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Created April 6, 2012 14:41
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Special variables for dates
# == Schema Information
# Table name: showings
# id :integer not null, primary key
# start_time :datetime
# end_time :datetime
class Showing < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :showing_date, :start_date, :end_date
validates :showing_date, :start_date, :end_date, :presence => true
before_save :set_dates
# used to set the instance variables for editing the form
after_find :set_times
def set_times
self.showing_date = self.start_time.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y") unless self.start_time.nil?
self.start_date = self.start_time.strftime("%-I:%M%p") unless self.start_time.nil?
self.end_date = self.end_time.strftime("%-I:%M%p") unless self.end_time.nil?
def set_dates
self.start_time = DateTime.strptime("#{start_date} #{showing_date} #{}", "%I:%M%p %A, %B %d, %Y %z")
self.end_time = DateTime.strptime("#{end_date} #{showing_date} #{}", "%I:%M%p %A, %B %d, %Y %z")
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amnesia7 commented Apr 7, 2012

Here's the basics of my showtime model now:

class Showtime < ActiveRecord::Base

  attr_accessible   :start_date, :start_time

  attr_accessor   :starting_at, :starting_time

  belongs_to :performance

  before_validation :construct_starting_at

  validates :start_date,  :presence => true,  :date => { :after_or_equal_to => { } }
  validates :starting_at, :date => { :after_or_equal_to => { } }, :if => "start_date.present? && start_time.present?"

  def construct_starting_at
    if start_date.present? && start_time.present?
      self.starting_time = self.start_time.strftime("%T")
      self.starting_at = DateTime.strptime("#{start_date} #{starting_time}", "%F %T")


In case it is required, here's the basics/relevant parts of the Performance model:

class Performance < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :showtimes, :dependent => :delete_all
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :showtimes, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:start_date].blank? }


Here's the failing test:

require 'spec_helper'

describe Showtime do

  before(:each) do
    @attr = {
        :name => "Performance 1",
        :showtimes_attributes => {
              "0" => {
                  :start_date =>,
                  :start_time =>

  it "should test that the start time is a valid time if it exists" do
    @attr_invalid = {
        "0" => {
            :start_date =>,
            :start_time => "invalid"
    invalid = Performance.create(@attr.merge(:showtimes_attributes => @attr_invalid))
    invalid.should_not be_valid


Hopefully I've not broken anything in the above code in my attempt to just show the necessary parts.

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ryanjm commented Apr 24, 2012

I'm sorry, I've been pretty busy lately. Did you ever get this figured out?

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Hey, no not yet.

I keep adding updates to my SO post ( but no joy yet.

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amnesia7 commented May 2, 2012

I'm starting to give up on the idea of seperate date and time fields so I've started converting my app to use a single datetime field/db column to see if that is a better option for me.

I'm now on the lookout for a datetime picker since I need the datetime to be in a textfield but I don't think the date part and time part can be split easily. Before I was using a datepicker on a textfield for the date and dropdowns for the time.

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In the end I used a merged datetime text_field and the code here: codegram/date_validator#25 (comment)

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