim a username by adding ***your name*** to the right of one of the available **USER_ID**s in this doc:
Next, sign in with your new **USER_ID** and a password of "**openshift**" at the following url:
<section data-transition='zoom-in convex-out' id='ready'>
<div class='fragment fade-up'>
<p>Before we get started, you'll need to configure your shell with the following environment variables:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>export API_SERVER=https://$(minishift ip):8443
export WORKLOAD_SERVER=$(minishift ip)
export USER_ID=developer
export NAMESPACE=myproject</code></pre>
<div class='fragment fade-up'>
<p>Verify that your cli tools are configured to connect to your Kubernetes environment:<br/>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl version</code></pre>
<p>The output should include your <code>kubectl</code> version info, and the release version of the kubernetes API server (when available)</p>
<section data-background-transition="zoom">
<h1><i>Let's Go!</i></h1>
<section data-transition='zoom-in convex-out' id='ready'>
<div class='fragment fade-up'>
<p>Before we get started, you'll need to configure your <br/><code>~/.kube/config</code> file. We will do this by running:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>#export API_SERVER=https://$(minishift ip):8443
#export WORKLOAD_SERVER=$(minishift ip)
#export USER_ID=developer
#export NAMESPACE=myproject
export API_SERVER=
export USER_ID=userN
export NAMESPACE=userN
oc login $API_SERVER -u $USER_ID</code></pre>
<div class='fragment fade-up'>
<p>Confirm that you've been authenticated by running:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc whoami</code></pre>
<section data-background-transition="zoom">
<h1>All Set?</h1>
<div class='fragment fade-up'>
<p>Verify that your cli tools are configured to connect to your Kubernetes environment:<br/>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl version</code></pre>
<p>The output should include your <code>kubectl</code> version info, and the release version of the kubernetes API server (when available)</p>
<section data-background-transition="zoom">
<h1><i>Let's Go!</i></h1>
<section id='kubernetes-basics'>
<h1>Kubernetes Basics</h1>
<section id='an-api' data-markdown>
Kubernetes provides&hellip;
# An API
API object primitives include the following attributes:
*mostly true
Extended Kubernetes API Reference:
<section data-transition="linear" id='basic-resource-types' data-markdown>
### Five Basic Resource Types:
1. [nodes](#/node)
2. [pods](#/po)
3. [services](#/svc)
4. [deployments](#/deployment)
5. [replicaSets](#/rs)
<section data-transition="linear" id='node' data-markdown>
### Nodes
A node is a host machine (physical or virtual) where containerized processes run.
Node activity is managed via one or more Master instances.
<p>Try using <code>kubectl</code> to list resources by type:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get nodes</code></pre>
<h3>Solution for Minishift users:</h3>
<p>Log in as an admin user (password "openshift")</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>minishift addon apply admin-user
oc login -u admin</code></pre>
<p>Try to list nodes using admin credentials:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get nodes</code></pre>
<p>Now try using <code>curl</code> to make the same request:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -k -H"Authorization: Bearer $(oc whoami -t)" https://$(minishift ip):8443/api/v1/nodes</code></pre>
<p>We won't need admin priveleges for the remaining content, so let's swap back to the "developer" user:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc login -u developer</code></pre>
<li class='fragment'>Designed to exist on multiple machines (distributed system)<ul>
<li class='fragment'>built for high availability</li>
<li class='fragment'>platform scale out</li></ul></li>
<li class='fragment'>The Kubernetes API checks auth credentials and restricts access to Etcd, our platform's distributed consensus store</li>
<li class='fragment'>New openshift users are not granted admin access by default</li>
<li class='fragment'>Your JS runs on nodes!</li>
<section data-transition="linear" id='po' data-markdown>
### Pods
A group of one or more co-located containers. Pods represent your minimum increment of scale.
