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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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<!-- Opening -->
<h1 style="font-size: 3.4em; margin-top: -25px;">Connecting Containers</h1>
<img src="" style="width: 210px; background-color: inherit; border: none; box-shadow: none;"/>
<h3>Building a PaaS with Docker and&nbsp;Kubernetes</h3>
Presented by<br/>
<a href="">Katie Miller</a> / <a
<a href="">Steve Pousty</a> / <a
<!-- Introduction to PaaS/OpenShift -->
<img src="" style="height: 600px; padding: 20px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);" />
<img src="" style="max-height: 500px; padding: 20px; background-color: white;"/>
<h2>Reasons to Rebuild</h2>
<img src="" style="max-height: 500px;"/>
<!-- Atomic Overview -->
<img src="" style="width: 350px;padding: 20px;"/>
<h2>New infrastructure and learning</h2>
<h3 class="fragment">Virtualization and then Cloud</h3>
<h3 class="fragment">A lot of experience with Linux</h3>
<h4>A system to compose RPMs on a server side into an OSTree repository</h4>
<h2>Minimal System</h2>
<h3 class="fragment">Best supported kernel in the world</h3>
<h3 class="fragment">All the System Utilities you need and nothing else </h3>
<h2>Containers 1st class citizens</h2>
<h3 class=fragment>Made for running containers</h3>
<h3 class=fragment>Includes <a href="" target="_blank">a console for management </a></h3>
<!-- Docker Overview -->
<img src="" style="height: 350px;padding: 20px; background-color: white;"/>
<h2>Defining Container</h2>
<td><img style="height: 300px;" src="" alt="Diagram of a multi-layered docker container" /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<li>In Docker parlance, a <em>container</em> is a running instance of an <em>image</em></li>
<li>Based on linux containers (namepaces, control groups)</li>
<li>Combines file system <em>layers</em> into a "Union File System"</li>
<li>Includes all of the components necessary to run a process, store persistent data, or both</li>
<h2>Containers vs. VMs</h2>
<img style="height: 500px;" src="" alt="Docker and VM comparison diagram" />
<h2>Container Operations</h2>
<p>Instantiate a Docker container with <code>docker run</code>:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker run -i -t nhripps/centos /bin/bash
bash-4.1# exit
<p>&nbsp;<br />List running and exited docker processes with <code>docker ps</code>:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker ps -l
7c4ef3596fa5 nhripps/centos:latest "/bin/bash" 49 seconds ago Exited (0) grave_newton</code></pre>
<p>&nbsp;<br />Rejoin containers with <code>docker attach</code>:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker start grave_newton
$ docker attach grave_newton
bash-4.1# exit
<h2>"Diffing" a Container</h2>
<p>Run a Docker image and perform some actions:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker run -i -t --name="add_wget" nhripps/centos /bin/bash
bash-4.1# yum install -y wget
bash-4.1# exit</code></pre>
<p>Run a diff on the container after it has run:</p>
<pre><code>$ docker diff add_wget
C /.bash_history
C /etc
A /etc/wgetrc
C /tmp
C /usr
C /usr/bin
A /usr/bin/wget
C /usr/share
C /usr/share/doc
A /usr/share/doc/wget-1.12
<h2>Docker Containers as Daemons</h2>
<img style="height: 400px;" src="" alt="Docker Containers Just Keep Going..." />
<p>A docker container runs until:</p>
<li>The process inside it exits <em>or</em></li>
<li>You stop it with <code>docker stop &lt;container_name&gt;</code></li>
<h2>Linking Containers</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td><img style="background-color: #FFF;" src="" alt="Docker links diagram" /></td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<li>Containers on the same host can be linked together</li>
<li>Links between containers are not accessible outside the host</li>
<li>Links are shared via ENV and /etc/hosts</li>
<h2>Docker: Pros and Cons</h2>
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<li>Extreme application portability</li>
<li>Very easy to create and work with derivative images</li>
<li>Fast boot on containers</li>
<li>Host-centric solution; not aware of anything else</li>
<li>No higher-level provisioning</li>
<li>No usage tracking / reporting</li>
<!-- Kubernetes Overview -->
<img src="" style="width: 750px; padding: 20px;" />
<div class="fragment">
<span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">koo-ber-nay'-tace</span> &nbsp;Greek for 'pilot' or 'helmsman'
<div class="fragment" style="margin-top: 20px">"a system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts"</div>
<div class="fragment" style="margin-top: 20px">declarative model</div>
<div class="fragment" style="margin-top: 20px">open source project by Google</div>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="height: 720px; margin-top: -40px;" /></a>
<h2>Terminology and Architecture</h2>
<div><img style="border: 0px;" src=""></div>
<dd>colocated group of Docker containers that share an IP and storage volumes</dd>
<dd>provides a single, stable name for set of pods and acts as basic load balancer</dd>
<dt>replication controller</dt>
<dd>manages the lifecycle of pods and ensures specified number are running at any time</dd>
<dd>used to organize and select groups of objects</dd>
<div><img style="border: 0px;" src=""></div>
<dd>compute resources on top of which containers are built</dd>
<dd>hosts cluster-level control services, including the API server, scheduler, and controller manager</dd>
<dd>Docker host running <em>kubelet</em> (node agent) and <em>proxy</em> services</dd>
<dd>distributed key-value store used to persist system state</dd>
<h3 class="fragment">Runtime and operational management of containers</h3>
<div class="fragment" style="margin-top: 20px;">Manage related Docker containers as a unit</div>
<div class="fragment" style="margin-top: 20px;">Container communication across hosts</div>
<div class="fragment" style="margin-top: 20px;">Availability and scalability through automated deployment and monitoring of pods and their replicas, across&nbsp;hosts</div>
<!-- OpenShift v3 Overview -->
<h2>Building OpenShift v3</h2>
<!-- Demo -->
<!-- Conclusion -->
<!-- References/Resources -->
<h2>References and Resources</h2>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift 3 labs</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Docker website</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Kubernetes source</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Kubernetes website</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">OpenShift 3.x System Design PEP</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">OpenShift Origin source</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">OpenShift Origin website</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">OpenShift v3 Deep Dive Tutorial</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">OpenShift v3 Platform Announcement</a></li>
<h2>Image Credits</h2>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Open ClipArt</a></li>
<!-- End -->
<h1>Connecting Containers</h1>
<img src="" style="width: 210px; background-color: inherit; border: none; box-shadow: none;"/>
<h3><a href=""></a></h3>
Presented by<br/>
<a href="">Katie Miller</a> / <a
<a href="">Steve Pousty</a> / <a
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