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Last active November 9, 2018 00:16
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/* global XMLHttpRequest */
import {on} from '@enact/core/dispatcher';
import {handle, forKey, forEventProp} from '@enact/core/handle';
import {onWindowReady} from '@enact/core/snapshot';
import {coerceArray, Job} from '@enact/core/util';
import xhr from 'xhr';
import warning from 'warning';
// Module state
// When `idle`, accumulates the log events to be processed during the next idle frame or on unload
const logQueue = [];
const config = {
// Enables metric logging
enabled: true,
// An object of filter rules that remove entries from the log. When null, no events are excluded
// by the filter.
exclude: null,
// Optional custom filter function to remove entries from the log
filter: null,
// Function accepting the node (as matched by the selector) and the original event and returning
// a log entry in whichever format the application chooses
format: null,
// Defines the amount of time in milliseconds the logger will spend processing events. Only
// effective when `idle` is true
frameSize: 100,
// Process events asynchronous when the system is idle
idle: true,
// An object of filter rules that must be met to be included. When null, any event not excluded
// by `exclude` will be logged.
include: null,
// Required application-defined function to log the events
log: null,
// A CSS selector which finds the closest ancestor from the target of an event to consider as
// the source for the purposes of logging
selector: '[data-metric-label]'
// FP utility functions
const isLeftClick = forEventProp('which', 1);
const isEnabled = () => config.enabled === true;
// Source:
const sanitize = (str) => str.replace(/[#-.]|[[-^]|[?|{}]/g, '\\$&');
// Logging
// Logs messages currently in the queue. Logging is limited to the `frameSize` unless `all` is true
const flushLogQueue = (all) => {
if (config.log) {
const endBy = all ? 0 : + config.frameSize;
while (logQueue.length && (all || < endBy)) {
// Resolves the closest ancestor of a node that matches `selector`
const closest = (target) => config.selector && target ? target.closest(config.selector) : target;
// convert an array of strings to a single regex
const buildRuleset = ruleset => Object.keys(ruleset).reduce((result, key) => {
result[key] = new RegExp(`(${coerceArray(ruleset[key]).map(sanitize).join('|')})`);
return result;
}, {});
// Determines if the message matches a set of rules
const matchesRules = (ruleset, msg) => Object.keys(ruleset).some(key => {
return !!msg[key] && ruleset[key].test(msg[key]);
// Filters the message based on the `include` and `exclude` rules as well as the optional custom
// filter function.
const filter = (msg) => {
if (
(config.exclude && matchesRules(config.exclude, msg)) ||
(config.include && !matchesRules(config.include, msg))
) {
return false;
return config.filter ? config.filter(msg) : true;
// Resolves the label for the message
const resolveLabel = (node) => {
return node.dataset.metricLabel ||
node.getAttribute('aria-label') ||
// Default message formatter
const formatMessage = (node, {type}) => {
if (node) {
return {
label: resolveLabel(node)
return null;
// Invokes the config's format function (if it exists) and returns the result
const format = (target, ev) => {
return config.format && config.format(target, ev) || formatMessage(target, ev);
const logJob = new Job(flushLogQueue);
// Pushes an entry onto the queue and schedules it to run on the next idle frame
const idle = (msg) => {
if (logQueue.length === 1) {
// Logs the formatted message
const logEntry = (msg) => {
if (!msg || !filter(msg)) return;
if (config.idle) {
} else if (config.log) {
// Accepts an event to consider for logging
const log = (ev) => logEntry(format(closest(, ev));
// Registers an event listener using the capture phase. `listener` is optional to filter the event
// before the log processing chain.