&gt; "Pods Scale together, and they Fail together" @theSteve0
<p>Try using <code>kubectl</code> to list resources by type:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get pods</code></pre>
<p>Create a new resource from a json object specification:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -LO
cat pod.json
curl -k -H"Authorization: Bearer $(oc whoami -t)" -H'Content-Type: application/json' $API_SERVER/api/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/pods -X POST --data-binary @pod.json</code></pre>
<p>Attempt the same using <code>kubectl</code>:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl create -f</code></pre>
<p>Request the same info using <code>curl</code>:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -k -H'Authorization: Bearer $(oc whoami -t)' $(minishift ip):8443/api/v1/namespaces/$(oc whoami)/pods/hello-k8s</code></pre>
<p>List pods by type using <code>curl</code>:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -k -H"Authorization: Bearer $(oc whoami -t)" $API_SERVER/api/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/pods</code></pre>
<p>Fetch an individual resource by <code>type/id</code>; output as <code>json</code>:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get pod hello-k8s -o json</code></pre>
<p>Attempt the same using <code>curl</code>:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl -k -H"Authorization: Bearer $(oc whoami -t)" $API_SERVER/api/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/pods/hello-k8s</code></pre>
<p class='fragment'>Notice any changes between the initial json podspec and the API response?</p>
<p>Request the same info, but output the results as structured yaml:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get pod hello-k8s -o yaml</code></pre>
<p>Print human-readable API output:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl describe pod/hello-k8s</code></pre>
<h3 id="observations-">Observations:</h3>
<li class='fragment'>API resources provide declarative specifications with asyncronous fulfilment of requests<ul>
<li class='fragment'>you set the <code>spec</code>, the platform will populate the <code>status</code></li></ul></li>
<li class='fragment'>automated health checking for PID1 in each container</li>
<li class='fragment'>Pods are scheduled to be run on nodes </li>
<li class='fragment'>The API ambidextriously supports both json and yaml</li>
<section data-markdown>
<section data-transition="linear" id='svc' data-markdown>
### Services
Services (svc) establish a single endpoint for a collection of replicated pods, distributing traffic based on label selectors
In our K8s modeling language they represent a load balancer. Their implementation may vary per cloud provider
<section id='connections'>
<h3>Contacting your App</h3>
<p>Expose the pod by creating a new <code>service</code> (or "loadbalancer"):</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl expose pod/hello-k8s --port 8080 --type=NodePort</code></pre>
<p>Take a look at the resulting <code>{.spec.selector}</code> attribute:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o json</code></pre>
<section id='jsonpath'>
<p>Try using a <a href="">JSONpath</a> selector to find the assigned port number:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort}</code></pre>
<p>Contact your newly-exposed pod via the associated nodePort:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>echo $WORKLOAD_SERVER:$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl $WORKLOAD_SERVER:$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>
<!--<pre><code contenteditable>echo http://$(minishift ip):$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl http://$(minishift ip):$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>
<p>Schedule the deletion of all pods that are labeled with:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get pods -l run=hello-k8s</code></pre>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl delete pods -l run=hello-k8s</code></pre>
<p>Contact the related service. What happens?:</p>
<!--<pre><code contenteditable>curl $(minishift ip):$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>-->
<pre><code contenteditable>curl $WORKLOAD_SERVER:$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>
<p>Delete the service:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl delete service hello-k8s</code></pre>
<h3 id="observations-">Observations:</h3>
<li class='fragment'><em>"service"</em> basically means <em>"loadbalancer"</em></li>
<li class='fragment'>Label selectors can be used to organize workloads and manage groups of related resouces</li>
<li class='fragment'>The Service resource uses label selectors to discover where traffic should be directed</li>
<li class='fragment'>Pods and Services exist independently</li>
<section data-transition="linear" id='deployment' data-markdown>
### Deployments
A `deployment` helps you specify container runtime requirements (in terms of pods)
