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Last active April 1, 2024 07:15
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  • Save ryanleecode/0e2131ff152e1430d9fb5c675f2dcee4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ryanleecode/0e2131ff152e1430d9fb5c675f2dcee4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Generate a GitHub profile README for the user with the username "{{username}}" based on their interests: {{interests}}

Include the following sections:

  1. Greeting

    • Display a friendly greeting with the user's name or username
    • Use emojis to add visual appeal
  2. Badges

    • Create badges for the user's top 6-8 skills or areas of interest
    • Use relevant logos and colors to represent each skill
    • Ensure the badges are visually consistent and appealing
  3. About Me

    • Write 3-4 concise paragraphs highlighting the user's main interests, expertise, and passion projects
    • Showcase their enthusiasm for their chosen technologies and fields
    • Mention any notable projects, contributions, or achievements
    • Use a mix of technical terms and layman-friendly explanations
    • Incorporate personal touches to make the section engaging and relatable
  4. Skills

    • List the user's top 5-7 technical skills in a concise format
    • Focus on specific technologies, frameworks, and methodologies relevant to their interests
    • Use hyphens or bullet points for clean formatting
  5. Projects

    • Showcase 2-3 of the user's most impressive or relevant projects
    • Use emojis to create visually appealing project titles
    • Provide a brief 1-2 sentence description for each project, highlighting its key features and technologies
    • Include links to the project repositories or live demos
  6. GitHub Stats

    • Display the user's GitHub stats using the GitHub Readme Stats API (
    • Show the user's top languages, excluding any irrelevant or non-programming languages
    • Customize the appearance of the stats cards to match the overall theme of the profile
    • Ensure the stats are up-to-date and accurately reflect the user's GitHub activity
  7. Contact Information

    • Provide the user's contact information in a clear and organized format
    • Include their email address as a clickable link
    • Add links to their professional profiles (e.g., LinkedIn, personal website) with relevant logos or favicons
    • Encourage visitors to reach out for collaboration, discussion, or any inquiries

Ensure that the generated profile:

  • Has a visually appealing and consistent layout
  • Uses a mix of text, emojis, badges, and images to create an engaging experience
  • Is well-structured and easy to navigate
  • Highlights the user's unique skills, projects, and interests effectively
  • Includes relevant links to the user's projects, social profiles, and contact information
  • Has a friendly, enthusiastic, and professional tone that encourages visitors to connect and collaborate
  • Is concise and focused, providing a comprehensive overview without overwhelming the reader
  • Follows best practices for GitHub profile README formatting and design

Example input

  "username": "ryanleecode",
  "interests": [
    "functional programming",
    "full stack development"
  "website": "",
  "twitter": "",
  "linkedin": "",
  "email": ""
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