const addListener = (event, listener) => {
const handler = handle(
document.addEventListener(event, handler, {capture: true});
return handler;
// Disables logging
const disable = () => {
config.enabled = false;
if (logQueue.length > 0) {
// Enables Logging
const enable = () => {
config.enabled = true;
// Configures the logging behavior
const configure = (cfg = {}) => {
if (typeof cfg.exclude === 'object') config.exclude = buildRuleset(cfg.exclude);
if (typeof cfg.filter === 'function') config.filter = cfg.filter;
if (typeof cfg.format === 'function') config.format = cfg.format;
if (typeof cfg.frameSize === 'number') config.frameSize = cfg.frameSize;
if (typeof cfg.idle === 'boolean') config.idle = cfg.idle;
if (typeof cfg.include === 'object') config.include = buildRuleset(cfg.include);
if (typeof cfg.log === 'function') config.log = cfg.log;
if (typeof cfg.selector === 'string') config.selector = cfg.selector;
if (typeof cfg.enabled === 'boolean') {
(cfg.enabled ? enable : disable)();
onWindowReady(() => {
if (Array.isArray(cfg.listeners)) {
cfg.listeners.forEach(key => addListener(key));
} else if (typeof cfg.listeners === 'object') {
Object.keys(cfg.listeners).forEach(key => addListener(key, cfg.listeners[key]));
// Retrieves a JSON-formatted config using XHR. The `options` for `xhr` are supported as well as a
// `parse` callback that will receive the raw HTTP response body and which must return a valid
// config object.
const fetchConfig = (url, options = {}) => {
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
xhr.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest || xhr.XMLHttpRequest;
let req;
const {parse,} = options;
xhr({, url, beforeSend: (r) => (req = r)}, (err, resp, body) => {
let error = err || resp.statusCode !== 200 && resp.statusCode;
// false failure from chrome and file:// urls
if (error && req.status === 0 && req.response.length > 0) {
body = req.response;
error = false;
if (error) {
console.error('@enact/analytics: Unable to retrieve configuration from', url);
try {
const json = parse ? parse(body) : JSON.parse(body);
} catch (ex) {
console.error('@enact/analytics: Failed to parse configuration from', url);
} else {
warning('Not a web browser environment');
// Event handlers
onWindowReady(() => {
addListener('keydown', forKey('enter'));
addListener('click', isLeftClick);
on('beforeunload', () => flushLogQueue(true), document);
export default configure;
export {
// How it might be used by an application
import configure, {fetchConfig} from './analytics';
// example of some custom logic that could be used to add metadata to the log
const getPanelName = (node) => {
const panel = node.closest('article[role="region"]');
let panelName = '<None>';
if (panel) {
const header = panel.querySelector('header h1');
if (header) {
panelName = header.textContent;
return panelName;
// fetch a remote configuration file
fetchConfig('/path/to/config/file', {
sync: false // could be true if the app wanted to block on it
// parse: (body) => {} // optionally parse the response body and return a config object
// configure the defaults
// probably useful to disable by default and include enabled in the remote config
enabled: false,
// example of a custom log formatter using some intrinsic knowledge of the app to produce more useful output
format: (node, {type}) => {
if (node) {
return {
panel: getPanelName(node),
role: node.getAttribute('role') || 'Unknown',
label: node.getAttribute('aria-label') || node.textContent
return null;
// just log it to the console here but could easily by pmlog by importing it
log: console.table
import {configure as conf} from './analytics';
const config = {
"selector": ".spottable"
const configure = (cfg) => {
export default configure;
export {
import {fetchAppId} from '@enact/webos/application';
import {info} from '@enact/webos/pmloglib';
import {configure as conf, fetchConfig} from './analytics';
const config = {
enabled: false,
log: (message) => {
info('@enact/analytics', message);
const configure = (cfg) => {
let {path} = cfg;
if (!path) {
const appId = fetchAppId();
// if we lack a path and can't parse an app id, we won't be able to
// retrieve a local config file so bail out
if (!appId) return;
// TODO: Determine the default path on webOS
path = `/usr/var/${appId}.json`
fetchConfig(path, {
sync: true,
parse: (body) => {
const json = JSON.parse(body);
// if the file is found, treat it as enabled
json.enabled = true;
return json;
export default configure;
export {
import {config as moonstone} from './moonstone';
import {config as webos, configure as conf} from './webos';
const config = {
const configure = (cfg) => {
export default configure;
export {
"enabled": true,
"selector": ".spottable",
"listeners": ["focus"],
"exclude": {
"label": ["Marquee"]
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