<p>Create a specification for your <code>deployment</code>:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl run hello-k8s --image=jkleinert/nodejsint-workshop \
--dry-run -o json &gt; deployment.json</code></pre>
<p>View the generated deployment spec file:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>cat deployment.json</code></pre>
<p>Create a new deployment from your local spec file:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl create -f deployment.json</code></pre>
<p>Create a <code>Service</code> spec to direct traffic:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl expose deploy/hello-k8s --type=NodePort --port=8080 --dry-run -o json &gt; service.json</code></pre>
<p>View the resulting spec file:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>cat service.json</code></pre>
<p>Create a new service from your local spec file:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl create -f service.json</code></pre>
<p>List multiple resources by type:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get po,svc,deploy</code></pre>
<p>Connect to your new deployment via the associated service port:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl $WORKLOAD_SERVER:$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>
<section id='replication'>
<p>Scale up the <code>hello-k8s</code> deployment to 3 replicas:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl scale deploy/hello-k8s --replicas=3</code></pre>
<p>List pods:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get po</code></pre>
<p>Edit <code>deploy/hello-k8s</code>, setting <code>spec.replicas</code> to <code>5</code>:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>export EDITOR=nano
kubectl edit deploy/hello-k8s -o json</code></pre>
<p>Save and quit. What happens?</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get pods</code></pre>
<section id='autorecovery'>
<p>Watch for changes to <code>pod</code> resources:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get pods --watch &</code></pre>
<p>In another terminal, delete several pods by id:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pods | grep ^hello-k8s | cut -f1 -s -d' ' | head -n 3 | tr '\n' ' ')</code></pre>
<p class='fragment'>What happened? How many pods remain?</p>
<pre class='fragment'><code contenteditable>kubectl get pods</code></pre>
<p class='fragment'>Close your backgrounded <code>--watch</code> processes by running <code>fg</code>, then sending a break signal (<code>CTRL-c</code>)</p>
<li class='fragment'>Use the <code>--dry-run</code> flag to generate new resource specifications</li>
<li class='fragment'>A deployment spec contains a pod spec in it's "template" element </li>
<li class='fragment'>The API provides <code>edit</code> and <code>watch</code> operations (in addition to <code>get</code>, <code>set</code>, and <code>list</code>)</li>
<section data-transition="linear" id='rs' data-markdown>
### ReplicaSets
A `replicaset` provides replication and lifecycle management for a specific image release
<p>View the current state of your deployment:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl $WORKLOAD_SERVER:$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>
<p>Watch deployments:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get deploy -w &amp;</code></pre>
<p>Update your deployment's image spec to rollout a new release:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl set image deploy/hello-k8s hello-k8s=jkleinert/nodejsint-workshop:v1</code></pre>
<p>View the current state of your deployment</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>curl $WORKLOAD_SERVER:$(kubectl get svc/hello-k8s -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort})</code></pre>
<p>Ask the API to list <code>replicaSets</code></p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get rs</code></pre>
<p>View the list of previous rollouts:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl rollout history deploy/hello-k8s</code></pre>
<p>Rollback to the previous state:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl rollout undo deployment hello-k8s</code></pre>
<p>Reload your browser to view the state of your deployment</p>
<p>Cleanup all resources:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl delete service,deployment hello-k8s</code></pre>
<p>Close your remaining <code>--watch</code> listeners by running <code>fg</code> before sending a break signal (<code>CTRL-c</code>)</p>
<p>Verify that your namespace is clean:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get all</code></pre>
<li class='fragment'>ReplicaSets provide lifecycle management for pod resources</li>
<li class='fragment'>Deployments create ReplicaSets to manage pod replication per rollout (per change in podspec: image:tag, environment vars)</li>
<li class='fragment'><code>Deployments</code> &gt; <code>ReplicaSets</code> &gt; <code>Pods</code></li>
<section id='from-kubecon'>
<h3>From KubeCon NA 2017</h3>
<p><a href=""><img style='width:75%' src="" alt="Developing Locally with Kubernetes" title="from KubeCon / CloudNativeCon North America 2017"></a></p>
