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Last active December 14, 2015 12:09
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_enyo.FittableLayout_ provides the base positioning and boundary logic for
the fittable layout strategy. The fittable layout strategy is based on
laying out items in either a set of rows or a set of columns, with most of
the items having natural size, but one item expanding to fill the remaining
space. The item that expands is labeled with the attribute _fit: true_.
The subkinds <a href="#enyo.FittableColumnsLayout">enyo.FittableColumnsLayout</a>
and <a href="#enyo.FittableRowsLayout">enyo.FittableRowsLayout</a> (or
<i>their</i> subkinds) are used for layout rather than _enyo.FittableLayout_
because they specify properties that the framework expects to be available
when laying items out.
For more information,see the documentation on
[Fittables]( in the Enyo
Developer Guide.
name: "enyo.FittableLayout",
kind: "Layout",
//* @protected
calcFitIndex: function() {
for (var i=0, c$=this.container.children, c; (c=c$[i]); i++) {
if ( && c.showing) {
return i;
getFitControl: function() {
var c$=this.container.children;
var f = c$[this.fitIndex];
if (!(f && && f.showing)) {
this.fitIndex = this.calcFitIndex();
f = c$[this.fitIndex];
return f;
getLastControl: function() {
var c$=this.container.children;
var i = c$.length-1;
var c = c$[i];
while ((c=c$[i]) && !c.showing) {
return c;
_reflow: function(measure, cMeasure, mAttr, nAttr) {
this.container.addRemoveClass("enyo-stretch", !this.container.noStretch);
var f = this.getFitControl();
// no sizing if nothing is fit.
if (!f) {
// determine container size, available space
var s=0, a=0, b=0, p;
var n = this.container.hasNode();
// calculate available space
if (n) {
// measure 1
p = enyo.dom.calcPaddingExtents(n);
// measure 2
s = n[cMeasure] - (p[mAttr] + p[nAttr]);
//enyo.log("overall size", s);
// calculate space above fitting control
// measure 3
var fb = f.getBounds();
// offset - container padding.
a = fb[mAttr] - ((p && p[mAttr]) || 0);
//enyo.log("above", a);
// calculate space below fitting control
var l = this.getLastControl();
if (l) {
// measure 4
var mb = enyo.dom.getComputedBoxValue(l.hasNode(), "margin", nAttr) || 0;
if (l != f) {
// measure 5
var lb = l.getBounds();
// fit offset + size
var bf = fb[mAttr] + fb[measure];
// last offset + size + ending margin
var bl = lb[mAttr] + lb[measure] + mb;
// space below is bottom of last item - bottom of fit item.
b = bl - bf;
} else {
b = mb;
this.applyFitSize(measure, s, a, b);
applyFitSize:function(measure, total, before, after) {
// calculate appropriate size for fit control
var fs = total - (before + after);
var f = this.getFitControl();
// note: must be border-box;
f.applyStyle(measure, fs + "px");
//* @public
Updates the layout to reflect any changes to contained components or the
layout container.
reflow: function() {
if (this.orient == "h") {
this._reflow("width", "clientWidth", "left", "right");
} else {
this._reflow("height", "clientHeight", "top", "bottom");
_enyo.FittableColumnsLayout_ provides a container in which items are laid
out in a set of vertical columns, with most of the items having natural
size, but one expanding to fill the remaining space. The one that expands is
labeled with the attribute _fit: true_.
_enyo.FittableColumnsLayout_ is meant to be used as a value for the
_layoutKind_ property of other kinds. _layoutKind_ provides a way to add
layout behavior in a pluggable fashion while retaining the ability to use a
specific base kind.
For more information, see the documentation on
[Fittables]( in the Enyo
Developer Guide.
name: "enyo.FittableColumnsLayout",
kind: "FittableLayout",
orient: "h",
layoutClass: "enyo-fittable-columns-layout"
_enyo.FittableRowsLayout_ provides a container in which items are laid out
in a set of horizontal rows, with most of the items having natural size, but
one expanding to fill the remaining space. The one that expands is labeled
with the attribute _fit: true_.
_enyo.FittableRowsLayout_ is meant to be used as a value for the
_layoutKind_ property of other kinds. _layoutKind_ provides a way to add
layout behavior in a pluggable fashion while retaining the ability to use a
specific base kind.
For more information, see the documentation on
[Fittables]( in the Enyo
Developer Guide.
name: "enyo.FittableRowsLayout",
kind: "FittableLayout",
layoutClass: "enyo-fittable-rows-layout",
orient: "v"
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