<p>"<a href="">Developing locally with Minikube</a>": <a href=""></a></p>
<section data-transition="convex" id='hands-on-with-openshift'>
<h1>Hands-On with OpenShift</h1>
<section id='starter-guide' data-markdown>
## OpenShift Starter Lab
Self-paced learning material:
<section id='build'>
<p class='fragment'>Build and deploy container images</p>
<section id='openshift-web-console'>
<h2>The OpenShift Web Console</h2>
<div class='fragment'>
<p>Access the OpenShift Web Console at:</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<section id='openshift-web-console'>
<h2>The OpenShift Web Console</h2>
<div class='fragment'>
<p>Access the OpenShift Web Console by running:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>minishift dashboard</code></pre>
<section id='add-to-project'>
<h2>Web Workflow: Create</h2>
<p>For this example, we will deploy a fork of the <code>ryanj/http-base</code> repo by clicking on "<b>Add to Project</b>" in the web console</p>
<p>Example repo source: <a href=""></a></p>
<li class='fragment'>Fork the <code>ryanj/http-base</code> repo on GitHub. This will allow you to configure your own GitHub webhooks in the upcoming <a href='#/deploy'>Deploy</a> section</li>
<li class='fragment'>Return to the web console and click on "Add to Project"</li>
<li class='fragment'>Next, select a <code>nodejs</code> base image, and name your webservice "<code>http-base</code>". Then enter the github url for <b>your</b> fork</li>
<li class='fragment'>Review the options, then press the "<b>Create</b>" button when you're ready to proceed</li>
<section id='get-pods'>
<h2>Container Status</h2>
<p class='fragment'>The web console uses a socket stream to report status changes as they occur throughout the cluster</p>
<div class='fragment'>
<p>After the build task has completed, find the <code>NAME</code> of the pod where your image has been deployed:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc get pods</code></pre>
<div class='fragment'>
<p>As with the core APIs, the CLI output is consistently formatted, following established patterns:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>kubectl get pods</code></pre>
<section id='source-to-image-demo'>
<p class='fragment'>Combines source repos and operationally-maintained builder images to produce application images</p>
<p class='fragment'>Available as a standalone project, for use with Jenkins or other external builder processes: <a href=""></a></p>
<section data-transition="linear">
<section id="automate">
<p class='fragment'><code>git push</code> to deploy</p>
<section id='clone'>
<h3>Send in the Clones</h3>
<p>Clone a local copy of <b>your repo fork</b> by adding <b>your own github username</b> to the following command:</p>
<pre><code>git clone
cd http-base</code></pre>
<section id='webhooks'>
<h2>WebHook Build Automation</h2>
<p>Set up a commit WebHook to automate image production</p>
<p class='fragment'>Explore the <code>Build</code> resources using the web console. Look for the GitHub Webhook settings. Copy the webhook url, and paste it into your repo's Webhook settings on GitHub</p>
<p class='fragment'>If you're running OpenShift locally in a VM, try using <a href="">ultrahook</a> to proxy webhook events to your laptop</p>
<section id='git-push-to-build-and-ship'>
<h2>ReBuild on Push</h2>
<p class='fragment'>After configuring the webhook for your repo, add a small commit locally, then <code>git push</code> to deploy</p>
<pre class='fragment'><code contenteditable>git push</code></pre>
<p class='fragment'>Or, use GitHub's web-based editor to make a minor change</p>
<div class='fragment'><p>If you don't have a working webhook to automate the build process, it can also be started manually:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc start-build http-base</code></pre>
<section id="deployment-strategies">
<h2>Deployment Strategies</h2>
<p class="fragment">Get more control of your container rollout and update processes by selecting appropriate <a href="">deployment strategies</a> for your fleet of managed containers</p>
<section data-transition="linear">
<section id="iterate">
<p class='fragment'>Rapid iteration with a fully containerized toolchain</p>
<section id='oc-rsync'>
<h3>Live Development</h3>
<p class='fragment'>Make a minor edit to your local repo's <code>index.html</code> file,</p>
<div class='fragment'>
<p>then test your changes <i>before you commit</i> by synching content into your hosted container:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>export PODNAME=$(oc get pods -l app=http-base | tail -n 1 | cut -f1 -d' ')
oc rsync -w --exclude='.git,node_modules' . $PODNAME:</code></pre>
<section id="terminal" data-markdown>
## Terminal Access
* Available in the Web Console
* And on the CLI, with:
oc exec -it $PODNAME -- bash
* Verify in-cluster DNS routing for named services
curl http-base
<section id='keys-and-configs' data-markdown>
## Configuration
[Environment Variables]( are one way to add configuration settings to your images:
oc env dc/http-base KEY=VALUE
ConfigMaps and Secrets are also useful configuration abstractions
<section id='logging' data-markdown>
## Logs
Centralized logging and metrics
<section id='collaborate'>
<p class='fragment'>Share solutions and replicate your success</p>
<section id='service-catalog-on-openshift'>
<h2>Service Catalog &amp; Brokers</h2>
<p>Expose and provision services</p>
<p><img style='width:100%;' src='' alt='pluggable-broker-options' /></p>
<p><a href=''></a>
<section data-markdown>
### Available Service Brokers
* [OpenShift Template Broker](
* [AnsibleServiceBroker / AutomationBroker](
* [Helm Chart Broker](
* [AWS Broker](
* [DIY MariaDB Broker example](
* [CloudFoundry Spring Cloud](
* [Kubernetes Service Catalog](
<section id='service-catalog' data-markdown>
### Everyone's Service Catalog
> "The Open Service Broker API project allows developers, ISVs, and SaaS vendors a single, simple, and elegant way to deliver services to applications running within cloud native platforms"
Works with: [Kubernetes](, [OpenShift](, [Cloud Foundry](
<section id='installers'>
<h2>Templates as Installers</h2>
<div class='fragment'>
<p>Install a template into the current project, making it easier to reuse:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc create -f template.json</code></pre>
<div class='fragment'>
<p>Create an application from an installed template, from a file, or from a url:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc new-app -f template.json</code></pre>
<section id='composable-app-example'>
<h2>Multi-Service App Example</h2>
<p>Nodejs and MongoDB multi-service application example:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc create -f</code></pre>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p>Review and install the above template content using <code>oc create</code>, then try launching it via the web-based Service Catalog.</p>
<div class="fragment">
<p>When you're done, list all available API resources to review the contents of your project namespace:</p>
<pre><code contenteditable>oc get all</code></pre>
<section id='extensibility'>
<h1>Advanced Extensibility</h1>
<section id='standardize' data-markdown>
### Standardize your environments with custom base images
<!-- TODO: include node10 installation notes -->
<section id='Operators'>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p class='fragment'>Operators = <a href="">Custom Resources</a> + <a href="">Custom Controllers</a></p>
<p class='fragment'><a href=""></a></p>
<section id='wrap-up'>
<h1>Wrap Up</h1>
<section id='exit-survey'>
<h3>Exit Survey</h3>
<li class='fragment'>have experience using containers?</li>
<li class='fragment'>have experience using Kubernetes?</li>
<li class='fragment'>Do you consider yourself to be basically proficient with the <code>oc</code> or <code>kubectl</code> command-line tools?</li>
<li class='fragment'>Can you name five basic Kubernetes primitives or resource types?</li>
<li class='fragment'>Ready to start standardizing your web development processes with containers?</li>
<section data-markdown>
## Resources
<section data-markdown>
### Kubernetes SIGs
[Kubernetes Special Interest Groups (SIGs)](
<section id='ebook'>
<h3>Free O'Reilly Ebook</h3>
<p><a href=""><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:45%;display:block;box-shadow:none;align:center;"></a></p>
<p><a href="">Deploying to OpenShift</a></p>
<section id='learn-more' data-markdown>
### More Opportunities to Learn
* Today's workshop: [](
* Cloud-Native Java: [](
* OpenShift Learning Portal: [](
<section id='js-tools' data-markdown>
## Platform Tools for JS developers
<section data-transition="linear" id='kubernetes-terminology' data-markdown>
## K8s Terminology
1. [node](
2. [pod](
3. [deployment](
4. [service](
5. [replicaSet (rs)](
<section data-transition="linear" id='openshift-terminology' data-markdown>
## OpenShift Terminology
1. [buildConfig (bc)](
2. [imageStream (is)](
3. [deploymentConfig (dc)](
4. [route](
5. [template](
<section id='try-openshift' data-markdown>
### More Ways to Try OpenShift
* [OpenShift Origin]( (and [minishift](
* [OpenShift Learning Portal](
* [OpenShift Online (Starter and Pro plans available)](
* [OpenShift Dedicated (operated on AWS, GCE, and Azure)](
* [OpenShift Container Platform (supported on RHEL, CoreOS)](
<section data-background-color='black' id='q-and-a'>
<h1 style='color:white;'>Q&amp;A</h1>
<section style="padding-top:10px;position:relative;bottom:2%;" data-background="" data-background-color="black" data-background-size="cover" data-background-position="top" id='thank-you'>
<h1 style='color:white;margin-bottom:0px;bottom:25px;position: relative;' class="fragment grow">Thank You!</h1>
<p style='color:white;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;'><img style="margin:0px;width:63%;position: relative;bottom: 2%;" alt="RyanJ" src="" /></p>
<p style='margin-top:0px;color:white;'><a href="">@RyanJ /</a></p>
<h3 class="fragment grow" style='color:white;text-transform:none;'><a href=""></a></h3>
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